A few years ago around 2018-19 I went to the emergency room with pneumonia. As I waited in the lobby...a tump rally played loudly on a large flat screen on the wall. It was horrifying and we asked if they could turn off the tv. They said “no”.

I was admitted that night and had to stay in the emergency room till a room was available. I almost never remember my dreams..but I remember this one. It was animated and depicted this chaotic nightmare of a world. I kept looking for the way out..something that had the word exit written on it... but could not find one! A few nights later the dream repeated. I was in the icu but not feverish. This time it wasn’t animated. But so vivid and horrifying. This was fear that was instilled in my mind after a few minutes of exposure to a tump hate rally.

If we allow these MAGA criminals to control the government...there will never be an escape. We will be trapped in a world as bad if not worse than nazi Germany!!!

We must do any and every thing we can to stop this madness!

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Adam, thanks for your comments. I wouldn't call this a debate. It was a sh-- show like watching kindergartners on the playground pulling each other's hair. I guess we have to go through this and I hope we come out the other side, but the shouting, lack of respect, and utter loss of control by the moderaters disgusted me!

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Thanks so much for your perspective on Mexico. I actually was considering some of the same issues that you wrote about -- but at a much more inexperienced and "layman's" level. I appreciate you explaining everything so well.

I agree -- where was there any inspiration in that chaotic event? I actually was on a two-hour drive last night that coincided with the broadcast. It was quite interesting to just listen to it on satellite radio instead of seeing the people on TV. A few times I almost changed the channel to one of the Heavy Metal Headbanger Rock stations -- my head would have hurt less.

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Thank you, Adam. As always, I enjoy your insight as well as your experience in the military. It was not a debate at all, more like a free for all. Where were the moderators? They lost control quickly and the candidates just shouted over each other. It won’t change anything, Trump is the nominee, unless the bottom finally drops and something happens with Trump that makes a difference. Highly unlikely, unless it’s his health. Democracy is at stake and these candidates don’t act as if we are teetering on the brink. We need an alternate to Trump and nobody on that stage could make their case.

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Adam should moderate the next Republican debate (or Democrat debate if they had the true interest in democracy to have one).

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Please do not try and drag Democrats down to the level of today's Republicans. I know many derive some satisfaction from claiming that both parties are somehow, perhaps secretly, the same, but this simply could not be farther from the truth.

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I used to be a Republican, before the extremists dragged that party down to the level of the Democrats -- of whom Biden and Menendez are all too typical in using their political power to enrich themselves.

I'm now one of those 70% who don't want either Biden or Trump to run for president, but unlike many if not most of them, I will vote for a rational centrist even if I have to write-in their name. And in this case it would likely be the name of a prominent retired military officer who understands honor and commitment to the U.S. Constitution.

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You remain a lonely voice of reason in the Republican wilderness, Adam. I admire your fortitude.

Why can't we make a deal with Panama to stop South American migrants before they get to Mexico? Just thinking out loud.

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I agree with you about Christie. He serves such a purpose of just laying into the mess that is donald trump. I agree with him on few things, but he at least is not kissing the emperor's ring, or whatever.

As for the Mexican border, the question must be asked, why are entire families, babies, children leaving their home countries? What can be done to help the thousands fleeing central & south America? Why is there such hatred for so many people who are fleeing for their lives by so many Christian Americans? Why is there no solution to this issue of humanity with collaboration of Mexico, etc. etc

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