Weak Republicans Are The Millstone Around Ukraine's Neck
The fear and silence of so many elected Republicans is deafening
If I had to break down where I think the House GOP falls along the lines of supporting Ukraine, I would generally say that 25% are strongly opposed, 25% strongly support, and 50% want to be reelected so they will see where the tide flows (courage at its finest.) I do not want to spend much time on the 25% opposed, because I will need at least nine pages to just get into the psyche of anger, fear, and depression infecting these people. They channeled their fear into politics and got elected, and now are infecting the larger population. They own this. However, there is one major group I want to focus on: the supporters.
Simply asked, where are the Republicans that support Ukraine aid? Why are they not using their positions of leadership to call for the package to pass? Why are they not advocating for acceptance of the compromise deal out of the senate? Why are they not shaming their colleagues for the weakness they have shown and their blindness to the damage this is doing to our nation? It’s simple: fear.
It’s much easier to pray in private that the Lord will miraculously change the hearts of your colleagues, that it is to go the the floor during a special order, where any group of members have an hour to make their case. It’s much easier to simply vote for the new Speaker candidate than to hold your vote from ANYONE who will not commit to putting an aid package on the floor for an up or down vote. The Freedom caucus plays hard ball, and until another group matches their willingness to burn the place down, the arsonists will get their way. Imagine someone with a blow torch walking around the Capitol, with the rest of Congress backing away, hands up for surrender. Until someone else brings another blow torch, the situation won’t change. Sure maybe they burn the place down, but at least they will fight.
Therein lies the bigger problem. Over eight years, those who would be willing to take a stand, either did- and were defeated, or walked away. What exists now is a breed of Republicans who have learned to be compliant and survive. Like a prisoner who doesn’t want to stand out, and simply looks at the calendar counting the days, the sane members of the GOP are waiting for George Washington to ride in on a unicorn from heaven and declare Trump’s end. Except, even Washington would be called a sell-out by the MAGA base, and those members would have to choose to follow unicorn George or sweaty Don.
We are represented by small people with small dreams. Imagine having a moment to make a historic difference in world affairs, an opportunity rarely given to members of Congress, and choosing silence. These Republican members would think of themselves as a perfect candidate to “Quantum Leap” back to 1938 and convince the world the confront Hitler earlier, yet here they are in our own 1938 moment, cowering because whiney weak Donny has a following.
Along many decades, our foreign policy was basically aligned on the big things, and varied in tactics. Today, there are massive extremes represented, from pro-Hamas sympathies of Rashida Thalib on the left, to pro-Putin sympathies of Scott Perry, etc. It’s the middle that still carries the torch of American leadership, but they must find their voices and put their petty differences aside. Can the center Right and center left agree to bring a discharge petition to the floor and force a vote on aid? That will take courage, and taking on the extremes in your own party. I’m not convinced, but I hope it happens.
For each party, quit pointing out the speck in the other’s eye until you take care of the plank in your own. In this case, not a single Republican has the moral authority to declare Biden weak on foreign policy until they make efforts to stomp out the cancer in their own. I hope every reporter asks this question, over and over until they get an answer. “What have you done to bring aid to the floor and strengthen America?”
We are in a perilous moment in this country both internally and externally. Until those with power find their courage, we need to find ours, to call out and shame those with none.
Adam these are strong words and strong words are needed. Our country desperately needs a wake up call. Politicians that are afraid to do the right thing are now becoming the norm especially in the Republican Party. One of my greatest fears is that good people will no longer want to run for office. Adam please keep of your messaging and hopefully it will reach people capable of making needed changes.
Fear of violence from MAGA supporters is real, and politicians and government staff need protection from these thugs. This is a law enforcement problem that should be high priority. That actual, realistic fear is not the only thing silencing these Republicans. Calling out those threats would raise awareness of this issue, and banding together to fight back would make a difference. That’s not the only thing silencing them, as you say, Adam. They silence themselves because of their unprincipled ambition, their perception that by taking any position, or evading accountability, they can be re-elected and hold onto $$$ and power. It’s a misuse of political power in a time when democracy needs them to use that power for public good rather than individual gain. As Liz Cheney said, “There will come a day when Donald Trump is gone, but your dishonor will remain.”