When I voted for Joe Biden, I did so because I thought he’d get the federal government to do a better job helping people, as in other people, not me personally. By contrast, one Trump voter I know told me she voted for him (twice) because of how personally insulted she was by the “deplorable” comment. Other people were no part of the thought process.
As for the recent “vermin” comment? Isn’t that a whole lot worse than “deplorables”? I’m expecting either a blank stare or a dismissive “well I didn’t hear about that.”
It appears to me that Trump’s “charisma” is that he is a racist who wants to keep oppressed people even more oppressed and in the shadows —-just like his rally goers. He’s says the deplorable (yes, I used that word) things out loud , THAT’S why he’s their hero. In their minds, he hates all the things they hate and uses the same crass terminology they use. His flock calls that “telling it like it is”. Hillary Clinton shouldn’t necessarily have used that phrase but she wasn’t wrong. To your Biden point though, if he’s in it to win it, he does need to do whatever it takes to get out there and remind us that he represents our values as a democracy. I for one, find decency and sanity to be all the charisma I need right now.
Brian Klaas, a political scientist at University College London, captured the remarkable nature of the 2024 presidential election in an Oct. 1 essay, “The Case for Amplifying Trump’s Insanity.”
Klaas argued that the presidential contest now pits
“a 77-year-old racist, misogynist bigot who has been found liable for rape, who incited a deadly, violent insurrection aimed at overturning a democratic election, who has committed mass fraud for personal enrichment, who is facing 91 separate counts of felony criminal charges against him and who has overtly discussed his authoritarian strategies for governing if he returns to power”
against “an 80-year-old with mainstream Democratic Party views who sometimes misspeaks or trips.”
“One of those two candidates,” Klaas noted, “faces relentless newspaper columns and TV pundit ‘takes’ arguing that he should drop out of the race. (Spoiler alert: It’s somehow not the racist authoritarian sexual abuse fraudster facing 91 felony charges.)”
This is the saddest of all the Trump cult followers to me. Women of mature age who should be wiser, falling for all the lies and abuse of a man that I wouldn’t give the time of day to much less the presidency…which is why, after voting Republican since I was 22 years (I voted for Carter in my first election at 18) I wrote in a vote in 2016 and voted for Biden in 2020! I am praying there are other women like me here in my home state of Tennessee who will “grow up” and realize the office of President is not a fan club or a reality show….it is reality….one I don’t want to be real in 2024!
Do they know (surely they’ve heard) that trump thinks he has a right to grab women’s private parts because he’s “a star” and it’s “been done for a million years”? What would they say/do if trump grabbed their private parts at a rally? Think more highly of him? That alone should disgust every female alive and be enough ammunition to turn their backs on him. But those who are brainwashed washed (remember Patty Hearst? I do) have to go through months and sometimes longer of de-programming to find themselves and truth again.
It is easy too forget that women off this age grew up under the “Pretty Little Women” syndrome and would like for it to return. It’s just another way to a valid responsibility for their own actions.
Hooo-Wee! I’m a boomer too, but can’t imagine Trump being an idol-if my dog had a face like his, would push in his head, and pull out his tail and make him walk backwards! He’s the worst person (if he is one) on the planet! I’d take steady Biden any day over Trumpus!
I still don’t understand what the connection is between these “older” women and the orange man. I put the word older in quotes because I am of that age, 72. But I’ve lived long enough to smell a rat, a grifter, a liar, a snake oil salesman when I see one. If he would get back in office, he has outright said that he would use the military and DoJ against any American not bending to his wishes. If these cult followers would think about that to its conclusion, what do they think their lives will be like? For example, if there is a peaceful protest somewhere about a local or regional issue and one of the orange man’s crony in office complains to him, let’s say he decides to back up his buddy and send in the military. Who are the maga people and who are not maga people in this crowd? Maybe someone in this crowd is that older woman’s grandson or granddaughter. Or maybe a fellow churchgoer or neighbor. So the military arrests everyone whether they’re maga or not. How do his supporters get out of jail? By just saying they’re maga? By wearing the infamous red hat or wearing a tee shirt? Maybe we all would have to start carrying cards or papers on us everywhere we go to signify our allegiance. Is that what these maga people want? They just need to think through all the way to the end what might be in store for EVERYONE under his rule. They only see the immediate blinding of the orange light reflecting off his makeup. Somehow, someone needs to provide the barrier that blocks that light.
It goes way back! All the way to tribalism. But let’s just keep it in the 20th century for historical purposes. Say: certain females mad devotion to 1. Valentino, 2. Frank Sinatra, 3. Elvis, 4. The Beetles, 5. Michael Jackson 6. Any number of other “fascinators” in the “media” -- whatever it was or is. It’s a close relative of “mob” behavior. Now, just. To be specific: I did not include the very similar reaction that men have with their “fascinators” -- and of course kids either theirs like “Disney” fans or “GOT” fans -- and the list goes on and on.
Sad, isn't it? As an old grandma myself, AND a southerner, I am surrounded by these rediculous people. When I lived in a retirent village, the relentless Trump signs were (still are) everywhere. One day a neighbor stopped me as I was leaving for the store & asked where I got the sign I had for the Governors race - said it was impossible to find a fellow Democrat (I'm Independent but actively volunteered for the Dem candidate). I have been shunned, outcast & all but jailed for not being a Trump supporter. So be it. Those old farts are insane.
As someone who was born 6 months before the first boomer, but blamed by some for whatever “the baby boomers” had done to “tradition”, I am heartened to read your article. You are really on target here -- not just “boomer grandmas” but all the “burn down the barn” boomer men. Who would have ever believed that radical leftists could turn into radical rightists”? Yep!
Astounding is a great way to characterize this behavior. Unfortunately, I saw it displayed at my last place of employment (yes, I am a Boomer Grandma) in a large health system located in an unquestionably very liberal city.
We were preached to incessantly about the need to be inclusive and sympathetic of the views and plights of various marginalized populations. However, practicing this gentle and accepting approach most certainly did not extend to populations of people they found…….deplorable.
This hypocritical behavior was especially apparent as I had come from a faith-based hospital system which worked extremely hard at establishing an atmosphere of collaboration, cooperation and civility. I honestly found it shocking when I transitioned to a system that prided itself on being so accepting of everyone (and yet so obviously wasn’t) and whose political behaviors bled into and were exemplified in their business practices.
Why couldn’t they see their aggression and rudeness was not helpful? Why were they so insistent on being absolutely immoveable? Why was their refusal to compromise not seen as a leadership flaw, but rather something that was rewarded? Why couldn't they see that NOTHING was getting better and that problems were NOT getting solved? Hmmm, sound familiar?
I would often just shake my head and think it utterly astounding that they couldn't see any of this. That they behaved EXACTLY the way those on the polar opposite of the political spectrum behaved, those that they despised.
At the end of the day, the “extremists” are extremely similar, even if they can’t see it.
When I think of extremists, I really think the horseshoe magnet theory applies. The left and right extremes are at the bottom of the horseshoe, right next each other. All of the people in the middle are at the top of the horseshoe, far from the left or right. Our only hope is that there are far more people up in the center of the horseshoe than bottom left or bottom right. Democracy depends on it.
I too worked in healthcare setting in small town in northern Indiana. I too saw hypocrisy among management, directors and administrators. They tried to foster an environment of excellence by constantly patting themselves on the back about how wonderful they are. But what I found in my 5years there is that just because you say you’re exceptional doesn’t make it true. It’s the actions that make it so.
The whole country has become a giant football game between the reds and the blues (extremists only) unfortunately all of the coaches are armchair rather than professional in this case. Biden being an out of tine professional, is seen as “Weak” because cause he actually knows the rule of the “game”.
We are so divided over two men who don't care about any of us. Let's be realistic. Personally, there are no strings on me. I don't belong to a party nor do I want to. I just want my country back to normal.
I will respectfully have to disagree that Joe Biden doesn't care about us. Also, he has not been able to implement everything he wants to do and that's because we still have SOME checks and balances, at least until Donald is elected. Just an example and this has nothing to do whether you agree or disagree with the policy, just at how things often work.
Biden wanted to have a student loan forgiveness program and ultimately it was struck down by the Supreme Court. So some were very disappointed and mad at the president. Progressives were having a field day with that one. Shows how much we need Civics classes. That's how things still work and are supposed to work, for now. We don't have a King yet.
I also strongly disagree. Biden is a man of integrity whose policies help the common man. He just isn’t a charismatic personality. Caring for the planet, for the union worker, for SS and healthcare, and yes his attempt to cancel a portion of college student debt all speak to his intentions. And he is a solid and steady force in foreign policy which brought NATO countries back to a stronger union. He works behind the scenes to navigate this conflict in the Middle East. He is honorable. Please do not lump him in with Trump. There is no comparison, frankly. I urge you to dig a little deeper and you might begin to see as I do.
Trump isn’t the only problem; it’s his right-wing media ecosystem that carries water for the guy and his endless parade of mango MAGA morons that defend the indefensible, and turn every stumble and misdeed into his endless claims of victimization.
Chances are that most of these clowns don’t even know he’s been indicted in four jurisdictions, and if they do; they either don’t care, or think he’s being railroaded.
Not to mention, the three stooges in Kennedy, Stein and West who are running as independent spoilers, with the possibility of Manchin or some other imbecile on the No Labels ticket.
This election isn’t t about total votes. Biden could win by 10 million votes and still lose the electoral college. It will come down to three or four swing states, and so far, it doesn’t look promising for Biden. Michigan and Pennsylvania both have large Muslim and Palestinian populations who have vowed to stay home.
Bottom line: democracy may already be dead; America just didn’t get the memo yet!
I'm hoping as we get closer to the election that population in Mich and Penn will be on board. Biden has done a valiant diplomatic tightrope in this conflict.
I am a proud anti-Trumper who voted for Biden in 2020. That was the first time I ever voted for ANY Democrat candidate since the mid 1970s. I haven't forgotten how dangerous Trump is and will be voting for Biden again in 2024 -unless a better never-Trump candidate rises above the fray.
I am a boomer and soon to be grandma, Trump repulses me. I do not understand how anyone can look at him or listen to him. Period. Ugh. I grew up in the ‘burbs of NYC in NJ and listened to a ton of coverage on the news. He is a disgusting, racist bigot, liar, cheater, a generally repulsive individual. In 2015, I read and heard the coverage of him and if one wanted to know how bad he was, it was all out there. Yet, people didn’t care. My thought was that the Apprentice put him in everyone’s living rooms and he gained that star power. It had people buffaloed as to his business success, as well. We know how Hillarys deplorable comment was meant and yet, we see how that went down. We have been in areas of the country where the Trump cult is in full view and it is truly amazing how these people think. It is unbelievable to me on what they believe and how they have Trump walking on water. I find Joe Biden charismatic, if truth be told. Adam, enjoyed this piece and agree with it. Thank you.
OMG!-No way! I am a gram'ma boomer and no way would I or any of my friends ever support trump. Trump has zero charisma. We knew who he was before 2016. Our generation fought for civil rights, women's rights and justice. Why would we want to undo all of our accomplishments that moved this country forward to be more inclusive for all Americans? And I Love Taylor Swift! She is the new generation's fighter for women's rights. We are not fooled by snake oil salesmen. Biden may not have 'star' power but we don't need that. We need someone who still believes in our Republic- and respects our norms, traditions, ethics and rule of law. There are plenty of women just like me out there.
Anti-Trump is the perfect description for me! I wasn't a Biden fan. But, as they said in the past, anyone with a pulse instead of Trump! Trump really needed to be in jail years ago! I hope soon. It seems every time there's an election, no matter what the outcome, most times the Electoral College decides the outcome. Except for the last election, which Trump was shocked the Electoral College didn't give the election to him, as usual! It's too bad Trump is still in the equation! I would love to see some new blood, like yourself, running!
My dad is the best man I know, he gives to his community. He teaches us to love to not judge and to put others before ourselves. Yet he worships the ground trump walks on it's sickening. I don't understand it.
Get your dad to put the reasons he is a Trump follower in writing. Without using names, share it with us. I would like to try to understand his position.
That's actually a very constructive way to try to understand why.
I find when I ask I have gotten answers like
"I know we won't go to war"
I just know it in my gut the election was stolen"
" because he says what's on his mind"
" because he doesn't hide things"
" I just feel he is right"
" he's not afraid to stand up to people"
These are almost verbatim answers I've gotten
And when I start ro challenge them with proven facts
That's when they get crazy and start saying how could I talk about the president like that ( he's no longer the potus btw) and they all start sound like Fox news
I asked what about the ruling w R jean Caroll?
I was told
" it didn't happen its a set up to get money"
I think the point that was made on that people just don't want to be wrong holds a lot more water then we may give it credit for
I just try to remain optimistic snd being here reading posts that I'm not the only one who keeps waiting to the movie credits to come up really helps
That’s why I try to encourage people to write their thoughts/opinions down. It takes more time and allows for better thinking. Especially if asked to just give their ideas and not those of others. Sort of like asking your teen to write down 5 or 10 good reasons for wanting to date someone.
My father is 78 years old, has stage 4 kidney disease. I would love nothing more than to understand why he adores Trump, but arguing with him is not how I want to spend what time we have left together. I try to think of the good times we had like when he took me to the rolling Stones concert or all of our time on lake Michigan. He is stubborn like me then again he also raised me.
Having lost my 87 year old dad this year, I totally understand where you are coming from. There were certain topics I didn’t want to get into with him as it wasn’t the hill to die on and I respected my dad way too much. He was a man who was incredibly honest, fought for what he believed in and was a good good man, husband, father.
Adam, you nailed it! The anti-intellectual movement is paramount in this country, with older white men and women at its core. If it comes down to a culture war, Trump will probably win. Biden’s only hope culture-wise is that most people are pro choice.
As a 79 year old white male who is conservative on matters of national defense, and law and order, but also pro-choice on the abortion issues, I hope that readers here will not make the stupid mistake of over-generalizing about people's opinions on one issue to assume that they "know" their positions on other issues. But, of course, I'm one of those rare centrists who actually stands up for certain principles rather than being a sheep-person who just goes along with the portion of the partisan "flock" that best represents their "identity."
I wholeheartedly disagree. Intelligence and critical thinking are possible at an advanced age, baby boomer here. And I am not alone in totally rejecting Trump and Project 2025. TFG is totally UNFIT based on the criteria in the DSM used by psychologists and psychiatrists to determine competency, mental illness, etc. If not article 3, Amendment #14, why does no one pursue the 25th. Amendment. Having not studied it completely, I am aware that it is used to temporarily give the powers of the presidency to the VEEP if the president is UNFIT or incompacitated in some way, for example while under anesthesia for a simple colonoscopy. Can it not be used to prevent someone UNFIT to ascend to the office of the presidency? Would appreciate input from constitutional scholars here; I’d settle for legal expertise. Adam, ideas? 💡
Although I am not a lawyer, I was an Army officer who took an oath to defend the U.S. Constitution against "all enemies, foreign and domestic." As such, I regard Trump's incitement of violent action to overturn a Constitutionally valid election as an act of treason. Aside from the numerous highly credible charges against him for numerous illegal, unethical, and obscene acts throughout his adult life, I think that if his traitorous conduct on January 6, 2021 were PROVEN in a court of law (hopefully, endorsed by the Supreme Court) he would be declared to be ineligible to hold public office under the 14th Amendment.
In any case, I don't require a court determination of "guilt beyond reasonable doubt" for a criminal act, to refuse to vote for anybody who has Trump's history of disdain for law and ethical conduct. He's truly a disgrace to the United States -- as are Biden and Harris, but for somewhat different reasons. That's why we need to support an alternative candidate for President.
I completely agree with you in regards to former president Trump. I have taken no formal oath to defend my country in the military or otherwise other than the Pledge of Allegiance to our flag. But I read voraciously, consider myself well informed from numerous sources, such that I am qualified as a voter in my district to make a decision as to the worthiness of presidential and other candidates. You mention also President Biden and Vice President Harris. I am a Democrat who supports them in their efforts to keep this ship of state moving in the right direction. They are not perfect; they are human, doing the best they can in a world filled with more chaos than I can remember in my lifetime. I am hoping to see the rationale for decisions in the Mid East come to light in a timely manner as I understand the rallies and distress on this day by many of my fellow citizens. I will not judge until all the facts are available and presented by President Biden himself.
As one of those apparently rare centrists (also known as non-partisans) I essentially agree with Biden's qualified support for Israel (as opposed to the Zionist faction) and Ukraine (recognizing the risk of nuclear war in providing Ukraine with weapons that would be regarded by Putin's paranoid sycophant's as "aggressive").
But if you are sufficiently smart and ideologically balanced to objectively assess the "facts," then you had better not rely on either Biden and his Democratic sycophants or Trump and his RHINO (Rational Humans in Name Only) sycophants to tell it to you.
If you have any sense of intelligence and honor, please think for yourself -- for your own sake and all of us human beings.,
I’m a female baby boomer and I’m tired of trying to figure out/understand my peers. I understand why some may want to stay true to their party, but the party has strayed from its conservative values and has gone off the deep end. They had other choices in 2015 and chose the devil and sold their souls as far as I’m concerned.
I watched with tears as we said goodbye to Rosalynn Carter today with President Carter not far behind. Talk about the end of an era. We’ve had mostly decent people in the WH up until 2016. If Trump goes back in, nothing will ever be the same again.
When I voted for Joe Biden, I did so because I thought he’d get the federal government to do a better job helping people, as in other people, not me personally. By contrast, one Trump voter I know told me she voted for him (twice) because of how personally insulted she was by the “deplorable” comment. Other people were no part of the thought process.
As for the recent “vermin” comment? Isn’t that a whole lot worse than “deplorables”? I’m expecting either a blank stare or a dismissive “well I didn’t hear about that.”
It appears to me that Trump’s “charisma” is that he is a racist who wants to keep oppressed people even more oppressed and in the shadows —-just like his rally goers. He’s says the deplorable (yes, I used that word) things out loud , THAT’S why he’s their hero. In their minds, he hates all the things they hate and uses the same crass terminology they use. His flock calls that “telling it like it is”. Hillary Clinton shouldn’t necessarily have used that phrase but she wasn’t wrong. To your Biden point though, if he’s in it to win it, he does need to do whatever it takes to get out there and remind us that he represents our values as a democracy. I for one, find decency and sanity to be all the charisma I need right now.
I still don’t get how anyone can support this disgraceful person. Resurrecting Clinton’s single word that offended people?
From The Roots of Trump’s Rage
Brian Klaas, a political scientist at University College London, captured the remarkable nature of the 2024 presidential election in an Oct. 1 essay, “The Case for Amplifying Trump’s Insanity.”
Klaas argued that the presidential contest now pits
“a 77-year-old racist, misogynist bigot who has been found liable for rape, who incited a deadly, violent insurrection aimed at overturning a democratic election, who has committed mass fraud for personal enrichment, who is facing 91 separate counts of felony criminal charges against him and who has overtly discussed his authoritarian strategies for governing if he returns to power”
against “an 80-year-old with mainstream Democratic Party views who sometimes misspeaks or trips.”
“One of those two candidates,” Klaas noted, “faces relentless newspaper columns and TV pundit ‘takes’ arguing that he should drop out of the race. (Spoiler alert: It’s somehow not the racist authoritarian sexual abuse fraudster facing 91 felony charges.)”
This hits the nail on the head! Thank you for sharing and providing the link.
great post! this should be in a campaign ad!
This is the saddest of all the Trump cult followers to me. Women of mature age who should be wiser, falling for all the lies and abuse of a man that I wouldn’t give the time of day to much less the presidency…which is why, after voting Republican since I was 22 years (I voted for Carter in my first election at 18) I wrote in a vote in 2016 and voted for Biden in 2020! I am praying there are other women like me here in my home state of Tennessee who will “grow up” and realize the office of President is not a fan club or a reality show….it is reality….one I don’t want to be real in 2024!
Do they know (surely they’ve heard) that trump thinks he has a right to grab women’s private parts because he’s “a star” and it’s “been done for a million years”? What would they say/do if trump grabbed their private parts at a rally? Think more highly of him? That alone should disgust every female alive and be enough ammunition to turn their backs on him. But those who are brainwashed washed (remember Patty Hearst? I do) have to go through months and sometimes longer of de-programming to find themselves and truth again.
It is easy too forget that women off this age grew up under the “Pretty Little Women” syndrome and would like for it to return. It’s just another way to a valid responsibility for their own actions.
not the women I grew up with
Hooo-Wee! I’m a boomer too, but can’t imagine Trump being an idol-if my dog had a face like his, would push in his head, and pull out his tail and make him walk backwards! He’s the worst person (if he is one) on the planet! I’d take steady Biden any day over Trumpus!
I still don’t understand what the connection is between these “older” women and the orange man. I put the word older in quotes because I am of that age, 72. But I’ve lived long enough to smell a rat, a grifter, a liar, a snake oil salesman when I see one. If he would get back in office, he has outright said that he would use the military and DoJ against any American not bending to his wishes. If these cult followers would think about that to its conclusion, what do they think their lives will be like? For example, if there is a peaceful protest somewhere about a local or regional issue and one of the orange man’s crony in office complains to him, let’s say he decides to back up his buddy and send in the military. Who are the maga people and who are not maga people in this crowd? Maybe someone in this crowd is that older woman’s grandson or granddaughter. Or maybe a fellow churchgoer or neighbor. So the military arrests everyone whether they’re maga or not. How do his supporters get out of jail? By just saying they’re maga? By wearing the infamous red hat or wearing a tee shirt? Maybe we all would have to start carrying cards or papers on us everywhere we go to signify our allegiance. Is that what these maga people want? They just need to think through all the way to the end what might be in store for EVERYONE under his rule. They only see the immediate blinding of the orange light reflecting off his makeup. Somehow, someone needs to provide the barrier that blocks that light.
It goes way back! All the way to tribalism. But let’s just keep it in the 20th century for historical purposes. Say: certain females mad devotion to 1. Valentino, 2. Frank Sinatra, 3. Elvis, 4. The Beetles, 5. Michael Jackson 6. Any number of other “fascinators” in the “media” -- whatever it was or is. It’s a close relative of “mob” behavior. Now, just. To be specific: I did not include the very similar reaction that men have with their “fascinators” -- and of course kids either theirs like “Disney” fans or “GOT” fans -- and the list goes on and on.
Sad, isn't it? As an old grandma myself, AND a southerner, I am surrounded by these rediculous people. When I lived in a retirent village, the relentless Trump signs were (still are) everywhere. One day a neighbor stopped me as I was leaving for the store & asked where I got the sign I had for the Governors race - said it was impossible to find a fellow Democrat (I'm Independent but actively volunteered for the Dem candidate). I have been shunned, outcast & all but jailed for not being a Trump supporter. So be it. Those old farts are insane.
As someone who was born 6 months before the first boomer, but blamed by some for whatever “the baby boomers” had done to “tradition”, I am heartened to read your article. You are really on target here -- not just “boomer grandmas” but all the “burn down the barn” boomer men. Who would have ever believed that radical leftists could turn into radical rightists”? Yep!
The radicals are all the same. It’s astounding honestly
Astounding is a great way to characterize this behavior. Unfortunately, I saw it displayed at my last place of employment (yes, I am a Boomer Grandma) in a large health system located in an unquestionably very liberal city.
We were preached to incessantly about the need to be inclusive and sympathetic of the views and plights of various marginalized populations. However, practicing this gentle and accepting approach most certainly did not extend to populations of people they found…….deplorable.
This hypocritical behavior was especially apparent as I had come from a faith-based hospital system which worked extremely hard at establishing an atmosphere of collaboration, cooperation and civility. I honestly found it shocking when I transitioned to a system that prided itself on being so accepting of everyone (and yet so obviously wasn’t) and whose political behaviors bled into and were exemplified in their business practices.
Why couldn’t they see their aggression and rudeness was not helpful? Why were they so insistent on being absolutely immoveable? Why was their refusal to compromise not seen as a leadership flaw, but rather something that was rewarded? Why couldn't they see that NOTHING was getting better and that problems were NOT getting solved? Hmmm, sound familiar?
I would often just shake my head and think it utterly astounding that they couldn't see any of this. That they behaved EXACTLY the way those on the polar opposite of the political spectrum behaved, those that they despised.
At the end of the day, the “extremists” are extremely similar, even if they can’t see it.
When I think of extremists, I really think the horseshoe magnet theory applies. The left and right extremes are at the bottom of the horseshoe, right next each other. All of the people in the middle are at the top of the horseshoe, far from the left or right. Our only hope is that there are far more people up in the center of the horseshoe than bottom left or bottom right. Democracy depends on it.
I too worked in healthcare setting in small town in northern Indiana. I too saw hypocrisy among management, directors and administrators. They tried to foster an environment of excellence by constantly patting themselves on the back about how wonderful they are. But what I found in my 5years there is that just because you say you’re exceptional doesn’t make it true. It’s the actions that make it so.
The whole country has become a giant football game between the reds and the blues (extremists only) unfortunately all of the coaches are armchair rather than professional in this case. Biden being an out of tine professional, is seen as “Weak” because cause he actually knows the rule of the “game”.
We are so divided over two men who don't care about any of us. Let's be realistic. Personally, there are no strings on me. I don't belong to a party nor do I want to. I just want my country back to normal.
Well,in my opinion, getting our “country back” will rely heavily on those who choose to vote for Democracy over Fantasies of any other solutions.
I will respectfully have to disagree that Joe Biden doesn't care about us. Also, he has not been able to implement everything he wants to do and that's because we still have SOME checks and balances, at least until Donald is elected. Just an example and this has nothing to do whether you agree or disagree with the policy, just at how things often work.
Biden wanted to have a student loan forgiveness program and ultimately it was struck down by the Supreme Court. So some were very disappointed and mad at the president. Progressives were having a field day with that one. Shows how much we need Civics classes. That's how things still work and are supposed to work, for now. We don't have a King yet.
I also strongly disagree. Biden is a man of integrity whose policies help the common man. He just isn’t a charismatic personality. Caring for the planet, for the union worker, for SS and healthcare, and yes his attempt to cancel a portion of college student debt all speak to his intentions. And he is a solid and steady force in foreign policy which brought NATO countries back to a stronger union. He works behind the scenes to navigate this conflict in the Middle East. He is honorable. Please do not lump him in with Trump. There is no comparison, frankly. I urge you to dig a little deeper and you might begin to see as I do.
Trump isn’t the only problem; it’s his right-wing media ecosystem that carries water for the guy and his endless parade of mango MAGA morons that defend the indefensible, and turn every stumble and misdeed into his endless claims of victimization.
Chances are that most of these clowns don’t even know he’s been indicted in four jurisdictions, and if they do; they either don’t care, or think he’s being railroaded.
Not to mention, the three stooges in Kennedy, Stein and West who are running as independent spoilers, with the possibility of Manchin or some other imbecile on the No Labels ticket.
This election isn’t t about total votes. Biden could win by 10 million votes and still lose the electoral college. It will come down to three or four swing states, and so far, it doesn’t look promising for Biden. Michigan and Pennsylvania both have large Muslim and Palestinian populations who have vowed to stay home.
Bottom line: democracy may already be dead; America just didn’t get the memo yet!
Scary times!
I'm hoping as we get closer to the election that population in Mich and Penn will be on board. Biden has done a valiant diplomatic tightrope in this conflict.
The idea of democracy already being dead actually made my stomach physically turn its just terrifying
I am a proud anti-Trumper who voted for Biden in 2020. That was the first time I ever voted for ANY Democrat candidate since the mid 1970s. I haven't forgotten how dangerous Trump is and will be voting for Biden again in 2024 -unless a better never-Trump candidate rises above the fray.
I am a boomer and soon to be grandma, Trump repulses me. I do not understand how anyone can look at him or listen to him. Period. Ugh. I grew up in the ‘burbs of NYC in NJ and listened to a ton of coverage on the news. He is a disgusting, racist bigot, liar, cheater, a generally repulsive individual. In 2015, I read and heard the coverage of him and if one wanted to know how bad he was, it was all out there. Yet, people didn’t care. My thought was that the Apprentice put him in everyone’s living rooms and he gained that star power. It had people buffaloed as to his business success, as well. We know how Hillarys deplorable comment was meant and yet, we see how that went down. We have been in areas of the country where the Trump cult is in full view and it is truly amazing how these people think. It is unbelievable to me on what they believe and how they have Trump walking on water. I find Joe Biden charismatic, if truth be told. Adam, enjoyed this piece and agree with it. Thank you.
How can anyone look at him or listen to him? Good question. I wonder how many of his supporters do neither.
OMG!-No way! I am a gram'ma boomer and no way would I or any of my friends ever support trump. Trump has zero charisma. We knew who he was before 2016. Our generation fought for civil rights, women's rights and justice. Why would we want to undo all of our accomplishments that moved this country forward to be more inclusive for all Americans? And I Love Taylor Swift! She is the new generation's fighter for women's rights. We are not fooled by snake oil salesmen. Biden may not have 'star' power but we don't need that. We need someone who still believes in our Republic- and respects our norms, traditions, ethics and rule of law. There are plenty of women just like me out there.
Yes, but these are rational reasons for a decision. Cult decisions are never rational.
Anti-Trump is the perfect description for me! I wasn't a Biden fan. But, as they said in the past, anyone with a pulse instead of Trump! Trump really needed to be in jail years ago! I hope soon. It seems every time there's an election, no matter what the outcome, most times the Electoral College decides the outcome. Except for the last election, which Trump was shocked the Electoral College didn't give the election to him, as usual! It's too bad Trump is still in the equation! I would love to see some new blood, like yourself, running!
My dad is the best man I know, he gives to his community. He teaches us to love to not judge and to put others before ourselves. Yet he worships the ground trump walks on it's sickening. I don't understand it.
Get your dad to put the reasons he is a Trump follower in writing. Without using names, share it with us. I would like to try to understand his position.
That's actually a very constructive way to try to understand why.
I find when I ask I have gotten answers like
"I know we won't go to war"
I just know it in my gut the election was stolen"
" because he says what's on his mind"
" because he doesn't hide things"
" I just feel he is right"
" he's not afraid to stand up to people"
These are almost verbatim answers I've gotten
And when I start ro challenge them with proven facts
That's when they get crazy and start saying how could I talk about the president like that ( he's no longer the potus btw) and they all start sound like Fox news
I asked what about the ruling w R jean Caroll?
I was told
" it didn't happen its a set up to get money"
I think the point that was made on that people just don't want to be wrong holds a lot more water then we may give it credit for
I just try to remain optimistic snd being here reading posts that I'm not the only one who keeps waiting to the movie credits to come up really helps
That’s why I try to encourage people to write their thoughts/opinions down. It takes more time and allows for better thinking. Especially if asked to just give their ideas and not those of others. Sort of like asking your teen to write down 5 or 10 good reasons for wanting to date someone.
Such a great idea
My father is 78 years old, has stage 4 kidney disease. I would love nothing more than to understand why he adores Trump, but arguing with him is not how I want to spend what time we have left together. I try to think of the good times we had like when he took me to the rolling Stones concert or all of our time on lake Michigan. He is stubborn like me then again he also raised me.
Having lost my 87 year old dad this year, I totally understand where you are coming from. There were certain topics I didn’t want to get into with him as it wasn’t the hill to die on and I respected my dad way too much. He was a man who was incredibly honest, fought for what he believed in and was a good good man, husband, father.
But I really do like your suggestion and if the situation were different I absolutely would attempt to get him to communicate
Adam, you nailed it! The anti-intellectual movement is paramount in this country, with older white men and women at its core. If it comes down to a culture war, Trump will probably win. Biden’s only hope culture-wise is that most people are pro choice.
As a 79 year old white male who is conservative on matters of national defense, and law and order, but also pro-choice on the abortion issues, I hope that readers here will not make the stupid mistake of over-generalizing about people's opinions on one issue to assume that they "know" their positions on other issues. But, of course, I'm one of those rare centrists who actually stands up for certain principles rather than being a sheep-person who just goes along with the portion of the partisan "flock" that best represents their "identity."
I wholeheartedly disagree. Intelligence and critical thinking are possible at an advanced age, baby boomer here. And I am not alone in totally rejecting Trump and Project 2025. TFG is totally UNFIT based on the criteria in the DSM used by psychologists and psychiatrists to determine competency, mental illness, etc. If not article 3, Amendment #14, why does no one pursue the 25th. Amendment. Having not studied it completely, I am aware that it is used to temporarily give the powers of the presidency to the VEEP if the president is UNFIT or incompacitated in some way, for example while under anesthesia for a simple colonoscopy. Can it not be used to prevent someone UNFIT to ascend to the office of the presidency? Would appreciate input from constitutional scholars here; I’d settle for legal expertise. Adam, ideas? 💡
Although I am not a lawyer, I was an Army officer who took an oath to defend the U.S. Constitution against "all enemies, foreign and domestic." As such, I regard Trump's incitement of violent action to overturn a Constitutionally valid election as an act of treason. Aside from the numerous highly credible charges against him for numerous illegal, unethical, and obscene acts throughout his adult life, I think that if his traitorous conduct on January 6, 2021 were PROVEN in a court of law (hopefully, endorsed by the Supreme Court) he would be declared to be ineligible to hold public office under the 14th Amendment.
In any case, I don't require a court determination of "guilt beyond reasonable doubt" for a criminal act, to refuse to vote for anybody who has Trump's history of disdain for law and ethical conduct. He's truly a disgrace to the United States -- as are Biden and Harris, but for somewhat different reasons. That's why we need to support an alternative candidate for President.
I completely agree with you in regards to former president Trump. I have taken no formal oath to defend my country in the military or otherwise other than the Pledge of Allegiance to our flag. But I read voraciously, consider myself well informed from numerous sources, such that I am qualified as a voter in my district to make a decision as to the worthiness of presidential and other candidates. You mention also President Biden and Vice President Harris. I am a Democrat who supports them in their efforts to keep this ship of state moving in the right direction. They are not perfect; they are human, doing the best they can in a world filled with more chaos than I can remember in my lifetime. I am hoping to see the rationale for decisions in the Mid East come to light in a timely manner as I understand the rallies and distress on this day by many of my fellow citizens. I will not judge until all the facts are available and presented by President Biden himself.
As one of those apparently rare centrists (also known as non-partisans) I essentially agree with Biden's qualified support for Israel (as opposed to the Zionist faction) and Ukraine (recognizing the risk of nuclear war in providing Ukraine with weapons that would be regarded by Putin's paranoid sycophant's as "aggressive").
But if you are sufficiently smart and ideologically balanced to objectively assess the "facts," then you had better not rely on either Biden and his Democratic sycophants or Trump and his RHINO (Rational Humans in Name Only) sycophants to tell it to you.
If you have any sense of intelligence and honor, please think for yourself -- for your own sake and all of us human beings.,
I’m a female baby boomer and I’m tired of trying to figure out/understand my peers. I understand why some may want to stay true to their party, but the party has strayed from its conservative values and has gone off the deep end. They had other choices in 2015 and chose the devil and sold their souls as far as I’m concerned.
I watched with tears as we said goodbye to Rosalynn Carter today with President Carter not far behind. Talk about the end of an era. We’ve had mostly decent people in the WH up until 2016. If Trump goes back in, nothing will ever be the same again.