Why doesn’t media call this historic event an election interference trial instead of hush money case? Where is media focus that Trump actually paid a media outlet to skew the news not only in his favor, but to smear opponents in order to interfere with an election? Why is a right-wing broadcaster allowed to call for MAGA to do everything they can to get on the jury and nullify the verdict? Why does my Republican Party continue to defend this indefensible behavior and choose party over honor? History will look kindly upon your efforts to restore sanity to our system. I look forward to all your Substacks. Thank you for being a voice of reason and, most importantly, insight during these troubling times.

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Because it would get confused with Trump's election interference claims about all his cases. But definitely point out it's campaign finance laws broken, not a sex scandal.

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You do make a fair point! However, everyone knows salacious charges get above the line coverage and hush money seemed to win out. As far as the confusion it might present RE: Trump blustering election interference, election interference, election interference, maybe the media could explain that election interference is exactly what these charges encompass, while also possibly defining the word of the day: “projection.”

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Thank you for saying this. I get so frustrated with the media calling it the Hush money trial. It is not. It is an election interference trial.

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I asked the Washington Post the same question. Will be looking for their response.

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I can't fault a 77-year-old for falling asleep: I'm 75, and I know that oldsters often can't sleep at night and are tired all day. But I do fault him for his innumerable assaults on our country and our democracy. He is a dangerous personality wherever he goes, but the last place he should be is in public office, especially at the highest level. He is the worst kind of sociopath: a malignant narcissist. He is concerned only with himself, and he will do or say anything to satisfy his insatiable wants and needs. Happily, the latest Quinnipiac poll shows Joe winning. Whew! That's outstandingly good news, even this far from the election.

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Don the Orange Con has NEVER had any morals And he is off peddling bibles when he’s never read one in his life!!!He is definitely all those things you describe him as Adam!!!

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Cohen has already served time in prison for his part in it. Cohen did not do anything to benefit himself. The women were not in any kind of a relationship with him.

Who was this all for? Where does it end?

Trump is no different from Manson or Epstein or all the other ruined people who did unspeakable harm to others and themselves over the course of their miserable lives.

A 1830 World History textbook that I have describes Lord Byron as being "notorious for his dissipated conduct". Trump has far exceeded Lord Byron.

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Maybe his lawyers sedated him to make him behave in court!!

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Adam ,

Maybe he was dreaming he was giving a speech at the Lincoln Memorial and he was saying.

I have a dream that my five little children will one day live in a nation where they will be judged by the color of their skin, not by the content of their character. I have a dream today.

Make America Groggy Again

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Right on Adam. Thanks for this. I rely on you (and a few others) to supply me with insights into our political system.

As a mathematician, I'm familiar with deductive reasoning and logic. These don't overlay well with politics and law, which are subject to the nuances of opinion.

Thank you for helping me understand the issues.

Keep up your excellent work, and know that you have profoundly helped at least one person.

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It continues to boggle the mind. What do people see in this sociopath, narcissist, compulsive liar, weakling, bully and fraud?

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I do agree with you!! Hopefully, come November, there will be many more people who think like us and they will help to vote BLUE to keep Trump away from the White House!!

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Thank you, Adam. Unfortunately, I am not sure that any of this will change the outcome as his base thinks he is the best thing since sliced bread. Disheartening, to,say the least

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There is close to zero chance that the base will disavow him, but the undecideds, the on the fencers are the one that could be swayed. 10,000 of them in one state could be all the difference.

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Trumps behavior and strategies come from one man. His mentor, Roy Cohn. Roy taught him to “Never give in. Never give up”. I wish he would show remorse. I certainly would have more respect for him. I believe all Roy’s teachings are going to destroy Trump. Sometimes I feel sorry for him. It’s all he knows. It’s very sad.

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And of course Cohn was Senator McCarthy’s right hand man. The stench lives on in Trump. Both literally and figuratively.

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I don’t feel one bit sorry for trump, and I never will. Anyone who acts like he has for the past *50 years* doesn’t deserve a bit of sympathy. He’s had all those years to show the tiniest bit of humility or morality, and has shown absolutely NONE of either, and never will.

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We have, it seems, always known that Trump has the memory of a goldfish unless the topic is how “great” he is. However, it’s important to keep in mind that Trump is in his late 70’s, eats poorly, doesn’t exercise, and is very overweight. While I really do hate to speculate, this uncannily reminds me of my father around that age, who used to nod off at inopportune times (like driving-yikes), which was due to diabetes. I’m not saying Trump has it, but it would serve us all well to watch his behavior for signs of any medical conditions that could land him in the hospital, especially since we know he simply won’t hand the reigns over to whomever his VP ends up being.

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And Alzheimer’s contributed to his father’s death.

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Not to mention what kind of looney he would choose for his VP.

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Doris, I don’t want trump to land in a hospital, I want him to land straight in a morgue. No advanced medical cures or treatments, just drop. It’s really the only way to end the cult, which is required to turn the page on trumpism. But as Billy Joel sang, “only the good die young”.

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Not sure I agree with you. While your solution sounds expedient, it doesn’t sound politically smart. Silencing the man who loves to put gasoline on any and every fire, regardless of who it hurts, would be good for the country. But his death could make him a martyr, and, some might say, would be too good for him if the alternative is spending time at Rikers, with no access to a phone, computer or microphone. I’m convinced that it wouldn’t take long for his supporters to move on if they no longer heard from him 10 times a day.

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Ah, but my “solution” will eventually happen. We both know he’ll never spend a day in Riker’s.

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Move over, "Sleepy Joe", here comes "Sleepy Don"!

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#DonSnoreleone is trending on X

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Very well said, Adam, as usual.

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Too bad there aren't cameras in this courtroom! Pictures are worth a thousand words!

First he can't run his own company and now he's asleep at his own trial!

But should the unthinkable happen and he wins in November, we won't have to worry about him running the Country. Why? Because he'll let a Steve Bannon-like person do it and just reap the benefits as a figurehead. My opinion.

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He’s probably hand the reins over to son-in-law Jared Kushner and Ivanka for the day to day work(who both know nothing about running a government) while he flies around the world in Air Force One visiting Orban, Putin and his other man crush Kim Jung-un all the while declaring how he’s an expert at diplomacy and saving the world from WWlll.

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Wait! You forgot cheating on all the golf courses around the world, eating 10 course meals but traveling ala cart⛳ !!😂

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🤣😩Don’t know whether to laugh or cry.

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I know!! But you and I are positive people and on Nov 6th we'll reread this and laugh our heads off with relief 😆!🙏

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That’s my prayer.

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Sleepy, creepy, sleazy Don!

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Probably hopped up on so much Adderal he doesn’t know what county he’s in. And then he crashes.

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This is what I think it is as well. He was crashing off his Adderall

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