I’m looking forward to hearing it. When will it be aired to the regular public… We appreciate your service. Please keep up the good work.


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I know this was highlight you but did they include anything regarding this Cheney in the piece?

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Liz Cheney endorsed Kamala Harris yesterday. I’m wondering if/when Senators Lisa Murkowsi and Mitt Romney, who both voted to impeach trump, will also speak out and endorse Kamala Harris. Thank you. I hope we can see your film soon.

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As unlikely as it is that W would do the same, I still hold out hope he'll find the courage to follow suit and be willing to do what he can to save his party as well as the country he once led. If ever there was a time for present and former Republican leaders to step up and be heard, it is now. It's what leadership looks like.

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not sure George W will sway as many--i have many friends who blame him for Iraq--he might be more of a distraction. Besides--when I saw him last he seemed like perhaps he's getting dementia? I have little doubt he will make the right decision in the ballot box, but not sure how much he will help Harris...just my two cents ;)

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fmr. Sen. Toomey was a disappointment

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Oh no! Harris might raise the capital gains tax rate! That would be the end of The Republic!

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And Goldman Sachs said Trump's economic ideas could tank the economy...multiple Nobel laureates in Econ said the same!

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The mere fact that he's had multiple bankruptcies is one huge tell. He's no businessman.

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Tomey was disappointing but at least he was not Richard Burr of NC who voted for conviction and now will vote for Trump. Also, Joel Kernan on CNBC is a MAGA hack.

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As a Pennsylvanian, I agree.

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And she chose North Carolina to make the announcement.

This February we saw her speak at a local university speaker event. She wasn’t prepared to endorse Biden (literally the 1st question from the audience). But she made it very clear about her feelings about Trump 😡

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And Kevin McCarthy and Mitch McDonnell and…

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Wow! You compare the J6 Insurrection Against the United States of America by the Republican party to a chronic substance abuse illness. I think you are dead-on, Adam. The current iteration of the Republican party is terminally suffering from an unrelenting ingestion of mind-altering drugs. In fact, we are all now suffering from these effects because we cannot escape the malevolence of the main drug kingpin, Donald Trump. Kevin McCarthy's dastardly role in re-introducing Trump to our politics and normalizing his insanity cannot be overstated. I keep hoping the DOJ will wake up to the present danger of the 140+ congresspeople who were insurrectionists on J6 and who remain so today. We the People understand we remain under siege. We are determined to vote our way out of this craziness, but it should not be this way. Our justice system has let us down, from DOJ to Circuit Court judges to SCOTUS. We Must Vote on Nov. 5 to restore America to sanity. I yield my time.

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Not only did our justice system, DOJ, SCOTUS fail us, so did the elected congress men and women who WE sent to Washington to work on our behalf. Every one of them who did not stand up to tfg should have lost their job. If any of us private citizens failed that miserably at our respective jobs, we would have been shown the door. But they get to stay and keep collecting a paycheck.

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How did they measure their oath to the constitution against their turncoat behavior to protect him instead?

When you lie down with rabid dogs you get bit and die a slow and agonizing death…they will rue the day they committed treason against their own Party and Country …Nov 2024 is coming.

Leave them to putrify in their own smelly bodily stew….maybe Donald will have them for dinner….hmmmmmm H. Lector? :-€

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Hindsight is 20/20. - Richard Armor, humorist. It isn’t, really, but it illustrates. This sneaked up on most people. Like Hitler did in the 1930s. Maybe we’ll learn from these experiences with Trump; when something is off-kilter, harmful, mismatched with leadership…call it wrong when it first appears. Solve the problem when it’s small. This country waited till Trump and his kin found each other and, like oak tree acorns, sprouted and put down deep roots before most people realized it. We didn’t see how bad Trump & Co. are till this year, when we saw how well they’d organized and infiltrated all offices except the presidency. If that falls to Trump on November 5, we’ll have as bad a time rooting out Trumpism as the world did with Hitler & his ilk. Each of us can “Do something!” -Michele Obama. Let’s stay at work. We’re smart and creative! Make inroads in our spheres of influence! Contact senators and reps and make them more scared of us than they are of Trump!

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This did not sneak up on us. They knew from the beginning who trump was- they made a deal and he delivered what they wanted. Many of them still want that deal to get project2025 implemented. It's only those who stood up and pushed back started being believed more and more that we are now hopefully going to stop this and save the country. But remember there are many in power and not who actually want the country to be transformed into an autocratic white Christian nation.

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I agree except for the part that this sneaked up on us…..millions of us already knew who and what Donald was because we looked and investigated while the information was still out there and available! And we tried to get it across but no one took Donald and his candidacy seriously…didn’t think anything would or could come of it…until it did…..now all those former Republican now Trumplocan politicians who stuck their heads so far up his backside they had no way to back out are still spewing Donald’s butt garbage….every.damn.day….WHY did they do it and why are they STILL doing his bidding…those are the two questions I want answers to from those Congressmen/women and Senators once Donald is incarcerated….and I want to see those butt monkeys screaming and crying as they are handcuffed and led to prison right behind him…..now THAT will be worth paying to view! Justice does move slowly but hopefully it will be served up soon.

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I remember MAGAs being interviewed a number of years back. They were asked what is it about Trump that drew them. The consistent response was that he wasn't afraid to speak his mind. That it's time someone spoke up. Read that: the constant name calling, the bullying, the insults, innuendos, et. al. None of that bothered them. It's ridiculous how easily this comes to him, yet he never imparts any amount of intelligence. He has none.

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Respectfully speaking, it's sedition, not treason. Admittingly, it might as well be treason because of how close he is to Putin. I can't put Helsinki out of my mind. ANY ONE who harbors any thought of destroying our U.S. Constitution is a traitor in my mind. I have yet to forget visiting (April 1994) the American Cemetery Memorial above Omaha Beach and the nearly 10k soldiers buried there. Those who made the sacrifice so that a dictator would be removed. As an aside, that was also the weekend Nixon passed away. Ha! The people of Normandy have taken such great care of the cemetery. It's beautiful and the caretakers treat it with such reverence. But I digress...

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Every one of us needs to contact our Trump-supporting senators and representative and tell them that we are going to vote them out of office systematically. If they’re supporting him because he’s blackmailing them (Do what I say or I’ll finish you politically), they need to be more afraid of us than they are of him!

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Oh to live in a state where that is possible would be a glorious thing. Don't get me wrong, I'm trying my best. I've spent the last 4 years posting Trump truths to my Facebook & I have way more pushback than support. For your elected rep to believe they'll be voted out, they have to be convinced that your anti Trump voice speaks for the majority. Here in congressional district 7 of Missouri, they're just not gonna buy that.

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I wouldn't go on social media or tell people locally if it's a really trumpie district. U can email ur representative and tell him how u feel- u never know who else is emailing them the same. Also find groups in your area that are already organized and doing things you can get involved in.- Indivisible is great- Here's a link to all the Indivisible groups in each state. Type Missouri in the search box. You will see tons of groups in all parts of Missouri!


Also Adam's group- Country1st. Fill out the form and click whatever you want to be involved with- Events, Volunteer, Local Chapters, Grassroots Organizing.


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Need to get Kunce (former Marine running to oust Hawley) in the Senate. I lived in Springfield, MO. It's largely a blue city because of the number of Uni's and colleges there are. I'm not sure what area district 7 covers. But it's a large college town. And! There are a number of hospitals and medical specific hospitals, too. Upper-middleclass. Large LGBTQ community. But it's also meth capital in the nation.

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Allow me to suggest that once we’ve vanquished the Orange Menace, that C1 commit to undertake an organized effort to chase the Trump sycophant cowards out of office. This could be a combination of donations to opponents, along with postcards and targeted calls to their constituents.

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And that drug is hubris.

“English picked up both the concept of hubris and the term for that particular brand of cockiness from the ancient Greeks, who considered hubris a dangerous character flaw capable of provoking the wrath of the gods. In classical Greek tragedy, hubris was often a fatal shortcoming that brought about the fall of the tragic hero. Typically, overconfidence led the hero to attempt to overstep the boundaries of human limitations and assume a godlike status, and the gods inevitably humbled the offender with a sharp reminder of their mortality.”


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Right on the mark Sheila! Thank you!

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You are truly a Good American! Wish others would follow your example! Thank you!!

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Well, said Margaret… But it looks like we are the “others”. we are the Calvary… No one’s coming to save us. We have to save ourselves. Let’s share ideas on progress. Individual progresses on how we can contribute to the efforts of the likes of Adam, Liz, and all of you.

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I’m sure every soldier feels alone and vulnerable. A recent article included a fairly comprehensive list of all notable people who have now declared that they are Republicans who will never again support Trump and will vote for Harris/Vance. I need to find and share it. If each of us soldiers covers our own fronts with gritted teeth, we will be watching many people declaring votes for Harris/Vance. Meanwhile, know that each of us has all the others in synch with us. That’s good because lots of us can’t access our regular support groups because they are Trumpers. I appreciate all you Republicans for Harris!

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Right? It's also known as putting our shoulders to the grindstone.

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And I will go on saying that a Kamala win will just leave the Republicans still able to pull out of the rubble and go back to being a political party. A Trump win will be followed by an attempt to get rid of all parties.

He wants to be a dictator like all of his heroes. He wants to get rid of the Constitution. If he were able to do so, there would no longer be a President and he would, in his mind, be able to take over fully.

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I admire the Republicans including you Adam that are standing up for our democracy by endorsing Kamala!I hope you will let us hear more from your film The Last Republican.It sounds interesting!Keep up the great work you’re doing Adam!👍👍👍💙❤️💙❤️💙❤️🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸!!!

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Other than Lindsey Graham missing, this is GREAT! Run it on all platforms!

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Looks great, Adam. I'm a political documentary/movie junkie, so I can't wait to see it. Even though we all lived it (some more than others), I still can't believe this really happened. But if it was to happen ... it would be under Trump's watch.

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Good comparison to a binge party gone deadly wrong. I don't think any of us can understand what "secret sauce" was so addictive that they "returned to drinking" as you state in your clever analogy.

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Yes - I hope it gets put out on a platform for all to see.

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Will we, as subscribers, have an opportunity to view it in full?? If so, when?

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I ask that same question

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Way to go, Adam. Even more must be done to bring the Republican Party back from the brink of dictatorship. There are still way too many people in the country that believe Trump's lies; they have slurped the Kool-aid and become very proud cultists.

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What cowards McCarthy and McConnell are, along with so many other republicans , for their continued support of Trump. Shameful!!! Keep up the good work Adam!!

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Thanks for the preview!! This will have a big impact on the undecideds! You have great analogies 😄!

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Powerful, intriguing clip. I am hoping for the opportunity to view the entire film.

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I can't wait for this to air!

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