A study released this week shows an alarming jump in the number of Americans who think “American patriots may have to resort to violence in order to save the country.” Republicans lead the poll, but this idea is valid to many Democrats and independents too.
If you haven’t awakened to the danger facing our democracy, let this be the shrill alarm that shakes you. According to the non-partisan Public Religion Research Institute:
In three years, the number of Republicans who answered “yes” to the question has jumped from 28 percent to 33.
In the same period the number of independents who think this way rose from 13 percent to 22 percent.
Among Democrats the number of believers rose from 7 percent to 13 percent.
Similarly disturbing is the jump in the number of Republicans who consider themselves followers of the insanely conspiratorial QAnon movement. This number has increased from 14 percent to 23 percent.
Overall, the report paints a picture of crisis that is hard to deny as it shows that 46 percent believe the 2020 election was rife with fraud, which denied Trump re-election and 84 percent of Democrats fear the “future of American democracy” is currently at risk.
I’d recommend you read the survey yourself. Just click here.
I’m going to read it carefully after a nap so I can concentrate, get the meaning, and share everywhere. This am calling attention to the new Speaker’s close attachments to the NRA; endorsed and funded. Gross mistake, negligence in researching his background and there he sits, second in line to presidency. With such bizarre right wing Christian nationalism, right wing extremist as far as they could go, Trump ally. The whole fascist package. I’ll be back soon.
Thank you, Adam! 💔🇺🇸
Is it just me? Or does it seem that in our recent history the only time we act as a unified nation is when we are in a war with a foreign entity? Think 911... but only to a point. Then we get back to hating each other.
Come on people. Don't we have better things to do with our short lives?
This is why I have grown to absolutely loath Donald Trump and, frankly, the rest of the far right. They are taking our country to a VERY dark place. It's a cancer that slowly grows until we become aware of it and then have major problems in treating it. We are KEENLY aware of it by now.
There is no way any sensible person that calls themselves a true Democratic patriot and supporter of our great country can try and spin this as being caused by the "other side". It's not the other side. It's simply a lust for power and control. A way to tell themselves that their actions are justifiable.
Today's "Republican" party is an absolute slap in the face to our Founders and to their ideals that shaped the creation of this nation to begin with. To escape the shackles of tyranny and oppression. To create a free, just, and better world to live in.
No, the Republican party we have today is anything but what we need - not only to hold on to - but to build an even stronger and more unified Nation. Instead, they have openly embraced authoritarian rule as a justifiable means to an end in order to create what they think will be a "suitable" future for them. And just for them. Screw everyone else. Right? It is incredibly stupid, myopic, and anti-democratic to just toss our Nation as we've known it aside. All of the unbelievably hard work and bloodshed willingly given by our Founder's and the brave men and women who have come after. To defend our TRUE Democracy time and time again. Are we going to just toss that aside because we are either apathetic that "it won't happen" or that we are too "self-absorbed" to pay attention to what's going on?
The TRUE patriots to this Nation need to get moving in order to save it. To say STOP. We've had enough. We are NOT going to go there. Otherwise, we will allow those zealots to simply take over and lead us into such a hostile place that we devolve into open bloodshed again.