At long last, the Ask Me Anything is done! I kept this in one big video, but I will break out the questions by time stamp if you want to just see a few of them (beneath video). Thanks to everyone, there were so many questions I got to some of the ones that many were asking. As always, thanks for all the support!
1:00 What can the Trump administration realistically do to damage or abolish Social Security and Medicare and how might that play out?
3:08 What opportunities are there for getting involved in resisting what Trump is going to do to this country? Organizations? Movements?
5:13 Please explain Pete Hegseth to those of us not in the know but have heard rumblings of his complete unfitness.
7:24 DOGE and Musk
9:00 Do you think Musk and Putin had anything to do with rigging the election.
11:16 With such tight majorities in both the House and Senate, assuming the House will be in Republican hands, how much can Democrats stop some of the craziness that Congress might try to pass? Can they do anything even with Republicans in charge? Because Republicans usually can't stay united, so they'll need Democrats to help, right? Can you please explain how that might work?
14:21 My biggest question is when these unqualified people nominated/appointed by Trump start policy making that will most certainly include unconstitutional “laws”, is there any recourse?? In AZ our AG says she will fight anything that will hurt the people of our state. How? I see Trump steamrolling over everything & everyone that doesn’t swear allegiance to him.
16:06 How can I support you? I want to volunteer to be on team Kinzinger, where ever that maybe. Political office or else where. Put me on your short list.
16:48 I’m very concerned about the potential for a “warrior council”. Can the president and his cronies get rid of top ranking, seasoned military leaders in favor of loyalists? This sounds a bit too Stalinesque for my comfort.
18:26 Adam, I’ve always voted country over party and though I lean more towards liberal thinking (I’m 68 yr old white female) I will always vote for someone who can see “all of us”. What keeps me up at night is how fragile both our democracy and constitution are without those who follow these long held beliefs. I think I can handle 4 years but do you think one man and his MAGA supporters can completely shred, dismantle our constitution rewrite a new scary story for America?
20:22 Is it time to consider a third party?
21:55 A have a gay niece who is almost suicidal with anxiety and fear. What are the plans for gay people? Are they in danger?
22:53 How do you feel about the ACLU’s strategy of filing a blizzard of lawsuits and requests for injunctions in order to keep his administration in court for four years?
23:58 can the Republican Party be sane again or do we need to have a third-party?
25:25 - how can "our side" possibly have candidates, messaging etc that appeals to these people - to combat someone like Trump who is a screaming toddler himself?
27:17 What do you think will happen NATO and support for Ukraine? Can we undo whatever damage he does to our international alliances?
28:23 Can you explain the correlation between raising money and electability? I realize that the ground game and the horrible attack ads cost a lot of money, however, if the amount of money raised equals electability, why are we not seeing president elect Harris? Seriously, Adam, what can we do for the next four years to make sure that our beloved country doesn’t end up being one massive cash cow for the greedy people?
Social security: they should eliminate the cap on social security. Why can’t people who earn more pay into social security. I never got why it should stop after a certain amount of earnings.
I just you and your family to stay safe. There is always a place for also of you to my home in Sweden if need be. I’m an American citizen living abroad but still represented as a citizen. I’d rather have discussions between a true conservative and a liberal than what we have now. I may not agree 💯% with you on policy Adam, but that in no way means I want to forego any discussion about poly. I’m not sure my positions and beliefs can survive you not safe. I’ve lived in Sweden for over 20 years now, and never did I think that I might need to open my home here to political refugees from AMERICA! I don’t even know what emotions I feel any more.