MAGA is a terrorist group. Full stop.

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The cavalier attitude the “swatters” seem to take is alarming. Human suffering and even death is possible but not a thought is given to what the possible outcomes could be. So little regard for others. These are the same kinds of people who find enjoyment in plowing into pedestrians with their vehicles or purposely mowing down bicycle riders as we’ve seen recently in the news. There needs to be harsh punishments for these actions and I’m encouraged by the reports that some are addressing this issue even now with legislation. The problem with swatting is it’s often difficult to trace where and by whom the call was placed. Technology savvy culprits seem to have the upper hand. I read your op ed online this morning. I hope those in power to do something, will.

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I wonder if there is an effort underway to break through the obstacles and make robust call tracing mandatory.

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I asked myself the same thing. Just like social media, many people are vicious under the cloak of anonymity.

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Sadly, yes. It's amazing how the evil actors in the world use the cloak of anonymity to harm others, from those in our own country as related by Adam, to the terrorist organizations such as Hamas, Hezbollah, the Houthies(sp?), Isis and other bad actors supported by Autocratic regimes.

We need to find a way to minimize or eliminate their hiding places and bring them out of the shadows. We need to identify and prosecute anyone and everyone who breaks the law to the fullest extent allowed by law.

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That’s definitely something that should be investigated. If our officials (FBI, CIA et.al.) can go after J6 criminals and find them perhaps they can identify these criminals too.

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I think it is very likely that Insane Clown's threats of mayhem if he doesn't get presidential immunity has put the fear into the appeals court judges and that is why almost a month has passed without a decision. Perfectly understandable but this is how Democracies die.

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I too have been wondering lately why the appeals court is taking so long.

To me the answer is crystal clear: NO PERSON, REGARDLESS OF POSITION, IS ABOVE THE LAW. Therefore Trump's claims of absolute immunity are false. Every person is entitled to a fair trial. Trump's trial(s) should begin on schedule to determine his guilt or innocence.

I don't understand why the appeals court hasn't ruled on this yet.

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PS, sorry for shouting 😏

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Adam, I am sorry this happened to you and all the others who are just serving fellow Americans. Besides felony charges these perpetrators should have to repay for the swat cost. I am still praying daily for you and your family's safety!

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People should go to jail and or be HEAVILY fined for this and tried for first degree murder if some is harmed.

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That was terrifying and I wasn’t even there. Stay safe Adam.

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There must be ways to prevent these police from storming into one’s home. Can’t they trace a call before investigating it? Or make up fictitious names for people whose names are always in the news? Or have these families move to safe places? There has to be ways of preventing swatting!!!!

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We have been swatted several times over the past few years and finally relocated so it will take some time before they figure out to where - regardless, local LEO are aware of our situation. I'm accustomed to the death threats and at least now we're in a position to defend ourselves leveraging our 2A legally. I'm quite familiar with white nationalist militias and personally pissed one off by stealing their poster boy. ;-) The previous reply before is correct - MAGA is a terrorist group and our domestic enemies - they're doing Putin's dirty work. We're watching "Red Dawn" unfold from within - eventually an invasion will be easy to pull off once the clear divide begins in the nation.

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These are the same people who say our taxes are too high and government is wasteful. Gee, I wonder why? In addition, these are the same folks who complain about all the laws we have but make it necessary to enact more!

What a world!

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Adam, sorry this happened to you. I hope you recognize that much of the swatting that occurs today originates with Trump and his sick followers. Please do all you can to make sure that horrid human being never returns to power. Thanks in advance. And I'd love to see you go head to head with Cruz (or Trump).

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I think that the idea IS to get someone killed, horrifying as that is to contemplate.

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Sadly, this is not going to stop, until Donald J Trump tells his minions to stand down…and he won’t. He feels that folks being willing to do such things in his support speaks to the strength of his arguments. People will be killed, but it will be seen as righteous by the perpetrators..

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He feels his “mafia speak” is giving directions to his personal militia and it makes him appear strong and powerful. Whatever he can do to make up for his insecurities and “small man” syndrome.

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Donald Trump does not give a damn about anyone else on the planet. That was obvious all through his Presidency and highlighted on 1/6/21. During his insurrection he actually wanted more violence. His minions could have been mowed down on the Capitol steps or members of Congress (or his VP) lynched and his reaction would have shown no empathy for the dead or injured. He is a very sick individual who should be in a padded cell not the White House.

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Adam, thank you for sharing this and so sorry that this happened to you. This is disgraceful and has been happening more often and things are getting more and more violent. It has to stop, however, I am afraid it will get worse before it gets better. My late dad, passed away last year, always said to me that he didn’t understand what this world is coming to. He got quite worked up over things that were happening.

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I can say, Adam, that I have been the questioned one twice as a result of idiot calls to the police. In defense of Law Enforcement, I have never been treated with anything but respect by the police, even when they were following up on idiotic calls. I believe or I hope the officers know how much I love them. A Pennsylvania state officer might have saved my life in 2013. Asking an officer for a date tends to be a conversation-stopper, but maybe they get that a lot. As I was never a hellraiser that they had to pay attention to, we at worst coexist peacefully.

Sorry you've needed to use your skills to deflect stupid people. You are not alone. All my personal and professional best to you and your loved ones.

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Sorry to hear you were swatted. Too many people have used government resources for terrorism and simple harassment (nonsense “welfare calls” - someone did this to me) and not been charged for the expense to community for its police department or as in your case and others - the possible risk of loss of life. Don’t tell me that Republicans are a party of Law and Order when no one condemns this 💩.

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Legislators are obvious victims, most of them are public and also make somebody mad. It seems that most of the swatting is against Democrat and left leaning persons but MTG says SHE go swatted and if so i will cry a crocodile tear but at the same time I realize how serious this is. There MUST be legislation that creates consequences, and pretty severe ones for these actions and I don't know if that would be local, state, or federal laws. I guess it would depend on who is swatted and who is doing the swatting.

However the laws are formed they must be clear and concise and swatters must be harshly punished. These acts are so terrible dangerous. Perhaps something else congress should think about while twiddling their thumbs or playing their fiddles.

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