Congressional Republican CHOOSE to operate at the whim of Trumpists. Please call your moderate former colleagues, and urge them to support a moderate Republican candidate for Speaker of the House, I am sure that they’ll find a sufficient number of Democrats who will join them in their effort. Fear and inaction drives the caucus right now. Moderate Republicans have the power, they must exercise it.

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They do. The challenge is moderates by nature don’t like standing alone

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Now is the time for all good moderates from both Parties to come to the aid of our nation….to band together for the good of our country. We did not elect them to be timid or to allow themselves to be mowed down by far right fanatics. They will be heroes if they stand up now!

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And what of the possibility that a sufficient number of Republicans be persuaded to support Hakeem Jeffries for Speaker? Their majority is thin enough to carry just about zero symbolic weight.

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The Republican majority won’t elect a Democratic Speaker. Is it a splendid idea? I think so. But we have to be realistic about what is possible, and a unity candidate is more palatable to Republicans than a Democrat. We simply cannot have a Jordan or a Scalise….

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Suggestions like this belong in the public dialogue regardless of how likely they are to gain immediate influence.

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Yes they do ! Everything should be on the table.

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My father served in WWII (Army) and shared with me about how the War Department would sent Army Talk sheets. One he kept was on Facism. It was issued on 24 March 1945. All of these Army Talk Orientation Fact Sheets are now available to the public to read. I will include the link at the end of this post. I am a Gold Star family and I am for the first time, truly afraid for our country. I am disappointed in General's who served in the White House with Trump (and even the one's that didn't) who haven't started speaking out about what a clear and present danger this man is to our Democracy. The moderate Republican's in the People's House need to find their backbones and remember why they are in Washington DC; to represent the PEOPLE WHO ELECTED THEM - not DJT. Keep up the good fight Adam!


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Wow thanks

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Thanks for sharing the talk sheet. Interesting reading. Hope more people will take a look.

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Thank you for sounding the alarm! It's real. Keep talking Adam, we are listening and hoping but most of all we are mobilizing! Even the introverts like me.

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Good, and i will!

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I fear the angels are being drowned out by the devils among us. We must organize and repel this growing insurrection.

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Thanks for the incisive summary. We need to keep our attention focused on the issues, not be distracted by dog bites. Democracy is on the ballot.

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Angel reporting for duty

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Frank article, yet beautifully hopeful in conclusion. Thank you, Adam. I’ll be doing you Menlo Park on the 28th, and very much looking forward to it.

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Abe's twin separated by a couple of centuries is you, Adam. This must be required reading for Donald Trump & his mini-me's like Jim Jordan:

“We are not enemies, but friends. We must not be enemies. Though passion may have strained, it must not break our bonds of affection. The mystic chords of memory will swell when again touched, as surely they will be, by the better angels of our nature.”

Lincoln knew the struggle, like ours, would be long and uncertain but he never wavered in his faith. Neither should we."

Keep the faith.


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Living in a Florida area where Flynn and Steube call home I have to admit I don’t feel safe to express my anti-trumpism views. I was always proud to be a Republican because I felt patriotism and self reliance was representative of my party. So sad.

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You are bearing a larger burden than most of us. Thank you for your activism.

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Agreed..."beginning with an election process in which the Electoral College enables minority rule of the White House, the Senate, and the courts." I believe there are two major things that affect our political system in a negative way: the Electoral College (an outdated model) and the enormous money in politics (which leads to corruption and bias). Fix these two, and we will be far better off.

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PS. when I was writing the novel, "In The Wake Of Chaos" by Delaina Layne, I warned people how Trump's actions were parallel in many ways to the rise of Hitler. I received a lot of push back from those ideas and was told I was crazy. Hmmmm...time will tell, eh?

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I sincerely needed to read this today. Bless you for having written it.

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Project 2025 lays it all out there. Sometimes I just think "stick a fork in us, we're done" and there is NOTHING positive on any of the legacy media. This is a fight to the "death".

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In the process of looking for some inspiration and light in these divided and dark times, I stumbled upon this piece entitled, "Ronald Reagan and 'The Shining City Upon the Hill'". It gave me some hope that there still IS hope. I do believe that we can eventually rise above the state we are in -- but it will not be happening overnight. It will take the work of all of the Angels that Adam so eloquently spoke of. And for those of us who are not directly involved in politics, the beginning of change may first come at the personal and local level, of which Reagan described. It will be a long journey, but I personally am not giving up.

(Disclosure: I am not familiar at all with the organization that featured this article, nor am I promoting it. It seems to be a Christian-based group -- but the words that Reagan spoke here were for EVERYONE, of all faiths (or none). I was just inspired by his words).


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The only path forward is for the Republican Party to go the way of the Whigs in the 1850’s thereby allowing the nascent Republican Party to coalesce into the election winner it became. The way to do that is to beat the crap out of Republican candidates everywhere - starting now!

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A very depressing, sobering (but accurate) analysis of our current political situation. Count me among those who thinks that the situation is going to get much, much worse before it gets better..............IF it ever gets better.

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