After vowing to take a break from Substack, I was right here writing to my Congressman, Jen Kiggans about Trump stating Ukraine started the war. I will put the Social Security cuts protest to the back burner and address this clever new topic. Then I am taking a couple minutes to regroup from the embarrassment of being an American.
It is embarrassing to be a American right now. Ukraine, Europe ,Canada all friends no more!!! We can blame the 77 million that voted for this tyrant and the 90 million that didn't vote. 167 million fools!!!
John, I lied about taking a break. I hung around. Trump just tweeted calling Zelensky a comedian.(or similar) and got over 15K likes. I am ashamed to be an American. I am ashamed we are being led by a man with no sense of honor, no sense of duty, and he gets 15K likes in 120 minutes?. “A big, beautiful Ocean” separating us makes the war in Ukraine no concern of ours? All the lies and misinformation liked by 15K people. I am ashamed. No other words.
Taking it to the streets is the only answer to this problem!!!When he officially disobeys a court order that will make him a Dictator. If nobody responds to that, we will all be in trouble. Hello, Russia!!!
I am not embarrassed for being an American. I am proud and know those who came before me prepared me for this moment in time and I'm ready. We were prepared not so much by their words but by their experience which was expressed in the totality of who they were to us as parents and grandparents. We felt their strength. We felt their sacrifice. We felt and knew in our bones what they valued. It is my legacy. It is in my bones. I will not surrender, never!
America and Ukraine were chosen to be the gateway for fascism which will then spread across all democracies in the world. There is no time for shame it is time for action. We have in front of us just as our parents were given the mantle to do the impossible. We have backbones of steel! We have strength, and resistance is in our DNA! Surrender to that strength not to shame and embarrassment.
We are being abused and half of us have been conned. It is normal to feel shame when one is abused and gaslighted and left confused and unsteady and afraid by the actions of the cruel abuser. It is normal as well to feel shame once we see clearly that we have been conned. But that is why I call it faux shame and embarrassment because we do not own it, and it is only because we are the exact opposite of the abuser that we take it on so readily.
Our government as it sits today wears the shame and embarrassment, not me! This is not the first time I've witnessed my government needing to be checked and stopped in its tracks. This is not the first time I've had to march in protest not knowing if my efforts would have any effect. For so many of us this is not our first rodeo, but if we do not unite which is an absolute necessity it may be our last one. We will never surrender, and we will prevail. Good speed.
Your sentiment is admirable, but this is not faux. I have immediate family in Australia, Switzerland, and Scotland, with heaps of distant cousins in Canada, England, and New Zealand. My embarrassment is very real. I can get strength from letting these people (edit: Trump, Musk, people who “like” Russian propagandists) shame me, but right now, in this moment, I need to fall back and regroup. IMO We should all be ashamed this person (edit: Mr. Trump) has humiliated our country.
I am not ashamed of being an American and will not cover myself with a blanket of shame. I hear what you say and support you in your opinion and would never ask anyone to deny their feelings for they are your own and real. Good speed! We will be okay. I myself had to take a few days. It is good.
Being a Vietnam Veteran being ashamed is nothing new to this country. We have to face our misguided actions and looking in the mirror is a good start. America can be a shameful place at times, the Vietnam Memorial is a unfortunate reminder. Hopefully I won't be ashamed forever. By the way who mentioned surrender?
I am 74 and our soldiers started dying before I got out of middle school. Every week we heard of someone else as young as 18 *or younger* died. I remember on teacher speaking to us as to the reason we are fighting to stop communism and his prediction as he gazed over the classroom that every young man in the room would be sent to fight in this war, and it was an honor.
I do not have a right to speak to your experience and realize I will never ever fully understand what you went through. Believe me. I am not preaching or disagreeing, just expressing myself, if that can be allowed here in this forum.
I think each of us of that generation had the same experience of not accepting it at the get go. I remember the divide I felt for the first time between me and my parents. They were not political, but they had never seen protests at the scale their children were participating in.
It was a never-ending massacre of a generation. It was wrong. The only option was to leave the country and never return as my cousin chose to do, while my other cousins went off to fight one a helicopter pilot and the other a gunner who turned 18 on the way to fight in the war. He lied about his age or something -- don't know the whole story as I was a bit younger, but he turned 18 on the way over to fight.
They both survived. The pilot came home 1.5 inches shorter after surgery to repair his spine in a crash. They also survived the adjustment to returning home but barely.
What I am saying is I am not ashamed to be an American, however, I do hold my government accountable for what they have done and am not naive as to what they can do. I don't trust them at all.
In truth, generation after generation have been abused by those in power. I don't take on their shame. I look only as far as my parents and family and friends who in their every deed and their dignity and generosity and compassion represent America. I am not ashamed of that legacy. And I know it strengthens me. I am not fighting for my government but for the children who come after me and so that our nation can hold onto its role as a bulwark and protector of democracy across the globe.
The abused and/or conned feel shame whether it is a card game or a marriage or a partnership or your government leaders. I resist feeling ashamed and embarrassed. I speak it out loud and do not take on the sins of the abuser for they belong to the abuser not me.
An addition to your posts listing what to do. What about the old-fashioned, perhaps forgotten, way of putting anti-Trump stickers on our cars? The more cars with them, the better. It will indicate the degree of opposition to his regime and tell those who think alike that they aren't alone.
Here are a couple of my ideas for the stickers, in addition to what is already available, "Traitor in the WH", "Down with the lying King Donald".
Obviously, having such stickers on one's car isn't the main action.
Mass and continuous demonstrations it is. However, there shouldn't be too many priorities to oppose be brought up there. I attended one recently where there was a salad of posters, like "Free Gaza", LGBT issues and so on. The messages there should be only anti -Trump and anti-corrupt RIPublicans who allow him to act. Otherwise, our focus and the efforts would be diluted.
I live in blue state MA and my experience in this most recent election is there were no signs in support of Harris. I had a Biden sign sent me because I donate consistently to the Democratic Party but what is happening is fear. The Trump signs and flags are obscenely present -- even waving off the back of fire trucks here just south of Boston -- a blue state -- the Trump supporters are aggressive in every way; even in how they drive -- so to put a sticker on your car is inviting returning to your car to find it damaged. There were Biden/Harris signs on cars in 2020 but zip, gone, nowhere to be seen in 2024.
If I may comment that the welcoming our Viet Nam veterans received was obscene and not supported by me or my family, or my friends. My father welcomed our cousins upon returning each in turn, hosting them in our home for a week and taking them out on the town in NYC and elsewhere. They were so young 19 and 21 and I was 17. We had great fun as a family and my dad was receiving them as someone who had served himself out of respect for them. We all knew only he knew (but he never spoke of the war with any of us) what they experienced or close to what they experienced. He loved them and they loved him back. He was a good man. Then heading to college which was local I saw the cruelty directed to our vets on campus. It repulsed me. I did not understand it and the memory of a young man in uniform on campus receiving jeers from snotty nosed ignorant ingrates in the common area of the student center still seers in my brain. If I may do so, I apologize and have always felt bereft that we your peers hurt you deliberately when you came home. I'm sorry.
My heart aches for what these people (Trump and his cabinet, but mostly Elon Musk), are doing to our country! I ache for our allies, and yes, the embarrassment is very real!
Dear Senator Roger Marshall and Senator Jerry Moran:
Today, by repeating Putin's anti Ukraine propaganda word for word, President Trump has declared that the government of the United States is now aligned with Russia and against Ukraine and the free democracies in Europe.
This shift in alliance, for America to join Putin's "Axis of Evil" is historic. Putin has installed his supporters in key positions in our government including Elon Musk, Tulsi Gabbard and President Trump. Now Vladimir Putin controls the Executive Branch of our government.
Since you are unswervingly loyal to President Trump, your constituents must assume that you are also a supporter of Russia. And therefore you support Russia's bombing and murder of women and children in Ukraine. I'll make sure all my friends in Johnson County are aware of this. If you do not protest this new alliance, it will prove that you are now loyal to Russia.
Your message is so powerful and beautifully expressed. I will be restacking it to all my social media accounts and here as well. It is great the way you frame your argument. It is a message that could command attention as a speech. I hope you repeat it and perhaps even speak it out loud. Thank you!!!
I hang my head in sorrow. Mr. Greenwood, I no longer like your song! Ukraine started the war? UNBELIEVABLE! My heart bleeds for the brave Ukrainians and Zelensky, who is the president of his country and is kept out of the talks! I almost hope that the rest of the world declares war on us! Can someone stop this maniac! Please!!!!!
Your sentiment is admirable, but this is not faux. I have immediate family in Australia, Switzerland, and Scotland, with heaps of distant cousins in Canada, England, and New Zealand. My embarrassment is very real. I can get strength from letting these people (edit: Trump, Musk, people who “like” Russian propagandists) shame me, but right now, in this moment, I need to fall back and regroup. (Edit *Ashamed of leadership is not cowering in shame. there is a strength to be had in accepting how we have allowed this man to single-handedly rip our world standing to shreds.) IMO We should all be ashamed this person (edit: Mr. Trump) has humiliated our country.
A great deal of the deficit is due to the wealthy and ultra-wealthy not paying any Federal taxes (something trump claims shows a person is "smart). And those same people are about to give themselves more ways to avoid paying taxes (tax breaks). They will use the Department Of Gutting Everything to justify these tax cuts for themselves by saying "look at how much money we saved!"
Meanwhile any part of their "tax breaks" that goes to the average American will be miniscule, but many people will enthusiastically "drink the cool aid". All while most Americans will be harmed by this extremist administration.
That said, Adam is exactly right in what he describes in this video.
Excuse me, how about if the billionaires pay MORE THAN THEIR SHARE OF TAXES!!!!!!!!!!! Our past presidents required this of the wealthiest back in their day. God forbid Trump demands that today!!!! We don’t need to look to cut!!! BILLIONAIRES PAY UP!!!!!!!!
Sadly, it's not going to happen. Trump (the billionaire crime boss raping and pillaging our gov't, treasury, and Ft.Knox along with his crypto and dark money) is going to demand HE and the billionaire bros pay their taxes? It's sickening. I know.
Adam, these are logical questions and ideas as to how to trim the fat. Are there logical Republican congressmen/women @ senators? I can’t seem to find any. Will there be a tipping point for them? Saying Ukraine started the war? Calling Zelensky a dictator? Having charges dropped against Eric Adams? What will be their tipping point? Is there one?
I fear there is no tipping point. Usually isn’t when literal brainwashing is involved. I don’t see maga cultists becoming attuned to the spell they are under by the orange man-baby et al.
I think Joan is right. There was no tipping point before the election. I fear there is not one now. No matter what he does or says, his supporters defend it, say his words are taken out of context or come back with, "what about.. ?"
I say & have said the same. Pressuring all my representatives but so far the silence is deafening. Apparently some people have forgotten Hitler & the Holocaust.
There was a “tipping point” for those who supported hitler too. Unfortunately it didn’t come until 6 years later and it was the US who brought about the tipping point. Who will bring about the tipping point to this nonsense?!?!? And how long will it take and what will be the extent of the damage?!?! People today think it is nonsense to think such damage as hitler brought upon Germany could happen here. The German people thought hitler was ushering in their golden age. Boy were they wrong! We need to stay vigilant and keep on the politicians, judges, media and the countries who have been our allies and keep speaking against this crap that trump and his followers are dishing out!! Eventually the consequences will shift the tide and hopefully our allies will still support those of us who did not ask for this and will be here to help us get back to being good neighbors and back to being a country who works together for the good of all humankind. These schmoes want to take everything by force. History has shown that does not work well. Chin up and keep pressing on troops!! We will never give up!!!! It is in my bones as well Raissa!!!
Well spotted about Hitler. Trump is Hitler2.0, imo. As Adam pointed out, if the rule of law is bypassed by Trump, We really are in deep (er) danger. Already Trump has his acolytes lined up and it wouldn’t surprise me if he started making laws of his own.
As much as I agree with you, Adam, I don’t believe any members of Congress and the Senate will cut their own budgets.
So far the Congress isn’t doing their jobs. They are allowing Musk to randomly choose what to cut with no oversight!
It’s frustrating and frightening. What is it going to take for the Members of the House of Representatives to do their jobs??!!
I live in Charlotte, North Carolina and Thom Tillis is my Senator. He’s done nothing but surrender to Trump. I have yet to see One Republican Senator or Congressman (besides McConnell) speak out against Trump and Musk.
McConnell doesn’t count as it’s too late to make a difference. McConnell had his chance to stop trump years ago and he didn’t.
Moscow Mitch stole a supreme court seat from President Obama. That's all you really need to know. Power corrupts, absolutely power corrupts absolutely (Sieg Heil Elon Musk /s).
I agree that they likely won’t do the right thing. But we have to keep on them and keep the media after them reminding them that they should!!! We can’t be silent.
Yes yes Adam I agree with you!!!!!! If they are cutting all of these programs off to Americans and USAID then they should be taking a cut in their pay!!! I believe the senate and the president should as well!!!They are all working together to create this problem we have right now!!!
You know, Adam, you're absolutely right. I didn't think of it that way. I like it! Imma ask my Florida Senators and Rep that question and see what they say.
Good idea about handling the congressional budgets. But what about the budgets of the American people whose finances and budgets are, without permission, being interfered with, if not stolen, leaving us flailing about wondering how we’re going to survive!
After vowing to take a break from Substack, I was right here writing to my Congressman, Jen Kiggans about Trump stating Ukraine started the war. I will put the Social Security cuts protest to the back burner and address this clever new topic. Then I am taking a couple minutes to regroup from the embarrassment of being an American.
It is embarrassing to be a American right now. Ukraine, Europe ,Canada all friends no more!!! We can blame the 77 million that voted for this tyrant and the 90 million that didn't vote. 167 million fools!!!
John, I lied about taking a break. I hung around. Trump just tweeted calling Zelensky a comedian.(or similar) and got over 15K likes. I am ashamed to be an American. I am ashamed we are being led by a man with no sense of honor, no sense of duty, and he gets 15K likes in 120 minutes?. “A big, beautiful Ocean” separating us makes the war in Ukraine no concern of ours? All the lies and misinformation liked by 15K people. I am ashamed. No other words.
That's why we are all here backing the last rational politician Adam.
One of…
Taking it to the streets is the only answer to this problem!!!When he officially disobeys a court order that will make him a Dictator. If nobody responds to that, we will all be in trouble. Hello, Russia!!!
I agree with everything you said Lynette, and I too am ashamed to be an American.
I am not embarrassed for being an American. I am proud and know those who came before me prepared me for this moment in time and I'm ready. We were prepared not so much by their words but by their experience which was expressed in the totality of who they were to us as parents and grandparents. We felt their strength. We felt their sacrifice. We felt and knew in our bones what they valued. It is my legacy. It is in my bones. I will not surrender, never!
America and Ukraine were chosen to be the gateway for fascism which will then spread across all democracies in the world. There is no time for shame it is time for action. We have in front of us just as our parents were given the mantle to do the impossible. We have backbones of steel! We have strength, and resistance is in our DNA! Surrender to that strength not to shame and embarrassment.
We are being abused and half of us have been conned. It is normal to feel shame when one is abused and gaslighted and left confused and unsteady and afraid by the actions of the cruel abuser. It is normal as well to feel shame once we see clearly that we have been conned. But that is why I call it faux shame and embarrassment because we do not own it, and it is only because we are the exact opposite of the abuser that we take it on so readily.
Our government as it sits today wears the shame and embarrassment, not me! This is not the first time I've witnessed my government needing to be checked and stopped in its tracks. This is not the first time I've had to march in protest not knowing if my efforts would have any effect. For so many of us this is not our first rodeo, but if we do not unite which is an absolute necessity it may be our last one. We will never surrender, and we will prevail. Good speed.
Your sentiment is admirable, but this is not faux. I have immediate family in Australia, Switzerland, and Scotland, with heaps of distant cousins in Canada, England, and New Zealand. My embarrassment is very real. I can get strength from letting these people (edit: Trump, Musk, people who “like” Russian propagandists) shame me, but right now, in this moment, I need to fall back and regroup. IMO We should all be ashamed this person (edit: Mr. Trump) has humiliated our country.
I am not ashamed of being an American and will not cover myself with a blanket of shame. I hear what you say and support you in your opinion and would never ask anyone to deny their feelings for they are your own and real. Good speed! We will be okay. I myself had to take a few days. It is good.
Being a Vietnam Veteran being ashamed is nothing new to this country. We have to face our misguided actions and looking in the mirror is a good start. America can be a shameful place at times, the Vietnam Memorial is a unfortunate reminder. Hopefully I won't be ashamed forever. By the way who mentioned surrender?
I am 74 and our soldiers started dying before I got out of middle school. Every week we heard of someone else as young as 18 *or younger* died. I remember on teacher speaking to us as to the reason we are fighting to stop communism and his prediction as he gazed over the classroom that every young man in the room would be sent to fight in this war, and it was an honor.
I do not have a right to speak to your experience and realize I will never ever fully understand what you went through. Believe me. I am not preaching or disagreeing, just expressing myself, if that can be allowed here in this forum.
I think each of us of that generation had the same experience of not accepting it at the get go. I remember the divide I felt for the first time between me and my parents. They were not political, but they had never seen protests at the scale their children were participating in.
It was a never-ending massacre of a generation. It was wrong. The only option was to leave the country and never return as my cousin chose to do, while my other cousins went off to fight one a helicopter pilot and the other a gunner who turned 18 on the way to fight in the war. He lied about his age or something -- don't know the whole story as I was a bit younger, but he turned 18 on the way over to fight.
They both survived. The pilot came home 1.5 inches shorter after surgery to repair his spine in a crash. They also survived the adjustment to returning home but barely.
What I am saying is I am not ashamed to be an American, however, I do hold my government accountable for what they have done and am not naive as to what they can do. I don't trust them at all.
In truth, generation after generation have been abused by those in power. I don't take on their shame. I look only as far as my parents and family and friends who in their every deed and their dignity and generosity and compassion represent America. I am not ashamed of that legacy. And I know it strengthens me. I am not fighting for my government but for the children who come after me and so that our nation can hold onto its role as a bulwark and protector of democracy across the globe.
The abused and/or conned feel shame whether it is a card game or a marriage or a partnership or your government leaders. I resist feeling ashamed and embarrassed. I speak it out loud and do not take on the sins of the abuser for they belong to the abuser not me.
An addition to your posts listing what to do. What about the old-fashioned, perhaps forgotten, way of putting anti-Trump stickers on our cars? The more cars with them, the better. It will indicate the degree of opposition to his regime and tell those who think alike that they aren't alone.
Here are a couple of my ideas for the stickers, in addition to what is already available, "Traitor in the WH", "Down with the lying King Donald".
Obviously, having such stickers on one's car isn't the main action.
Mass and continuous demonstrations it is. However, there shouldn't be too many priorities to oppose be brought up there. I attended one recently where there was a salad of posters, like "Free Gaza", LGBT issues and so on. The messages there should be only anti -Trump and anti-corrupt RIPublicans who allow him to act. Otherwise, our focus and the efforts would be diluted.
I live in blue state MA and my experience in this most recent election is there were no signs in support of Harris. I had a Biden sign sent me because I donate consistently to the Democratic Party but what is happening is fear. The Trump signs and flags are obscenely present -- even waving off the back of fire trucks here just south of Boston -- a blue state -- the Trump supporters are aggressive in every way; even in how they drive -- so to put a sticker on your car is inviting returning to your car to find it damaged. There were Biden/Harris signs on cars in 2020 but zip, gone, nowhere to be seen in 2024.
If I may comment that the welcoming our Viet Nam veterans received was obscene and not supported by me or my family, or my friends. My father welcomed our cousins upon returning each in turn, hosting them in our home for a week and taking them out on the town in NYC and elsewhere. They were so young 19 and 21 and I was 17. We had great fun as a family and my dad was receiving them as someone who had served himself out of respect for them. We all knew only he knew (but he never spoke of the war with any of us) what they experienced or close to what they experienced. He loved them and they loved him back. He was a good man. Then heading to college which was local I saw the cruelty directed to our vets on campus. It repulsed me. I did not understand it and the memory of a young man in uniform on campus receiving jeers from snotty nosed ignorant ingrates in the common area of the student center still seers in my brain. If I may do so, I apologize and have always felt bereft that we your peers hurt you deliberately when you came home. I'm sorry.
My heart aches for what these people (Trump and his cabinet, but mostly Elon Musk), are doing to our country! I ache for our allies, and yes, the embarrassment is very real!
Email today to my two Kansas GOP Senators.
Dear Senator Roger Marshall and Senator Jerry Moran:
Today, by repeating Putin's anti Ukraine propaganda word for word, President Trump has declared that the government of the United States is now aligned with Russia and against Ukraine and the free democracies in Europe.
This shift in alliance, for America to join Putin's "Axis of Evil" is historic. Putin has installed his supporters in key positions in our government including Elon Musk, Tulsi Gabbard and President Trump. Now Vladimir Putin controls the Executive Branch of our government.
Since you are unswervingly loyal to President Trump, your constituents must assume that you are also a supporter of Russia. And therefore you support Russia's bombing and murder of women and children in Ukraine. I'll make sure all my friends in Johnson County are aware of this. If you do not protest this new alliance, it will prove that you are now loyal to Russia.
Your message is so powerful and beautifully expressed. I will be restacking it to all my social media accounts and here as well. It is great the way you frame your argument. It is a message that could command attention as a speech. I hope you repeat it and perhaps even speak it out loud. Thank you!!!
I hang my head in sorrow. Mr. Greenwood, I no longer like your song! Ukraine started the war? UNBELIEVABLE! My heart bleeds for the brave Ukrainians and Zelensky, who is the president of his country and is kept out of the talks! I almost hope that the rest of the world declares war on us! Can someone stop this maniac! Please!!!!!
It's unfortunate we have to feel this way, but it's real !!!
Your sentiment is admirable, but this is not faux. I have immediate family in Australia, Switzerland, and Scotland, with heaps of distant cousins in Canada, England, and New Zealand. My embarrassment is very real. I can get strength from letting these people (edit: Trump, Musk, people who “like” Russian propagandists) shame me, but right now, in this moment, I need to fall back and regroup. (Edit *Ashamed of leadership is not cowering in shame. there is a strength to be had in accepting how we have allowed this man to single-handedly rip our world standing to shreds.) IMO We should all be ashamed this person (edit: Mr. Trump) has humiliated our country.
He has his head so far up his ass, he can see daylight! I hope it's uncomfortable!
We absolutely do not need to be pursuing Mars when our deficit is so large. The hypocrisy is jaw dropping.
Yes, but I wouldn't mind seeing Musk on a one-way rocket to Mars.
I don't know Mars is starting to look real good compared to Earth!!!
A great deal of the deficit is due to the wealthy and ultra-wealthy not paying any Federal taxes (something trump claims shows a person is "smart). And those same people are about to give themselves more ways to avoid paying taxes (tax breaks). They will use the Department Of Gutting Everything to justify these tax cuts for themselves by saying "look at how much money we saved!"
Meanwhile any part of their "tax breaks" that goes to the average American will be miniscule, but many people will enthusiastically "drink the cool aid". All while most Americans will be harmed by this extremist administration.
That said, Adam is exactly right in what he describes in this video.
Yes!! Cut their budgets and give it back to the people!!
How about cut their slush fund to cover their indiscretions with hush money?
Absolutely should be shouted from the highest mountain!! Thank you Adam, the more we know the more interesting it all becomes
Excuse me, how about if the billionaires pay MORE THAN THEIR SHARE OF TAXES!!!!!!!!!!! Our past presidents required this of the wealthiest back in their day. God forbid Trump demands that today!!!! We don’t need to look to cut!!! BILLIONAIRES PAY UP!!!!!!!!
It would be enough if they just pay their fair share......
Sadly, it's not going to happen. Trump (the billionaire crime boss raping and pillaging our gov't, treasury, and Ft.Knox along with his crypto and dark money) is going to demand HE and the billionaire bros pay their taxes? It's sickening. I know.
Adam, these are logical questions and ideas as to how to trim the fat. Are there logical Republican congressmen/women @ senators? I can’t seem to find any. Will there be a tipping point for them? Saying Ukraine started the war? Calling Zelensky a dictator? Having charges dropped against Eric Adams? What will be their tipping point? Is there one?
I fear there is no tipping point. Usually isn’t when literal brainwashing is involved. I don’t see maga cultists becoming attuned to the spell they are under by the orange man-baby et al.
I think Joan is right. There was no tipping point before the election. I fear there is not one now. No matter what he does or says, his supporters defend it, say his words are taken out of context or come back with, "what about.. ?"
Truly frightening
I say & have said the same. Pressuring all my representatives but so far the silence is deafening. Apparently some people have forgotten Hitler & the Holocaust.
We cannot forget. 🙏🏻
There was a “tipping point” for those who supported hitler too. Unfortunately it didn’t come until 6 years later and it was the US who brought about the tipping point. Who will bring about the tipping point to this nonsense?!?!? And how long will it take and what will be the extent of the damage?!?! People today think it is nonsense to think such damage as hitler brought upon Germany could happen here. The German people thought hitler was ushering in their golden age. Boy were they wrong! We need to stay vigilant and keep on the politicians, judges, media and the countries who have been our allies and keep speaking against this crap that trump and his followers are dishing out!! Eventually the consequences will shift the tide and hopefully our allies will still support those of us who did not ask for this and will be here to help us get back to being good neighbors and back to being a country who works together for the good of all humankind. These schmoes want to take everything by force. History has shown that does not work well. Chin up and keep pressing on troops!! We will never give up!!!! It is in my bones as well Raissa!!!
Well spotted about Hitler. Trump is Hitler2.0, imo. As Adam pointed out, if the rule of law is bypassed by Trump, We really are in deep (er) danger. Already Trump has his acolytes lined up and it wouldn’t surprise me if he started making laws of his own.
Good question. I, too, want to know what the endgame is!!
As much as I agree with you, Adam, I don’t believe any members of Congress and the Senate will cut their own budgets.
So far the Congress isn’t doing their jobs. They are allowing Musk to randomly choose what to cut with no oversight!
It’s frustrating and frightening. What is it going to take for the Members of the House of Representatives to do their jobs??!!
I live in Charlotte, North Carolina and Thom Tillis is my Senator. He’s done nothing but surrender to Trump. I have yet to see One Republican Senator or Congressman (besides McConnell) speak out against Trump and Musk.
McConnell doesn’t count as it’s too late to make a difference. McConnell had his chance to stop trump years ago and he didn’t.
Amen sister!
Moscow Mitch stole a supreme court seat from President Obama. That's all you really need to know. Power corrupts, absolutely power corrupts absolutely (Sieg Heil Elon Musk /s).
I agree that they likely won’t do the right thing. But we have to keep on them and keep the media after them reminding them that they should!!! We can’t be silent.
We all have to live with less because of the inflation! While orange man is golfing and going to places with our money! Lots of it ! Total waste !!
Not to mention the added security costs WE pay so he can go to the Super Bowl or Daytona.
Yes yes Adam I agree with you!!!!!! If they are cutting all of these programs off to Americans and USAID then they should be taking a cut in their pay!!! I believe the senate and the president should as well!!!They are all working together to create this problem we have right now!!!
Why are there going to be armored Teslas? To what end?
The end is musk’s coffers.
3 sentence play... (edited after I found the actual WSJ quote)
Adam: I promise you in 4 years everyone will be embarrassed to admit they voted for Trump!
Trump Voter in WSJ this week: "I feel so stupid, guilty, regretful - embarrassed is a huge one. I am absolutely embarrassed that I voted for Trump."
Trump: Take that Kinzinger! What you said would take 4 years, I was able to do in 4 weeks! I must be a genius!
You know, Adam, you're absolutely right. I didn't think of it that way. I like it! Imma ask my Florida Senators and Rep that question and see what they say.
Thank you Adam 🫶🏻💪💯💯💯💯
Good idea about handling the congressional budgets. But what about the budgets of the American people whose finances and budgets are, without permission, being interfered with, if not stolen, leaving us flailing about wondering how we’re going to survive!
Asking for a 5% cut across all programs would have made sense. Obviously it's not about saving money, it's about consolidating power.