I worked as a physician for the VA health care system and for the DOD for a time and can tell you without hesitation that Trump and Musk’s cuts are going to create not just chaos but a calamity within the system as they will do to every agency and institution. The question is, when will the veterans realize they’ve been had. Messing with these entitlement programs to me seems like the third rail.

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The MAGA Head lives by a code of cruelty, disrespect, dishonesty and dishonor. Completely counter to the values of Veterans who have devoted their lives to service.

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I was a 18 year old Vietnam Vet who had to rearrange my life because of the FUC_ING draft. And was looked upon as the enemy when I got home. And now we have this crap to deal with. Somebody in the government needs to show us some gratitude for risking our lives. I'm still waiting and it's been 55 years! All these Republicans (Tyrants) need to take a trip to the Vietnam War Memorial before they are asked to kiss the ring again.

MARCH 14TH PROTEST - Veterans Called to Rally Nationwide on March 14, 2025 in Protest of Project 2025 and VA Cuts. https://turnpurple2blue.org/2025/03/05/veterans-march/

MARCH 7-14: AMAZON BLACKOUT – No Amazon purchases, no Whole Foods, no Prime orders. https://thepeoplesunionusa.com/faq also https://www.goodsuniteus.com/

GOOD NEWS OF THE DAY: Elon Musk's net worth dropped $29 billion in one day as Tesla stock tanks

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I hear you, I appreciate you, give trump hell!

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There’s no excuse for fcking this up this way. They’re sadists.

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Yes! That’s exactly what they are. Another similarity to hitler’s minions

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I am so ashamed of my country- more so now than ever. I admire your tenacity and wish the best for your life going forward. orange man is a empty vessel of greed and hate.

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Thank you, I appreciate your comments!!!

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I know it doesn’t mean much, or help, but I want you to know that I’m very grateful to you, and so terribly ashamed of those who treated our Vietnam veterans like they were scum and unworthy of the best we could offer, both in and outside government. I continue to be grateful to everyone who serves, and everyone who works or worked at the VA. And I put my money into organizations that help both active duty and veterans. I know this level of betrayal must be equally shocking and depressing. I also want you to know that I am financially supporting every democratic or independent candidate with a military background who I know about, no matter where they are in the country. I encourage everyone to do the same. There are some truly remarkable people who have stepped up, and we badly need as many people as we can get with this kind of experience and dedication to our country. And support any vet who wants to go to the March 14 protest. It is, quite literally, the least we can do.

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Thank you, I appreciate your comments!!!

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No shit! What about giving Veterans some gratitude?! Has donavancusk ever even said thank you? The entitled, rich, corrupt people in this administration have no clue what it’s like to suffer, especially not in serving others.

I’m going to send your link to all the veterans I know. I hope the protest is massive. 🤬

I’m also boycotting the Bezos monopolempire. If he is okay with taking food, money and insurance coverage from the most vulnerable people in the country- including children in the poorest communities- I’m not giving him another dime. I hope the tanking economy + boycotts cost all the would-be oligarchs billions. Or, as their king would say, billions and billions…and billions. 🙄

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Thank you, I appreciate your comments!!!

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OMG, you are a hero! I work on the tech and billing side of a large hospital system, and we are FREAKING OUT - honestly - because we don't know what we are going to do with our veteran patients, as well is our Medicare and Medicaid patients. We do have a charity care fund, but it's nowhere big enough to cover everyone - there is a huge working poor and retiree population in my area.

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Each one of these stories represents a real person, a real family, a community — veterans who served their country with honor and pride. As someone who did not serve, I feel such a sense of shame and embarrassment for my own country. Such pointless, stupid disrespect and cruelty.

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I worked in this area before retiring several years ago. Your bad debt the CFOs are always lamenting and working to prevent will increase as will the number of financial assistance requests that your organization will have to devote people, time and money to process. Have you ever seen the completed claims showing the ridiculously small amount that these government programs pay to compensate the providers? Shameful. Just lots of lip service about supporting our troops.

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YES! It's crazy. We have a small army of people at the hospital, whose sole job it is to wage war with the programs and insurance companies just to get them to pay SOMETHING. They don't do anything else - they are on the phone ALL DAY, trying to get something so that the patient won't get hit with a humongous bill. New requirements get invented DAILY - just to drag things out beyond the timely filing limit.

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Well, I can see nothing has changed unfortunately! Hang in there — the work you and your colleagues are doing is good work! One of my “favorites” (sarcasm intended) was when an insurance company had approved a cardiac device that was to be surgically implanted but denied the surgery itself.

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We had a few denials for Caesarean section because the patient's gender was missing. :-|

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Time to RISE UP people, it's not complicated. Find a protest and join it. RISE UP!

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It is indeed time to rise up! There must be thousands of veterans besides Adam, John and myself who are ready to go to war with this Administration over the VA personnel cuts, not to mention hundreds of thousands more who support fired federal workers and the programs being cut by a South African Boer who claims to know what’s best for America. Doge is illegal. Most of the employees are unvetted and don’t have clearances. Maybe it’s time to take a tour of the White House!

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It’s important to understand why Doge is illegal, what courts are doing to slow it and how Congress has rolled over. I highly recommend Kim Whele’s susbstack publication Simple Politics, and her recent post, “Why Doge is (still) illegal.” She is a constitutional lawyer and law professor.

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MARCH 14TH PROTEST - Veterans Called to Rally Nationwide on March 14, 2025 in Protest of Project 2025 and VA Cuts. https://turnpurple2blue.org/2025/03/05/veterans-march/

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Real soon, I am sure!

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I am a VA physician. I am working past the age of 65 because what I do is more rewarding than what I could do as just some retired guy.

The way I see it, the bullies say they’re cutting jobs, and don’t mention saving money. Efficiency is about waste. Cutting jobs is fear-mongering.

My panel of Vets is 1100 or so. If they fire me, I’ll tell my panel what happened. If only 10% go march on the VA, that’s a hundred or so people looking for answers.

I am not a military service veteran, but I’ve helped a few. That makes me proud of what I do.

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As a psychologist, I continue to wonder why more people don’t realize they’ve been had. Trump’s pathology made what is occurring now absolutely predictable. I am hoping that those of us who knew who he is can be kind and gracious toward those who may step forward, admitting they made a catastrophically bad choice. The humility and grace required will be tough, since we will all suffer greatly under this regime. I don’t always feel sympathetic toward those who voted for trump.

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My husband and I walked the Women’s March over the weekend. My sign was about veterans being fired by Musk and Trump. I had 4-5 veterans come up to me to thank me and take a picture of my sign. As a veteran myself and having been married to a Marine for over a decade I know first-hand the sacrifices made by those who serve. T is an abomination to all that represents our country, for the good.

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Thank you for you and your husband’s service to our country. You, as all veterans, deserve better.

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I served as well - but I never fell under t-Rump’s

spell . Just wondering what the vets that voted for Agent Orange again missed when he labeled them “ losers and suckers “ ?

Humm - I was overcome with grief for his

bone spurs - un huh .

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MARCH 14TH PROTEST - Veterans Called to Rally Nationwide on March 14, 2025 in Protest of Project 2025 and VA Cuts. https://turnpurple2blue.org/2025/03/05/veterans-march/

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Thank you both for your service to our beloved country, Christine!

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MARCH 14TH PROTEST - Veterans Called to Rally Nationwide on March 14, 2025 in Protest of Project 2025 and VA Cuts. https://turnpurple2blue.org/2025/03/05/veterans-march/

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Thanks to both of you. Keep yelling at the Trumpers!

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It is unfortunate that the people who need to see this will not read it. They are too blind, and those of us who know, are aware at the deepest level of the dire straits we are in. I am so grateful for the individuals who are willing to step up and take a stand, who have a broader audience. My audience is small and local, but it is what I can do with where I am

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Alexandra...Spot On, dear lady! Have a family full of hard core drumpfists ..two of whom are veterans of Vietnam & 8 years of naval service. Their imperial palms held stiffly to.my face..

" I believe everything our.messiah says!". One has a wife( my daughter) whose had multiple strokes..possible.medical consequences..! one other has two very small beautiful daughters

...possible health/womens issues.. I pray for their enlightenment...for their own sake...and for their dear families. Beyond my ken to understand what hypnotically draws them to this mendacious.malignant narcissist...whose grasp on reality is disintegrating before.our very eyes. God help us all..🙏


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I’m having a hard time feeling a lot of sympathy for those that voted for the king of grifting and have now lost their livelihood. Just like everything else this piss poor business man has done, ruining people who believe in him is his favorite thing to do, in his warped mind he doesn’t give a shit about anyone else but himself.

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I'm a vet who did not vote for him during any of his runs for office. And I know more vets who didn't vote for him than who did. We all saw him for what he is--a disrespectful, lying, grifting, oath breaking coward, who is not worthy of our respect, let alone our votes.

I spent over 20 years in the US Air Force working on flight lines and in combat, first as an KC-135 engine mechanic, then as a C-130 Instructor Flight Engineer. I have suffered significant hearing loss and have constant tinnitus despite rigorously using my issued hearing protection (both in ear and over ear), and have been wearing hearing aids for over 10 years now.

I have never filed a disability claim with the VA for two reasons: 1. The paperwork alone is brutal; and, 2. I'm fortunate enough to the have the financial means to pay for my own hearing aids and would rather the money be spent on other veterans who have greater needs. And, I know so many other veterans who suffer in silence and never file claims for similar reasons--for us it was an honor to serve our country, uphold our oath, and do our part as citizens of the greatest country on earth.

I say all this because, like so many other groups in our society, veterans are not a monolith; but regardless of who they voted for, the loss of services for those veterans who need them is beyond criminal. There is no circle of hell deep enough for these monsters who are destroying our country.

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Thank you for your service. You all deserve better. Much better.

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I'm still struggling with being thanked for something that was a privilege and honor, and can't seem to get over being uncomfortable with it, but I appreciate the sentiment from which it's driven. There are so many others who are much more deserving of our thanks.

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When I say "thank you", it's partially about gratitude, but mostly about respect. Even if others made even bigger sacrifices, it doesn't diminish yours (hell basic training is bad enough).

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Very well said 👏👏👏

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You deserve every bit of thanks and it’s our honor and privilege to have people like you serve this country. How disgusting to have a president who doesn’t grasp what it means to serve.

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MARCH 14TH PROTEST - Veterans Called to Rally Nationwide on March 14, 2025 in Protest of Project 2025 and VA Cuts. https://turnpurple2blue.org/2025/03/05/veterans-march/

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So wanted to be at this, but am out of town for work. I'm going to be working with several veteran and citizen organizations to get marches going back home too.

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Thanks for doing the heavy lifting in this nightmare of a regime!!

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Thank you for your service. There is no doubt about bureaucracy in a lot of government funded departments. I don’t think there is anyone who is against streamlining procedures to make it easier for Vets to get their needs met, but firing so many, regardless of who they voted for, is horrific, impulsive and very damaging to innocent people’s lives. The difference between what this admin. is doing and what needs to be done, is going after low and middle class folks instead of the wealthy non tax paying people and corporations, along with taxing mega churches.

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Could not agree more!

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Vote for💩 and get💩. Fools must learn the hard way.

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It certainly remains a challenge to understand tRUMP’s attraction. I’m not a perfect judge of character but this guy worried me even before his first go- round in office. I pray the spell will be broken a little each day for those in the cult. From the outside it looks like the republican trumpers are destroying themselves. Sadly there are casualties.

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Trump and his oligarch friends do not want a well funded military that protects the country’s interests and power. All they want is a personal mercenary that helps them intimidate enemies and loot the country’s riches.

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I absolutely agree.

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What this regime is doing to veterans is outrageous, maddening, and an example of cruelty and heartlessness unheard of for a (thus far) free society that was made possible by the sacrifices of countless veterans. This is how we repay them? It's obscene.

There's an excellent video by the Lincoln Project here: https://youtu.be/dNkPuZ0gRdI?si=dRXCD2oj1U_a7QoX

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There was a vet who worked at my horse farm (when I had it), for a short period of time. He had been retired from the military after his vehicle had run over an IED.

He told me at that time 70 vets per day were dying by suicide.

I was using my horses primarily as therapy for people who had been through rough times.

He stayed a short time then moved on.

I saw him a little over a year later he he told me that he had received funding for a program to help vets like himself to reorient into society. He also said that the suicide rate among vets had gone down to 30 per day by then so “they” were making progress.

I can not think of a betrayal that hits more to the heart of who we are as a Country than what Trump/Musk/Republicans are doing to our Veterans.

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Actually it has been done before in our country. How many blacks, Asian, women and indigenous peoples served from civil war to WW II and beyond were kicked to the curb on their return. Hopefully we get this right in the next election so we can put back together the pieces of our colorful history ( which is being erased by this administration)

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Thank you! My Dad - career post office, after 3y POW/WW2. My first 2y of college on GI bill. We used to call our home "our 325" after that GI-bill. He went onto full disability ltr. My mother shared only once w me the archival photo of his body when he was released back to freedom. That service wrecked him, but gave our whole family the American promise.

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Trump cares solely about what he sees in the mirror. His words are worth stale air unless he is telling his fantasies about being a dictator. He cares nothing about his so-called wife and kids. He never did anything for them that wasn't conditional.

All of those who died in service to our nation were "suckers and losers" according to Trump. Service and sacrifice are alien concepts to him.

A fair shake is a fair shake. But if a person lies to you and shits on you and your life, that is different. Trump shits on everyone and everything. It is going to get very bad for those that shit on veterans.

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It is very difficult to feel badly for those people who voted for Trump. We screamed & shouted that this is what would happen. Veterans deserve our respect along with all the care & support the country can give. These are VOLUNTEERS! Has Trump volunteered for anything? Respected anyone? Cared for anyone? Should we expect anything but cruelty from Trump and his sidekick Musk?

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Remember,Ellen... Pino's grandfather left Germany to escape compulsory.military service. Have read his father forbade any of his children to join the military under penalty of being cut from any inheritance....pino claimed he " suffered from bone spurs...no.service. Have never seen anything to indicate a family.member served in the military. Class act, these DRUMPFS!.

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We know what will happen. Same thing he wants to happen to the Social Security Administration. Services will suffer. Join the protests happening this weekend in Washinton March 14-16. Share this video far and wide. If you're a Veteran they want your story.


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MARCH 14TH PROTEST - Veterans Called to Rally Nationwide on March 14, 2025 in Protest of Project 2025 and VA Cuts. https://turnpurple2blue.org/2025/03/05/veterans-march/

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Thank you John.

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I am no Constitutional scholar, but I cannot comprehend how any sane, semi-educated American can be okay with what is unfolding in our country. I don’t understand how there are not at least a handful of Republicans who question the dishonor being heaped on America. Is it not a betrayal of the Constitution for our leader to align with Axis powers? How can one unelected person wield such a ridiculous amount of power over so many agencies? Trump being afraid of Putin is clearly in the open, so where are the Democrats AND the Republicans who know it is not good for our country to be aligned with Russia? “Ukraine started the war” and seriously, wasting funds on “Transgender mice” but not a word re: the mental well being of Trump. I watched “The Apprentice” on the plane ride home and it was so clear how fixer Roy Cohn taught this Queens bully to flourish by deceit and corruption. However understanding that he is all about the money, I still cannot grasp how our good elected people in the House and the Senate are not standing against the dishonor to our Allies and the broken oaths taken to defend and protect.

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I know many educated non-MAGA folks who aren't OK with it but who are also not doing much to resist, for a variety of reasons... these are good people who understand everything you mention in your post and who are not OK with it all. Nonetheless, they throw some crumbs to the cause but mostly go on with their lives as if it will all continue normally. The people raising the most stink are those who've already been personally affected. When Medicaid and Social Security stop flowing, I'm praying it will be the catalyst for mass mobilization, but it has to be in the millions of angry people.

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I continue to be dumbfounded by continued support from my MAGA acquaintances. I live in a heavily populated military district represented by a Republican. I have asked her, as a military veteran, to explain how she can explain Russian alliances, lies about Ukraine aggression, and Elon Musk. She is on the DOGE caucus and it has been ‘explained’ to me that executive order allows Leon to do whatever the president wants. Crickets on the rest. How, in the name of all that is good, can a military veteran representative accept this alliance with Russia and North Korea? How can anyone, but specifically, someone who has served and subsequently taken another solemn oath to Protect and Defend? I thought pardoning the J6s was an abomination (to which she also has not responded) but I don’t feel it is not just shameful to stand on the side of dictators, but it clearly is breaking an oath. And why don’t those who have taken that very same oath step up and do some protecting and defending? Waving a cane is a beginning, but Circular signs do not count.

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My senator is a maga—and he graduated from West Point. It’s beyond belief…

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I researched my rep. Despite no reply to my emails, she is clearly working for her District. I am pretty impressed that she is actually doing her job and taken a stand for veterans and against DoD layoffs in a letter to Hegseth “…we are seeing global instability and rising threats from adversaries like China and Russia, it is vital that we protect our skilled workforce..” And she is holding a townhall in next week in the western part of our district. Respect.

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One little thing I’d like to see is the removal of their massive tRUMP signs on the lawns and sides of their barns… was hoping embarrassment would prompt this action but not yet.

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Amen Lynette!!! Thank you for your post. Yes you don’t have to be a Constitutional Scholar to know that they are breaking the laws of our country!!!

And yes the Democrats and Former Republicans with independents can go to the mainstream media and voice their opinions about what they are doing!!!

Not to mention instead of just allowing our Democracy burn down they should be doing everything in their legal power to stop this madness coming from this administration and its corrupt leaders!!!

These politicians know that DOGE is not and I repeat is not a legitimate government agency.

You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to know that but yet in still Trump and his spineless cabinet has a rocket scientist dismantling our government agencies with the falsehood of wasteful spending.

This administration wants to destroy our constitution and rewrite the laws and history of our nation!!!

This platform must go viral to expose what this administration is trying to do!!! I recommend

To go To 60 minutes on CBS News because they are the news cycle that has stood up against this administration with honest reporting!!!

I am also a Veteran and proud of being an African American Christian who voted against this administration because of their misguided beliefs with the so called Christian nationalism when in fact is a false religion.

It’s time for The American People And The Church To Fight Against This Racist Government!!!

We didn’t serve our country for people who are

far right wing media, pundits to destroy our democracy!!!

Thanks again for your support and post!!!

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MARCH 14TH PROTEST - Veterans Called to Rally Nationwide on March 14, 2025 in Protest of Project 2025 and VA Cuts. https://turnpurple2blue.org/2025/03/05/veterans-march/

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Paul Cobaugh's Truth About Threats has some really great materials about how to fight the cultish behavior without making it about party, left/right/, etc.

Here's the link to his latest post: https://www.truthaboutthreats.com/p/restacking-a-history-lesson-about?r=3801u6&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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Adam, I have so much respect for the brave men and women who have served and are currently serving their country in the military. By their sacrifices, and that of their families, they are also serving us, we the people. We all owe them a debt that can never be paid in full but our society can stand with them and uplift them when their time of service is over. What the mump’s (or trusk’s) gutting of the VA will result in is evil and criminal. Nothing those idiots do should surprise us anymore but that doesn’t mean it’s any less painful to hear how these brave men and women are being treated. They deserve so much better.

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More and more trump voters (along with those that voted for better candidates for President) are swiftly being "burned by the stove"! I couldn't have predicted that it would happen this fast, but it is, and the backlash will also more swiftly save our democracy!

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If it’s a big enough backlash it will.

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Combine the Democrats, never-trump Republicans and former trump supporters that have been sevely 'burned', and the backlash will indeed be big enough.

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I pray so.

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As a VA nurse, I am scared and barely sleeping and scared for my job. I work with the employees under Whole Health, a wonderful program that has helped thousands of Veterans with their well-being - including mental health! We have been boosting employees’ resilience and wellbeing, too- so they can take care of our Nation’s heroes! Scared the value of this program will not be understood by DOGE, etc…

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MARCH 14TH PROTEST - Veterans Called to Rally Nationwide on March 14, 2025 in Protest of Project 2025 and VA Cuts. https://turnpurple2blue.org/2025/03/05/veterans-march/

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My husband flew Huey gunships out of Chu Lai, Viet Nam and was among the few Huey Army aircraft pilots to come home alive. He flew at close range to the enemy, and their bullets hit their targets many times. The missions that our American military have fulfilled can never be repaid or forgotten.

Our government is being dissolved by traitors. There is a traitor in the White House and traitors in congress. As long they hold office, our constitutional form of government is at risk and in danger of being replaced by an autocracy or dictatorship.

We can complain all day long about what is taking place, but hitting the streets, communicating with congressional office holders is our best offense.

I thank you Adam for your strength in the face of overwhelming opposition to you and all you stand for.

Your strength lends itself to helping those of us with no voices. Keep it up. Be seen and tell the story that needs to be told. Tell our story, i.e., the story of American families who sacrificed so much on the alter of military service, and who took their place in combat and during peace.

Our former living presidents and military leaders need to be speaking up in the exact same way that you are Adam. I don't understand their appalling silence in the face of a well known, overt, threat to the survivability of our country, and threat to our national security.

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MARCH 14TH PROTEST - Veterans Called to Rally Nationwide on March 14, 2025 in Protest of Project 2025 and VA Cuts. https://turnpurple2blue.org/2025/03/05/veterans-march/

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Thank you Adam for putting the truth out there, only wish more people would listen. Nothing surprises me anymore about the losers in DC saying they’re representing the country. 😝

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