Your integrity is a tribute to your dad. I am sure that he is very proud of the man that he raised.

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Happy Belated Father’s Day my eternal brother Adam!!! Don’t worry about the haters who disrespected you when you told the truth about trump and his minions!!! You are true man of Faith!!! Those who called you a traitor are actually traitors to Our Lord And Savior Jesus Christ!!! Continue to be the man God and your dad made you to be. Be Blessed!!!

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Thank you!’n that means the world

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Such a wonderful and heartfelt tribute. Thank you for sharing. I agree with the other comment I see here -- Christian is very lucky to have the father he does!

Not to dwell too much on my personal situation... but your post served as an additional inspiration to me. Not having children of my own -- but having a wonderful niece and nephew who lost their dad (my brother) unexpectedly 5 years ago -- I was reminded how important it is to stay involved in their lives, as their only uncle. Thank you, my friend.

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Such a moving tribute to your dad, Adam. Dads play such a pivotal role in children’s lives. My heart breaks for those who have grown up in the unfortunate circumstance of abusive or absent fathers. My own father died two weeks before my fourteenth birthday. We were very close and I still miss him now at 73 years old. He taught me much but the best piece of advice he gave me was “always think for yourself, watch out for others trying to tell you how to think”. That has served me well over these many years. Thank you for sharing your personal thoughts and experiences with your dad with us. You are a great father based on what was passed onto you by your father.

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I'm SO sorry Joan. That is so young to lose a parent. I'm grateful you had such a close relationship! I can tell he would be proud of the person you have become!

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That was a well written heartfelt ode to your Dad. I feel the same about my Dad and they shared similar traits. Not a day goes by without thinking I wish he was still here so I can ask for advice, and every time I do, I hear his voice in my head saying, ‘you know what to do Mihijo’. Thank you for this Adam!

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Love it... Especially the Spanish part! (My Spanish is not great but I enjoy learning it.)

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My Spanish is pretty much non-existent which is sad considering my Dad was tri-lingual (Spanish, English, Italian)!! I’m pretty much illiterate in over 500 languages.

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And so it goes - your integrity , honesty , and the morals ( guts ) to step away from your job gone whacky is also what’s helping us to move forward in our political chaos 🎪. Bravo💪

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Liked this immensely!

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So beautifully written and touching. Makes me miss my dad who unfortunately died way too young from a glioblastoma brain tumor, but he did live till I was 32 which was long enough for me to know he raised me well and trusted my judgment as an adult. I love and miss him. Dad’s are special - as special as mom’s.

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What a wonderful post Adam!!It sounds like you were blessed to have such a great father!Your son will grow up with a great role model!

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You have a way with words that serve as true inspiration....happy belated Father's Day to you and your beautiful family!

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My father was the greatest man alive. He has taught me service over selfishness how to be a good Christian And overall human being. Unfortunately during the time of covid he got stuck watching Fox News and now it's under the spell of Donald Trump. It breaks my heart. We've got to defeat this man. He's taking good people and reprogramming them. I know that sounds dramatic but it's true. Your son's absolutely adorable. He looks just like you. I'm glad that you have that happiness in your life and I hope you had a wonderful Father's Day

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I’m so sorry to hear that about your dad. I know it must be difficult to witness his embrace of the orange man-baby. Let’s pray that his resounding defeat in November will release the spell many are under and restore common sense and decency in our country.

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Sucks to be him. He has a very stubborn Scorpio daughter who will do everything in her power to break the chain of trump and believe me, I will succeed. We avoid politics and I'm slowly but surely gaining ground. When my dad ask why I voted for Biden and not Trump. I said simply because you raised me to be who I am that pretty much shut him up about how great Trump was.

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I think you have a few other Scorpio's supporting, at least one other for sure! No doubt, we are persevering!!!

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Another one!! I'm Scorpio too! Hopefully we'll be celebrating this year's birthdays with a big election victory and no violence!!🙏

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Me too!

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Ally, we MUST beat this man-baby in November and deflate the maga balloon. After all, it's just full of hot air! We need to get you your father back and all the lost souls like him!

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Sad for you and the family.

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What a wonderful tribute to your dad, Adam. Christian is a cutie and has a great dad, who clearly loves him to pieces. My dad passed away last year at age 87, not wanting to be a burden to his family, he committed suicide. It was a horrible time not only dealing with his death but how he took things into his own hands. However, I love him and he taught me so many lessons. One in which we are all people, it doesn’t matter the color of our skin, our religion, rich or poor. We are all human beings that deserve respect. I am a mom to a 31 year old son and now a grandma to a 3.5 week grandson. I hope trust that the strength of his dad and grandpas, along with the strength of his family has him growing up to become another great man & father, in our family. I trust that our love will always guide him.

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Beautiful words, Mr. Kinzinger.

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You honor the love and guidance your dad gave you in your life.

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People like you continue to give me hope! The values, principles and integrity that you show will prevail! Please keep it up!

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Little doll boy is a lucky little fella💙

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Fred Trump was a bad Father. Donald John Trump was the result.

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