I would like a clear explanation from folks like Barr who believe Biden people are destroying our country. What does destroyed look like? Is it somehow related to the price of a gallon of gasoline? Are any of their beliefs actually real? Maybe Biden isn't perfect, but he let's others have their say. And, he doesn't control everything now.
If the zealots take over, would that mean the Trump would have to go to church on Sundays? (I can't imagine them controlling the Controller).
No surprise to me, Megan Those who still support T are simply his Toadies who are so weak they don't even know who they are or what they stand for. The smart ones who woke up are now testifying against him, and definitely not shaking his hand!
Yes, Biden isn’t perfect. No president has ever been perfect. We are not perfect people, we are all flawed in some ways. But I push back on these accusations directed at Biden about the economy. The executive branch of our government does not have control of prices of almost all goods and services we are subject to. We have free enterprise economy that is influenced and managed by many factors i.e. supply and demand, raw material prices and availability, labor shortages etc. There are many more factors in an intricate economy like ours. So the price of gas is not something Biden can control. If it were we’d be living under government controls for everything, you know just like Russia, China and North Korea. Anybody want to live like that? I don’t. The people complaining about the price of gas probably aren’t old enough to remember the oil embargo if the 1970s. I remember when you could only pump 5 gallons of fuel in your car and then the gas pump would automatically shut off. There wasn’t anything you could do except drive to another station and perhaps sit in a long line to try to get another 5 gallons. I know prices are tough for a lot of people right now and it’s hard but the orange man-baby doesn’t have the solutions he leads maga cultists to believe.
I’m not sure orange baby would give Barr a position. Orange baby would probably have to run that decision through too many people to get their approval like the Heritage Foundation or Tucker Carlson.
You have to understand that Barr, like most Republicans, doesn't like ANY regulation. Regulations are just unnecessary ftom their point of view.
If you live in his world, I kind of get it because he's rich enough to avoid all the bad stuff. He doesn't live in a community with bad air or without safe drinking water. He doesn't care that our eco systems and wildlife are being ravaged by development or that some coastlines are being eroded by sea rise. From his point of view, these things don't affect HIM so any regulations addressing them are unnecessary restrictions on individual (read corporate) liberties.
Because I know all the science, debate and compromise that go on when regulations are adopted, I know there are damn good reasons why the regulations come to be. I lived in Southern CA in the 60's and 70's when you could not BREATHE without your lungs hurting. I remember the burning Cayahoga River. I remember the groundwater contamination by PGE in Hinkley CA that poisoned a community.
We don't have those things as much now BECAUSE of regulation. These regulations have helped to protect my liberty by making it possible for me to be healthier.
Mosr people have forgotten why we have regulations so they see them as an unnecessary cost and intrusion.. But people like Barr and Trump are privileged enough to avoid and escape them. Their pocket books are much more important than my health.
In a discussion about Barr's motivations and reasoning in the comments section on another site, someone pointed at this speech given in 2019 to the Notre Dame law school. (It says the prepared remarks, but I doubt any actual verbal delivery differed substantially.)
I didn't read though it completely, but read most chunks and skimmed through some.
My take in brief on what he thinks:
Our nation was founded in Christian principles.
People left to their own devices are undisciplined and lack self-control.
The government in and of itself cannot be the coercive authority to restrain the people.
Religion (specifically, Christianity) is the required structure to manage people's behavior.
From the remarks:
"Instead, social order must flow up from the people themselves – freely obeying the dictates of inwardly-possessed and commonly-shared moral values. And to control willful human beings, with an infinite capacity to rationalize, those moral values must rest on authority independent of men’s will – they must flow from a transcendent Supreme Being."
He lays all of the social problems we have in the Unites States at the feet of increased permissiveness and "progressives".
So he ignores the fact that Biden is personally a much more faithful and moral person than that black hole of decency that is Trump, and instead focuses on the "rules" part of religion. Biden sits on the progressive side of the fence, so that overrides everything, including Trump's ability to destroy our standing in the world. He probably also thinks that Trump being president would allow the US to move to being a theocracy - they just have to dislodge Trump after we get there.
I guess he chooses to ignore the part of the New Testament where Jesus is going about healing, feeding and showing compassion to everyone deserving it.
What kind of twisted logic is that? And a twisted morality too. What kind of man (real man) bows to kiss the ring of a wannabe dictator who has insulted him publicly over and over. Barr testified at the J6 Hearings that Trump's claims about the 2020 election were "bullshit," and that trump knew he had lost.
Barr obviously has chosen trump as the "Supreme Being" he worships.
And this guy was the AG of the USA. It just keeps blowing my mind...
Some people are ignorant enough to think that that they must vote for their party's candidate. Barr, supposedly, would not be one of them. He must be assuming he will somehow be rewarded in another Trump administration. Trump's response should have dispelled that idea for him.
LeftCoastReader - Bill Bar is a Christian zealot who despises liberal culture. I'm paraphrasing but I saw him interviewed and he said something to the effect that 'As bad as he knows Trump is, he's not as bad as liberals. Liberals were the real danger to society.'
I don't have a religious bone in my body, but my understanding of Jesus's beliefs would put him squarely in the liberal camp. These lunatics just make stuff up to fit their personal agenda.
As a non-christian, or any other religion, I've read the Bible 4 times cover to cover. I'm 64. I have yet to meet a church goer that's done it more than once.
It's too bad they don't follow the words of Jesus. I also pick what I like and do my damnedest to follow it, but not always successful. Gramma knew I'd never be the pastor she wanted, but stressed the importance of treating others as you'd like to be treated. Every year, through university, she had a 4 piece red pencil set for every grandchild with, in gold, REMEMBER THE GOLDEN RULE printed on it. I was 23 when I received my last set. She also was dirt poor and really probably could not afford it. But she could not afford not to tell us the most important rule for living life.
Or, they're like me, that their lives are full of God's Word through a strong nonverbal Communication. I do understand what you're saying about Cafeteria
Christians. It seems most are missing Jesus's teaching of love and acceptance.
Also that a man will speak the truth, even if he knows it will get him killed. Mystical theology has occluded the story of a man who lived with honor.
I do think one of my American heroes was inspired by this man when he wrote:
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
I'm impressed and embarrassed that as a Christian, you've read it 4 times more than me! In my defense I have always learned more from experience. God understands that and still loves me🤗!! Whew! 😅
I’m astonished and sorrowful about what happened to Christianity.
As I read the Bible, Christianity is kinetic, defined by action and movement. If you do justice, you are just; if you act to be decent, you embody decency, you are decency; if you act to help another in need, you are worthy.
I find little to learn from Christian doctrine. Any true atheist who does these things is more holy than those who quote chapter and verse and do nothing. Swim or die, in a spiritual sense.
“Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled. Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy.”
Who said this? Don’t worry about that. Stop gawking, stop talking, get to work.
Gandhi liked that guy, but didn’t have much to say for Christians. I understand.
And that 'Us vs Them - my way or the highway " attitude is precisely why this session of Congress will be the least productive session in history. (at last report ~65 bills passed versus ~565 bills passed in a typical session per two sitting US Senators. One of them was Joe Manchin(I), the other James Lankford(R). I don't recall which one made that statement or the exact numbers they stated but the numbers above are very close to what was said.)
Yes. Still I wonder, ( or maybe am just praying) the inside Trump people, who have dissed him, BUT still say they would vote for him ( are lying to save face) Perhaps inside the private voting booth, they will do the right thing- vote Biden- and say they didn’t! Ok by me!
Normie Republicans like Sununu and Bill Barr are the worst. They pretend to know better but are actively destroying America by rationalizing their support for Trump. At least MAGA Marge and Paul Gosar are more transparent.
This is the most disturbing for me. That these people can just turn about face and support him?? What? And the betrayers are all the way up to the supreme court.
How is this happening??
And how can we stop it?
I cope by writing postcards to unregistered voters all across the country with links to their states voter registration website and informing them of what's at stake and to register and vote. I get the public addresses from the site P2P (power to people) and they have a bank of names and address that are publicly available and you can pick which state you want to focus on. Even if one person registers I would have done something.
They also sell postcards have links to where to buy postcards on etsy and stamps too.
You can pick as many or as little addresses as you wish
They also have a video and online classes to help with writing postcards.
I also donate 5 bucks everytime I get mad ( well within reason because I'd be bankrupt for how many times I get mad lol)
And I keep at the postcards I got some friends involved w sending post cards as well.
I know many idnyoubhave probably read my posts of massive Vent sessions here ( thank you for reading and for positive support) and I figured if I'm gonna vent I better get busy doing something about it lol.
I too plan to write postcards this year and thanks for the link. I feel like now that people are not stuck at home as it was in 2020, my anti-Trump friends just seem to live their normal lives without the intensity from four years ago. I frankly don’t know what to think of it.
That's why it's so important to make sure we get the word out to as many people as possible to register and vote. Iam so glad you want to write postcards! Your sending them will make a difference and make others aware of what is happening.
The ultimate enemy is complacency and that's what we must push back on with all we got!
Thanks Janine and Tai for writing the postcards! I'm going to look into it too! Now, Janine when you get mad, your $5 goes into stamps and you can lick your anger away!😀
You are definitely right Adam!!It is hard to feel sorry for Trumpie,Giuliani and Bar!!!They have done nothing but lie and try and make things worse for our democracy!!
They, orange man-baby, Barr and Rudy made their beds before and after the 2020 election and now they have to lay in them. For Barr and Sununu , kind of makes me wonder if orange man-baby has some damaging info on them to make sure they stay in line? At one point I’m pretty sure I heard Barr say in an interview (a few years back) that orange baby should never be back in the WH ever. And now he thinks orange man is preferable to a continuing democracy? I think those who are drinking the kool aide should check to see if there’s something in it that is turning their brains to mush, unlike the quick death another cult leader, Jim Jones, used in his.
Barr's irrational choice of Donald over Joe is like the large number of people telling pollsters they would vote for Donald. According to the polls, a big cohort of Americans are willing to overlook issues that are meaningful to them. (Or maybe they are lying to the pollsters.)
Trump has turned off:
Men who have a woman in their life.
Dog lovers.
People who are kind and respect the law.
People who are generally trustworthy, honest and have good manners and courtesy.
People who learned and remember the lessons of history and American government.
Honest and honorable people you would trust to watch your home and children.
To qualify to vote for Donald:
People who promote, approve of or don't care about laws, rules and decency.
People who hate women, minorities and dogs.
Hateful, mean, cruel, unhappy, rude people.
People you can't trust to do the right thing. You wouldn't trust them in your home or with your children.
People who would betray their friends and family for the Leader.
There is no way this group represents even 20% of the adult population.
Don’t forget about his comment about football. He said “it’s so boring. Right? Football is so boring.” So that’s another large segment of American voters he doesn’t really connect with.
Fox News: "Breaking News! A New York Times poll of 100 likely voters found that 99% like puppies. But 40% of them intend to vote for Dog-Hater Don anyway."
Probably not having family there is a ploy for sympathy and well planned. "Oh poor me, I'm alllllll alone in this freezing court room facing a witch hunt." He gives witches a bad name. It is difficult to understand the polls, but those are often wrong as are the talking heads on the news. At least for now, the rule of law seems to be working bringing justice to those who tried to overturn our democracy. I sometimes wonder if Rudy had an evil twin who took over his life - what a change from 911. Do you think that more of Trump's minions will go to jail than Nixon's did?
Wow how pathetic and narcissistic can one person be? Trying to shake McDougall’s hand? This guy just doesn’t get it. I don’t get it. As for his family, who knows and who cares. The last thing we need is to see Donnie Jr. out there flapping his lips looking like he’s on something other than Frosted Flakes. Melania is playing her cards close to the vest. She obviously signed a deal with the devil. The founding fathers are flipping over in their graves.
For the record, Bill Barr, there is nothing Joe Biden would do in a second term that would destroy the country. Trump, on the other hand, would have no qualms about dismantling our democratic and constitutional processes, without which we will become like Trump's beloved Putin Russia. I wish there were better choices than the ones we are offered by the duopoly parties, but until the system is modified (ie Ranked Choice Voting), Biden is the only safe choice.
On the one hand, why would family members want to appear at a trial of such an embarrassing nature? On the other hand, if they truly believe this to be nothing more than "a political witch hunt, election interference, a hoax trial", wouldn't they be there outraged with Trump to reinforce this narrative??
Also, why would Trump want to shake the hand of his former secretary immediately after she testifies for the prosecution? A man who is so big on loyalty to him would want to shake her hand? I think we all know that is because she had FAR more information than she imparted. Wanting to shake her hand was thanking her for what she WITHHELD and I bet the jury will make the same assumption.
In another saner time you would be the GOP standard bearer, Adam. And this old progressive might vote for you because you are young, sane, articulate, intelligent, obviously a respecter of facts, and clearly capable of compromise for the good of the country. And there is no place for you in either current party. I want a win for President Biden in November with every fiber of my being. When that fails to materialize, I only hope I can share with you the honor of being what will be his massive enemies list, small fry that I am. I worry that his return to office could, frankly, cost you your life at the hangs of one of his deranged, emboldened, deplorable MAGAts. I know you will keep the drumbeat going regardless. For that, I sincerely thank you.
I'm wondering--maybe Trump's solo court appearances are strategic on his part. That way, he can whine to his supporters that he alone is being persecuted by the "evil Biden Administration", and in turn, he can then suck more money out of them.
Certainly understand why Melania wouldn't want to be there listening to painful "affair" testimony, but as for the boys ... if Donald wanted them there, they would sure as hell be there.
I would like a clear explanation from folks like Barr who believe Biden people are destroying our country. What does destroyed look like? Is it somehow related to the price of a gallon of gasoline? Are any of their beliefs actually real? Maybe Biden isn't perfect, but he let's others have their say. And, he doesn't control everything now.
If the zealots take over, would that mean the Trump would have to go to church on Sundays? (I can't imagine them controlling the Controller).
Exactly Gordon, me too. I am baffled by Barr. There must be some story there. Destroying our country? What does he think Teflon Don is doing?
No surprise to me, Megan Those who still support T are simply his Toadies who are so weak they don't even know who they are or what they stand for. The smart ones who woke up are now testifying against him, and definitely not shaking his hand!
Yes, Biden isn’t perfect. No president has ever been perfect. We are not perfect people, we are all flawed in some ways. But I push back on these accusations directed at Biden about the economy. The executive branch of our government does not have control of prices of almost all goods and services we are subject to. We have free enterprise economy that is influenced and managed by many factors i.e. supply and demand, raw material prices and availability, labor shortages etc. There are many more factors in an intricate economy like ours. So the price of gas is not something Biden can control. If it were we’d be living under government controls for everything, you know just like Russia, China and North Korea. Anybody want to live like that? I don’t. The people complaining about the price of gas probably aren’t old enough to remember the oil embargo if the 1970s. I remember when you could only pump 5 gallons of fuel in your car and then the gas pump would automatically shut off. There wasn’t anything you could do except drive to another station and perhaps sit in a long line to try to get another 5 gallons. I know prices are tough for a lot of people right now and it’s hard but the orange man-baby doesn’t have the solutions he leads maga cultists to believe.
Well said Joan! Biden's campaign needs to keep repeating what you wrote!
🤔Do you think Barr wants a position in trump's next cabinet (that we know is not going happen 🙏 for trump or Barr!)
I’m not sure orange baby would give Barr a position. Orange baby would probably have to run that decision through too many people to get their approval like the Heritage Foundation or Tucker Carlson.
You have to understand that Barr, like most Republicans, doesn't like ANY regulation. Regulations are just unnecessary ftom their point of view.
If you live in his world, I kind of get it because he's rich enough to avoid all the bad stuff. He doesn't live in a community with bad air or without safe drinking water. He doesn't care that our eco systems and wildlife are being ravaged by development or that some coastlines are being eroded by sea rise. From his point of view, these things don't affect HIM so any regulations addressing them are unnecessary restrictions on individual (read corporate) liberties.
Because I know all the science, debate and compromise that go on when regulations are adopted, I know there are damn good reasons why the regulations come to be. I lived in Southern CA in the 60's and 70's when you could not BREATHE without your lungs hurting. I remember the burning Cayahoga River. I remember the groundwater contamination by PGE in Hinkley CA that poisoned a community.
We don't have those things as much now BECAUSE of regulation. These regulations have helped to protect my liberty by making it possible for me to be healthier.
Mosr people have forgotten why we have regulations so they see them as an unnecessary cost and intrusion.. But people like Barr and Trump are privileged enough to avoid and escape them. Their pocket books are much more important than my health.
In a discussion about Barr's motivations and reasoning in the comments section on another site, someone pointed at this speech given in 2019 to the Notre Dame law school. (It says the prepared remarks, but I doubt any actual verbal delivery differed substantially.)
I didn't read though it completely, but read most chunks and skimmed through some.
My take in brief on what he thinks:
Our nation was founded in Christian principles.
People left to their own devices are undisciplined and lack self-control.
The government in and of itself cannot be the coercive authority to restrain the people.
Religion (specifically, Christianity) is the required structure to manage people's behavior.
From the remarks:
"Instead, social order must flow up from the people themselves – freely obeying the dictates of inwardly-possessed and commonly-shared moral values. And to control willful human beings, with an infinite capacity to rationalize, those moral values must rest on authority independent of men’s will – they must flow from a transcendent Supreme Being."
He lays all of the social problems we have in the Unites States at the feet of increased permissiveness and "progressives".
So he ignores the fact that Biden is personally a much more faithful and moral person than that black hole of decency that is Trump, and instead focuses on the "rules" part of religion. Biden sits on the progressive side of the fence, so that overrides everything, including Trump's ability to destroy our standing in the world. He probably also thinks that Trump being president would allow the US to move to being a theocracy - they just have to dislodge Trump after we get there.
I guess he chooses to ignore the part of the New Testament where Jesus is going about healing, feeding and showing compassion to everyone deserving it.
What kind of twisted logic is that? And a twisted morality too. What kind of man (real man) bows to kiss the ring of a wannabe dictator who has insulted him publicly over and over. Barr testified at the J6 Hearings that Trump's claims about the 2020 election were "bullshit," and that trump knew he had lost.
Barr obviously has chosen trump as the "Supreme Being" he worships.
And this guy was the AG of the USA. It just keeps blowing my mind...
Thirty pieces of silver gets you pretty far these days.
People who vote party, over anything else, like Bill Barr, are pathetic.
Some people are ignorant enough to think that that they must vote for their party's candidate. Barr, supposedly, would not be one of them. He must be assuming he will somehow be rewarded in another Trump administration. Trump's response should have dispelled that idea for him.
LeftCoastReader - Bill Bar is a Christian zealot who despises liberal culture. I'm paraphrasing but I saw him interviewed and he said something to the effect that 'As bad as he knows Trump is, he's not as bad as liberals. Liberals were the real danger to society.'
I don't have a religious bone in my body, but my understanding of Jesus's beliefs would put him squarely in the liberal camp. These lunatics just make stuff up to fit their personal agenda.
As a non-christian, or any other religion, I've read the Bible 4 times cover to cover. I'm 64. I have yet to meet a church goer that's done it more than once.
The vast majority are Cafeteria Christians. They pick the parts they like and skip the rest.
It's too bad they don't follow the words of Jesus. I also pick what I like and do my damnedest to follow it, but not always successful. Gramma knew I'd never be the pastor she wanted, but stressed the importance of treating others as you'd like to be treated. Every year, through university, she had a 4 piece red pencil set for every grandchild with, in gold, REMEMBER THE GOLDEN RULE printed on it. I was 23 when I received my last set. She also was dirt poor and really probably could not afford it. But she could not afford not to tell us the most important rule for living life.
Gamma is probably very proud! I would have really liked her!!
As I often say, religious beliefs are whatever people want them to be and more often than not, they align with one's personal beliefs.
Or, they're like me, that their lives are full of God's Word through a strong nonverbal Communication. I do understand what you're saying about Cafeteria
Christians. It seems most are missing Jesus's teaching of love and acceptance.
Also that a man will speak the truth, even if he knows it will get him killed. Mystical theology has occluded the story of a man who lived with honor.
I do think one of my American heroes was inspired by this man when he wrote:
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
see above
I'm impressed and embarrassed that as a Christian, you've read it 4 times more than me! In my defense I have always learned more from experience. God understands that and still loves me🤗!! Whew! 😅
I’m astonished and sorrowful about what happened to Christianity.
As I read the Bible, Christianity is kinetic, defined by action and movement. If you do justice, you are just; if you act to be decent, you embody decency, you are decency; if you act to help another in need, you are worthy.
I find little to learn from Christian doctrine. Any true atheist who does these things is more holy than those who quote chapter and verse and do nothing. Swim or die, in a spiritual sense.
“Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled. Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy.”
Who said this? Don’t worry about that. Stop gawking, stop talking, get to work.
Gandhi liked that guy, but didn’t have much to say for Christians. I understand.
They all have No Face
And that 'Us vs Them - my way or the highway " attitude is precisely why this session of Congress will be the least productive session in history. (at last report ~65 bills passed versus ~565 bills passed in a typical session per two sitting US Senators. One of them was Joe Manchin(I), the other James Lankford(R). I don't recall which one made that statement or the exact numbers they stated but the numbers above are very close to what was said.)
And the 'Us vs Them' mindset got so much worse under Trump. I despise that buffoon more than I can put in words.
No, they're scary because they're dangerous.
Yes. Still I wonder, ( or maybe am just praying) the inside Trump people, who have dissed him, BUT still say they would vote for him ( are lying to save face) Perhaps inside the private voting booth, they will do the right thing- vote Biden- and say they didn’t! Ok by me!
Normie Republicans like Sununu and Bill Barr are the worst. They pretend to know better but are actively destroying America by rationalizing their support for Trump. At least MAGA Marge and Paul Gosar are more transparent.
This is the most disturbing for me. That these people can just turn about face and support him?? What? And the betrayers are all the way up to the supreme court.
How is this happening??
And how can we stop it?
I cope by writing postcards to unregistered voters all across the country with links to their states voter registration website and informing them of what's at stake and to register and vote. I get the public addresses from the site P2P (power to people) and they have a bank of names and address that are publicly available and you can pick which state you want to focus on. Even if one person registers I would have done something.
They also sell postcards have links to where to buy postcards on etsy and stamps too.
You can pick as many or as little addresses as you wish
They also have a video and online classes to help with writing postcards.
I also donate 5 bucks everytime I get mad ( well within reason because I'd be bankrupt for how many times I get mad lol)
And I keep at the postcards I got some friends involved w sending post cards as well.
I know many idnyoubhave probably read my posts of massive Vent sessions here ( thank you for reading and for positive support) and I figured if I'm gonna vent I better get busy doing something about it lol.
I too plan to write postcards this year and thanks for the link. I feel like now that people are not stuck at home as it was in 2020, my anti-Trump friends just seem to live their normal lives without the intensity from four years ago. I frankly don’t know what to think of it.
That's why it's so important to make sure we get the word out to as many people as possible to register and vote. Iam so glad you want to write postcards! Your sending them will make a difference and make others aware of what is happening.
The ultimate enemy is complacency and that's what we must push back on with all we got!
I did that four years ago and sent to Florida. I remember my hand really cramped up but I am glad to have done it, even we know how FL went.
Here is the link
Thanks Janine and Tai for writing the postcards! I'm going to look into it too! Now, Janine when you get mad, your $5 goes into stamps and you can lick your anger away!😀
I just don't feel sorry for him. I'd say sorry not sorry but I'm not even sorry about that.
And Trump is a sorry excuse for a man!
You are definitely right Adam!!It is hard to feel sorry for Trumpie,Giuliani and Bar!!!They have done nothing but lie and try and make things worse for our democracy!!
They, orange man-baby, Barr and Rudy made their beds before and after the 2020 election and now they have to lay in them. For Barr and Sununu , kind of makes me wonder if orange man-baby has some damaging info on them to make sure they stay in line? At one point I’m pretty sure I heard Barr say in an interview (a few years back) that orange baby should never be back in the WH ever. And now he thinks orange man is preferable to a continuing democracy? I think those who are drinking the kool aide should check to see if there’s something in it that is turning their brains to mush, unlike the quick death another cult leader, Jim Jones, used in his.
Maybe there is something in it for Them
Which makes it even more disgraceful
"In which no one comes off looking good."
Orange is a tough color to pull off.
Sucks to be you, traitors.
Barr's irrational choice of Donald over Joe is like the large number of people telling pollsters they would vote for Donald. According to the polls, a big cohort of Americans are willing to overlook issues that are meaningful to them. (Or maybe they are lying to the pollsters.)
Trump has turned off:
Men who have a woman in their life.
Dog lovers.
People who are kind and respect the law.
People who are generally trustworthy, honest and have good manners and courtesy.
People who learned and remember the lessons of history and American government.
Honest and honorable people you would trust to watch your home and children.
To qualify to vote for Donald:
People who promote, approve of or don't care about laws, rules and decency.
People who hate women, minorities and dogs.
Hateful, mean, cruel, unhappy, rude people.
People you can't trust to do the right thing. You wouldn't trust them in your home or with your children.
People who would betray their friends and family for the Leader.
There is no way this group represents even 20% of the adult population.
God, I hope you are right and Trump loses by a landslide in November!
This makes so much sense.I don't believe the polls anymore.
I think it is all what they want people to believe
Don’t forget about his comment about football. He said “it’s so boring. Right? Football is so boring.” So that’s another large segment of American voters he doesn’t really connect with.
Fox News: "Breaking News! A New York Times poll of 100 likely voters found that 99% like puppies. But 40% of them intend to vote for Dog-Hater Don anyway."
Half the population is dumber than the average person. There is a lot of hate in fly-over land.
Probably not having family there is a ploy for sympathy and well planned. "Oh poor me, I'm alllllll alone in this freezing court room facing a witch hunt." He gives witches a bad name. It is difficult to understand the polls, but those are often wrong as are the talking heads on the news. At least for now, the rule of law seems to be working bringing justice to those who tried to overturn our democracy. I sometimes wonder if Rudy had an evil twin who took over his life - what a change from 911. Do you think that more of Trump's minions will go to jail than Nixon's did?
"he gives witch hunts a bad name" Absolutely hilarious but sadly absolutely true 😂
Wow how pathetic and narcissistic can one person be? Trying to shake McDougall’s hand? This guy just doesn’t get it. I don’t get it. As for his family, who knows and who cares. The last thing we need is to see Donnie Jr. out there flapping his lips looking like he’s on something other than Frosted Flakes. Melania is playing her cards close to the vest. She obviously signed a deal with the devil. The founding fathers are flipping over in their graves.
FYI, he tried to shake hands with his "longtime secretary/scheduler Rhona Graff" not McDougall.
Melania is counting on outliving him.
For the record, Bill Barr, there is nothing Joe Biden would do in a second term that would destroy the country. Trump, on the other hand, would have no qualms about dismantling our democratic and constitutional processes, without which we will become like Trump's beloved Putin Russia. I wish there were better choices than the ones we are offered by the duopoly parties, but until the system is modified (ie Ranked Choice Voting), Biden is the only safe choice.
On the one hand, why would family members want to appear at a trial of such an embarrassing nature? On the other hand, if they truly believe this to be nothing more than "a political witch hunt, election interference, a hoax trial", wouldn't they be there outraged with Trump to reinforce this narrative??
Also, why would Trump want to shake the hand of his former secretary immediately after she testifies for the prosecution? A man who is so big on loyalty to him would want to shake her hand? I think we all know that is because she had FAR more information than she imparted. Wanting to shake her hand was thanking her for what she WITHHELD and I bet the jury will make the same assumption.
Trump lies to fit the occasion. True, he is afraid of everyone and everything. He feels no remorse, only fear.
Spot on
In another saner time you would be the GOP standard bearer, Adam. And this old progressive might vote for you because you are young, sane, articulate, intelligent, obviously a respecter of facts, and clearly capable of compromise for the good of the country. And there is no place for you in either current party. I want a win for President Biden in November with every fiber of my being. When that fails to materialize, I only hope I can share with you the honor of being what will be his massive enemies list, small fry that I am. I worry that his return to office could, frankly, cost you your life at the hangs of one of his deranged, emboldened, deplorable MAGAts. I know you will keep the drumbeat going regardless. For that, I sincerely thank you.
Adam, thank you for this well stated post. You are an anchor of integrity
I'm wondering--maybe Trump's solo court appearances are strategic on his part. That way, he can whine to his supporters that he alone is being persecuted by the "evil Biden Administration", and in turn, he can then suck more money out of them.
Certainly understand why Melania wouldn't want to be there listening to painful "affair" testimony, but as for the boys ... if Donald wanted them there, they would sure as hell be there.