Thanks for sharing this. I believe it, as you do, because of the connection you had with these people. I never really experienced anything like that until my dad passed away 16 years ago. I won't go into the whole episode here, but will just say that my mom and I experienced a completely inexplicable event (by conventional reasoning) about a week after he had passed. It was a very good thing, and we both believe it was his spirit reaching out to us, telling us that he was ok. Neither one of us had been on any medication (or indulged in any libations!) to make us see something that should not have been there. But it happened, and it made a lifelong impression on me, and was an immense comfort.

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I share your belief but don't call them ghosts. Just semantics so the same thing really. I totally believe in good and evil. I believe absolutely in a higher power. I believe in good and evil forces and I guess that translates into God and Satan in some circles.

I believe in spirits and have had a couple of "strange" experiences in my life. I believe that some of the ghosts that some see are the teachers that walk with us. I know, weird. We have lessons to learn and if we don't learn them we do it again. The ghosts are there to help us. JMHO

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When you hear stories like your trusted family members shared it’s totally believable. I believe the spirit world (both good and bad spirits) is very real and active. The Bible warns us to leave that world alone and not to try to delve into it. It’s a dimension we don’t live in and can’t fully comprehend. Someday those spirits will be overcome and dealt with.

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I’ve never seen but believe in ghosts. Anything is possible.

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I’m with you, grandparents and aunt. I am not a believer but if someone I knew very well told me these things, it could alter my views.

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Great article, Adam. Love your book, BTW!

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In answer to your question, I'd trust Gran & Papa.

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Adam, I do believe something spiritual can happen in the material world that is easier to see. How can I deny your family lore? ...Happy Halloween, glad tidyings to come, and do you get trick-or-treaters where you live?

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I would believe your grandparents & aunt. However, the people claiming aliens are being held at a military base are beyond believing. Just as the person who claimed Jews were shooting lasers at us from outer space. One must consider the source. Unfortunately, that's the problem today - you can't always believe the source, especially when the source is the news. I have discovered, for myself, those people who I believe. They are not the news. I also have to see logic and sense to what I believe, based on education, experience, and a lifetime of reading. It's not easy anymore.

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With the greatest respect, Adam, which is more likely — that your family members encountered weird, unexplained supernatural phenomena, or that some environmental factor such as a medication interaction or a carbon monoxide leak in a furnace caused them to hallucinate these experiences?

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What I have no doubt about is that your Grandmother prayed 🙏 for the ghost(s)👻 to be gone and they were!! Thanks for your faith!!

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And this is your gospel truth. Thank you for sharing. ❤️

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I agree with you about ghosts. I lived in a house built in 1857 that we bought and owned for 17 years. We ran a small business in part of it for 10 years. Us, office staff, friends and relatives told us about things happening in the house. We of course saw, heard and experienced many acoustic, and visual things. Stuff would be moved around. Sounds of doors opening and closing, feet on stairs, but no one was there, our pets reacted to some events, a friend drove by our house a weekend while we were away and saw a woman standing in a large window in the front of the house. It went on the entire time we owned it. They were never malevolent. One appeared to be a child who would roll what sounded like marbles across the floor in a second floor bedroom. One house guest heard what sounded like clock chimes overnight, then called us a week after he left and asked us about it. We owned no such clock. We live in a very "dull" house now. It is nice, old, but no ghostly visitors.

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Happy belated Halloween. I do believe that when some die, they leave a residue, a type of dreamlike conscious. (Not sure if that is the right word... Will look it up later). I also believe there are evil spirits and heavenly angels. These beliefs are based on personal experiences too. As far as aliens, honestly, I do not know what to believe. Some witnesses seem to be reliable and somewhat trustworthy. Not sure about aliens dead in a big like tank, etc. But I am curious as to what happened last February. I would like to know what was flying so fast that our own air force couldn't shoot them down or if they did shoot it down, where are the pictures, the evidence... Why are not we getting info... Honestly, I do not know what to think. Is it possible that there is life on other planets? Is it possible that the aleins have the technology ability to come here to earth or secretly live here in the ocean or underground in the mountains? Lord only knows... And if the government has any answers, I wish they would share it and provide evidence.

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Can you get Rep Ken Buck to team up with you or do you not want him ??? Sounds like He could help.

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Good family story for Halloween. I would love to meet/see/feel a ghost. Especially if it were Patrick Swayze. But at 73, maybe I'm just going to have to BE a ghost eventually. I have just downloaded Renegade from Audible and am anxious to get started.

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