You did not lose your tribe. Your tribe lost you. You left a toxic environment full of grand delusions and false prophecies. You have a better calling and they know it.

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^^^What she said!

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I love this comment. Rep. Kinzinger: WE AGREE ! Your tribe lost you. You know what else they lost? Themselves. They've all sold themselves to the devil. You made the choice for safety of conscience. Blessings to you & yours.

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So said Reagan when he changed parties. They left me.

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Thank you, Adam. I did not watch the debate, but it sure has caused a maelstrom of discontent. No grace given to Joe Biden, and all forgiveness given to Trump. I feel like all light has gone, and I’ve been feeling very hopeless. I just don’t get why everybody is so anxious to give up our great experiment of democracy. Be careful what you wish for people. There’s gonna be no takeback on this one.

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We have to keep going and convince our family and friends to vote for Biden

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Adam, I'm a liberal but we agree on some important things. Good to hear your thoughts.

Here are action steps we can all take. It’s urgent that we do everything we can to prevent a Trump/Heritage Society autocracy. It’s not just an issue for Democrats: many moderates, and more than a few “Never Trump” Republicans agree on the danger.

Please sign up for this evening’s ZOOM https://bit.ly/F4D2July The group is Focus4Democracy and they do a Zoom every 2 weeks.

In the light of Biden's disastrous debate and then SCOTUS’s terrifying decision yesterday, I fear that people may be so discouraged that they won’t bother to vote at all. Don’t forget the many candidates for Congress at the Federal level, state Congresses, Governors, and in some cases, judges are elected. Obviously, only state residents can vote in those elections. But we all know people who live in other states who we can contact. Even if we can’t afford to donate to key races, we can notify our friends & family nationwide.

Tonight’s ZOOM https://bit.ly/F4D2July is hosted by Focus4Democracy, an organization that’s expert in crafting messages to motivate people to vote to protect democracy. And they can quantify the results in terms of Democratic votes gained. Collectively, F4D’s principals have decades of experience in campaign messaging, psychology, statistics, etc. https://www.focus4democracy.org/team

Focus for Democracy is particularly focused on the “undecided” voters in swing states. There are (hard to believe) thousands, maybe millions of voters who actually cannot decide between Biden and Trump. There are fewer and fewer people who still think Biden can win, and if people become too depressed to vote at all, I fear worthy candidates for all the other offices won’t get our votes.

Another thing to look at is https://app.oath.vote/ which shows you which races are most critical around the country to help you decide where to donate.

Please, send these links to friends nationwide. I’m going to contact everyone I know.

Who will join me?

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Amen well said and good advice

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I especially like your reminder of the real definition of TRUTH

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it would probably make more sense to reach out to Country 1st's Contact email for scheduling Congressman Kinzinger for speaking at events

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Ehat a fantastic idea

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Yes, and an added alarm needs to be rung that some red states are purging Democratic voter rolls of people who don’t vote. So, make sure you are registered by going online to check your county election board’s records which usually are accessible online. One of the Rs’ favorite tactics is to delete voter registrations claiming inactive voting history. Then when you go to vote you find you aren’t registered and voila! Another Dem vote bites the dust. Voting, like jury duty, is a citizen’s right and duty. Make sure no one takes it from you.

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Susie, that is important advice - thanks so much. Also, people can't forget the "lower" elections. After Biden's terrible debate performance, folks who are disheartened may decide not to vote at all - that would have an awful downstream effect on dozens of other offices. Please visit OATH - https://app.oath.vote/ - this website lets you specify your greatest concerns (getting more Dems in Congress, reproductive rights, and don't forget that sometimes judges are elected) and tells you which campaigns you can donate to that will make the greatest difference. Tell your friends who live in other states to do this as well.

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I’m in, Jan.🇺🇸🕊

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Your reply means a lot to me. I'm spending hours every day getting the word out (sending emails to everyone I know, making comments on Substack and WaPo) - and I sometimes wonder if it's doing any good. I worry that some good people are so discouraged, they'll just give up. So thanks for replying!

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thank you Jan--i will look into these links!

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Thanks! I'm spending hours every day getting the word out (emails to everyone I know, comments on Substack and WaPo) - and without replies like yours, I don't know if it's doing any good. We can't be too discouraged and just give up. So thanks for replying!

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It's hard to know whether we're making an impact--but glad you are sharing this information! There is SO MUCH overload on requests for help, so it helps to have a consolidated platform which sees the big picture to know where you money is best spent. Thanks Jan...I will sign up for the F4D's zoom meetings and attend as able :)

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Thanks Nada. I did a super-detailed write up about last night's F4D

Zoom and posted in a reply to Steve Schmidt ("The Warning" substack) because he had requested me update him. The ZOOM left me feeling energized! I don't have my own Substack to post it on, maybe you can find my summary on "The Warning" ? I'd post it here, but only with Adam's permission. So I'll ask him. Anyhow, thx for your interest!

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I will check that out. I just read his article in The Atlantic and I am in total agreement with his remarks.

Biden has done a remarkable job for the past 3 1/2 years, which should be measured in context against a 90 minute debate. Every time I hear a pundit calling for Biden to step aside--the question is resoundingly--FOR WHO?!!! It's not like Superman has been waiting in the wings to be called up to the stage!! The truth is--Biden is the only person who has BEAT Trump and his record is enough to beat him again, if they can get the messaging right and grow a backbone! I appreciate you were energized by the meeting--I will make a point to attend the next one :)

BTW--the form requested the name of the referral and when I checked your "profile" I discerned Glover? If not--oh well, hopefully they'll send me the link ;)

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Nada, thx. Hmmm....Glover - that isn't me. I don't put my last name here because I don't want to get attacked when people disagree with me. It hasn't happened yet on Substack but it will eventually. I don't actually think F4D needs a last name. You can just call me "Jan." Thx for your interest!

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Perfect words for encouragement and morale booster. I needed this today. There seems to be such uncertainty right now. Does he leave the race, who will replace him, and the biggest question is how will donald trump be stopped? The scotus has pretty much made it impossible to nail the guy! I mean, I watched you and Liz Chaney fight every inch of the way to make people understand how he was responsible for J6. Not many wanted to believe the credible evidence that was presented-none of the trumpers were swayed. I mean what does it take!? I asked yesterday what the scotus ruling would do for Joe-is there anything?

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I think that there is a credible argument to be made that sitting in the dining room off of the Oval Office for 3 hours and watching television instead of immediately calling out the National Guard is not only a violation of the Oath of Office but also is not an official duty. Therefore it is prosecutable.

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Thank you so much for this post! You expressed things I've been thinking! You gave the best answer! If all of us keep our light glowing💡, it will reach others around us and then hopefully they will pass it on to others!! Great image and easy for all of us to do!! Thanks, Adam!! I feel better! Praying you do too! 🙏

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Thank you Adam. I appreciate this forum and I appreciate your insight and ethics.

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Thank you, Adam. I feel a huge weight on my shoulders, as though we have this Herculean effort to keep democracy and we are failing. I will be voting for Joe Biden, or whoever the nominee is. I wish Biden didn’t run and passed the torch but that didn’t happen. I haven’t felt as though the democrats have shouted from the rooftops to get out and vote, to present their case as to why we can not elect Trump. Why our country needs Biden to have another 4 years. I was raised with morals, ethics, integrity & honesty. I have to say that my parents were republicans but I wasn’t raised via a political party, it was always open to what my beliefs were. I was a registered independent as I voted what I felt the most important issues were and how I felt about them. I leaned democrat but have voted republican in my lifetime. My father passed away in 2023 and was always saying that he feared for his grandson, now 31 and a father himself, as it was too late for him and we would probably be okay as we were retired. He’d be sick if he saw what was happening today. We will do what we can do and get the word out to vote in November and hopefully, to vote 💙

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Wanted to add that now we are saying we are worried about our grandson. He is only 5.5 weeks old but what a world we are in and can only pray that things change and he grows up in a different world than we have now.

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I have been a member of Country First since you started the Movement back in 2021. Living in Illinois for over 60 years, I followed your career in Congress. I always felt you were very much like John McCain. When you joined the Jan.6th Committee it reinforced this feeling. I joined Country First hoping that the Movement might be your path to the White House.

The country needs your leadership more then ever. Probably to late for 2024, an opportunity missed.

Nevertheless please consider a run in 2028, no matter who wins in 2024. I believe this could be your destiny, all you need to do is believe you can.

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I’m afraid to share my feelings publicly. These MAGA people are crazy. I bought a Country over Party sign for my front yard. I’m afraid to put it up lest my tires get slashed. Biden and democratic senators and congressmen need to get loud and bring to light the lies we have become numb to. Sorry I’m chicken. I protested the Vietnam war but this is another ball of wax.

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My Save Democracy sign( from Country1st) has been up 2-3 weeks- no issues(yet). Closer to election day( who knows). I’m tired of being afraid- they’re crazy, not me.

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I hear you. I took my mezuzah off my front door.

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“…awash in the sewers of confusion.” No truer statement made! People sucked into lies only want power for selfish, greedy interests. I doubt they truly understand Democracy or have any knowledge of history. Adam, keep the light beaming. You inspire many. Let’s HOPE Democracy prevails.

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Believe I'd feel better if you or someone viable was running for US President. Praying daily for guidance, feel as though this situation is a "lost cause" anymore. Sad so sad....

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Keep the Faith... It's always the darkest just before the dawn!

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This is actually true

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You have the answer to combat the constant lies. Tells us what we can do. Let's formulate an Action Plan - country-wide or in the swing states, etc.

What can we (Country1st People) do in coordination with the Biden Campaign people and what can we do outside of coordination with the Campaign?

I understand we are in unchartered waters, but that is the challenge. You can do it. You have followers like me that will go all in.



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For my two cents worth, I saw Biden feeling and looking physically sick at the debate. Trump is psychologically sick. Joe probably should have skipped the debate but I imagine he felt he had to go because of the fun we all made of Trump not showing up. He had a hectic couple of weeks with no down time between being in France for D-Day, then back again for G7. Then the fundraiser in CA. And then his son was convicted. It took a toll. I have empathy for Biden.

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Me too, Linda. Nobody can shovel the **** out as fast as Trump can shovel it in. Our President was simply baffled by the BS. Our President is a statesman, truthful and honest.

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I am so glad that you agree. I don’t think a lot of people look at it that way. It didn’t take long for everyone to get on the band wagon to get him out. At the D-Day memorial he gave a tremendous speech. When the leaders that were there heard about Biden they could not believe it. They were shocked. I was shocked and seeing Joe the way he was, was also in shock. I don’t think he has dementia as some think he does. But it doesn’t come on that fast. It’s aging. But he was also ill and with Hunter being convicted that was a big blow. I think that our President was not and is not being treated fairly. It’s so sad 😞 Thank you for letting me blow off steam!

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You totally express the way that I feel, Linda.

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I agree but unfortunately he did have some serious missteps that is not just about being sick or tired. There were several mistakes that appeared to be cognitive and he often stared out into space and had little rebuttal to trump. Along with what people have been hearing about his age this debate really confirmed it and it will be very hard to overcome that unless he gets out there a lot talking off prompter and answering questions.

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The problem is, I’m finding we can’t cause change with trumpsters. You can not change their minds. They get mad, slam down the phone, storm out of the room, call you an idiot and accuse you of being a communist. Seriously, it’s that bad. It makes you want to give up. But we don’t want to give up.

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you are not going to change trumpsters. what we can do is get out the vote for those who are undecided and may not vote. impress on them the importance of keeping trump out of office as well as voting blue for Senators and Representatives to prevent autocracy. Also state and local elections are very important - keep out maga.

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I have the same problem with family and friends. There is no talking to them. Or trying to discuss. They are offended and then I am. It hurts so much. They are the ones having to deal with this. I’ll be gone. And I just became gr-grandma again. Poor Ky. 🥲

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I live with one of those. Its difficult.

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Si vis pacem, para bellum.

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Delayed 'Like' until I got I translated 😉

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It's important to remember that an overwhelming defeat of Trump in November will quite possibly cause many of them to at least question their loyalties. That questioning of one's own beliefs is the first step towards personal change. We can provide an overwhelming defeat of Trump in November if every one of us registers (if not already done) and votes for the Democratic candidate. Never give in, Never give up!

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The perfect words, the perfect length, the perfect time to inspire us. We all need it right now. I’m sharing this everywhere.

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Adam is right. Each lie that is exposed by the light of Truth makes a difference that drives back the darkness. When we do this together, the light is strong and reaches far. The very unity that gave birth to this nation is what can drive back the darkness, the lies, and restore our nation and our freedoms.

Spread the light, by sharing the flame of your candle with others.

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