Note from Adam: Today I’m rolling out “This Week Today” a sometimes when I feel like it feature that will briefly highlight upcoming big items to watch for the week ahead for everyone, and a video discussing more in depth for paid subscribers. Given my travel schedule, I will try to do this as often as possible, but may not be weekly, especially if the upcoming week isn’t especially notable. MAYYYYYBE I’ll do it weekly if you all like it and I can get Christian to not yell whenever I’m recording or stare at me through my office glass like he likes to do. How can I ignore this:
This week will be a bit of a barn-burner in politics and foreign affairs. The Republican nomination maybe still alive technically, but this week will likely determine whether Nikki Haley will press into the next few months and possibly onto the GOP convention in Milwaukee, or call it a day. That’s right friends! It’s SUPER Tuesday! And it’s going to be just, super.
It’s also a big week for Joe Biden on both the political front and foreign policy. We will continue to see whether his trip to the border moves the needle at all in what has so far been a stark Republican advantage. Will he be announcing any executive action? Will he hit the GOP on their rejection of the border security bill? Oh, and what about their refusal to vote for Ukraine aid? Yes, this all culminates on what will very likely be his biggest speech of the year before election day, Thursday’s State of the Union address.
With all of this, a major item is still pending, a possible cease fire in Israel. Latest information is that Israel has agreed in principle, will Hamas also? Could this be the beginning of the ultimate end of fighting? One thing is for certain, Joe Biden is eager to get this divisive war behind him. But if Hamas is left intact, it may do more damage to his pro-Israel base, which is much larger than the opposition.
On top of this, we are at a government shutdown deadline. Does it feel like we were just here? We were! Last week the government passed a one week continuing resolution (and the house promptly went on an unscheduled long weekend) which kept the government funded for now.
Lastly, Ronna ROMNEY ROMNEY ROMNEY McDaniel is out as chair of the RNC because of course she is. Anyone who does Donald’s dirty work ultimately is thrown out with the trash, and it’s her turn. At least she can go back to being a Romney again, and Don gets to use the RNC as his personal piggy bank, which has always been his dream. The messiah gets what the messiah wants.
I discuss all this and more for premium subscribers: