I don't know if this is an actual medical condition, but I'm suffering from Donald Trump fatigue. I can't stand anything about him. He just brings me down. He has no redeeming qualities and I'm sick and tired of hearing about him. He needs to lose 2024 and sail away to the back of our history books where nobody ever reads.
I'm not even joking. I suffer from severe migraines and he triggers them. Our pitbull who was rescued from a fighting ring hides behind the couch when he is on TV and just growls swear to God. This dog used to be forced to fight and now he hides from Donald Trump because he annoys him that much!
I certainly agree with you but remember our media is profit driven by millionaires who believe this will make them wealthier; the reporting on Trump to the exclusion of everything else is designed to increase their 💵💵💵 and they do not care about whit about the damage they are doing. Find people like Adam here on Substack. Do not listen to the TV news. They are all hypnotized into a cult of must share every minute detail that bag of empty wind speaks, tweets, or puts on his Truth Social. Stay away from his face, reports on his rallies, etc. Those people cheering at rallies follow him all over the country; they are obsessed. You do not have to be. Maintain hope, exercise, enjoy your family and friends. We must live through this storm and VOTE 🌊🌊🌊 throughout the year. Don’t let the orange monster steal your life!
This is why there needs to be an age limitation and an age cutoff for presidency. Both Biden and Trump are too old. We need youngblood. Are you listening Adam Kinzinger?
At least the media isn't reporting on planes that fly into skyscrapers. I can always change the channel when Donnieweenie feels like he needs media attention. Still, the most recent phenomenon: HIS sound bites (bytes? IDK) - on friggin' YouTube as commercial messages between songs. I turn on the tunes because I don't give a s*** what he's talking about. If I was interested in anything at all that he was saying, I wouldn't be listening to the music. Uh, Helloooo, Donnieweenie! How absurdly clueless of him.
I want Adam to run the country. I would love to see him in a position of power that cannot be redistricted, where he is like the last word on ev-ery-thing. It would be fitting. I would thank him (and praise him) with my presidential vote.
Don the con looks like crap. He's had 2 siblings & an ex-wife die recently. His mother in law just died. Like old wayne LaPierre & his" shrinking brain", now that it's time for him to be held accountable, old man time is having his way with trump. He will be history sooner rather than later & oh what a place in history he will have.
Seems to me that Trump needs to retreat back the Mar-a-Lago and spend his days watching Fox News and being driven around on a golf cart. He looks terrible, especially in the few photos I've seen where he's not wearing the orange clown makeup. And he rambles like a dementia patient. He seems to think that Nikki Haley used to be Speaker of the House.
Is anybody helping him bathe? I wonder at how many feet/ yards/ hectares that smell precedes him. How Linus of him. A blanket for carry-around purposes would complete the look.
I don't know, though it doesn't sound like the issue is Trump not bathing, which wouldn't make sense considering how much of a vain germophobe Trump is. Someone who worked with Trump on The Apprentice has said that he has been wearing adult diapers for a long time, starting in the 1990s, because his digestive system has been damaged due to all the substances he had been ingesting. I even saw an account by someone who claims that he witnessed Trump being asked to leave a restaurant in the early 1980s because other guests complained about his smell.
Off he went to the back of the history book where nobody ever reads. As a matter of fact, rumours has already begun swirling about the bottom-line potential of just abridging those history books to put the back of the book, starting with the first chapter that nobody reads, on the chopping block.
I know, I can't wait until I don't have to hear about him anymore. Almost nine years of listening to Trump's whining idiocy almost every day takes its toll (I can't believe it's been that long). And the fact that so many people in this country still support him, or don't seem to care, is so demoralizing. Trump fatigue, what the MAGAs derisively call 'Trump Derangement Syndrome,' is a real thing.
We're taking a break from politics tonight. Watching our home team, the Lions make their historic way to the super bowl. It's a great feeling and I don't have to think about that stuff, politics and all
Growing up a devout Southern Baptist, I applaud your commentary while longing for the good old days when our message was about love and forgiveness, redemption and good works. I too hoped that Tim would not take this road. He could have been a great addition to our community of truth tellers.
This is what cults do. It makes me sad to think that so many good people have turned to Trump and believe his lies. I wish no harm on these people. I want them to find their way but I am sick of Trump taking advantage of their vulnerability and they're eagerness to please. Maybe it's the dark Scorpio in me. Maybe it's because I'm Gen X it's like I'm Donald Trump proof. Nothing he says ever gets through to me except the lies and I don't believe them. I wish other people would understand how toxic he is for their lives.
The message of love, forgiveness, redemption, and good works is the message I have always heard. I feel for those of you who have been judged hypocritical because some of "yours" couldn't separate business and pleasure, preaching and politics. You're not a manipulator by association. Fairy tales usually have short half-lives, nebulously speaking.
"...steel ourselves for the next year to come". I love that. You've written a very insightful piece here, at a time when it is very easy to allow ourselves to be discouraged. Personally, I am going to work to not let that discouragement overtake me. I fully believe that there remains an inextinguishable ember beneath all of this darkness... which will gradually gain more strength and brilliance. I know that sounds somewhat vague and intangible, but it's something I believe in -- as long as we hold on to strength, courage, and tenacity to nurture and feed that flame.
Adam, I, for one, do understand. And I have seen and heard evangelical politic-nobbers nearer to me than I would have imagined. Not too hard to figure why I'm not scurrying off to Sunday School anymore. My faith is unchanged, and unaffected; I no longer will make time for political sermons in the name of Jesus.
For every friend that disappoints you, you'll have one who won't. -- Your friend Dan
Keep us in the light with help from good people who love life, our fellow Americans, the global world. We WILL prevail. Do not despair and give up now. This is it.
There have always been dark, false prophets. Good people succumb to them for a variety of reasons-power, fear of not belonging, ambition, etc. The Republican Party seems to be cannibalizing itself right now. I have seen a lot of BS in my life, McCarthy communism investigations, Vietnam War, other recent wars etc. I think Liz Cheney may be right. It’s going to take the GOP awhile to digest all the horse shit they’ve eaten and then regurgitate it all out before they can figure out how ridiculous they have become. Let’s help the electorate help them get on with it by getting out the vote for the remaining sane politicians.
I’m seeing a lot of moroseness over T man here. That’s understandable, but not helpful. Time to get creative and use our energy to help more voters understand why he needs to lose big time!!!
The title of Horseshit Party didn't occur even to me. Hilarious!
How would you yourself help more voters understand that his political career needs to already be three years dead? I'm not patronizing you. I'm asking seriously about your ideas. Telling everybody that he's full of shit seems to do little to sway his support.
I am a writer, among other things. Feel free to give me your honest feedback on this.
Vote Trump:
If you want to have one radio and TV station; Fox News and one social media platform, Truth Social.
If you want to register with the police when you cross a state line; the police need to know where you are at all times in case they want to search and seize you without provocation or a warrant.
If you want to be on the “suspects” list because the Red Shirts or a neighbor heard you say something “suspicious” or disloyal to the Tin Man.
If you are Muslim, Jew, Native American, Black, Yellow, LBGTQ, or anyone other than white Christian because the GOP will give you a card certifying you voted for the right party,
(But don’t be surprised if they decide to dishonor it tomorrow)
If you are a military man or woman, because you don’t want to be considered a “loser”because you are of no value as an American. Why weren’t you out making money?
I will add more, but I wanted to try this out, so here’s my first shot!
I read Tim Scott’s book and believed his values were in tact. When he dropped out of the race, I thought perhaps he was angling for the vice presidency. But if he thought he could change the deplorable front runner, Scott might be deemed delusional.
You think hearing about it was bad. Actually HEARING it was very disturbing. It was like he was imitating Bob Barker. Those of us older here remember that.
Sorry Adam but Christian faith has nothing to do with morality and decency. That's a false narrative the church has been selling for centuries. So called, devout Christians, routinely bend their ideology to conform to their own, personal wants/desires.
Tim Scott joins millions of Christians supporting a non-church going, womanizing, malignant narcissist, buffoon for the highest public office. Trump is, truly, one of the worst human beings the human race has ever produced and the people who claim to be most noble, decent, morally upstanding humans, support him in droves.
I, for one, have known for a long time how hypocritical Christians can be so I'm not surprised. I'm only surprised that people still think Christians represent the best of us. Nothing can be further from the truth.
Well said, Dan! A lot of Christians I’ve met (but certainly not all) seem to think they are morally superior. A few have attempted to proselytize me, but I’ve told them I have my own spiritual path based on a lifetime of personal experience and plenty of introspection. I really don’t care what your religion is or whether you are an agnostic or atheist. I care how you treat me and others and what are your personal and moral values. Talk is cheap, but actions are more revealing. I’m mostly interested in people who walk their talk, regardless of what they call themselves or what religion or non- religion they profess! I try to treat people the way I like to be treated.
Thanks Bob. You hit on something that irks me to no end...Christian's who think they are morally superior (despite so much evidence to the contrary). If these Christian's actually read ancient scripture, they might see the vile behavior in the bibles (yes, plural). Instead, they are Cafeteria Christian's who choose what they want to read and adhere to.
Here's an indisputable fact: We do NOT know how we got here. We do know we have inherent behaviors. As a wise man once said, "One of the greatest tragedies in mankind's entire history may be that morality has been hijacked by religion".
Christians are no better at being good human beings than anyone else so people should stop being surprised they support a terrible human being like Donald Trump.
Christians have a choice as to whether they are going to be Christ-followers and that has a cost: learning what Jesus would say and do in the age that they live in, living it, and that includes speaking out against untruth and religious hypocrisy, whatever the personal cost. To the extent that this doesn't happen, it is terribly sad. It is unfortunate, that you are not seeing a representation of what the Church is called to be and do in every age and in this one.
You're confirming my point that Christians, by default, are not morally superior to ANYONE else. Wearing a cross, going to church and saying "I'm a Christian" gives no one a leg up on being a good person. Unfortunately, too many of the Christian faithful think it does. Their actions prove otherwise.
P.S. The most likely reality is that Christ was a prophet who had a large following. The powers-that-be, at the time, didn't like the influence he had and gave him a choice, 'we kill you or your followers'. He sacrificed himself.
All of the supernatural, far-fetched stories beyond that were fabricated.
Well, actually, as per my comment, any Christian who gives off the feeling that (or even believes) in their own moral superiority, is not applying what I said about knowing what Jesus taught and following it. All one has to do is read the first four books of the New Testament to see what Jesus had to say about such things to know that He came to the sick and the broken and the sinner, not the morally superior. His interactions with the religious authorities (and as you say, they wanted to put him to death because he showed them up for the hypocrites they were) makes that clear enough for anyone to understand who is willing to. However, it is quite easy to not examine what Jesus had to say, just because some people fail to follow it.
Well, the question then, if Jesus (or some other outside-of-the natural, material world) doesn't exist, is how you prove that there is a right and wrong that can be measured. Morality and decency will become only what one can determine relative to their own feelings and assessments; as per Hitlerites, Trumpies, or anyone else.
Christians and non-Christians alike are all hypocrites. We all have something that we hide or explain away in certain circumstances only to find ourselves in that same place all over again. We all try not to be, but we aren’t very good at really looking at ourselves and being honest about what we see.
Joan Bailey - Agreed. The difference is non-Christians don't go around pretending to be all "high and mighty". Enough with the self-righteous preaching (then doing something completely opposite).
well-not sure about that- people in other religions are self-righteous and hypocritical too- especially those who are the most radical in any particular religion.
Agreed but I limited my comments to Christianity since Adam's comments mentioned Tim's "faith" and he's a Christian. People should stop being surprised when a person of faith does something that is antithetical to their ideology. Religious faith does not equal decency. Let's stop pretending it does.
"Tim is a man of deep faith, committed to keeping his morals in his personal life..."
I suspect, obviously no proof, that Trump or a surrogate, contacted Scott and proffered 2 "options." One was to support Trump or you will be primaried. The second was a threat on a personal level (safety, or we have dirt on you) in Mob Boss fashion. Or a combination of both. GOP Reps. and Sens. and/or staffers have been talking about this. Stefanik is just nuts, but people like Doug Burgum, it makes me wonder....
It is incredibly sad to see a rising star like Tim Scott cave to the crass authoritarianism of Donald Trump. It does make me wonder if the smart, principled, devout persona was just a sham. How any actual Christian of any flavor other than christofascist could endorse Donald J Trump is beyond my comprehension. The only way that I can reconcile it, is to believe that they were never who they told us that they were. RIP, conscience of Tim Scott.
That was intense, troubling, but the truth. I believe we have to be true to ourselves, take care of others, love as we would like to be loved and speak the truth at all times if possible. We're human too. But as Michael Jackson says, "I'm starting with the man in the mirror." And no matter which way 2024 goes, we can hold our head and heart up high.
Do you really think Tim Scott is doing it "unconsciously"? Surely he KNOWS what he's doing, and he's choosing power and favor with the cult leader over righteousness.
Good people do not endorse someone who is so rotten. Tim Scott is just another opportunist who has sold his soul for power. His morals, ethics, religious beliefs have been set aside. It’s an age old story but you know it when we see it. I thought he might be different a few years ago, but he’s just another bad egg who has lost his moral clarity. Who on earth can endorse a rapist? It’s unbelievable. Women are watching all of this.
SOOO Wonderfully, Anointedly Well Said!! You truly have the Right Heart of God - for people & for this Nation - keep preaching it! I pray MANY with share these Truths with those who can make a difference! Bless you again - for all you do!! IF ONLY you would run for office - I would INDEED vote for YOU!! as it is - with Haley & DeSantis denying our country was never racist - which insults the MILLIONS who have been damaged by the prejudicial hatred in our land for DECADES!!! - & she willing to pardon trump if need be - Dear LORD - there is not ONE to vote for in the Republican party!
I don't know if this is an actual medical condition, but I'm suffering from Donald Trump fatigue. I can't stand anything about him. He just brings me down. He has no redeeming qualities and I'm sick and tired of hearing about him. He needs to lose 2024 and sail away to the back of our history books where nobody ever reads.
Your lips to gods ears
I was raised by the most Catholic woman in the world. I have a direct line lol
Amen to that Adam !!
What happened to J6 files? We had him. Whh let Trump delete the J6 files?
just to see his face or hear his voice is SOOO disturbing to me . .
not to mention EVERY DANG DAY he makes himself front page news!!
such shameful destruction & disgrace he has brought to this Nation . .
Can only pray the Lord will preserve us all from having to stomach him again . .
I'm not even joking. I suffer from severe migraines and he triggers them. Our pitbull who was rescued from a fighting ring hides behind the couch when he is on TV and just growls swear to God. This dog used to be forced to fight and now he hides from Donald Trump because he annoys him that much!
You're saying what we're all thinking.
Oh yes they are David Jaspers!!!!!!!!!
I certainly agree with you but remember our media is profit driven by millionaires who believe this will make them wealthier; the reporting on Trump to the exclusion of everything else is designed to increase their 💵💵💵 and they do not care about whit about the damage they are doing. Find people like Adam here on Substack. Do not listen to the TV news. They are all hypnotized into a cult of must share every minute detail that bag of empty wind speaks, tweets, or puts on his Truth Social. Stay away from his face, reports on his rallies, etc. Those people cheering at rallies follow him all over the country; they are obsessed. You do not have to be. Maintain hope, exercise, enjoy your family and friends. We must live through this storm and VOTE 🌊🌊🌊 throughout the year. Don’t let the orange monster steal your life!
The problem is he can run for president again and again as long as he remains undefeated.
He won’t have elections. He will coronate himself king and dictator and “that’s all folks.”
'Fraid you're right.
Ha ha ha The Queendom would just eat him. Guess who'll get an invitation to dinner Thanksgiving Day? Gobble gobble! Ha ha ha
This is why there needs to be an age limitation and an age cutoff for presidency. Both Biden and Trump are too old. We need youngblood. Are you listening Adam Kinzinger?
At least the media isn't reporting on planes that fly into skyscrapers. I can always change the channel when Donnieweenie feels like he needs media attention. Still, the most recent phenomenon: HIS sound bites (bytes? IDK) - on friggin' YouTube as commercial messages between songs. I turn on the tunes because I don't give a s*** what he's talking about. If I was interested in anything at all that he was saying, I wouldn't be listening to the music. Uh, Helloooo, Donnieweenie! How absurdly clueless of him.
I want Adam to run the country. I would love to see him in a position of power that cannot be redistricted, where he is like the last word on ev-ery-thing. It would be fitting. I would thank him (and praise him) with my presidential vote.
Don the con looks like crap. He's had 2 siblings & an ex-wife die recently. His mother in law just died. Like old wayne LaPierre & his" shrinking brain", now that it's time for him to be held accountable, old man time is having his way with trump. He will be history sooner rather than later & oh what a place in history he will have.
Seems to me that Trump needs to retreat back the Mar-a-Lago and spend his days watching Fox News and being driven around on a golf cart. He looks terrible, especially in the few photos I've seen where he's not wearing the orange clown makeup. And he rambles like a dementia patient. He seems to think that Nikki Haley used to be Speaker of the House.
Is anybody helping him bathe? I wonder at how many feet/ yards/ hectares that smell precedes him. How Linus of him. A blanket for carry-around purposes would complete the look.
I don't know, though it doesn't sound like the issue is Trump not bathing, which wouldn't make sense considering how much of a vain germophobe Trump is. Someone who worked with Trump on The Apprentice has said that he has been wearing adult diapers for a long time, starting in the 1990s, because his digestive system has been damaged due to all the substances he had been ingesting. I even saw an account by someone who claims that he witnessed Trump being asked to leave a restaurant in the early 1980s because other guests complained about his smell.
Well said!
Off he went to the back of the history book where nobody ever reads. As a matter of fact, rumours has already begun swirling about the bottom-line potential of just abridging those history books to put the back of the book, starting with the first chapter that nobody reads, on the chopping block.
I know, I can't wait until I don't have to hear about him anymore. Almost nine years of listening to Trump's whining idiocy almost every day takes its toll (I can't believe it's been that long). And the fact that so many people in this country still support him, or don't seem to care, is so demoralizing. Trump fatigue, what the MAGAs derisively call 'Trump Derangement Syndrome,' is a real thing.
We're taking a break from politics tonight. Watching our home team, the Lions make their historic way to the super bowl. It's a great feeling and I don't have to think about that stuff, politics and all
Growing up a devout Southern Baptist, I applaud your commentary while longing for the good old days when our message was about love and forgiveness, redemption and good works. I too hoped that Tim would not take this road. He could have been a great addition to our community of truth tellers.
You and me both
This is what cults do. It makes me sad to think that so many good people have turned to Trump and believe his lies. I wish no harm on these people. I want them to find their way but I am sick of Trump taking advantage of their vulnerability and they're eagerness to please. Maybe it's the dark Scorpio in me. Maybe it's because I'm Gen X it's like I'm Donald Trump proof. Nothing he says ever gets through to me except the lies and I don't believe them. I wish other people would understand how toxic he is for their lives.
Speaking of truth…. Can someone share why the J6 files were deleted????
The message of love, forgiveness, redemption, and good works is the message I have always heard. I feel for those of you who have been judged hypocritical because some of "yours" couldn't separate business and pleasure, preaching and politics. You're not a manipulator by association. Fairy tales usually have short half-lives, nebulously speaking.
"...steel ourselves for the next year to come". I love that. You've written a very insightful piece here, at a time when it is very easy to allow ourselves to be discouraged. Personally, I am going to work to not let that discouragement overtake me. I fully believe that there remains an inextinguishable ember beneath all of this darkness... which will gradually gain more strength and brilliance. I know that sounds somewhat vague and intangible, but it's something I believe in -- as long as we hold on to strength, courage, and tenacity to nurture and feed that flame.
You said it better than i could have thank you
The interior flame has always been. :-)
Truly brilliant commentary. Thanks.
Thank you
On a personal note, for those suffering from the same Trump fatigued symptoms I have found that blasting "Rage Against the Machine" can offer relief.
It always does!
Especially from your Jeep renegade with a Country First bumper sticker on it!
Adam, I, for one, do understand. And I have seen and heard evangelical politic-nobbers nearer to me than I would have imagined. Not too hard to figure why I'm not scurrying off to Sunday School anymore. My faith is unchanged, and unaffected; I no longer will make time for political sermons in the name of Jesus.
For every friend that disappoints you, you'll have one who won't. -- Your friend Dan
Keep us in the light with help from good people who love life, our fellow Americans, the global world. We WILL prevail. Do not despair and give up now. This is it.
There have always been dark, false prophets. Good people succumb to them for a variety of reasons-power, fear of not belonging, ambition, etc. The Republican Party seems to be cannibalizing itself right now. I have seen a lot of BS in my life, McCarthy communism investigations, Vietnam War, other recent wars etc. I think Liz Cheney may be right. It’s going to take the GOP awhile to digest all the horse shit they’ve eaten and then regurgitate it all out before they can figure out how ridiculous they have become. Let’s help the electorate help them get on with it by getting out the vote for the remaining sane politicians.
I’m seeing a lot of moroseness over T man here. That’s understandable, but not helpful. Time to get creative and use our energy to help more voters understand why he needs to lose big time!!!
The title of Horseshit Party didn't occur even to me. Hilarious!
How would you yourself help more voters understand that his political career needs to already be three years dead? I'm not patronizing you. I'm asking seriously about your ideas. Telling everybody that he's full of shit seems to do little to sway his support.
I am a writer, among other things. Feel free to give me your honest feedback on this.
Vote Trump:
If you want to have one radio and TV station; Fox News and one social media platform, Truth Social.
If you want to register with the police when you cross a state line; the police need to know where you are at all times in case they want to search and seize you without provocation or a warrant.
If you want to be on the “suspects” list because the Red Shirts or a neighbor heard you say something “suspicious” or disloyal to the Tin Man.
If you are Muslim, Jew, Native American, Black, Yellow, LBGTQ, or anyone other than white Christian because the GOP will give you a card certifying you voted for the right party,
(But don’t be surprised if they decide to dishonor it tomorrow)
If you are a military man or woman, because you don’t want to be considered a “loser”because you are of no value as an American. Why weren’t you out making money?
I will add more, but I wanted to try this out, so here’s my first shot!
Brilliant 👍
I read Tim Scott’s book and believed his values were in tact. When he dropped out of the race, I thought perhaps he was angling for the vice presidency. But if he thought he could change the deplorable front runner, Scott might be deemed delusional.
It’s sad. The instincts are right but nothing else
MJ when I read Tim Scott's endorsement of Trump my heart sunk honestly.
So disappointing
You think hearing about it was bad. Actually HEARING it was very disturbing. It was like he was imitating Bob Barker. Those of us older here remember that.
Sorry Adam but Christian faith has nothing to do with morality and decency. That's a false narrative the church has been selling for centuries. So called, devout Christians, routinely bend their ideology to conform to their own, personal wants/desires.
Tim Scott joins millions of Christians supporting a non-church going, womanizing, malignant narcissist, buffoon for the highest public office. Trump is, truly, one of the worst human beings the human race has ever produced and the people who claim to be most noble, decent, morally upstanding humans, support him in droves.
I, for one, have known for a long time how hypocritical Christians can be so I'm not surprised. I'm only surprised that people still think Christians represent the best of us. Nothing can be further from the truth.
Well said, Dan! A lot of Christians I’ve met (but certainly not all) seem to think they are morally superior. A few have attempted to proselytize me, but I’ve told them I have my own spiritual path based on a lifetime of personal experience and plenty of introspection. I really don’t care what your religion is or whether you are an agnostic or atheist. I care how you treat me and others and what are your personal and moral values. Talk is cheap, but actions are more revealing. I’m mostly interested in people who walk their talk, regardless of what they call themselves or what religion or non- religion they profess! I try to treat people the way I like to be treated.
Thanks Bob. You hit on something that irks me to no end...Christian's who think they are morally superior (despite so much evidence to the contrary). If these Christian's actually read ancient scripture, they might see the vile behavior in the bibles (yes, plural). Instead, they are Cafeteria Christian's who choose what they want to read and adhere to.
Here's an indisputable fact: We do NOT know how we got here. We do know we have inherent behaviors. As a wise man once said, "One of the greatest tragedies in mankind's entire history may be that morality has been hijacked by religion".
Christians are no better at being good human beings than anyone else so people should stop being surprised they support a terrible human being like Donald Trump.
Christians have a choice as to whether they are going to be Christ-followers and that has a cost: learning what Jesus would say and do in the age that they live in, living it, and that includes speaking out against untruth and religious hypocrisy, whatever the personal cost. To the extent that this doesn't happen, it is terribly sad. It is unfortunate, that you are not seeing a representation of what the Church is called to be and do in every age and in this one.
You're confirming my point that Christians, by default, are not morally superior to ANYONE else. Wearing a cross, going to church and saying "I'm a Christian" gives no one a leg up on being a good person. Unfortunately, too many of the Christian faithful think it does. Their actions prove otherwise.
P.S. The most likely reality is that Christ was a prophet who had a large following. The powers-that-be, at the time, didn't like the influence he had and gave him a choice, 'we kill you or your followers'. He sacrificed himself.
All of the supernatural, far-fetched stories beyond that were fabricated.
Well, actually, as per my comment, any Christian who gives off the feeling that (or even believes) in their own moral superiority, is not applying what I said about knowing what Jesus taught and following it. All one has to do is read the first four books of the New Testament to see what Jesus had to say about such things to know that He came to the sick and the broken and the sinner, not the morally superior. His interactions with the religious authorities (and as you say, they wanted to put him to death because he showed them up for the hypocrites they were) makes that clear enough for anyone to understand who is willing to. However, it is quite easy to not examine what Jesus had to say, just because some people fail to follow it.
Understood but if Jesus didn't exist, we'd still have morality and decency. Jesus is one of thousands of deity's humans have worshipped.
Take care.
Well, the question then, if Jesus (or some other outside-of-the natural, material world) doesn't exist, is how you prove that there is a right and wrong that can be measured. Morality and decency will become only what one can determine relative to their own feelings and assessments; as per Hitlerites, Trumpies, or anyone else.
they killed his followers too
Christians and non-Christians alike are all hypocrites. We all have something that we hide or explain away in certain circumstances only to find ourselves in that same place all over again. We all try not to be, but we aren’t very good at really looking at ourselves and being honest about what we see.
Joan Bailey - Agreed. The difference is non-Christians don't go around pretending to be all "high and mighty". Enough with the self-righteous preaching (then doing something completely opposite).
well-not sure about that- people in other religions are self-righteous and hypocritical too- especially those who are the most radical in any particular religion.
Agreed but I limited my comments to Christianity since Adam's comments mentioned Tim's "faith" and he's a Christian. People should stop being surprised when a person of faith does something that is antithetical to their ideology. Religious faith does not equal decency. Let's stop pretending it does.
"Tim is a man of deep faith, committed to keeping his morals in his personal life..."
Yes I agree with that for the most part.
I suspect, obviously no proof, that Trump or a surrogate, contacted Scott and proffered 2 "options." One was to support Trump or you will be primaried. The second was a threat on a personal level (safety, or we have dirt on you) in Mob Boss fashion. Or a combination of both. GOP Reps. and Sens. and/or staffers have been talking about this. Stefanik is just nuts, but people like Doug Burgum, it makes me wonder....
Stefanik makes me sick with her gloating smile
It is incredibly sad to see a rising star like Tim Scott cave to the crass authoritarianism of Donald Trump. It does make me wonder if the smart, principled, devout persona was just a sham. How any actual Christian of any flavor other than christofascist could endorse Donald J Trump is beyond my comprehension. The only way that I can reconcile it, is to believe that they were never who they told us that they were. RIP, conscience of Tim Scott.
Now tell us how you really feel.
That was intense, troubling, but the truth. I believe we have to be true to ourselves, take care of others, love as we would like to be loved and speak the truth at all times if possible. We're human too. But as Michael Jackson says, "I'm starting with the man in the mirror." And no matter which way 2024 goes, we can hold our head and heart up high.
Well said
Do you really think Tim Scott is doing it "unconsciously"? Surely he KNOWS what he's doing, and he's choosing power and favor with the cult leader over righteousness.
Good people do not endorse someone who is so rotten. Tim Scott is just another opportunist who has sold his soul for power. His morals, ethics, religious beliefs have been set aside. It’s an age old story but you know it when we see it. I thought he might be different a few years ago, but he’s just another bad egg who has lost his moral clarity. Who on earth can endorse a rapist? It’s unbelievable. Women are watching all of this.
I just can't get my arms around it when I really think about it.
This guy is a rapist
A R a p I s t.
Supporting someone who Rapes women.
And they continue to support him.
For President.
And that is just the start of how horrible he is
Supporting trump is treasonous. Not just to the Nation but to the human race.
SOOO Wonderfully, Anointedly Well Said!! You truly have the Right Heart of God - for people & for this Nation - keep preaching it! I pray MANY with share these Truths with those who can make a difference! Bless you again - for all you do!! IF ONLY you would run for office - I would INDEED vote for YOU!! as it is - with Haley & DeSantis denying our country was never racist - which insults the MILLIONS who have been damaged by the prejudicial hatred in our land for DECADES!!! - & she willing to pardon trump if need be - Dear LORD - there is not ONE to vote for in the Republican party!