Our vote in November will either save our democracy or doom us as we plunge into fascism and are led by a 5th grader who wears orange makeup. Insane!

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I really really agree with you!!

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I am an independent who votes on merit. And Republicans have spent it all on conspiracy, and revenge. I will quite possibly pull the all Democrat lever in November. With condolences for the former Conservative party. Sorry John McCain.

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That's the only way to give conservatives the reality check they need.

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Mar 5·edited Mar 6

That's the weird thing. The Rs have little campaign money yet everyone wants to vote for Trump. Ds are swimming in money but don't want to vote for Biden. A couple of polls have woman voters of both parties show 60 % of all women want Biden. But young people don't like Biden. There is some mix up here.

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I don’t know that this country can survive another Trump presidency, at least as a functioning democracy.

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Short answer: it can't.

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Mar 5·edited Mar 6

I'm thinking of moving to Malta.

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Everything Trump touches dies. Hopefully the GOP can recover after 2024 and become traditional again. Trump's legal problems are causing his "brand" to bleed money and people. Dementia runs in his family and the stress he is under is causing signs of that in his rallys. Much of what he says is false or unintelligible. AI video can't gloss over his failings and defects.

Mobilization of voters on November 5 (my 73rd birthday) by the Democrats will likely make for a sweep by them. If Trump is not in a position to be able to hold us all hostage again by crying about how he was cheated, everyone should be breathing easier.

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Darrell, my 73rd birthday will be 2 days before yours!! As your elder, I concur with your assessment 😊! I'm sure your BD wish is the same as mine...a major trump loss!!

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It dies, but first it turns to s***. Remember, this guy lost money in the CASINO BUSINESS. How do you do THAT?

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By not having one iota of discipline!

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I don’t get it and never will. So called educated smart folks were elected and are in such fear of this man. I might say cultists are lemmings to the death and so goes the Republican Party. VOTE! Liz Cheney remarked “one day he will be gone and your dishonor will remain”

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Understood Adam. Hopefully , Trump will keep destroying and alienating his supporters.

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Thanks Adam for this information! I did not know how well the Democratic party is doing for the election! All I hear is how much trump is pulling in.

I still believe with trump feeling so confident and already setting up his family dynasty (Lara trump), his campaign will implode!!

Looking forward to seeing you on CNN this week!

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Yes! Thank you. I feel like I only hear about or from DT.

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I don't know who is more to blame for the rapid deterioration of the Republican Party -Trump, who selfishly takes advantage of his mindless fanatical followers by taking as much of their hard-earned money as he can to pay for his own personal legal defenses, or his mindless fanatical followers who so willingly give it to him.

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As an amateur psychologist😉, I have studied trump by reading Mary Trump's book and everything I can get my eyes on. I believe he is only a genius at marketing his cons and being a champion narcissist!

What scares me the most is the man behind the curtain, Steve Bannon. I saw a documentary about him and it was frightening for our Country!

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What Mary writes about her uncle being attracted to tyrants because of his psychopathic father certainly makes sense. I also agree with her about donald being stuck at the toddler stage while his older brother was made a pariah by said psychopath father. She describes him as being left alone alot as a toddler, with his mother in the hospital for long periods of time. Who knows what happened to him then. What a sick family was created & now donalds' two sons seem to be following in his foot steps as con men...daughter in laws as well.

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Bannon is frightening. He strikes me as a nihilist and professional shit disturber. He actually advises 'flood the zone with shit' and he's smart enough not to believe all the conspiracies he pedals. Free speech can be protected without allowing his ilk to poison the ecosystem.

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This is a feel good story, like watching a video of puppies or pandas. Sooner or later the Trump train has to derail. Putting Lara at the controls might do the trick.

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I imagine Lara will be about as good at the gop job as she is at singing....mehhhh

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I want to live long enough to visit Trump’s grave and spit on it for what he’s done to this country.

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Trump is not worthy of my visiting his grave. Besides, publicly relieving ones self will likely result in being arrested.

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First, kudos to Adam K and his devoted service to our democracy. Defeating Trump is essential to restoring a two-party system capable of building principled consensus. To get us (and Adam K) there, we must defeat Trump, which means contributing now to voter-registration and get-out-the vote orgs. Have a look at 31st Street, focusing on Democratic victories in essential Swing states.

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Trump may be the anchor that sinks the Republic party but I have full faith in Democrat hubris to close the gap. Remember 2016! Putin does!

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I boldly predict that after the Republican party anoints Dastardly Don, he'll say the only way he can lose is if Democrats rig the election. Heads he wins. Tails the world loses.

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2016: "The election will be rigged."

2020: "The election will be rigged."

2024: "The election will be rigged."

Trump to Alyssa Farah, Communications Director in his WH: "It doesn't matter what you say. Just repeat it and they will believe you."

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He's been saying that for months as well as his little propaganda 'news' ecosystem.

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Party be damned, country be damned, world be damned, all to satisfy the ego of a clown.

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Could you maybe throw in a word about so-called “dark money”? I do not really understand its role. Russian oligarchs using super pacs to help Donald?

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Thank you Adam for bringing all of this up tonight!We definitely need to keep fighting for our democracy and make sure we don’t put anybody like Trumpie in there -who would destroy it!!!

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