They are attempting to whitewash history right in front of our eyes. We need leaders like you Adam, now more than ever, to help us find our way back to some semblance of normality.
I CRINGE every time someone tells me, "oh, but it was a peaceful protest!" OMG...their media algorithms are preventing them from seeing the ugly, violent truth of what it was!!
Millions of people believe he is the 2nd coming. WTAF has happened in our country?? Biggest cult in history. And history—the TRUTH—will not be kind to this evil, deranged narcissist and all of his enablers.
Such people have no concept of history. They care only about wielding and abusing power in the present moment. Trump cannot imagine that one day he will come to an end, so what does he care what history might say about him?
Of course he won’t. But con men know exactly what they’re doing; they are a special kind of sociopath. Don’t forget, he’s going to drop dead at some point.
And the truth will be out there for all to see, including his children and their evil complicity. That name will FOREVER be linked to the worst era in U.S. History. At this point I really am thinking this is the worst era, even more than the Civil War. The first coup, the creation of an actual cult that tens of millions of people here (and around the world!) were sucked into.
I have never seen, nor imagined to be possible, this level of cognitive dissonance affecting the masses. People see what they want to see even when reality is happening before their very eyes. It’s frightening.
There don't seem to be any unbiased major media outlets these days, but true news is available if people want to find it. Fox news will not go away, but it grieves me to contemplate how many people believe it has anything to do with reality. I'm grateful for Substack, that's for sure.
Same. All I can reply is, "Are you blind or just plain stupid? What part of the crowd crawling over the barriers and walls, breaking windows, smearing sh*t over walls did you not understand?"
About as peaceful as 9-11 was. Five good men - the officers who protected the Capitol - died. And it could have been much worse - fortunately the terrorists were stopped, but it was NOT up to Trump and his mob.
I don’t understand this sort of amnesia about January 6 any more than I understand people who have already forgotten the deaths and serious illness caused by Covid and the reasons the restrictions were in place. People being escorted into the capital don’t arrive with clubs, nooses, pepper spray and so on. They don’t assault officers and try to break into rooms or the house floor nor urinate and defecate anywhere except a toilet. Low information voters are bad enough. Forgetfulness outside dementia on these issues is willfully giving up the right to participate in society in my mind.
It’s what cults and propaganda do. Brainwash people. We are now experiencing the biggest cult in modern history. Makes Scientology seem legit. God help us.
I watched with my own eyes as they stormed the Capitol and broke windows and climbed in. It was not a peaceful group. They are trying to whitewash history. This is the approach of the Kremlin. Tell a lie long enough and people will believe you. We somehow have to erase conservative talk media. They are a cancer on our society
I agree Emily!! I watched that entire episode unfold I was shell shocked that a president of the United States would encourage his followers to tear up the Capitol!! I can never forget the violence and horror of that day! Hopefully more Americans can agree that day was definitely not one of love!!
Sorry, Edward, but Trump IS brilliant at this one thing. Just as Hitler and Stalin were similarly brilliant. One can be both brilliant and malicious/evil.
Using the word “brilliant” in this way does indeed trigger fascination at a subconscious level and should not be done. He is not brilliant. He’s a rambling idiot whose thoughtless reflex is to manipulate.
Maybe, but that's still the last word I'd use to describe this pathetic excuse for a man. Being a huckster doesn't require brilliance, which generally indicates a significant amount of intelligent or valuable talent. Otherwise, I agree with everything Adam says here.
What do you think is the reason the Republicans did not condemn the acts of 1/6 and continue to support Trump? Why? They certainly had their chance to move away from him and find someone else to run against Biden.
Also, I would like to know when ALL the evidence from the crimes Trump committed will be available to the American People.
I realize that Trump has turned his cult against the FBI, MSM, CIA and our legal system, but there are millions of Americans that want and need to see all the evidence that was found from the Muller Report, 1/6, stolen Classified papers, and both Impeachments.
Some are actually brainwashed. We will need deprogramming centers for them. I know my sister in-law is totally brainwashed. Also she's a Jehovah's Witness, so that may play into it. When pastors start telling people who to vote for and what to think in regards to politics, You have a recipe for disaster.
I agree and yes, religion has a lot to do with it. I know this doesn’t sit well with a lot of people, but I believe a lot of major religious groups are cults, especially the christian Nationalists that have taken over our government.
"When pastors start telling people who to vote for and what to think in regards to politics, You have a recipe for disaster.” It’s also time to consider distancing oneself from the pastor and the congregation.
The blur between Church and state is becoming clearer and Churches should pay taxes.
I believe when the first Europeans came to this continent they were looking for freedom to worship their own religion, so at the time Christianity was the first to come here, however the founders made clear separation of Church and State was important in the inclusion of all white Americans. It is a War that has been fought throughout our History and right now we have come to the peak of who will win that War.
Yes, I am personally acquainted with an observant Jewish congregation, most of whom, including the rabbi think trump is wonderful, believe that nothing happened on 1/6/21, save for people walking around the capitol and who believe that the 2020 election was rigged. This is all encouraged by the rabbi, who after trump was found guilty on 34 counts last Spring, spoke in his sermon glorifying trump and saying that our judicial system is broken!
I would not be a part of that Temple. Just like Christians or any other religion there are zealots, extreme sects. I am 1/2 ( Father ‘s side 100%) Jewish, was not raised in a traditional Jewish home, and we celebrated both holidays because my Mother was Protestant. Sadly, there are those that use religion as an excuse to support a man who is the farthest thing from religious.
They are all COWARDS - more interested in keeping their power, status, and salary than telling the truth. Most Americans do not know what they are entitled to. This link explains more than their salaries, but I don't think it explains all the benefits:
If they were to lose their position(s), they might actually have to work a job for a living. Or even worse, be at home with their families. The horror.
I think the definition of "Republican" shifted. People like Adam Kinzinger, Liz Cheney, Mitt Romney were replaced by people who fit a new cultist definition.
Yes it has, without a doubt. I’ve always been a Democrat, but I never worried about republicans being traitors to the Constitution. I disagreed with their ideology, but I never thought they would stoop so low as to support an anti Democratic conman twice.
Wonderful piece, Adam Kinzinger. Again. As always. Every single time you prove to be the voice of reason and insight. Every. Single. Time. Thank you for your service and your continued stand for what is right. We here have chosen to stand with an honorable man.
Agreed, but these two officers need our gratitude, and this video should be sent to every police officer in the country and their family and friends. They exemplify what it is to be an American police officer! Thank you Mike and Harry!
My PTSD went into overdrive watching the events of January 6th unfold on TV. I was switching between live coverage on PBS and other not faux news channels. I was in disbelief. I was horrified. I have never seen something so ugly happen in America, by Americans in my lifetime. I will never forget. And I will teach my grandchildren the truth of that day.
History will record the criminal attack on Democracy that was Donald Trump. History will hold the truth high.
Trump won't be here. He only wants notoriority now. So in his mind, he can stand equal to Putin. Everyone must reject this and push it all back onto him. His constant psychodrama and whining, his degrading of everyone but himself. Push it all back on him.
Support those you know who are not sure they made the right choice. Live in the real world and be an example to others.
If it is all pushed back on Trump, he will cease to exist.
I did that and more this am on FB! I will not let them forget and the interview with the Capital police was awesome and sad Adam! Thank you for that interview!
Thank you for today’s post Adam! I have family members who believe that the election was stolen. It is very sad-to see them believing in the lies! I know better-and I want to thank you Adam and the January 6th Committee for standing up for the truth!!!!!!!👍👍👍
No amount of lies will erase what happened. It’s a disgraceful part of our nations history, led and encouraged by Trump. History will not treat him or the rioters well!
It boggles the mind that people could be so stupid. Please keep up the drum beat. We can't allow this criminal to reinvent history as he has done his whole life. Access Hollywood should have been the end of it for him.
They are attempting to whitewash history right in front of our eyes. We need leaders like you Adam, now more than ever, to help us find our way back to some semblance of normality.
I CRINGE every time someone tells me, "oh, but it was a peaceful protest!" OMG...their media algorithms are preventing them from seeing the ugly, violent truth of what it was!!
NEVER was violent and a horrible day for the U.S.
Those of us who spent that day glued to our televisions know better. I cannot understand how so many have forgotten the evidence of their own eyes.
Millions of people believe he is the 2nd coming. WTAF has happened in our country?? Biggest cult in history. And history—the TRUTH—will not be kind to this evil, deranged narcissist and all of his enablers.
Such people have no concept of history. They care only about wielding and abusing power in the present moment. Trump cannot imagine that one day he will come to an end, so what does he care what history might say about him?
Of course he won’t. But con men know exactly what they’re doing; they are a special kind of sociopath. Don’t forget, he’s going to drop dead at some point.
And the truth will be out there for all to see, including his children and their evil complicity. That name will FOREVER be linked to the worst era in U.S. History. At this point I really am thinking this is the worst era, even more than the Civil War. The first coup, the creation of an actual cult that tens of millions of people here (and around the world!) were sucked into.
he certainly is a master con-man
it's weird, that is for sure
agreed...but there are those who have only seen the "edited" version of those events...that is who we need to have open their eyes to see the truth
I have never seen, nor imagined to be possible, this level of cognitive dissonance affecting the masses. People see what they want to see even when reality is happening before their very eyes. It’s frightening.
How? It would be a wonderful thing to be able to reach those people. But I think it would take a miracle.
true...but perhaps they would watch this?
Nope. It’s from The NY Times, they won’t even look at it.
that's sad isn't it?
They're watching Fox News.
There don't seem to be any unbiased major media outlets these days, but true news is available if people want to find it. Fox news will not go away, but it grieves me to contemplate how many people believe it has anything to do with reality. I'm grateful for Substack, that's for sure.
And its user base has grown more than they ever expected! 💪🏼 #solidarity
I deleted my Fox News app 3 years ago. If my news feed has an article posted by Fox, I never read it!
Fox slogan years and years ago -- "Fair and balanced".
Fox slogan today-- "Fiction and Fake News"
RINO -- Ed
“Scare and Unbalance—Faux News. Democracy Dies in Broad Daylight”.
and Newsmax, Joe Rogen, etc.
Same. All I can reply is, "Are you blind or just plain stupid? What part of the crowd crawling over the barriers and walls, breaking windows, smearing sh*t over walls did you not understand?"
Anyone who could watch that debacle on tv that day, and not see the truth of it, doesn't have many active brain cells.
About as peaceful as 9-11 was. Five good men - the officers who protected the Capitol - died. And it could have been much worse - fortunately the terrorists were stopped, but it was NOT up to Trump and his mob.
we must never forget or allow others to whitewash this horrible event
And we must remember who is responsible. It will be America’s shame forevery. Not unlike slavery.
I don’t understand this sort of amnesia about January 6 any more than I understand people who have already forgotten the deaths and serious illness caused by Covid and the reasons the restrictions were in place. People being escorted into the capital don’t arrive with clubs, nooses, pepper spray and so on. They don’t assault officers and try to break into rooms or the house floor nor urinate and defecate anywhere except a toilet. Low information voters are bad enough. Forgetfulness outside dementia on these issues is willfully giving up the right to participate in society in my mind.
It’s what cults and propaganda do. Brainwash people. We are now experiencing the biggest cult in modern history. Makes Scientology seem legit. God help us.
Every news outlet should replay the footage. Every journalist who cares should post it. It is outrageous that these thugs will go free.
I watched with my own eyes as they stormed the Capitol and broke windows and climbed in. It was not a peaceful group. They are trying to whitewash history. This is the approach of the Kremlin. Tell a lie long enough and people will believe you. We somehow have to erase conservative talk media. They are a cancer on our society
I agree Emily!! I watched that entire episode unfold I was shell shocked that a president of the United States would encourage his followers to tear up the Capitol!! I can never forget the violence and horror of that day! Hopefully more Americans can agree that day was definitely not one of love!!
Same here, watched with tears that our country had come to this.
"Trump, the most brilliant and malicious propagandist in American history" - good to acknowledge that and understand what we are up against.
Brilliant? BS
Sorry, Edward, but Trump IS brilliant at this one thing. Just as Hitler and Stalin were similarly brilliant. One can be both brilliant and malicious/evil.
Using the word “brilliant” in this way does indeed trigger fascination at a subconscious level and should not be done. He is not brilliant. He’s a rambling idiot whose thoughtless reflex is to manipulate.
Maybe, but that's still the last word I'd use to describe this pathetic excuse for a man. Being a huckster doesn't require brilliance, which generally indicates a significant amount of intelligent or valuable talent. Otherwise, I agree with everything Adam says here.
What do you think is the reason the Republicans did not condemn the acts of 1/6 and continue to support Trump? Why? They certainly had their chance to move away from him and find someone else to run against Biden.
Also, I would like to know when ALL the evidence from the crimes Trump committed will be available to the American People.
I realize that Trump has turned his cult against the FBI, MSM, CIA and our legal system, but there are millions of Americans that want and need to see all the evidence that was found from the Muller Report, 1/6, stolen Classified papers, and both Impeachments.
Some are actually brainwashed. We will need deprogramming centers for them. I know my sister in-law is totally brainwashed. Also she's a Jehovah's Witness, so that may play into it. When pastors start telling people who to vote for and what to think in regards to politics, You have a recipe for disaster.
I agree and yes, religion has a lot to do with it. I know this doesn’t sit well with a lot of people, but I believe a lot of major religious groups are cults, especially the christian Nationalists that have taken over our government.
Agree 100%
If any church leader gets involved in politics, they lose their tax-exempt status. That's the law. Someone needs to report them.
"When pastors start telling people who to vote for and what to think in regards to politics, You have a recipe for disaster.” It’s also time to consider distancing oneself from the pastor and the congregation.
The blur between Church and state is becoming clearer and Churches should pay taxes.
I believe when the first Europeans came to this continent they were looking for freedom to worship their own religion, so at the time Christianity was the first to come here, however the founders made clear separation of Church and State was important in the inclusion of all white Americans. It is a War that has been fought throughout our History and right now we have come to the peak of who will win that War.
Yes, I am personally acquainted with an observant Jewish congregation, most of whom, including the rabbi think trump is wonderful, believe that nothing happened on 1/6/21, save for people walking around the capitol and who believe that the 2020 election was rigged. This is all encouraged by the rabbi, who after trump was found guilty on 34 counts last Spring, spoke in his sermon glorifying trump and saying that our judicial system is broken!
I would not be a part of that Temple. Just like Christians or any other religion there are zealots, extreme sects. I am 1/2 ( Father ‘s side 100%) Jewish, was not raised in a traditional Jewish home, and we celebrated both holidays because my Mother was Protestant. Sadly, there are those that use religion as an excuse to support a man who is the farthest thing from religious.
Wow, yes, it really is that bad.
They are all COWARDS - more interested in keeping their power, status, and salary than telling the truth. Most Americans do not know what they are entitled to. This link explains more than their salaries, but I don't think it explains all the benefits:
If they were to lose their position(s), they might actually have to work a job for a living. Or even worse, be at home with their families. The horror.
Power without integrity and honesty will eventually be their downfall. Either that or our Democratic Republic will die.
Agreed, Donna. It’s impossible to overstate what’s at stake.
I think the definition of "Republican" shifted. People like Adam Kinzinger, Liz Cheney, Mitt Romney were replaced by people who fit a new cultist definition.
Yes it has, without a doubt. I’ve always been a Democrat, but I never worried about republicans being traitors to the Constitution. I disagreed with their ideology, but I never thought they would stoop so low as to support an anti Democratic conman twice.
Yes, and I also am a Democrat.
Republican is no longer the name of that party. It is MAGA and it does not want to make America great.
Wonderful piece, Adam Kinzinger. Again. As always. Every single time you prove to be the voice of reason and insight. Every. Single. Time. Thank you for your service and your continued stand for what is right. We here have chosen to stand with an honorable man.
Agreed, but these two officers need our gratitude, and this video should be sent to every police officer in the country and their family and friends. They exemplify what it is to be an American police officer! Thank you Mike and Harry!
My PTSD went into overdrive watching the events of January 6th unfold on TV. I was switching between live coverage on PBS and other not faux news channels. I was in disbelief. I was horrified. I have never seen something so ugly happen in America, by Americans in my lifetime. I will never forget. And I will teach my grandchildren the truth of that day.
Never stop speaking the truth. It will never be extinguished.
History will record the criminal attack on Democracy that was Donald Trump. History will hold the truth high.
Trump won't be here. He only wants notoriority now. So in his mind, he can stand equal to Putin. Everyone must reject this and push it all back onto him. His constant psychodrama and whining, his degrading of everyone but himself. Push it all back on him.
Support those you know who are not sure they made the right choice. Live in the real world and be an example to others.
If it is all pushed back on Trump, he will cease to exist.
I did that and more this am on FB! I will not let them forget and the interview with the Capital police was awesome and sad Adam! Thank you for that interview!
Thank you for today’s post Adam! I have family members who believe that the election was stolen. It is very sad-to see them believing in the lies! I know better-and I want to thank you Adam and the January 6th Committee for standing up for the truth!!!!!!!👍👍👍
Thank you for being a flag bearer for the truth, Adam.
No amount of lies will erase what happened. It’s a disgraceful part of our nations history, led and encouraged by Trump. History will not treat him or the rioters well!
It boggles the mind that people could be so stupid. Please keep up the drum beat. We can't allow this criminal to reinvent history as he has done his whole life. Access Hollywood should have been the end of it for him.