There needs to be accountability as the free speech is being taken to ridiculous levels. Musk retweeting that california has now legalized lootting, inviting anyone to visit and shop in the rubble is as bad as yelling fire in a movie theater. People are suffering and dying, while fire and police are being stretched to the limit and he invites more trouble. When do they get held accountable? It is maddening.

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fully agree

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Adam, do you really fully agree to "We must put in the WORK to rewrite , reform those things that protect our values"? Our value is the freedom of expression. Changing the amendment would cause such Supreme Court decisions as Skokie, flag burning, and the protests at veteran's funerals to be overturned. Regarding LIES and ABUSE of free speech, recall - NY Times 2/18/2020 "Senator Tom Cotton Repeats Fringe Theory of Coronavirus". Did that meet the qualification then? How about now?

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I read the article several times and the comment above and did not see what you put in quotes: "We must put in the WORK to rewrite , reform those things that protect our values" I don't see where Adam or the poster Sherrie said that. Did I miss something?

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quote was from Marcia's comment - near end of her post. (It took me a while to find it, there have been a lot more posts since I submitted my comment)

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oh- I see. Sorry! And I totally agree with you! It's a complicated issue and the FCC doesn't have power over it. Society as a whole must decide what they value and shun what they don't. If we value facts and truth then we must demand that but we also have to educate people in how to recognize facts from disinfo etc.

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That exactly, is what I would love to see Country First start and mobilize-/ your think tank and all states volunteers, put forward ballot initiatives, reviving truth in telling, fact checking, for all licensed media stations in each state. Federal would be forced to consider. Certainly won’t happen these next four years, but that must happen, if Americans can ever come together again. People do still watch their local favorite nightly news. If they hear 2 different truths( 1 local, 1 national) maybe they would question- which is the lie?

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The news media must get back into the habit, the discipline, of asking Why. “Mr Trump, why are you saying/claiming …?” The press reports make believe stories but never asks the teller: Why?”

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THIS!!! It’s infuriating that NO ONE ever asks Trump for details or calls him out on his ridiculous statements and proclamations. It’s like all reporters have been issued gag orders or something

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Yes. The media and journalists are a huge part of the problem. And they let Trump get away with all his vicious lies.

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They do ask, maybe not always, but often and the politicians, avoid answering and pivot. Trump has taken that to an art.

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And also saying where is the proof? I’ve started doing that with maga family and they get so mad - and never have it.

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Get used to it Burke. Been going on far too long.

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I agree; to me these statements that are LIES are an ABUSE of our free speech. It's imperative that we get to make that CLEAR by Ammending the Ammendment. Reform is needed because society is changing. AI promises to bring abuses of free speech as well as some value. We cannot , as a government, ignore these new inventions, and allow abuses to take place. Freedom us not "free". We must put in the WORK to rewrite , reform those things that protect our values, our Democracy, our citizens from substandard practices and people.

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Freedom is not free. It takes constant vigilance! In Alexei Navalny's, Patriot, A Memoir, much of which was written in his long stay in prison the last time before Putin had him killed, he wrote that the entire Russian Government system is based on lies and corruption. They went after his entire family and his brother spent 8 years in prison. He says, .."maybe this is wrong, but I'll say it: they won't stop even by taking hostages. Because nothing in life can have any meaning if you tolerate these endless lies, if you just agree to everything , especially when there is no reason to. Just agreeing for the sake of saying, "We agree." He would know. He gave his life fighting the lies and corruption. I encourage everyone on this site or who cares about democracy to read this Memoir. It's very powerful, just as he was and his wife, Yulia and his organization continue to fight on.

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But I think it might be too late. They — Putin and U.S. leadership want to destroy the country and take the spoils. It’s a raid. It a national shakedown with all the riches flowing into their pockets. First will be an onslaught on the immigrants, then the liberals, then on everyone else. I don’t think it will end with just our country. It looks like a global sweep, piecing together everything I’ve read. The general population will work for the billionaires and corporations for mostly slave wages, no healthcare. Other like-minded leaders of authoritarian countries are sitting back and watching the play until it’s time for them to fully participate. China comes to mind. Saudi Arabia comes to mind. Israel? They know climate change is a true thing and have always known. They know vaccines work.

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No, no, no! It's never too late, Susan. We've got to hang in there. We have to stay proactive and NOT give in. WE, who vote Blue, know what we're in for. Those on the right, either are ignoring the truth of their actions or simply need to learn the hard way. Many of us are looking forward to saying, "We (I) told you so!"

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No one is going to give in. Just the opposite.

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It’s too late for name calling and blaming.

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There’s just one problem. Who can now trust this Supreme Court, which has managed to undermine its own integrity, and who know very little about technology as seen in the Tic Tok arguments to make any kind of rational decision about AI or Free Speech for that matter?

The fact that I’m even having to write this points out the problem with the overall distrust of the judicial system.

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We have no Supreme Court. It's a rubber stamp for the GOP.

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And just who would be the arbitrator to determine what is or isn't true? MSNBC, Fox News, Trump? As Brandeis wrote the best remedy to combat harmful speech is "more speech, not enforced silence".

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I remember when the news had to be "truth", when journalists had to fact-check and/or provide documentation and verifiable witnesses. They were often sued for libel, and had to print retraction if they made an honest mistake, or if it was later found not to be true. Remember when the National Enquirer got sued - and LOST? If a politician was wrongfully accused of something, or maliciously attacked, the guilty person was ruined! Facts had to be provable, verifiable and documented - if they weren't, they had to say so at the time. People could still be ruined by rumors, but it was much more difficult. There was a big difference between legitimate news sources and "gutter press". Now, it's ALL gutter press, and everyone is The National Enquirerer.

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Amen, you can say anything you want now and it’s much harder to be held accountable. Then there’s all the frivolous law suits that can bankrupt the average person and even the fairly well to do person. Another example of how the billionaires and millionaires are making deeper inroads into controlling society and monopolizing wealth, very similar to Putin’s Oligarchs!

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It would be very dangerous to open up the Constitution to any changes. That's what some elected leaders want to do. We must find another way to solve the issue. More education on how to read critically, how to look for evidence of any claims and just constantly correcting false info when it spreads are a few ways.

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Free speech is memorialized in the First Amendment so that citizens might have the freedom to direct their government. The insanity that Free Speech is somehow a protected right of the elite and the authorities is a grave insult to the Constitution. You know that Hitler, Goebbels, Goering, Himmler - they all had free speech, could say whatever they wanted in the Reich. And they did.

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Yes. Free speech has to not include outright lies.

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Liars cannot be trusted. Businesses that lie cannot be trusted. That’s why donthefell-on had to pay a multimillion dollar settlement for his phony real estate courses before he took the oath of office last time. Husbands that lie cannot be trusted. I did nothing wrong says the fell-on who cheated on his wife and his mistress with Stormy Daniels and paid her hush money during his first administration. I did nothing wrong he lies to the judge and his MAGats. 🤮🤮😩💩🤡🎃. Tomorrow is coulda shoulda woulda day for repubs. If they coulda shoulda voted for a conviction after his second impeachment, he woulda just be a fat old golfer nobody gives a 💩about.

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“We have met the enemy and he is us”


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When the "chumps" start asking Why questions, the con game is up. The scams and adrenaline pumping fantasy stories become boring.

Why did Elon say (the next stupid thing)? Because he's an immature, irrational little boy. Or, because he tweet farted before thinking. Or he sees money or ego advantage in throwing his money/influence around. Or whatever is the real reason for that lie.

Why did Donald say (the next stupid thing)? Because he was worried people would find out he's a complete, unread, unthinking ignoramus and doesn't know anything about the topic. Or, because he saw an opportunity to fool people into sending him money. Or whatever is the real reason for that lie.

Eventually the silliness, the lies, the scams cease to be shocking or entertaining. When Elon or Donald say stupid shit, and we ask, every time, "Why did he say that stupid thing?" the outrage balloon is deflated. Media owners know this. That's Why there is a mass media conspiracy to Don't Ask Donnie or Elon WHY?

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I certainly believe that Trump is following the model that Hitler used. It is scary how so many people ignore history.

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History? You can’t ignore what you never learned. We need to effectively teach history, civics and critical thinking skills.

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Agree. There needs to be resistance at the local level as well.

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Unfortunately there’s a gap and we’re all paying for it now!

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History repeats itself and 1789 France is about to happen here. The perception by so many people that Luigi Mangione is a Hero/soldier,not a murderer,speaks to massive social change. That's because in the real world, not the one manufactured by the relentless ads,there has been a bloody class war going on against ordinary people by the billionaires.70,000 deaths as a result of denied health insurance claims is a war: 55,000 casualties in the Vietnam War. That 70,000 happens every year. Nobody in this country is untouched by this tragedy. The relentless pressure put on people has had an effect. It will be interesting, as a historian,to see if the 21st century version of the people of Paris will tear down our American Bastille. I do see and hear sheer hatred for the billionaire class especially among the young. I fear Luigi is the first leak in the dam.

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I believe he wishes he had set Los Angeles on fire.

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I, too, believe that...and , sorry, I would not put it passed him and/or one of his followers.

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He probably would. Simply because its residents don't vote for him and call him out on his b.s. That's all he cares about.

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Probably he would ...for the simple fact that it's residents dont vote for him and call him out on his b.s. That's all he cares about.

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Or . . .

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Sure - so he could put it out with his own urine .

( or imagine that he could )

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Chump could not piss out a lit match

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I certainly hope you are right. I’m doubling down on kindness and compassion. I refuse to live in a state of fear and hate.

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I've been to California, because I have family there. I was there just a year ago to visit my aunts, uncle, and cousins. I am very grateful that they do not live in LA or the surrounding area. But regardless, I am praying for those who are going through horrific times there. It's very sad... our own president-elect can't find compassion even in hard times like this. It's like Covid all over again.

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Exactly. He has zero empathy and is incapable of caring about anyone but himself. We have a psychopath for president, and he demonstrated that during Covid. Once again, MAGA is encouraging a collective, selective amnesia.

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Yesterday when I watched the Sunday shows I was struck by how the Republican spokesmen, senators, representatives, and vice president talked about using aid to make California capitulate to Republican policies to be polite.

Then I asked the question where is the empathy for what all of these people are going through. Where did asking the questions “are you ok”? What do you need? How can I help? The word was put out by all parties a tragedy was happening and this is what the American people can do to help.

Now it seems as though if it is a red state the help is not fast enough and blue state we want something for help. When I heard Senator Brasso along with others say that there would have to be some concessions in order for California to get help the last question I asked was where is their empathy or is it just for someone that thinks the way that think.

It is only by the grace of God there go I. It can happen in any state to anyone at any time! We have got to find a way to realize red or blue we are in this together that is the only way we remain strong as a Country.

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More than anything, to NOT be afraid of Trumps threats & antics, is of the utmost importance. That's what he wants. Been on this earth, seen & been around too many bad things, to be intimidated by the thoroughly immoral, disgusting Trump. The ignorant pontificating by trump supporters on media will just inspire me to fight back harder! Mentally, monetarily, spiritually, physically. Us folks in LA county & the state, are not being discouraged by this idiot. People are really pulling together & helping others in need. Very heartening. Personal for me. In the past, I worked many of the area's involved as a LA County firefighter, for over 33 years, before retirement. Proud of our community/governmental 1st responder efforts. Also proud of our national/international neighbors helping us. No time, to much dwell on the idiot pres/elect. We got this, America & our International neighbors, together!

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I hope everyone you know and care about is safe. Gods Speed.

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Frederick, glad to hear from you!! You always offer good insights and how much service you have given to our County and Country 🇺🇸. Thank you from an LA neighbor who appreciates your fighting spirit!

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Joannie ,

The far right will never let a crisis go to waste-

They have started the blame game before the fires are out and the dead buried . There may well be a time for recriminations- but attempting

to score political points just exposes what we all know - or should know .

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I know it just aggravates me because in the end people pay a price for their words and ideology. Sadly I know personally what their venom is about and how deep it goes, and truthfully there is little I can do about it except talk to people that may listen and always remember where and who shaped me as a person.

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The trumplicans and trump are completely despicable!

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Mr. Brining, I am going to have to disagree to a point, I live in Oklahoma, the heart of Trumpland; heck it is so egregious that our State elected Superintendent Ryan Walters bought Trump Bibles for every public school in OK to be used in the classroom for assignments.

On the other hand I know many that voted for 45. Personally to me it was a gut punch; however a lot of these guys don’t pay much attention to the news, but many before they go to bed they will watch Hannity or listen to Rogan. But these are the ones that if you broke down on the side of the road they would fix your tire and tell you to pay it forward. They are the ones that show up with a rope to pull you out of a ditch when the roads are slick. And they are the ones sometimes you see them doing stupid rednck stuff on you tube. And then there are those that are totally deplorable, they are the ones you saw ant Charlottesville, they are they ones that go on TV and spew the most disdainable words I have ever heard .

I believe that we need to keep in mind that there are descent people that do not pay as much attention sadly.

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One thing I have discovered about substack is that one's comments might not be placed where they belong. Recently I have had to make a concerted effort to double-check where comments are going before clicking the up-arrow. As I look at my comment it seems out-of-place in this thread so I can see how it can be taken as over-generslization saying that every trump voter is despicable. I think that my reply was not intended for this thread. However, I see your point but we must find a way to ensure that ALL voters pay attention and are well informed. It's in their own best self-interest. It's in our country's best interest.

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You are a better person than most, but I agree with you.

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I feel the same, Joannie. Has everyone lost their darn minds??? When did compassion become negotiable? I missed the memo, I guess.

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California is not part of his America, so to all those Californians that voted for Trump this is just the beginning of the unexpected gifts you will be receiving from Trump and Co.

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To be clear, in trump's mind (and the minds of trumplicans) California is not a part of the US... Despicable!

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Maybe so. That way he can BUY it.

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He'd rent it out as one of his resorts.

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It is extremely misguided to be a Trumper living in CA. When disaster strikes, the Dear Leader will not selectively help his supporters from the Golden State. There will be no angel skipping houses with lamb’s blood marking their doors as it was Passover.

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I recently saw a Canadian leader respond to trump's threat of buying Canada, by saying maybe they would offer to annex Washington, Oregon and California! I thought looking on the bright side, "Great! Now I won't have to move up there!!"

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You know, there are plenty of areas in Northern California that are REALLY red. Redding and north into Shasta Country and on up to the Oregon border is very very red. There are a lot of small towns with some very scary people living in them. Donnie better be careful, he might turn his new fans away.

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Adam, this article is a breath of fresh air and understanding. Seeing the Mexican and Canadian pilots and planes come immediately to aid us, gave me such hope and pride. I was cheering watching those incredible badass pilots going right in!!! Let Trump find a way to bring that courage down and it won’t go well for him.

Thanks for this post!

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The worst part is that Trump will punish “California” & its leadership & not worry about the people affected in LA. And apparently the worst isn’t over & the rebuild of one of America’s largest cities will be huge. Meanwhile I can’t imagine tourism & related employment coming back easily.

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The only entity with more hot air than the Santa Ana winds is DJT himself.

Another dose of wind is hitting my area ( Ventura) today - the nearby fire in Camarillo last month hit this area hard . We lost over 500

homes in this town about 7 years ago . Very few areas are truly safe.

Later this winter we will probably get whiplash from heavy rains followed by mudslides . Then the vegetation will grow back so we can wash rinse and repeat- except the extra dose of heat in the atmosphere will make it worse. Outside of that it’s just another day in paradise.

Unless we get an earthquake and tsunami

( of course that hits everyone 20 January) .

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Sadly, I think you're correct 😔

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If Trump said liberal arsonists are responsible for the fire, that can only mean one thing. Namely, that conservative arsonists are responsible for the fire — Trump‘s buddies in low places. It’s playing out like he himself had a concept of a plan and . . . I wonder how many people have wondered if he had something to do with these fires?

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Yes. I read, true(or not) it was suspected MAGA was instructed to start the different strategic multiple fires, as a distraction.

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Really don't want to go there? Possibly foreign terrorist. Too many different locations to be a accident or natural occurrence.

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You mean like a Russian terrorist? Why would they bother when they can rely on the destroyer in chief to do what he does best?

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More like ISIS for Gaza!

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Everything in this country has been polarized, mostly due to Trump but plenty from the Left are doing the exact same thing. A family friend reposted some random podcaster’s Bluesky post saying the US Military is the biggest contributor to climate change. This is mathematically impossible yet it got plenty of likes and who knows how many from reposts. May God have mercy on us.

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trump posting an image of the Hollywood hills on X, edited to replace the Hollywood sign with one that reads "Trump was right" demonstrates (a) just how indecent he is and (b) exactly how much the unregulated Social Media platforms (and several "news" sources) in this country are creating and spreading lies and misinformation. We cannot recover from this until we (a) consistently, publicly and effectively expose and explain the lies/misinformation and (b) regulate free speech to prevent its abuse by requiring factual truth and punishing those that spread lies, misinformation and memes. In a time before Social Media existed, the FCC required factual news reporting from tv and radio stations, but the requirements were dropped sometime after the 70s. Social Media has never been regulated. So here we are.

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oooh! That's horrible trump replacing the sign to disrespect the people of California. I agree. The FCC requirements have never been dropped but they were never for internet or even any cable- paid subscriptions. Here's what the FCC says :"The FCC has had a policy against "news distortion" in over-the-air broadcast (local TV and radio stations) news for over 50 years. Cable news networks, newspapers or newsletters (whether online or print), social media platforms, online-only streaming outlets, or any other non-broadcast news platform are outside of the FCC's jurisdiction with respect to news distortion." Also, section 230 of the FCC gives platform owners immunity from whatever anyone posts on their platform. So it would be very difficult to regulate anything on the internet as well as any networks not broadcast over the air- like cable. Here's some interesting articles.




The best we can do is counter every false, misinfo, disinfo, propaganda directly on the platforms itself or with regard to cable, writing emails etc. or ask Congress to make an amendment to the FCC law. It would have to pass first amendment issues.

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Thanks Diane! Great info!

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We need federal laws changed, respecting free speech of course. A person can be arrested and prosecuted for yelling "fire" in a movie theater for example, due to the harm others might experience due to the resulting rush of people to the exits. People are experiencing harm (whether they know it or not) from the lies, disinformation, name-calling or memes running rampant in media. If there is no legal way to stop this, we are doomed.

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I should be clear: for yelling "fire" when there is no fire...

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Actually, I think he posted the edited image of the Hollywood hills on unTruth Social.

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Too bad the people who should be reading this, aren't

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It’s Kinzinger, maybe they ARE reading it.

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Let's hope they are!

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I hope that as our country devolves into chaos or whatever Dear Leader decides he wants it to be under his tiny thumb, the MAGA faithful will stop believing the line "only I can fix it". Hopefully, sometime much sooner than not, they will finally realize that Dear Leader fixes NOTHING, rather, he destroys whatever he touches.

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Adam I would appreciate it if you could someday talk about the possible use of military force against US citizens that Trump might use in the future. It could be a flash point in the coming days.

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And how many military are pro democracy and how many are not. I want to know those numbers.

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This article was shared on the Bulwark. Worth reading.

How Hitler Dismantled a Democracy in 53 Days https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2025/01/hitler-germany-constitution-authoritarianism/681233/

“History Doesn't Repeat Itself, but It Often Rhymes” – Mark Twain.

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I read the same article--it was so eerily what Trump is repeating!!! It think he read the same material or he's possessed by the same spirit :(

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