ADAM, I would like to thank you very much for speaking at the Democratic national convention. I watched the entire event and my husband and I were very grateful to you for standing up from the six committee and then at this convention your voice is greatly appreciated. so let me thank you here on your Substack for everyone that follows you to know, you’re one of the first who stood up for what is right for our country you put country first politics and I have signed up and joined your group. Thank you thank you
I am concerned about the electoral college and how antiquated it is it does not serve a purpose any longer. Fake electors- And private malicious that are located all over the country. I’ve seen the map of where they are located former Marine , Navy seals, Army - They’re more organized this time around they’ve said so. 45 is truly evil and seriously mentally deranged.
One way to make the Electoral College more representative (a real fix would require Constitutional Convention which no one wants due to it having no controls) would be to do what Nebraska and Maine have done and assign the congressional Electoral vote to the winner of each congressional district instead of winner-takes-all.
I live in Florida, Delray Beach to be exact. I was visiting my friend in Boynton this morning. We walked to AIA which is right by the Ocean. I saw one sign for Harris. Two were for Trump. Someone jogging past us said “Yaye Trump!!” I had said under my breath, “You’ve got to be kidding”. ( I think she heard me). I saw her later with her husband. It shocked me to see such normal people with Trump signs on their lawn. It was also depressing!!! They weren’t the only ones with Trump signs. Clearly all these people have money. They must love that they have loopholes and not have to pay their share in taxes!!! It was very upsetting!!!
I'm seeing something similar. I've noticed that many of the Trump people in my life are loud, obnoxious, and in your face about their opinions. I wonder how many people are as quietly annoyed by the bluster as I am, and will make their anti-Trump voices known at the ballot box!!
I have friends who’ve quietly voted for Trump twice. I don’t even want to hear what they’re going to do now. One of them randomly said she wasn’t going to vote. That was back in May.
Exactly Sheila! Friends, classmates, intelectuales, and relatives who once I considered well educated human beings, are acting like the most bizarre persons. All Trump-Vance rethoric is inspirational for them. Something diabolical is happening these approaching days before elections.
I agree! My take on this: Trump spouts ugly, jerky stuff that many people apparently think but are afraid to say. I think that this emboldens people who are hidden jerks to let their true jerkiness out and even brazenly shove it in others’ faces, because hey, Trump’s doing it, so why can’t the rest of us? And this is exactly why Trump needs to go to prison!!
I have seen on several occasions more people putting up Harris signs when someone puts a frumpy brat child sign out. I have never seen this before. This is in a little boy child gates location in bubba-J land florida. So, one never knows. Next time when someone says something, say something out loud. I do every time and you'll be surprised how good it feels. Cheers
There’s the rub. The people who already despise him don’t need to hear anymore from him. Those who support him revel in his ugliness.
I just listened to Stephen King’s afterword on his novel 11-22-63. It could have been written yesterday when he talks about the ugliness in Dallas at the time of Kennedy’s visit and subsequent assassination.
Agreed. That might be a nice daily event for Kamala Harris: “Here are the lies that Trump told today. We will be back tomorrow highlighting more of his lies. Stayed tuned!”
What do you think of VP Harris' decision to do an interview on Fox News? We all know that it won't be friendly, but I think that it's still something that she has to do. That way, she can say that she is willing to go into an unfriendly setting and advocate her position(s). At the same, she can taunt Trump by pointing out his unwillingness to go on (for example) MSNBC and CNN, and we all know how thin-skinned he can be.
I think that is a great idea. She has nothing to lose, only to gain. Fox watchers aren't planning to vote for her. Anyway, she needs to attempt to debunk the accusations.
Very concerned but hoping she does well and Bret Baier seems to be a legit journalist, from what I have heard. Now editing is another matter. I hope she can come up with a better answer for what she’d do differently than Biden, that one wasn’t good.
Thanks Adam for voicing your thoughts! I still believe Kamala -Walz will pull out a victory!! I believe most of the silent majority stay silent because they know it won't do any good to try to change maga's minds.
🤫I'm not telling the people close to me but Friday I'm going to find out if my cancer has returned. I'm thinking if so, I'll wait until after the election whether I do treatment or not. I just don't think I can take losing the Country I know & love. I'm not saying this for sympathy but it feels good good to "voice" my thought.
Phew, I feel better voicing this! I do believe our Team will win and if not God has a Plan!! Plus Adam has a Plan B if the unthinkable should happen.
Thanks, I feel better and will continue to turn any doubt and fear to God🙏!
Cindy I am so sorry you are dealing with this and so pray that you will be cancer free. With all that's going on, you really have a lot to deal with. Prayers and deep breaths are helpful. Take care of yourself.
Cindy, I am so sorry to hear this. If there is anything we can do for you, we are here. I am sure we are all behind you to lift you up and hold you, giving you big hugs. It’s incredibly hard to be at the brink of the cliff, knowing this incredible country could be run by a fascist, among other things that TFG is. This is nerve wracking for sure and I think we are all holding our collective breath until we know which way this is going. Hang in there. 💙
Oh wow, Pamela, Elaine and Tai! Thank you so much for your support!! It means the world and I'll be thinking about you on Friday!! For all of us we've got so much to be concerned about but the blessing is we have each other!!😘🙏
Omg Cindy, ty for sharing what we did with us. It is telling that this is such a safe community, filled with many kindred spirits who would 'get' what you are saying. I join my prayers to you for Friday's appointment and may you receive relieving news. I just spotted this yesterday...Psalm 43:3,5b. "Send me Your light and your faithful care, let them lead where You dwell...Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise Him." May you experience His strengthening grace during this difficult season on several levels...
Thank you so much Lourine! This means a lot!! I'm going to read the verse over & over while I'm waiting for the oncologist!! It's people like you and this group that got me through the first time!! Bless you!!
Hi Lourine! I just went back and found what you wrote to me because I do appreciate your words! So I found out yesterday, I need to have a biopsy on January 3rd. When I originally wrote about my situation, I really didn't believe trump would win. Now that this awful thing happened, if my news is a positive result,(not that it would for me😁), I may have a big decision to make. I'm writing you because I can't discuss with my sister and friends. So thank you and you can always print "stop" if you want me to stop writing you😜
I've been suspicious of the complaint from voters that they don't know what Harris stands for. At this point, it sounds to me that they just wanted to vote for Trump all along, but are turning themselves into a pretzel to come up with a way to blame Harris.
I'm deeply concerned about this election. My hope lies with the million of new voter registration. My sense is these are mostly Harris voters and are mostly young. I think these voters are flying the the radar of pollsters.
If there are voters that claim they "don't know what Harris stands for", it is because they have not expended any effort to find out. If that is their level of apathy, even with Trump as the alternative, we have a deeper problem.
If voters want to know what Kamala Harris stands for,then they should listen to some interviews or read the platform. No excuse for not knowing at this point. There’s plenty of information available
Trump is unsafe at any speed to lead our republic, keep the free world safe and maintain a strong and growing economy. Trump is an empty suit, a shameful embarrassment of American principles and power, Putin’s princess-bride.
I can't tell you how much I've been crying already. I feel like the hope I had has washed away. I feel like the media has reported every lie he tells as fact. I feel like whenever I watch network news I see him being shown standing at a podium speaking lies and that somehow the media treats these rallies as interviews and completely misreports the actual interviews that VP Harris has done. I did see that she is going to be going on Fox News after the media spent last week reporting that she was on a "softball' TV tour last week! It's unbelievable how much of a double standard is out there with these two candidates!! The man refused 60 minutes because he didn't want to be fact checked but she is being attacked for softball interviews??? I have lost all hope. I'm not going to lie. I am phone banking and I am on social media dispelling lies in case it can get through to one person but I am getting a sick feeling in my stomach and I think that he is going to win and when I say this aloud to my family they tell me he isn't and that I shouldn't listen to the polls. It's hard not to. Anyway, I just had to vent about my worry and thank you for allowing me a space to do that. I will continue to fight!
Adam, the headline in yesterday's New York Times was that Trump led by several percentage points. I have no illusions about sailing to victory. I am preparing for a Trump presidency like Hurricane Helene: better to overestimate the impact than underestimate it.
I can not wrap my head around the fact that it is a dead heat. What is wrong with people???? I feel as though this is hitting harder due to the fact that Kamala came out and rose to the top, so to speak. Reality kicked in and it’s a dead heat. It brought us back down to earth. However, now as we are closing in on the election, I have that sinking feeling. Not saying Kamala can’t win, it’s almost as if a protective wall is trying to envelope me. We need to get out and VOTE 💙
I am preparing well trying to figure out if I can accept living in a country that would elect that POS. I'm afraid I may no longer be able to be around my family for supporting a dictator and disrespecting all the service men who died protecting the freedom this country has. I'm sick to my stomach most of the time thinking about him winning that I spend a lot of time looking for any positive news to hold onto
At my age relocating would be hard and I'm not wealthy enough. It is NOT easy to immigrate to another country but if Trump wins, I would be seriously be looking to leave. 10 years has just exhausted me. People that should have known better, that DO know better voted for that POS and even TWICE and now we are stewing in the sauce, so to speak. Its' too late people and sorry doesn't cut it.
Yes I know, other countries have their issues but you would be amazed the number of expats OR just US citizens that have been able to move abroad. I follow some of them. There is a young man from Seattle who has lived in Paris for a long time and earlier this year he finally got his French citizenship. He is NOT the only one. Other have permanent residency in the country they are living in. There is a young couple for the San Francisco Bay area that just moved to Scotland. HE is a citizen so it helped them but it still is NOT a walk in the park but I would do it anyway. It's NOT impossible. But age, health and finances keep me here.
There was a man posting yesterday who lives in the Middle East, is voting and is contacting as many American citizens as he can to be sure they are registered to vote and that they WILL vote, hopefully NOT for Don-old.
We are retired and could move to another country but what would keep us here would be our son, daughter in law and 4 month old grandson. They are all the family we have and they are not in the position to move out of the country. If we could get them to go with us, it would be hard for our daughter in law to leave her parents with having the baby. I know some could do it, but not sure we could.
I've lived in other countries that attract mostly retired expats. It's easier than you think and many places are less expensive to live there than here
Yes, I know that going "south" is one option. My health issues are a big consideration. I haven't totally shut the door. Europe would be my first choice BUT that is out of the question, so really south it would be. Asia is a no. Thanks.
I am following this discussion about becoming an expat, even though I am at retirement age with elderly family to attend to and young adult children. Because I'm seriously afraid of what might lie ahead. And I am not even a Trump target like Adam is.
That nearly half of those polled still support MAGA is outside of sensibility. The 45th president projects who he is onto others . Example, he recently called Harris retarded. If the projection isn’t enough for an analytical person to understand, the man has lied consistently, is a racist, misogynist, and uses immature sentence structure except when he reads what someone else wrote. Credible people who worked with him say #45 shouldn’t be near the White House again. Economist report how the economy plans between the two candidates differ with #45 plan of higher cost than the party of hope’s plan. Oh yeah, then there’s the 34 counts of felony. I’m befuddled that so many Americans don’t read credibly sourced info. I’m depressed that so many do not trust government or the media. I can’t understand the vitriol, the name calling, the Christian Nationalist take on Christ…. I hunch these people, while somehow feel like victims, don’t understand democracy. These days both Orwell’s 1984 and the rise of the third reich are echoed loudly. Save democracy. Vote for sanity and love of country and constitution. These are times unlike any in the lifetimes of those now alive..
I don't get the "don't know what she stands for", do they not listen to anyone or watch anything? Granted she's NOT as familiar as Don-old BUT she's only had a couple of months to put a campaign together and we have a big country. She never expected this and as much as I appreciate President Biden and thank him for his years of service, he let his ego get in the way. I would vote for Jack The Ripper before Trump but I was concerned about Biden for probably the last year. Kamala has been all over the place doing interviews, podcasts and rallies. They are posted on many platforms. She's NOT hard to find.
I AM a little concerned that all Kamala's Nevada trips have been to Las Vegas. Jill Biden popped in for a minute a couple of days ago. It wasn't even really publicized. Tim Walz had a good rally not long ago but Kamala doesn't show much interest.
There are a couple of VERY experienced campaigners and pollsters, James Carville for one, that I think have some very good criticism of what she is doing and what she needs to do to change course a bit. Personally, I am surprised she is riding so close to Bidens coat tails. SHE is TALKING about a change and yet when asked she said she wouldn't change a thing. THAT will NOT help her, unless, of course it's the truth and then we're screwed anyway. As POTUS she was in NO position to publicly speak against any of his policies but now SHE is creating her OWN administration and should be going her OWN way and if she feels differently about an issue...border maybe?..she needs to say so.
I don't CARE if Joe's feelings get hurt. We are ALL going to have our feelings hurt when Don-old puts him hand on HIS bible and lies through his teeth about protecting the Constitution. Others are really going to be hurt when he sics the DOJ on them and arrests them, and they are indicted for speaking out against him. Who will be the American Navalny? You think NOT? Why did h e want immunity so badly. He was setting himself up for the chaos to come. I am really sick over this and that is NOT hyperbole.
We all remain aghast at how close this remains, but am seeing a lot of parallels not to Nazi Germany [am an optimist] but more to what occurred when the Nationalist party assumed power in South Africa and swept in laws to divide people by race. The apartheid museum in Johannesburg details how it happened. Don’t think people appreciate the tyranny that government can impose, and ironically so must support for Trump seems to be from people who really don’t want government interference. The Declaration of Independence promises us life liberty and the pursuit of happiness. All of us, not just some of us.
Thank you Mari for your constructive comment. I thought that it was as long as was needed to get my points across, especially the need to vote. You were certainly free to stop reading at any time if you wished.
Needless to say, I’m highly nervous about this election. We are literally voting for democracy - freedoms and our Constitution
I am too
ADAM, I would like to thank you very much for speaking at the Democratic national convention. I watched the entire event and my husband and I were very grateful to you for standing up from the six committee and then at this convention your voice is greatly appreciated. so let me thank you here on your Substack for everyone that follows you to know, you’re one of the first who stood up for what is right for our country you put country first politics and I have signed up and joined your group. Thank you thank you
I am concerned about the electoral college and how antiquated it is it does not serve a purpose any longer. Fake electors- And private malicious that are located all over the country. I’ve seen the map of where they are located former Marine , Navy seals, Army - They’re more organized this time around they’ve said so. 45 is truly evil and seriously mentally deranged.
One way to make the Electoral College more representative (a real fix would require Constitutional Convention which no one wants due to it having no controls) would be to do what Nebraska and Maine have done and assign the congressional Electoral vote to the winner of each congressional district instead of winner-takes-all.
I’m using Siri voice activated typing because I am ill so I apologize for grammatical mistakes and advance and spelling. Siri has a mind of her own.
Get better soon, Susan!!
Thank you, Cindy
I live in Florida, Delray Beach to be exact. I was visiting my friend in Boynton this morning. We walked to AIA which is right by the Ocean. I saw one sign for Harris. Two were for Trump. Someone jogging past us said “Yaye Trump!!” I had said under my breath, “You’ve got to be kidding”. ( I think she heard me). I saw her later with her husband. It shocked me to see such normal people with Trump signs on their lawn. It was also depressing!!! They weren’t the only ones with Trump signs. Clearly all these people have money. They must love that they have loopholes and not have to pay their share in taxes!!! It was very upsetting!!!
Its a cultural war that they have no clue why they are fighting it, but it feels good
I'm seeing something similar. I've noticed that many of the Trump people in my life are loud, obnoxious, and in your face about their opinions. I wonder how many people are as quietly annoyed by the bluster as I am, and will make their anti-Trump voices known at the ballot box!!
Because this is what the indoctrinated do.
I’m hoping the same. A silent majority.
I have friends who’ve quietly voted for Trump twice. I don’t even want to hear what they’re going to do now. One of them randomly said she wasn’t going to vote. That was back in May.
Also , Trumpsters threaten violence, many dems.are.reluctant to post a sign or wear a tshirt for fear of violence
We've had signs disappear and vandalized in my community. The property owners did not replace them. I wonder why?
Does anyone think trump/MAGAts would/could create issues to create an Oct surprise to use against Harris/Walz.
Trump and his cult have been creating issues or attacks on Harris/Waltz for months. The October surprise would be if they stopped.
Greed, supremacy, racist attitudes.
Exactly Sheila! Friends, classmates, intelectuales, and relatives who once I considered well educated human beings, are acting like the most bizarre persons. All Trump-Vance rethoric is inspirational for them. Something diabolical is happening these approaching days before elections.
Oscar, it is truly frightening!!! I pray every day that Trump loses the election!!!!
I agree! My take on this: Trump spouts ugly, jerky stuff that many people apparently think but are afraid to say. I think that this emboldens people who are hidden jerks to let their true jerkiness out and even brazenly shove it in others’ faces, because hey, Trump’s doing it, so why can’t the rest of us? And this is exactly why Trump needs to go to prison!!
I have seen on several occasions more people putting up Harris signs when someone puts a frumpy brat child sign out. I have never seen this before. This is in a little boy child gates location in bubba-J land florida. So, one never knows. Next time when someone says something, say something out loud. I do every time and you'll be surprised how good it feels. Cheers
There needs to be daily responses to the stupid stuff Trump says. Her campaign needs to have a rapid response within minutes.
I agree, but is anyone listening?
There’s the rub. The people who already despise him don’t need to hear anymore from him. Those who support him revel in his ugliness.
I just listened to Stephen King’s afterword on his novel 11-22-63. It could have been written yesterday when he talks about the ugliness in Dallas at the time of Kennedy’s visit and subsequent assassination.
Yes!! I’m a R. & never voted him. I have many R. friends who will be voting in Naples Fl. for Kamala.
Agreed. That might be a nice daily event for Kamala Harris: “Here are the lies that Trump told today. We will be back tomorrow highlighting more of his lies. Stayed tuned!”
What do you think of VP Harris' decision to do an interview on Fox News? We all know that it won't be friendly, but I think that it's still something that she has to do. That way, she can say that she is willing to go into an unfriendly setting and advocate her position(s). At the same, she can taunt Trump by pointing out his unwillingness to go on (for example) MSNBC and CNN, and we all know how thin-skinned he can be.
I think its good, but I am concerned obviously. However, only upside i think
I'm very concerned about how Fox is going to edit it.
A justifiable concern on your part, I think. That said, I still think that she "HAS" to do this.
I think that is a great idea. She has nothing to lose, only to gain. Fox watchers aren't planning to vote for her. Anyway, she needs to attempt to debunk the accusations.
I do not trust the extreme right wing media like Fox.
Very concerned but hoping she does well and Bret Baier seems to be a legit journalist, from what I have heard. Now editing is another matter. I hope she can come up with a better answer for what she’d do differently than Biden, that one wasn’t good.
Oh yes if it is Brett, I feel much better about it. Has it been confirmed?
Yes it has.
Thanks Adam for voicing your thoughts! I still believe Kamala -Walz will pull out a victory!! I believe most of the silent majority stay silent because they know it won't do any good to try to change maga's minds.
🤫I'm not telling the people close to me but Friday I'm going to find out if my cancer has returned. I'm thinking if so, I'll wait until after the election whether I do treatment or not. I just don't think I can take losing the Country I know & love. I'm not saying this for sympathy but it feels good good to "voice" my thought.
Phew, I feel better voicing this! I do believe our Team will win and if not God has a Plan!! Plus Adam has a Plan B if the unthinkable should happen.
Thanks, I feel better and will continue to turn any doubt and fear to God🙏!
Cindy I am so sorry you are dealing with this and so pray that you will be cancer free. With all that's going on, you really have a lot to deal with. Prayers and deep breaths are helpful. Take care of yourself.
Hope you saw my thanks below!
Cindy, I am so sorry to hear this. If there is anything we can do for you, we are here. I am sure we are all behind you to lift you up and hold you, giving you big hugs. It’s incredibly hard to be at the brink of the cliff, knowing this incredible country could be run by a fascist, among other things that TFG is. This is nerve wracking for sure and I think we are all holding our collective breath until we know which way this is going. Hang in there. 💙
I am so sorry and pray that the cancer is not returning.
Oh wow, Pamela, Elaine and Tai! Thank you so much for your support!! It means the world and I'll be thinking about you on Friday!! For all of us we've got so much to be concerned about but the blessing is we have each other!!😘🙏
Omg Cindy, ty for sharing what we did with us. It is telling that this is such a safe community, filled with many kindred spirits who would 'get' what you are saying. I join my prayers to you for Friday's appointment and may you receive relieving news. I just spotted this yesterday...Psalm 43:3,5b. "Send me Your light and your faithful care, let them lead where You dwell...Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise Him." May you experience His strengthening grace during this difficult season on several levels...
Thank you so much Lourine! This means a lot!! I'm going to read the verse over & over while I'm waiting for the oncologist!! It's people like you and this group that got me through the first time!! Bless you!!
Hi Lourine! I just went back and found what you wrote to me because I do appreciate your words! So I found out yesterday, I need to have a biopsy on January 3rd. When I originally wrote about my situation, I really didn't believe trump would win. Now that this awful thing happened, if my news is a positive result,(not that it would for me😁), I may have a big decision to make. I'm writing you because I can't discuss with my sister and friends. So thank you and you can always print "stop" if you want me to stop writing you😜
Cindy! ty so much for this update. Hope you got my response, not sure how it appears to you, not being the most tech. We are in this with you.
I've been suspicious of the complaint from voters that they don't know what Harris stands for. At this point, it sounds to me that they just wanted to vote for Trump all along, but are turning themselves into a pretzel to come up with a way to blame Harris.
I'm deeply concerned about this election. My hope lies with the million of new voter registration. My sense is these are mostly Harris voters and are mostly young. I think these voters are flying the the radar of pollsters.
If there are voters that claim they "don't know what Harris stands for", it is because they have not expended any effort to find out. If that is their level of apathy, even with Trump as the alternative, we have a deeper problem.
Unfortunately, Murray, I think you're correct, we do have a deeper problem.
If voters want to know what Kamala Harris stands for,then they should listen to some interviews or read the platform. No excuse for not knowing at this point. There’s plenty of information available
Trump is unsafe at any speed to lead our republic, keep the free world safe and maintain a strong and growing economy. Trump is an empty suit, a shameful embarrassment of American principles and power, Putin’s princess-bride.
You are absolutely correct. However, the scarier portion of this is the level of support. It is beyond comprehension.
I can't tell you how much I've been crying already. I feel like the hope I had has washed away. I feel like the media has reported every lie he tells as fact. I feel like whenever I watch network news I see him being shown standing at a podium speaking lies and that somehow the media treats these rallies as interviews and completely misreports the actual interviews that VP Harris has done. I did see that she is going to be going on Fox News after the media spent last week reporting that she was on a "softball' TV tour last week! It's unbelievable how much of a double standard is out there with these two candidates!! The man refused 60 minutes because he didn't want to be fact checked but she is being attacked for softball interviews??? I have lost all hope. I'm not going to lie. I am phone banking and I am on social media dispelling lies in case it can get through to one person but I am getting a sick feeling in my stomach and I think that he is going to win and when I say this aloud to my family they tell me he isn't and that I shouldn't listen to the polls. It's hard not to. Anyway, I just had to vent about my worry and thank you for allowing me a space to do that. I will continue to fight!
Adam, the headline in yesterday's New York Times was that Trump led by several percentage points. I have no illusions about sailing to victory. I am preparing for a Trump presidency like Hurricane Helene: better to overestimate the impact than underestimate it.
Its a concern. It feel like things are shaking back out to a dead heat
I can not wrap my head around the fact that it is a dead heat. What is wrong with people???? I feel as though this is hitting harder due to the fact that Kamala came out and rose to the top, so to speak. Reality kicked in and it’s a dead heat. It brought us back down to earth. However, now as we are closing in on the election, I have that sinking feeling. Not saying Kamala can’t win, it’s almost as if a protective wall is trying to envelope me. We need to get out and VOTE 💙
I've heard inter campaign polling shows something different then whst we see
I am preparing well trying to figure out if I can accept living in a country that would elect that POS. I'm afraid I may no longer be able to be around my family for supporting a dictator and disrespecting all the service men who died protecting the freedom this country has. I'm sick to my stomach most of the time thinking about him winning that I spend a lot of time looking for any positive news to hold onto
At my age relocating would be hard and I'm not wealthy enough. It is NOT easy to immigrate to another country but if Trump wins, I would be seriously be looking to leave. 10 years has just exhausted me. People that should have known better, that DO know better voted for that POS and even TWICE and now we are stewing in the sauce, so to speak. Its' too late people and sorry doesn't cut it.
Yes I know, other countries have their issues but you would be amazed the number of expats OR just US citizens that have been able to move abroad. I follow some of them. There is a young man from Seattle who has lived in Paris for a long time and earlier this year he finally got his French citizenship. He is NOT the only one. Other have permanent residency in the country they are living in. There is a young couple for the San Francisco Bay area that just moved to Scotland. HE is a citizen so it helped them but it still is NOT a walk in the park but I would do it anyway. It's NOT impossible. But age, health and finances keep me here.
There was a man posting yesterday who lives in the Middle East, is voting and is contacting as many American citizens as he can to be sure they are registered to vote and that they WILL vote, hopefully NOT for Don-old.
We are retired and could move to another country but what would keep us here would be our son, daughter in law and 4 month old grandson. They are all the family we have and they are not in the position to move out of the country. If we could get them to go with us, it would be hard for our daughter in law to leave her parents with having the baby. I know some could do it, but not sure we could.
Yea, family makes it hard. I'm lucky that we all get along really well so that helps.
I've lived in other countries that attract mostly retired expats. It's easier than you think and many places are less expensive to live there than here
Yes, I know that going "south" is one option. My health issues are a big consideration. I haven't totally shut the door. Europe would be my first choice BUT that is out of the question, so really south it would be. Asia is a no. Thanks.
I am following this discussion about becoming an expat, even though I am at retirement age with elderly family to attend to and young adult children. Because I'm seriously afraid of what might lie ahead. And I am not even a Trump target like Adam is.
The world is holding its breathe. Kamala must win.
That nearly half of those polled still support MAGA is outside of sensibility. The 45th president projects who he is onto others . Example, he recently called Harris retarded. If the projection isn’t enough for an analytical person to understand, the man has lied consistently, is a racist, misogynist, and uses immature sentence structure except when he reads what someone else wrote. Credible people who worked with him say #45 shouldn’t be near the White House again. Economist report how the economy plans between the two candidates differ with #45 plan of higher cost than the party of hope’s plan. Oh yeah, then there’s the 34 counts of felony. I’m befuddled that so many Americans don’t read credibly sourced info. I’m depressed that so many do not trust government or the media. I can’t understand the vitriol, the name calling, the Christian Nationalist take on Christ…. I hunch these people, while somehow feel like victims, don’t understand democracy. These days both Orwell’s 1984 and the rise of the third reich are echoed loudly. Save democracy. Vote for sanity and love of country and constitution. These are times unlike any in the lifetimes of those now alive..
Remember when we thought 1984 and Fahrenheit 451 were fiction?
I don't get the "don't know what she stands for", do they not listen to anyone or watch anything? Granted she's NOT as familiar as Don-old BUT she's only had a couple of months to put a campaign together and we have a big country. She never expected this and as much as I appreciate President Biden and thank him for his years of service, he let his ego get in the way. I would vote for Jack The Ripper before Trump but I was concerned about Biden for probably the last year. Kamala has been all over the place doing interviews, podcasts and rallies. They are posted on many platforms. She's NOT hard to find.
I AM a little concerned that all Kamala's Nevada trips have been to Las Vegas. Jill Biden popped in for a minute a couple of days ago. It wasn't even really publicized. Tim Walz had a good rally not long ago but Kamala doesn't show much interest.
There are a couple of VERY experienced campaigners and pollsters, James Carville for one, that I think have some very good criticism of what she is doing and what she needs to do to change course a bit. Personally, I am surprised she is riding so close to Bidens coat tails. SHE is TALKING about a change and yet when asked she said she wouldn't change a thing. THAT will NOT help her, unless, of course it's the truth and then we're screwed anyway. As POTUS she was in NO position to publicly speak against any of his policies but now SHE is creating her OWN administration and should be going her OWN way and if she feels differently about an issue...border maybe?..she needs to say so.
I don't CARE if Joe's feelings get hurt. We are ALL going to have our feelings hurt when Don-old puts him hand on HIS bible and lies through his teeth about protecting the Constitution. Others are really going to be hurt when he sics the DOJ on them and arrests them, and they are indicted for speaking out against him. Who will be the American Navalny? You think NOT? Why did h e want immunity so badly. He was setting himself up for the chaos to come. I am really sick over this and that is NOT hyperbole.
We all remain aghast at how close this remains, but am seeing a lot of parallels not to Nazi Germany [am an optimist] but more to what occurred when the Nationalist party assumed power in South Africa and swept in laws to divide people by race. The apartheid museum in Johannesburg details how it happened. Don’t think people appreciate the tyranny that government can impose, and ironically so must support for Trump seems to be from people who really don’t want government interference. The Declaration of Independence promises us life liberty and the pursuit of happiness. All of us, not just some of us.
I think we need Barack Obama and Michelle Obama campaigning and doing non stop rallies too.
By L.D. Michaels (with more than a little help from Charles Dickens)
It should be noted
That I've rarely ever voted.
What difference does one vote make?
Is it really worth my time to take?
I'll devise a lie
Why I passed it by.
So tonight, I'll start a book to say
It mesmerized me right through Election Day.
What better book to read than Dickens
In which each page the plot thickens.
It will divert me till the polls close.
It's the best excuse to interpose.
To get me past November 5th
"A Christmas Carol" is the ideal myth.
As the sunset fades,
I lower my shades
And settle into bed
With this book I've never read
With a faint bedside light
That dims my sight
I begin the first page,
Immortalized by age:
"Marley was dead; to begin with."
This will last past November 5th.
I read on that Scrooge was to await 3 Spirits
That Marley’s ghost told him would visit.
As I read through the pages,
The Spirits emerged from the ages
At the tolling of Scrooge's bell
To lead him to Heaven or to Hell.
Each night as the bell tolled
Scrooge's past and present did unfold
On each visitation, the Spirit let him see
How morally bankrupt his life has come to be.
Over many days of reading,
I cringed at Scrooge's pleadings
To the Ghosts of Christmas Present and Past
Having lived a greedy life in which the die was cast.
Awaiting the Spirit of Christmas Future to appear,
It was the future that Scrooge had the most to fear
When judgment for his sins he would hear.
I continue to read at a faster pace
To learn what sins Scrooge will face.
But I begin to wonder if I were in Scrooge's place
What sins would the Spirit of the Future call upon me to face?
Could Heaven possibly punish me for avoiding to vote?
It's such a minor sin the Lord would never take note.
I tremble with fright awaiting Scrooge's fate
As I strive to stay awake in my half-sleep state.
My reading slows down to a snail's pace,
As I begin to drift off to the sleep I'll embrace.
My mind drifts as I begin to envision
The potential consequences of my own decision.
I continue to read and imagine the worst
Would the Spirit address Scrooge or possibly me first?
Did I just read "The bell tolls" on the next page?
Or was it a figment of my old age?
Or did I hear the bell with my own ears,
Or did I dream it from my rising fears?
Am I awake or asleep?
A hooded black-draped vision now appears without a peep.
An unearthly apparition appears before me,
Whether friend or foe I am unable to see.
My blood turns cold.
I must be bold.
Is this ghost as real as he seems?
Or is he a figment of my heat-oppressed dreams?
He offered an outstretched hand,
Which I took as a gesture to stand
To get ready to see the future land.
"I beg thee Spirit to speak to me
So that I can believe what I hear and see.
If you are here for me,
Then tell me my fate
And if I can change it
Before it's too late."
"I've come " said the Spirit "to reveal the future to you
Because without your vote and that of others too
You'll see that what lies ahead
Will be four years of misery and dire dread".
"Touch my robe" to me he then said.
As my left hand clutched the Spirit's black robe
I expected to see the future unfold.
The Spirit took my arm with a cold tight fist,
And off we flew into a thick dark mist.
And when we emerged, it was now the 4th of July,
With Trump at the helm having barely squeaked by
With 1 Electoral College vote more than Harris could supply
Because of low voter turnout no one could deny.
Trump returned to the Capitol his mob had stormed
But this time to be sworn in with a government to form.
He had proven that lies, hatred and bigotry
Were a winning formula for election glee.
Justice Alito gave the inaugural prayer
For which Trump took credit with an egotistical air.
Trump, he said, was to serve as an Apostle of Jesus
Banning all abortions (though with his usual distortions)..
The Gospel of Jesus Trump would spread from sea to sea
To convert our country into a Christian theocracy.
And if successful, Alito agreed to propose
That this con man be deified after he rose.
His inaugural speech went over an hour.
It rambled and rambled and quickly turned sour.
The only real theme was self congratulation
And the size of the crowd admiring his oration.
The rest was babel that revealed his mental deterioration
Which progressively worsened as he promised mass deportation.
All eyes were then on Vance whom everyone believed
Was calculating his chance that Trump would be relieved.
The takeaway on Trump was that he was out on a limb
And would make a deal with Vance to pardon him.
The House and Senate also went red
By only a couple of votes that caused this dread.
The narrowest of margins across the land
Gave Trump and Congress the right to command.
Together they passed the most oppressive laws
Aimed at freedoms to which they now closed the doors.
Trump quickly appointed his lackey AG
Who dismissed all his indictments with alacrity.
He also declared that Trump could do no wrong
Now armed with full immunity and a hit-list 10 yards long.
Having warned the country he would be a dictator
Trump's first six months was a reign of terror.
With revenge against his opponents at the fore,
He rained down arrests, lawsuits and prosecutions galore.
White Male Christian Supremacy was the platform advanced
And implementing Project 2025 was given to JD Vance.
With Vance as Trump's Goebbels and Himmler rolled into one,
Reducing non-whites to second-class citizens he had deftly done
As he denounced all women who produced neither daughters nor sons.
Dripping with smoothness, polish and ooze,
Vance is being groomed to step into Trump's shoes.
Hidden behind a beard and feigned suavity,
He's a rabid champion of White Supremacy.
To enforce the new laws of the land
Trump looks to his faithful January 6 clan.
He sprung and pardoned the entire lot
And recognized over 700 of them to be America's Patriots
(Including those who assaulted or killed Capitol cops.)
To memorialize their heroism on that glorious day
Trump declared January 6 a federal holiday.
Uniformed, armed and reporting only to him
The Proud Boys and others are to serve his every whim.
"Be there. Will be wild!" is again Trump's call
To report to duty and give Trump their all.
Trump's first order was to round up migrants and "vermin"
Which the Proud Boys had the discretion to determine.
Trump's "Day of Violence" lasted 10 weeks.
Doors were busted down as they lay in their sleep
Like the Jews in Paris seized by the Nazi elite.
Bloodied families and children were herded into box car lots,
And when the country was outraged, all Trump would say was "So what!"
The unstable huckster showed no end to his iniquities
From filling his Cabinet with sycophants and misfit employees.
To purging civil servants who couldn't prove their MAGA loyalties
To cutting down Medicare, Social Security and other benefits,
To granting tax breaks to the rich that causes huge deficits.
To the elimination of the Department of Education
To enable red state far-right indoctrination.
Finally, to the Spirit of the Future, I quoted Dickens: :
"Spirit - Show me no more. Take me back"
"These things you have shown me - Must they come to pass
or could the future be different?"
"Why show me this if these are the shadows of things that must be
or are they the shadows of things that may be?”
'Why show me this if I am beyond all hope?"
"Spirit. I am not the man I was ! "
That was the last I saw of the ghost.
He vanished into thin air as I awoke.
My eyes opened from a very deep sleep
With Dickens' "A Christmas Carol" at my feet.
I was shivering in a cold sweat
I must have dreamt it all, I would bet.
But the dream was so real
That it made my feel
So cheap that I would sacrifice my vote
To enable a con-man to gloat.
But it was the dream I needed
To show me what I should have heeded
That the right to vote
Carries a duty to vote
If not for my sake
But because our democracy is at stake.
"I am not the man I was ." I kept mumbling
"I am not the man I was !" I started to shout.
"I am not the man I was!!" I shouted even louder
I don't know if I have cause to hope
That I have not missed my chance to vote.
I ran to the window and shouted to a boy:
"What's today, my fine fellow?"
"Why today? It's Election Day" he bellowed.
Then I haven't missed it and replied:
"Ask when the polls close of any driver
And come back in 20 minutes and I'll give you a dollar.
Come back in ten and I'll give you a fiver."
The polls are still open, and vote I will
Freedom loving Americans have a duty to fulfill.
"Ask not for whom the bell tolls. It tolls for thee" (John Donne, 1572-1631)
As I think back upon last night's drama,
It was likely an hallucination that produced my trauma.
But I still churned round and round my dream
As to why it felt as real as it seemed.
Round and round I twisted my ring
As I tried to sort out this curious thing.
As I kept turning my ring back and forth
Appearing under it were threads of black cloth
How curious it was that the hand with this ring
Was the same one I used to help me cling
To the hooded Spirit's black robe
When he transported me into the Future to probe.
L.D. this is waaaaay too long of a post, sorry.
Then you are REALLY going to hate mine. Feel free to pass it by. I liked that poem and it did make the point. I'm going to copy it Sorry.
Thank you Pamela.
Thank you Mari for your constructive comment. I thought that it was as long as was needed to get my points across, especially the need to vote. You were certainly free to stop reading at any time if you wished.