Darkness Vs Light. Tim Scott Chose Darkness
Tiny Donald beer-bonged hate and rage into the mouths of Scott's applauders
We knew it was coming, but it still makes me sick to see it. The inevitable avalanche of endorsements for the crazy Donald. I could go though the list for you, but what’s the point. If they haven’t endorsed him yet they will, and the vacuous drive of political power will hit sixth gear.
Tim Scott’s endorsement of fat Don hit me in the feels, as the kids (used to?) say. I know Tim. We were elected together in the class of 2010. We were both named to serve on Speaker elect Boehner’s transition team, dealing with everything from office space assignments to scheduling the house floor to be more friendly for families while maximizing work time. I got to know Tim immediately, and from jump street I believed he would be the kind of transformational person that could take the GOP to new heights. I predicted many times in private, and public, that he was my dark horse prediction for President someday. When he announce last year I thought, “this will be great.” It wasn’t, and today I must admit I was mistaken.
Tim is a man of deep faith, committed to keeping his morals in his personal life, and in my opinion has been unfairly attacked for that. But in public, there is a massive blind spot. Stressing your believe in no sex before marriage seems quite hollow when you endorse a man like Trump. Talking about walking the GOP into a new conservative and welcoming future seems laughable when you bow the knee to the Orange traitor. Yet, its what happened yesterday, and it tells a broader story. The corruption of the Church, the GOP, and personal souls.
Many ask me why the modern day church has become so angry, afraid, and divisive. It’s a good, and sad question, given that Jesus himself repeatedly eschewed involvement in politics, rebellion against government, and fear. It’s the opposite of everything he taught. I believe that he would have been taking repeated trips today to Latin America, and walking with the legions of people traveling to our border. Not because he was all for open borders, but because he cared about the downtrodden. And who is more downtrodden than those who leave their homes, and families, on a dangerous journey to a better life? He didn’t care about policy. Not that caring about policy is wrong, it isn’t, but it wasn’t in Jesus’ calling and character.
Many evangelicals today wrongly believe that Jesus would be endorsing weak Don. That he would hold Trump in an embrace and whisper in his ear “I’m covering you in my power.” He wouldn’t of course, but maybe he would spend time with Don because after all, as he said, Its “the sick who need a doctor.” He would love Trump as he loves us all, but would despise his words and actions. In the depth of their hearts the evangelicals know this. They have to. Its why they are so angry and bitter. Nobody following the path of peace would feel so angry and afraid. To admit this, however, is unthinkable.
We each, daily, fight a battle in our hearts. It’s a battle of light against darkness. Pushing back racist tendencies and mistrust is difficult, but it’s a worthy fight. Ending the rage at your fellow American is hard. But when someone in authority loudly proclaims that the darkness of your heart is actually the truth, and that evil is good and good is evil, it gives permission for the darkness to win and the fight to cease. It feels good. Darkness exists because it takes away a choice, and makes life, for the moment, seem easier and sensical. But allow it to take root for more than a fleeting moment, and it destroys you. Not just emotionally or mentally, but physically. It’s no coincidence that lifespan is decreasing as stress, mistrust, and hate is increasing. Any medical professional will tell you that this manifests itself in acidic wear on your cells.
Which takes me back to Tim Scott. This good man (I truly to believe this) made the unconscious decision to let the darkness win. He stood on stage as tiny Donny repeated the lie that the January 6th committee destroyed all the evidence, as dopey Don blamed Nikki Haley for the security failure at the Capitol, and beer bonged darkness into the open throats of his followers. It probably felt great. Praise is invigorating, applause is intoxicating, and I can personally said when the narcissist welcomes you into the pack you feel safe. But the brain worms chew, the cortisol flows, and the body and soul withers away. It’s a HELL of a price to pay for fleeting glory, but unfortunately many are numb to the cost.
So what can we do? Take stewardship of our own lives. Be healthy, shed stress, and steel ourselves for the next year to come. Don’t let dark Donald infect you, think of the light, and speak truth every moment you can into the evil that is growing. If you, like me, are a person of faith, find a faith community that doesn’t abuse you or spoon feed rage. Find one that helps you grow, smile and enjoy our life. There are enough hardships without fighting ghosts.
As for Tim, I can only pray he sees the truth and has the courage to change course. If he does, I hope we welcome him with open arms. Until he does, I hope we fight the lies like our nation depends on it. Because it does.
God Bless.
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I don't know if this is an actual medical condition, but I'm suffering from Donald Trump fatigue. I can't stand anything about him. He just brings me down. He has no redeeming qualities and I'm sick and tired of hearing about him. He needs to lose 2024 and sail away to the back of our history books where nobody ever reads.
Growing up a devout Southern Baptist, I applaud your commentary while longing for the good old days when our message was about love and forgiveness, redemption and good works. I too hoped that Tim would not take this road. He could have been a great addition to our community of truth tellers.