We need Adam’s fireside chats (like FDR). Thanks for the heads up!

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that’s just what they are. 21st c style.

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Will be getting off a congressional virtual town hall

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well done you.

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Facebook would NOT let me post this quote from The Guardian today:

“That promoted former Social Security administration, commissioner Martin O’Malley to warn on CNBC that people should start saving now and ultimately you’re going to see the system collapse and an interruption of benefits. I believe you will see that within the next 30 to 90 days.”


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wait so they are not fact checking? But it blocked you from saying that?

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Thank You 💪

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Can Trump suspend aid to Ukraine if Congress approved the aid and orders are already placed

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Just finished emailing my two NY senators and Congressman. Three Democrats.

I asked them to boycott the address.

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I will interrupt Top Gear and James May driving a RR Phantom Drophead to sit in, Adam.

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Phew Adam! You were on a roll! Loved it! Hated what you had to address! Appreciate your honesty and your bit of hope!

I especially enjoyed envisioning the Republicans during the joint session sweating 🥵 under the lights and in their suits -afraid of what their idiot is going to say and then having to back it up!😆!

My bet in Vegas is that he goes off script because it's his last one as he thinks he'll never leave the throne!

I pray that I'm alive or have a front row seat from heaven 😉, when no one will admit they were maga!

God bless you! 🙏🏻

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Adam..Thankyou for your time.Thankyou for doing this.

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oops, Volodymyr....sorry

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Please Adam, his name is Volovymyr, NOT Vladimir !.....I love ya man but get his name right!

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Now, the говноед has announced there will no longer be US funding for Ukraine. He decides these things for us. He wants a new President for Ukraine-he said so. His groveling minions agree with da boss.

Can’t he just pop out of the closet? He’s not fooling anyone.

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The podcast was constantly interrupted with long pauses in the audio and video.

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Was on a Bulwark Sam Stein live vid yesterday and he didn’t look at the chat once.

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