Adam, I will definitely join you and am very proud to be on your team. Congratulations on being one of the awardees at this year's upcoming Renew Democracy Gala in NYC hosted by Garry Kasparov and his team. You will be awarded along with the former prime minister of Estonia and Ruby Freeman and Shay Moss. You are an impressive person with integrity. I admire you.

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Thank you!

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Adam, I agree. I am ready for sanity to return to America and the American people. I lost a friend of 50 years who is a Vietnam veteran. He heard Trump claim that he had passed the Veteran's Benefit package that Obama passed in 2014. My friend thinks that Trump is a patriot and that he can fix everything.

The insanity and malice in our lives is because of one person. He has brought turmoil into our government and our lives. Taking his direction from Putin, the destruction of America and Democracy is his objective.

Once all people realize what he has done and plans to do, hopefully they will opt for sanity.

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Yep. Let’s hope

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Darrell, I have to disagree. I almost wish trump HAD destroying the country as an objective. But he’s not. His SOLE objective hasn’t changed one iota in 50 years, and that is whatever glorifies and feeds his own ego. Absolutely everything he has EVER done has been in pursuit of that. To him, feeding his ego and his narcissism is more important than oxygen.

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Great piece Adam. First and foremost, I feel your pain vis-a-vis your former comrade-in-arms. For what it’s worth, the loss is his, not yours. I also come from an ultra conservative family, so you can imagine what being the “poster child for a bleeding heart pinko liberal” makes, but, the still love me and I love them and for the most part we agree to disagree. Hold your head high, Adam, ou have something that many wish they had, character, integrity, and courage.

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Ha i can imagine. Thanks! I’ve dealt with it, but still blows me away

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I especially respond to your point that the Dems and Never Trumpers need to be forgiving of those of us who took a while and welcome us into a very big (hopefully, huge) tent.

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Not easy but necessary!

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As a Democrat, I am ashamed of my fellow Nah-ne-nah-naher party members.

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I wish I had a cold beer…..of course getting ready to watch the SOTU in a while. Even this old disabled lady, Democrat, but residing in MAGA, SC, gets recognized. Too fragile to fight other than with words, did not realize my neighbors have me pegged. Someone dumped a ginormous BLUE bag of dog 💩💩💩 in my yard. Disillusioned GOP? I strongly suspect as who would go to the effort to locate a BLUE bag? Must find humor in that act….😂🤣. Fear not, bet it was messy and I hope they stink. However, welcome anyone who recognizes that American 🇺🇸 is worth this fight. Good evening to you and adorable Christian. 💙💙💙

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Judith you’re my kinda girl!

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Thank you for this! It will be hard for many of us, but there is just one issue to focus on this year: continued democracy for generations to come. DJT just announced he will be "hosting" Viktor Orban at Mar-a-Lago. Either people simply are not awake and paying attention, or they do not understand the consequences of installing an authoritarian leader ~ and the repercussions to our freedoms.

Would you please do an update for all of us on your participation in Principles First? I recently read about this organization, and I was struck by the number of sane, principled conservatives working together to get the conservative movement back on track. It was uplifting to read about, especially when this election can test our faith.

PS: I'd like to advocate a "friendly competition/pledge," here if I may. This year, I have pledged to myself to write 2,024 postcards to GOTV or for specific candidates (my hand hurts already). It is something I can do and have already started. I'm doing this to honor my twin uncles who died off Omaha Beach in June 1944, as well as for all of the others who have given their lives to preserve our democracy. Thank you for your service, Adam. God bless our troops!

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80 years ago, your uncles fought for truth, freedom, peace, and love. They gave their lives rather than live in a world of lies, oppression, war, and hate. The world they fought against is making a comeback, and its Masih is Donald. His presidency was filled with lies, oppression, and hate. January 6 was the first battle in his war. Your postcards are how you carry on their fight. WW2 was a high price to pay because we waited too long to fight. The longer we wait, the higher the price. 

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Thank you, Diana, this is the kind of relentless effort we need to win!

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Adam very well stated. Lets hope there are enough independent thinkers that realize that the Donald Trump's Republican party is not the same one they possibly supported for years.

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I think there are far more levelheaded people than you could deduce by reading news articles written by people who are immersed in politics. It is true that political divisions can end friendships and break families — something I don’t wish on anyone. I have friends right now who I just don’t want to talk about politics with because I know if my true feelings about Donald Trump were known it would cause problems with our relationship. But I do note this: Nikki Haley had about 1/3 of the total delegates after super Tuesday. And I saw headlines announcing the expiration of the “old Republican party“. I’d say 1/3 people who are conservative voting for Haley is a pretty good resource to dig into to try and oppose Donald Trump. But we need more central policies from the Democrats to potentially achieve that. And that doesn’t seem on tap. But maybe. I will say that when people actually talk to each other, and are asked if they’re Democrat or Republican, it would be awesome to hear them respond “I’m an American.“ Let’s form a Rhino party, the slogan of which is “I’m an American“.

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Proud RINO!

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How about creating a new center party called the "American Party"?

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Mar 7·edited Mar 8

I remember when nobody ever talked about what party anyone belonged to. My mom was VERY active in Republican politics in Salem, Oregon when I was a kid. I remember her giving a tea for some candidate and there were lots of bigwigs and they were always at my parents Christmas parties but so was everyone else. There just was no animosity.

I remember when people would put signs in their yards and after the election signs were gone and that was that. Everyone was friends. I had friends over the years, CLOSE friends, who I never knew how they voted or what party the were affiliated with. Never thought about it. When I first started voting, first vote was Richard Nixon, if my candidate lost is was "oh well there is always next time". I watched every inauguration, every State Of The Union no matter who it was and was proud of them and the country. I remember sitting in the Senate Gallery when I was 19, a thousand years ago, and I saw Ted Kennedy, and quite a few others I recognized and I was just awestruck. It meant something no matter who was in office. There are those who want to tear it down and tear it apart and we cannot allow it.

I'm going to throw a stone and say that IMHO, Newt Gingrich has much to do with beginning the kind of politics we have today and then, cable "news" has been very complicit, ginning up the anger to get the views. Except for Faux, News Max who only trash the left, they trash everyone. The internet is worse. Keep ginning up the anger for those hits. Its' not good people.

I so agree with you Adam but I don't know how many want to play. Interviews with Haley fans were not promising. A few will vote for Biden but even those who said Donald was insane, a criminal, a cheat, a liar, and those are his GOOD points, said in the end they would vote for him. Again, "Biden's too old". THAT has been played over and over and over from all directions, and it's stuck for sure.

Anyone see Donnie talking lately? Horrifying.

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Interviews are only a few people. There will be many who voted for her who won’t vote for Trump.

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True but they won't vote for Biden either or just won't vote. Granted they didn't interview hundreds of voters. We'll know in a few months.

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As a long time Democrat (my parents as well), I welcome anyone who has recognized the danger that Trump presents for our country. After he is gone (somehow), we can return to the days when arguing and/or debating and/or discussing really could lead to an agreed outcome - one that benefitted the population as a whole. Thank you, Adam Kinzinger, for helping to lead the way.

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An excellent piece of writing, timely and wise. Thank you.

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I hope that time comes again. I was heartened by Liz Cheney's appearance on Rachel Maddow's show a few months ago. They are on completely opposite sides, yet they were able to have a civil and respectful discussion (particularly because of their agreement on the danger of Trump's possible return to office).

I'm actually kind of nervous to watch the State of the Union address tonight... I'm afraid it's only going to widen the divide... for now at least.

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Thank you Adam for this piece, and your courage and integrity to "give up your pride".

If Trump should win , those voting for him will get a rude awakening. I think you said once "Be careful what you wish for."

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So agree

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Mar 8·edited Mar 8

I still try and argue policy with Republicans I know, they're only interested in culture issues. They don't even care about NATO or Ukraine. They believe that Democrats are aborting live babies FFS. They believe that Democrats are grooming children to be trans. One of my friends asked me "when did you become a Marxist?" I've known some of these people for decades - they never thought I was a Marxist before Trump. They repeat the nonsense they hear on right-wing talk radio and Fox News. They believe the lies that Republicans tell their constituents. So it's hard for me, as a sane and rational person, to understand what drives these people into the arms of a criminal sociopath like Donald Trump. Do they really hate healthcare and brown people so much that they're willing to flush democracy down the toilet to own the libs?? I'm bitter that the entire Republican party capitulated to this monster. I will NEVER forgive them for the hell they're putting us through.

All this being said, I will welcome anyone back to the democracy tent who is genuinely concerned about our national security and restoring our country to a healthy, functioning democracy.

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Thank you, Adam, for clarifying what we must and will do! I welcome anyone who leaves MAGA all the way to midnight Nov 4. I just mailed a letter to Chief Justice Robert’s requesting that the Supreme Court render and publicly release it’s opinion in an expedited time frame on the Trump immunity issue because Americans need and deserve a trial and verdict before on the Jan 6 insurrection. It’s imperative that he be held accountable before the election. Forgive, but don’t forget! I’m doing all I can to hold the mirror to their faces and their feet to the fire, not for them, but for those on the fence and those who are attempting to sort truth from fiction and want to hold democracy and vote out those who would overthrow it! This is the moment that Abraham Lincoln warned us about-traitors from within!

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Ettu, Mitch? Really? You can’t possibly expect a lobbyist job at your age. You could have led the Senate to impeach Trump, but didn’t. Now a further endorsement? Where has character gone, and what legacy left behind for Trumpists?

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