Trump Wants to Execute My Friend
IT’S NOT EVERY DAY THE PRESIDENTIAL nominee of a major political party fantasizes out loud about putting your friend in the way of harm and violent death. Yet that’s just what Donald Trump did to Liz Cheney yesterday: “Let’s put her with a rifle standing there with nine barrels shooting at her, OK…
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4 months ago · 22 likes · Adam Kinzinger
Oh Adam, I don’t know what to say. There is clearly no rock bottom. May you Liz and your families stay safe!
He has said that he hates Taylor Swift. Would he put her in front of a firing squad? What about you and I since we oppose him and voted for Harris?
When is enough, enough? Where is the Department of Justice? Why is he allowed to threaten each and everyone of us? Doesn't it qualify as elder abuse to drag older people through a constant psychodrama? How is this "enemy within" America allowed to run for President again?