Adam, thank you for the brief but concise history lesson on how this country’s stance on the former Soviet Union developed and evolved through the years.

I’m still not sure why the vast majority of magas seem to think living under a fascist regime is better than freedom in a democracy. They think they prefer that until one of the restrictive, repressive rules/laws run counter to something they want to do in their daily lives. But by then it will be too late to “put the toothpaste back in the tube”. Do they think that the repressive nature of that kind of government somehow won’t apply to them, just because they voted for tfg? The only ones who get a pass on the oppression of fascist rule will be trump’s inside circle and cronies. He doesn’t care about the average “Joe” citizens, nor will he come to their aid amid their outcries. After he’s in power he won’t need them anymore since he intends to stay in the WH (suspending elections & voting) until he dies and then give power to Donnie Jr or Ivanka/Jared and so on. You get the picture but far too many don’t get that picture. They’re so short sighted that they’re only thinking about the cost of bread and milk and how sure they are that trump can “fix” it. What dumb asses. Keep up the posts, we need to hear them.

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I checked that I liked this article. But am really horrified. Thank you for this. There was a lot I wasn't aware of.(don't end a sentence with a preposition).

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Through the Democratic process, we must fight the Russian GOP like our lives depend on it, because they very well may. Putin is our day's Hitler. He poses a threat to the world which could include genocide in a nuclear age. Trump and the Putin wing of the GOP, along with their colleagues who are appeasers, are our day' s Charles Lindburgh and other American admirers of Hitler. These. People. Can't. Win. World peace and our children's futures are at stake. Thanks, Adam, for continuing to speak out.

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Failing to hold the line in Ukraine will reignite the same scenarios that led us to WW I and II. People like Putin, Xi and Hitler never stop unless they meet firm and determined resistance. Trump must be defeated in November if we wish to maintain the balance of power and avoid a third world war.

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I visited Russia in 2019(family roots there) Moscow and St. Petersburg were lovely. Then, my husband and I went to the small villages from which our grandparents hailed..it was like stepping back into the 1700s. Delightful people, conditions that were jaw-droppingly primitive. Tucker likes grocery stores? I dare him to even find one in rural Russia. And, by the way, our ethnic group, deported to Siberia by Stalin during WWII, no longer exists in those villages. It is the autocratic way. Don’t like folks? Get rid of them. I have a large photo of my great-grandparents who stayed behind when my grandparents emigrated. They are in their late forties, looking prosperous…and they died in a Siberian work camp. The people who moved into the villages emptied by the deportations seemed sorry for what had happened, we were welcomed warmly, many original structures are still there so it was emotional to see them….and no atrocities reported out of Russia ever surprise me. I am glad that we came and went before Putin started picking up Americans to use as pawns.That even one elected American supports the Russian regime is mind-boggling.

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Totally agree. If idiot Carlson thinks Moscow is typical of the rest of Russia, he’s even more of a stooge than I believed. Maybe next time he’s there he can visit Sochi, the city Putin bankrupted the population to build.

Thanks, Adam. Move to Michigan and run for office so I can vote for you?

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Thank you for sharing your profound family experience.

It makes me weep to think of that photo of your great grandparents in their 40's, smiling as their children left for new lives.

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Thank you.

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This is so so very true Adam!!!Trumps been best friends with Putty for a long time!!The MAGA Republicans don’t get it and don’t care!!They Will do and say what ever their leader tells them to!It’s very scary 😟!!Something needs to change!!!

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The Cold War was a big part of the news and politics in my early life. Being pro Russia was unthinkable. Hard for me to comprehend the turnaround in attitudes.

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Maybe we need a support group for former Cold War kids who haven't drunk the Kool-Aid.

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I was born 6 months after Sputnik. I grew up during the space race. I remember the urgency and dedication to that effort to defeat the Russians. How we have gone astray..

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Great idea.

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I’m all for it!!

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I understand what you're saying. Khrushchev was in power when I was growing up. We hated Russia.

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Feb 27·edited Feb 27

Wasn't it Khrushchev who stated that "your country will be destroyed from within." (He also pounded his shoe on the desk in congress (?) when he wasn't permitted to go to Disneyland.) It seems that time is now with the pootin lovers among the gqp. With them, follow their money right back to Russia. As Eric trump stated years before his father's disastrous election, "we get alot of our money from Russia." The gop still found don the con an appropriate presidential candidate, even after that statement.

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I really don’t understand the turnaround in attitudes either!!

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Guess we should trust komrade Carlson many times over Viktor Belenko who gave us an early MIG-25 for his freedom years ago. His initial exposure to the United States shocked him after being indoctrinated by lies in the USSR. Belenko was bright enough to see through right through it, not so much for MAGA trash...

I firmly believe that Putin holds kompromat over there heads of most of the GOP to maintain absolute control over them. The open exposure of that info would destroy each and every one of them. They were targeted for a reason, their inbred weaknesses and level of cowardice.

This could well be ground zero of what we are seeing today...


This needs to be explored in depth...

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Between Trumps lack of self control, his feeling of entitlement and his business trips to Russia, it’s not a question of whether they have kompromat or not, it’s a question of how many hours of video do they have.

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On the bell curve of American politics there has always been folks who thought Russia/the USSR/Russia (historical names covering the same bunch) was the place to emulate. In the Great Depression there was actually a migration of US citizens to Russia. But this Russia love group was always (and I suspect still is) way out on one of the ends of the curve. Which end has also switched over time. Right before and during WWII it was the left end of the political spectrum; today it is the right side.

What is alarming today is that one of the candidates for President is indicating he will emulate dictatorial leaders if he is elected. And he already the candidate least likely to support and defend the Constitution and the rule of law. And he is denying a country fighting for its freedom American help, a disgusting exhibit of pure malice. He deserves nothing but our contempt. That's the bottom line.

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*ucker Carlson should have his American citizenship revoked and be refused entry to the US. More and more Americans don't want the Trump/Putin ticket in November. The Russian people don't want the Putin ticket. The Russian people didn't want Stalin, who murdered everyone who was smarter than he was, and all the rest. Gorbachev realized that the cost of the tottering USSR was too high in Rubels and human lives. Putin wants to rebuild it and put millions of innocent people under his thumb. Very few people now remember the terror of Eastern Europe and half of Germany under Russian control. When I was a kid the US military wanted to continue WWII against Russia since they ran the Germans out but then stayed and were just as bad as the Nazis.

If the world loses its' stability due to Putin and Trump, we will all have lost what we worked for all of my 72 years.

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Thank you for explaining this whole nightmare of GOP and its love for Russia. As a boy I never would have dreamed we'd end up here.

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Thank you for this. It brought back a lot of memories.

I remember watching the Berlin Wall come down on CNN one cold November with my not quite 1-year-old son in my lap and feeling so much hope for America and the world where he would grow up, a world so different from our Cold War baby experience. I was right that it would be very, very different, at least.

I also remember my dad, a 25 year Navy vet, saying of Putin when he first began his ascent to power "'once a KGB officer, always a KGB officer. He too was absolutely right. Sigh.

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Required reading for those who want to understand Putin's Russia. The real Russia, not the MAGA/RT/Tucker/Trump version.

Red Notice by Bill Browder

Freezing Order by Bill Browder

Butler to the World by Oliver Bullough

And of course:

Renegade-Defending Democracy by Adam Kinzinger

Each person has a personal threshold for tolerating evil. The 20% of American adults who are MAGA members have no moral concern about lawlessness. They prefer that the laws of our country don't apply to them. And they admire crooks who get away with law breaking. It's this segment of our citizens that Trump and Fox and Putin and RT cater to. They are our time's version of the German American Bund of the 1930s.


Today the GOP has become the MAGA Russia Bund.

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It should be required reading for Tucker, who apparently has no idea what would happen to him the minute he said anything even slightly negative about Putin, even though it's as plain as the nose on his face.

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Tucker is a prime example of the Dunning Kruger Effect.

A complete dumb shit with a big mouth.


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So much to unravel here. First of all, thank you for calling out what has been increasingly obvious. Our Congress has been openly compromised and very few seem to see the problem or care. I suspect the problem goes back further than even your examples.

Rohrabacher is a perfect example of the transition. He worked with Reagan as far back as 1976 and became a special assistant, speechwriter and supposed influence on the Reagan Doctrine. He met with Putin around 1990 or 1991 and developed the relationship to a level of a close friend. In the early days he became “that guy”, the one everyone knows is in Putin’s pocket. Tactics that seem obvious in hindsight include campaign finance mismanagement to fund a decoy candidate (sound familiar Florida?) and his personal attendance at the January 6 Capitol riot. It was easy to roll our eyes at him and think that he was just injected with a Putin poison that let him live but infected his thinking.

However, that infection in Congress has now spread to most of the Deep South and beyond. Active Congresspeople in Georgia, Alabama, and Florida at least are taking similar actions and maintaining the same positions and eliminating those who call it out. Kevin McCarthy once commented that he thought there were two people on Putin’s payroll - Rohrabacher and Trump. Lo and behold, the active Congresspeople who should be added to that list eventually found a way to get rid of McCarthy.

Equally as bad or even worse, the party of “freedom” has gone well over the line towards authoritarian fascism in the guise of Christian Nationalism - historically reminiscent of the rise of a certain Fuehrer. In my home state, the AG has created a portal for anybody to report teachers or educational material that is not in line with Republican standards. At this rate, it won’t be long before offenders are arrested at gunpoint and made to disappear. Unfortunately, the current state of the union leads me toI believe about 40% of the population might actually support those actions.

As for the American Idiot’s grocery store shenanigans, that was just a an attempted humorous? bookend to Boris Yeltsin’s 1989 visit to an American grocery store.

(Full disclosure: I once worked as an intern for the OC Register for a summer but many years after Rohrabacher was there. My only known contact with the Russians was attending a Mikhail Gorbachev speech at IU in 1997.).

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Tucker’s admiration for Moscow and Russian grocery stores made me think of the Russian’s impromptu tour of real America requested instead of the planned ceremonial official tour. I remember it as Kruschev in the early 60s, but my memory is a bit off right now. The important thing, for readers who are too young to remember it themselves, is that he wanted to see a typical American grocery store. So after some delay to accommodate security requirements, they drove him to a suburban Virginia grocery store. The visitor insisted that all this copious selection and quantity had been staged during the security delay by pulling a lot of the store contents from surrounding stores. They ended up taking him to several more stores to show him they were well-stocked, too.

At that time, grocery shopping took all day, waiting in lines at various specialty stores (no supermarkets). So you waited at the bakers and the butcher’s and the fruit stand and the vegetable stand and if you were super lucky, none of the stores ran out of what you wanted before you got to the head of the line. The concept of walking into a single store that carried everything, without having to wait in line for hours for a chance to buy something, was like a dream world. So I find Tucker’s raving about Moscow and Russian grocery stores ironic.

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There's nothing more that a dictator loves than another dictator!

i wonder how all of the dictatorial-leaning supporters of a self-proclaimd dictator (Trump) will feel after he strips away THEIR freedoms (along with everyone else's).

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They don’t think that far ahead or they believe they will be immune from the loss of freedoms.

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This all actually makes me sick to my stomach. My grandparents came to America from Slovakia and although my mother was born here, I remember my mother's correspondence from our relatives there, which she wrote in Slovak and received with obvious censorship marks—steam marks where the envelopes had been opened, parts of the letters cut off, etc.—and her often talking on the phone in Slovak to relatives and friends. We clearly knew that the Russians were oppressing her people in the "old country." After high school, I went with my mother to visit relatives, still behind the Iron Curtain at the time, and saw their simple lives and lived out faith. My mother could converse with Ukrainians, Poles, Czechs, you name it, but wouldn't ever try to talk to a Russian. It was so deeply ingrained with how oppressive that regime was. I went to the University and got a degree in Russian Language and Literature, just to understand it and also because I couldn't learn Slovak there, but did take Polish and Russian. The truth is that Russia has always had an authoritarian, totalitarian regime over the populace to control them. The Orthodox Church has in general always sided with the totalitarian regime, whether it was Czarist, Communist, or Puta-nist. To hear ignorant Republicans make these stupid remarks and concessions is abominable, particularly to me, when I remember my mother's support of Republicanism all through my childhood as the only ones that took any stand against the oppressive and anti-democratic Russian regime or the abuse of power shown toward oppressed "satellite countries." No one should support these people and these House members should not be in the GOP let alone our government.

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My mother’s side of the family is from Slovakia and The Czech Republic-wasn’t separated and was Czechoslovakia then -was ruled by the Austrian Empire then.They came out this way-The USA-in the early 1800’s.I agree with about Russia and that the members of the house are definitely messed up!!!

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It's all about the money. Putin, and his band of thugs, stole their country's wealth. That leaves them with a lot of money to get (and keep) unscrupulous people, politicians and institutions on their side

Deutsche Bank gets fined multiple times (hundreds of millions of $$) for laundering billions of $$ of Russian money, and they (Deutsche Bank) are still allowed to operate in this country.

As long as Putin has wealth to influence people, politicians, and businesses in the U.S., this won't end.

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