Dec 11, 2023·edited Dec 11, 2023

I realize that the Latino vote is extremely important. What I get sick of is the voting blocks that go back and forth, every election, looking for the "next shiny object" that will make it all OK. Whether they are a dreamer, have been here for years legally OR illegally, I wonder how they are going to like it when Steven Millers sets up his deportation camps and Uncle Joe gets nabbed? THINK people.

Biden has a HUGE amount of work to do in several areas, this being one of them, but turning to the orange nightmare? OY!!!

I think you have some ideas that need to be stressed to Biden and his people. Everything possible to draw people in needs to be done. There has to be grass roots, person to person campaigning.

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I try to put myself in the latino community’s shoes upon hearing the strongman, authoritarian, fascist rhetoric from TFG camp and would imagine that for some of them, it would set off alarm bells. Many who have endured immense hardships to navigate thousands of miles to escape that kind of political environment, to seek refuge in a country where they would be able to be safe from repression, thrive and raise families being knit into communities and a new country, only to be once again forced to face what they left behind. How disheartening it must be to think all the previous sacrifices were for naught. I can’t imagine. This is NOT who we are as a nation. I think the suggestions you have offered Adam, especially the outreach at local and grassroots levels by paid staff, are spot on and Biden’s campaign would do well to consider them.

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The main key w/ many latino community is to combat fascist fear-mongering where they are labeling everything as "communism" if it's not MAGA fascism.

The Communist fake label is nuclear.

The "they're coming after you" fear-mongering is nuclear to latinos from communist/dictatorial countries.

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*A main key issue,

There's many but it's one that's under-addressed.

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Thank you, Adam! Very insightful! I hope these ideas are implemented!! Also, I just read an article by David Brooks, a celebrated pundit on how to heal American divisions. In short, at 62 years old, his advice is to "heal these great divides one person at a time". So, if we address the larger groups AND the one-person-at-time theory, we could have a HUGE impact!

When I was 20, I started working at Disney Studios. Walt started an unwritten "policy" that you say "Hi!" to anyone you pass. I was blown away by what a difference this made!! It truly was "the happiest place to work"!! I'm sure this kindness left the Studio with those who visited too!! I still do it today when I pass anyone!! What if WE all did it?!? People would feel less isolated and ignored as what I've experienced through this practice!

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Say Hi just Don't Say Gay.

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Hard to argue against a ground game and I can't imagine the Biden campaign will not have one. We won't know how effective or ineffective it will be. What is apparent is that we have seen this movie before in 2016 where Insane Clown controlled the conversation and Hillary was just the tailor made punching bag. Biden needs to get in the game. Insane Clown's presidency was every bit the put-on that his campaign was. Insane Clown never for a second took it seriously. Insane Clown's grasp of the economy begins and ends with he doesn't like paying taxes. Installing a series of climate science deniers to head the EPA. Throwing paper towels at Puerto Rico. Telling Californians to rake the forest. Drawing on the hurricane map and trotting out his senile Commerce Secretary Ross to threaten NOAA employees if they didn't change their forecast. His clownish response to COVID 19 Chloroquine, Clorox, installing quack Atlas to replace Fauci, all of which exacerbated the virus spreading and mutating out of control which in turn caused supply chain issues which in turn bear full responsibility for the inflation we are experiencing today. Above all Insane Clown wants to be Putin and the 2 of them side by side should be on heavy rotation on national TV. Democrats must seize control of the conversation, with the Latin community and every other community, and as mentioned in a previous article here, must match Insane Clown decibel for decibel. I have serious doubts whether Biden is up to that, his previous press conference where he quickly ran out of gas taking questions after his opening remarks is nothing short of terrifying.

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I HAVE seen some interviews with Latinos and some make a good point, and that is, the parties show up at election time when they want their vote and ignore them the rest of the time. It seems the Democrats took a bigger hit on that one so that makes me think the Republicans are better at pandering. As mentioned above, stoke the fear, repeat the same garbage over and over until is sinks in and THEN come in with the "oh you poor neglected babies, let "daddy" make everything right for you". Its's a great tactic, right out of the Steve Bannon play book. His words the day before the election? "He doesn't HAVE to win, he just has to SAY he did". So this is what we are up against.

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Biden should do whatever is needful to stem the tide of illegal immigration and not tie it to DACA or pathway to citizenship. If that upsets some Latins they need a gentle reminder that if they want those things the last thing they should have been doing and should not be doing now is voting Republican. And that Insane Clown removed any doubts as to his racism when he exonerated Americas Racist Sheriff Arpaio. Illegal immigration is just a first step for Republicans, next they will come after legal immigrants, the ultimate goal being ethnic cleansing and a White Christian country.

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Please share this with the people who are working on President Biden's campaign. Thank you for the information.

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I certainly hope and pray that the appropriate people in the Biden campaign see this and act upon it!

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Adam, one of the things I hear from my Republican friends are concerns that many Latino immigrants that are not citizens are voting. I feel a lot of this may be fear mongering. Maybe you can help clear this up for me. Are immigrants (legal with green card or illegals) that are not citizens residing in the states permitted to vote in federal elections (President or Congress)? I support all that are citizens to be eligible to vote, but do have concerns about non-citizens being eligible to vote. Local elections are a different story, but it could be a very interesting story based on voter turnout.

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Green Card holders cannot vote- except in some local elections. https://www.usa.gov/who-can-vote

"You can vote in U.S. federal, state, and local elections if you: Are a U.S. citizen (some areas allow non-citizens to vote in local elections only). Non-citizens, including permanent legal residents, cannot vote in federal, state, and most local elections."

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I too am interested in the answer to this question, although I totally agree with Adam's position.

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Green Card holders cannot vote- except in some local elections. https://www.usa.gov/who-can-vote

"You can vote in U.S. federal, state, and local elections if you: Are a U.S. citizen (some areas allow non-citizens to vote in local elections only). Non-citizens, including permanent legal residents, cannot vote in federal, state, and most local elections."

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Part of why this is interesting is it can be a rallying cry for those opposed to immigration (and don't always differentiate between legal and illegal) and would potentially have to be addressed.

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Green Card holders cannot vote- except in some local elections. https://www.usa.gov/who-can-vote

"You can vote in U.S. federal, state, and local elections if you: Are a U.S. citizen (some areas allow non-citizens to vote in local elections only). Non-citizens, including permanent legal residents, cannot vote in federal, state, and most local elections."

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Thank you. This is what I thought. I have heard from some people that are far right (and Trump supporters) that illegal aliens are voting, and voting Democrat. I found it hard to believe. The topic will provably be raised in the upcoming election.

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Dec 11, 2023·edited Dec 11, 2023

yes- they are spreading that false info- this is the problem with the maga- right wing and misinformation- they are very good at spreading it and people believe them. That is why it is so important for leaders and those campaigning and the media to constantly counter message with the facts like Adam and Liz are doing- But- look how hard it is for them once the non facts get spread far and wide.

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Republicans made that claim in 2020, and it was proven false. Trumpists won’t believe evidence, but that does not change the facts.

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Adam - Are there specific groups in specific states that you would suggest those willing to volunteer (remotely) could pitch in with the voter registration effort, or where small donations would help?

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Great points.



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Thank you for voicing these concerns. These types of insights are why I value your Substack and podcasts.

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Dec 11, 2023·edited Dec 11, 2023

Totally agree! Especially about bringing in the big guns in key communities. This is also important to do in those 5-6 swing states that will decide the election. Tell the Biden campaign. The GOP did message pretty successfully to them in previous elections regarding the boogie man words "socialism" . Even though what those like Bernie Sanders talks about is nothing like the 'socialism' of the countries they left, the message was effective.

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Adam, thank you for this piece. For me, it made me think and realize how important the Latino vote is. Sometimes, we all need to be reminded of issues that may seem so obvious, yet with all the news going around, we may forget. For Biden and the democrats, they need to do anything and everything to get EVERYONE that is eligible to be registered and get them to vote. Use every trick in the book, so to speak. Shout from the rooftops. Do not forget ANY voting bloc as that could be the difference in winning or losing. Quite honestly, losing will be a hugely significant loss and a danger to our democracy.

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Dec 11, 2023·edited Dec 12, 2023

Adam, thank you. I agree with you; taking the Latino voting bloc for granted ...matters. They have so much to offer if we only keep our hearts and arms open wide to them. With idiocy of the past -- English as the official language, for example, and the stereotypes of machismo, and the stereotypes of lifestyles more criminally inclined -- trust issues inevitably remain among good people. I would say let's -- referring to "Dempublicans," people who put country before party -- just keep trying.

Latinos will vote for who Latinos want to vote for. They're a complex people and I would think convincing their bloc to vote one way an amazing task. That's just my perception, and is not advice. You've likely seen the entire spectrum politically already.

Insulting their community the first time might cost their support -- a total loss. I remember hearing the story of an elected representative who demanded that the state declare English the official language of the state. He hasn't "made the news" for any reason since. He just became... disregarded.

From my experience, I would advise, step carefully, but there's no need to just expect political resistance.

I still don't think AOC should have been inflicted upon the grown-ups, and I'm glad Santos dressed so pretty to entertain the Latinas, and I hope he felt pretty for a while, but I would suggest that winning "the Latino prize" would involve being yourself... being "real" to them. They can smell an actor at 50 football yards, trust me, please. I believe you're already acceptable to them, Adam Kinzinger. I don't have an opinion on what the Latino bloc will do politically in 2024, or 2028.

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Dec 11, 2023·edited Dec 11, 2023

Santos is from Brazil- not a Latino country, Santos won in a mostly white, Jewish/Italian/Asian district. He won by lying to them that he had something in common with them. Also- the popular incumbent left to run for Gov. He is now running to get that seat back again and probably will

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I'm sorry I referred to Brazil as a Latino country if that is not true. I was referring to all Spanish speakers. I wasn't sure if "Hispanic" was the adjective I was looking for. (I can speak Spanish, but still an amateur after years and years, although I would be just a step above a helpless tourist ha ha ha). I think you knew what I meant :-)

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No worries:) I knew what you meant - Brazilians speak Portuguese and the district that Santos won in is majority Jewish/Italian and Asian- few Latinos or Hispanics.

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