Apr 14·edited Apr 15

Thanks for this! There is SO much he did, and didn't do, that it feels impossible to keep up with the "rewriting" as you so aptly put it. It's helpful to have you recall these issues for us so we can help family, friends and neighbors remember how awful he was.

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Thanks! Yep

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Apr 14·edited Apr 15

Let's not forget that for no other reason than "Obama did it and I hate Obama", Trump got the US out of the multi-nation agreement on Iranian nuclear proliferation that had actually and verifiably stopped Iran from enriching uranium. Now, they do. Thanks, Donald. Good job "presidenting" on matters of international peace and security.

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"That's All..." THAT'S ALL??? "Trump was the worst president ever in terms of foreign policy?" Let's shout this from the mountaintops!! People need to be reminded about just how bad he is for our country's security!! Thank you Adam for telling it like it is...

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Apr 14Liked by Adam Kinzinger

Thank you, Sir, for keeping it real! You have my vote!!

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Mine too!

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Excellent analysis Adam. Please keep reminding everyone, everyday, as hopefully will the rest of us. I forgot he didn’t respond to the missile attacks or the Saudi raid by Iran.

He betrayed the Kurds in Syria, the same people responsible for defeating the ISIL caliphate with limited US involvement and loss of life (2,500 SF’s and air cover). Yet, so few remember or even care. We must continually reinforce this fact each and everyday.

And thank you for reminding us of the brain injuries from the Iran missile bombardment in Iraq which went unanswered and were atrocious. And yet, republicans still refuse to support veteran healthcare and services.

Trump helped create this mess by making Kushner his Middle East envoy; a man with no experience and limited intellectual cognizance.

He allowed Israel to implement draconian policies in the West Bank and Gaza, and moving the US Embassy to Jerusalem. Not to mention, allowing Israel to annex the Golan Heights without making any concessions to Syria or the Palestinians.

Leaving the JCPOA was a grave mistake. Iran now has enough highly enriched uranium to make several bombs and his DOHA Agreement was the worst deal ever made by a US administration; and we had the Vietnam debacle.

Bottom line: God help us all if he is re-elected, and as usual, the same “Never Trumper” cadre of politicians in the party, are slowly but surely, joining the Chump Train. Can anyone say Chris Sununu? He’s the latest traitor!…:)

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I can’t fathom how Sununu now suddenly thinks the orange man-baby is a better choice to lead this country. Another Republican coward.

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unfortunately that's the twisted way of politics...no wonder people are angry!

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And the anger seems to be about anything in our society not just politics. There’s road rage, retail theft in broad daylight, women getting punched in the face for no known reason and on and on. But there are still so many good people among us, but those don’t get the focus.

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Robert, thank you for these trump offenses. The most hurtful to me was the betrayal of the Kurds in Syria after they helped us! I have never been more ashamed of America! It broke my heart as the political pundits were describing what was going to happen to them. The desperation they must have felt and there was no one here who could/would save them.

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Spot On!! Thanks for telling the truth Adam, Trump's kryptonite...

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Thank you so much for telling me truth with clarity and fullness! I will remind everyone I know!

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Thank you for the reminder Adam. We, the American people, need these reminders to counter all the lies that are repeated ad nauseam by the MAGA cult. Seriously, I have a visceral reaction to Trump. He makes me want to throw up!

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Hope is not a wish or thought. Hope is hard work - action to accomplish. Trump can ramble on, make up what he needs to look good but ONLY to those who blindly trot along with lies that grow bigger day by day. Maybe we've crossed the line with this buffoon when he claims pile upon pile of lies regarding his foreign policy acumen. This is a seriously bad world right now and we need real hope to back up our decisions.

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YES! Righteous Anger suits me!! Please get your exact words( as one who was there) on the News Thread, tomorrow! Keeping it real for normal Americans. Can we reach 20 and 30 year olds with this message? How much would we all have to donate to our cause, to buy time on Fox News, with the truth? How else can we change minds. Happy to have you in America’s corner, now, and after all this Orange blight disappear s.

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Thank you Adam, for taking time out of your precious Sunday to remind us how bad trump's realm was. Thank God for the ex-military cabinet members (minus Gen. Flynn)!

It's hard to remember everything bad trump did when there was SO much!

This video, with other reminders, need to be on a continual loop! I hope you know someone on Biden's campaign to forward this to!

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You didn't mention that the "stable genius" pulled the US out if the JCPOA negotiated during the Obama administration. Iran was in compliance! Trump is the most unfit moron to have ever served as president. Had he been in office last night as Iran began firing at Israel, he'd have used that as an excuse to play with the nuclear buttons getting us into a global war! He was just itching to use the nukes! He's a dangerous moron who knows nothing and doesn't understand Jack sh*t. God help us all if that criminal ever gets near the Oval Office again! We'll all be DEAD!


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Thank you, thank you, thank you. This needs to be said, shouted from the rooftops, rinse and repeat. Horrible human being that he is. Thank you, Adam, for all that you do.

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Bingo! Thank you Adam.

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Exactly. He claims that he could bring World Peace. But all of his claims are lies and all of his promises are empty. He was scared to death but at the same time envious of the control that dictators have over their populations. He saluted a North Korean General and surprised the crap out of Chairman Kim.

They can lie all they want but they will never change the fact that Donald Trump was the worst ever in all facets of the office of President of the United States.

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True that!!

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PaaaaREACCHHH! Memories faulter so easily with time. Thanks for the reminder!

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