Awesome job!

I have been hoping for you to be with Kamala shoulder to shoulder for several months. Thanks for representing all the members of Country First! You have my gratitude and support.

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Yes, I watched the event and it sounds like it provides more promises than we’ve had in a long time. I love the fact that she sounds open to bipartisan council to go over policy as well as at least one Republican under cabinet. Please keep on doing what you’re doing and have you heard anything about the last Republican distribution

Be well, and God bless

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I don't think many of Trump's followers are gullible. Most of them are angry. They don't know what they're angry about, but they're desperate to pin it on someone. Trump channels that blind anger into convenient buckets, and mixes those buckets with a healthy dose of base fear, points a finger at a convenient target, and hands out the stinking stew to people in too much of an emotional frenzy to realize that they're being poisoned. They haven't been duped by the message. They LIKE the message, some of it openly, some of it viscerally. They only thing they've been fooled into is believing that they will benefit or that they won't be tossed under the bus the moment it's convenient. And, while they're not stupid, take into account that 54% of Americans have a reading comprehension level before 6th grade and over 20% are functionally illiterate. That is, many of them can't read and comprehend the news, so they have absorbed nothing but TV and radio over the last 50 years for their knowledge of current events. I will point out that this was part of a conservative strategic plan that began just before Reagan was inaugurated the first time. This is the natural outcome of that long term strategy. You may be shocked to learn that Trump is merely a consequence, not a cause, of what the Republican party is today. But there's it is. We need to accept the past to improve our future

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Well said Rachel. I've lost family members to the MAGA cult and it baffles me because they were good people. Today however, I can't say that they continue to be good people. They have become angry, hateful, judgmental and intolerant. They dumped me, I did not dump them.

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I am accused, indeed ridiculed, by people I love and generally respect of being stupid, uninformed, ignorant of the real Fox, I mean facts. This, despite my academic credentials and frankly outstanding legal career, well beyond any of them. I continue to love them and respect and admire their many accomplishments. The cognitive dissonance between that and their political views saddens, disappoints and horrifies me. They are family, and always will be. But there is a distance that will never change. It is made more poignant by the fact that ALL of my many good friends share my blue political views, many from similar academic and professional backgrounds.

I worry that all these endorsements by Republicans and former colleagues of the fascist candidate are more red meat to his followers, who will write them off as traitors, RINO’s, and dig in more because it’s them against the world, at least against the “establishment” and the ideals and institutions of this country which they don’t view as personally benefiting them, and wrongly believe will be “fixed” by a red victory.

Don’t get me wrong. I welcome these endorsements , and wish Bush, Romney and Haley would add theirs. I remain extremely concerned.

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Roy, the endorsement by Republicans may anger his base, but since these Republicans are accomplished people who have worked for the good of the country they should help Independents and questioning Republicans to see that there is only one sane choice in this election if we choose to continue Democracy and they are the ones who need to be persuaded because they will determine the outcome. There has never been a clearer choice

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Your academic credentials and successful professional experience are a negative to MAGA. You are elite and establishment.

While I do not have any family who have fallen to Fox, I have disassociated from former friends supporting Trump. Quite simply they have demonstrated that they are not the type of people I choose to have in my life.

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I think Romney, et al are trying to keep out of the fray, because they think by defeating Trump the republicans will revert back to their conservative values. I don’t know that there will be a party to salvage.

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You may be right. And it's remotely possible for the fever to break and for these people to regain their sanity. It's happened before. Read "Fever in the Heartland" for what that could look like. That said, I think the world had changed in a way that makes it harder for those who have jumped the shark to get back on the boat. As mentioned by someone else, social media is a huge problem, but also the major private news networks are all owned and controlled by people who benefit financially from the constant right wing noise and fear mongering. Half of America literally needs to be deprogrammed. But Germany managed. Unfortunately, it required more than just an election for them to be successful.

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I feel for you Roy but our paths split with respecting our loved ones who have verbally berated our character etc. I know why they have morphed into these new people but I will not forget or try to mend the very broken fence. You're a good man.

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Interesting thread here. 👍🏻

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Btw, please forgive my typos. That's what I get for typing on a phone.

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No forgiveness required. As the queen of the typos, I found the three little dots at the end , on the bottom line of my posts and use it frequently and STILL leave typos. You're good. Great post by the way. I am very concerned, it seems the nastier and uglier Donald gets the higher his poll go. I'm not sure how to speak to that. It's unsettling.

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Thank you. And I agree that things are getting nastier. Not just in the news and online. Not just the politicians and their cronies. But in real life, it seems that there's increasingly sociopathic behavior. We already have a violence problem in this country, but it seems like so many people have absolutely no decency. It's like a fit of rage all the time.

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Agree. This goes back to Nixon and before.

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Very well stated Rachel. My best friend was a lifelong republican. She is now a registered democrat. As she told me, the Republican Party left her. She didn’t leave the Republican Party.

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I grew up with decent Republicans. They sounded very much like Adam does. But those same people sound very different today. She's right. The party left her, not the other way around. That said, I wish that a new, true conservative party would emerge. Heck, I wish we had a choice from more than 2 viable parties, period. Until then, the Republican party is not salvageable. We need to vote for the country, not for nuance in policy

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I would offer that the latest years of social media have done more damage than absorbing news from much of radio and TV. Within your fifty year reference, before Fox, we had networks that presented news. We could form opinions based on facts made available.

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Don't get me wrong, I agree that social media has made things worse, but that's kind of like claiming head trauma from a fall is the reason a person with late stage dementia is forgetful. The takeover of the am airwaves in the 80s and 90s by right-wing media was brilliant. Rural America's brainwashing started then. Due to the nature of how radio waves function, and the nature of farming, you had millions of people literally stuck with am radio and fm at the bottom end of the dial for hours every. Single. Day. During planting and harvest, that was for North of 12 hours a day. Even today, go ahead and turn your dial to those airwaves, and you'll have "Christian" radio and right wing taking heads between the commodity prices. Then, the local TV stations started to get bought up by right wing owners. While it wasn't as obvious as Fox News is today, you saw a shift in coverage. Then add 24-hour news cycles. People literally got addicted to the anger and fear being spewed 24/7. Then local papers went extinct. Thus, people who often barely had the ability &/or interest to read the news completely stopped reading. TV news got increasingly absurd with the both sidesism, destroying people's ability to discern fact from opinion. Is it any wonder that expertise is dead and social media is where most Americans get the news?

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I’ve believed, for the last 6 years, that the more radical conservative wing does, indeed, have a long-standing, carefully crafted, enduring strategic plan coupled with a tactical playbook. It seemed they have been executing the plan nearly flawlessly (though publishing Project 2025 may have been a tiny arrogant undoing). It seemed, to me, that the Democratic Party, as a whole, operated more as a laissez-faire free-for-all…and kept coming up short despite stellar candidates, robust fundraising, and solid campaigns. As I read your comment, it felt an affirmation. Do you have sources for your belief that there is, in fact (as I believe), a strategic plan and playbook that has been systematically executed since Reagan? That also identifies the history and architects? That is something I’d really like to read. Thank you.

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The Southern Strategy under Nixon was the first move and is very well documented. It directly led to the adoption of Trumpism by evangelicals. https://www.oah.org/tah/november-5/evangelicalism-and-politics/ As for the strategic takeover of the am airwaves, look at this: https://missouriindependent.com/2023/01/13/how-venomous-voices-from-right-wing-radio-radicalized-america/ The demise of the Fairness Doctrine under Reagan led directly to the rise of Rush Limbaugh and similar talk show hosts. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fairness_doctrine#:~:text=The%201987%20repeal%20of%20the,to%20a%20nationwide%20syndication%20contract. If you want to see who benefited from the Fairness Doctrine being repealed, take a look at who most loudly proclaims the Fairness Doctrine a bad thing, even to this day: Cato Institute, Heritage Foundation, and other right wing think tanks. To be fair, Reagan opposed repealing it at first, but far right conservatives like Phyllis Schlafly and Pat Buchanan supported repeal, and when Congress tried to reinstate it, Reagan vetoed it. The repeal of the Fairness Doctrine also led to conglomeration of local TV stations by Rupert Murdoch, Roger Ailes, and Sinclair Broadcast Group. It's not coincidence. It was planned. And, for the cherry on top, Project 2025 makes it clear that there is a PLAN. It's just never been written out and published for all the world to see before. They think they're close enough not to need to hide it anymore. And they might be right.

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Very informative and helpful.Thank you so much!

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Thank you Adam for being out there representing Republicans for H-W!! You must be proud knowing you were the first one to step forward to lead this movement against another trump presidency! I understand your mixed feelings about the election results but I still believe the silent majority will bring us a win!!🇺🇲

As usual, a group of us will be praying for you, your family and democracy! 🙏 I know it brings me peace!

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🙏 Anyone is welcome to join 3pmEST for a short prayer!

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HOPE! Herod v Hope is the choice. To me, the “gullible” (as you proclaimed who joined the cult), are pulled further into the lies by mega-money donors whose self-interest, greed and supremacy pumps the extremism. On Fox “opinion” station, Harris showed her grit and the reality of her exceptional preparation to lead our country for the people and by the people. Country over party: Adam, you are an exceptional example of the concept. Election nears. HOPE!

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Contrary to popular myth, the Hessians of Colonel Johann Rall's Regiment were not all drunk or sleeping it off...however, they were surprised by the early morning attack.

While my relatives were in the British Army in that war, they were not in that battle. One guy was a paymaster sergeant in another Hessian regiment, because he could read and speak German.

The Leutze painting is not accurate, but it sums up the determination of Washington and his army. Leutze, being an abolitionist, accurately included the African-American Marblehead fisherman who helped paddle the boat.

We need that same kind of army and leadership on November 5th.

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There is nothing like surprise, organization, discipline and perseverance not just to win the battle, but the war. Never underestimate determination and ingenuity to overcome a formidable foe.

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I just watched yesterday's rally at Washington Crossing today at lunch. I am so grateful to you, Adam, Olivia Troy, and the many others who came together to support VP Harris. The speech by VP Harris brought tears to my eyes. Each night when I meditate I look up at the sky and think about Kamala's mother, Shyamala Gopalan, and how proud she must be to look down and see her very amazing daughter do so much good in the world. Thank you so much for all you are doing to support the special candidates we have this year.

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I lived in beautiful Bucks County for many years. It pains me to think of former neighbors and friends who will vote for Trump even though they acknowledge that he is an awful person. They have been convinced that Harris is a “leftist” who will ruin the country and do things like ban fracking and completely open the borders. Thank you for fighting the good fight, Adam. Our country’s future depends on those of us who see what the party has become and are willing to break with it.

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I lived in Delaware County, Pennsylvania for years and loved it. Some former neighbors will not support Harris in part because Trump has identified her as a communist. It might be enlightening to ask the former neighbors to provide definitions of "leftists", or "communists."

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Were you aware that FDR had at least two Republicans in his first cabinet? It can happen again.

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It’s absolutely going to happen again. VP Harris has already said so. I would love to see a coalition of cabinet members who look like America.

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Thank you Adam for fighting hard to save democracy one more time. I think Kamala can pull in enough principled right leaning voters into her camp.

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Well said Adam! I applaud 👏 each and every Republican for standing against Trump and instead stand up Kamala!!! Keep up the great work that you and the other Republicans are doing!!!👍👍👍💙❤️💙❤️💙❤️

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Trump has hijacked the Republican Party as he is trying to hijack the Election and the Government.

His rhetoric increasingly threatens violence against any who don't support him. In this direction is Russia. Oppose Putin and you will likely lose your life. Oppose Trump and suffer the same fate? How is this even considered or allowed in the United States?

I lived through the Cold War and the 60s. When Nixon was in the White House, the Government was actively at war with the young. "They have the guns but we have the numbers" as Jim Morrison said. At that time, the ruling minority was at war with the majority. One can make a case that the situation now is like that. Trump has continued to rule through his control of Congress and the press.

Hopefully, everyone will vote early and build a landslide against Trump, and the true Republicans can take their party back. They need to protect American industry and jobs, but also work on infrastructure and public schools. Education has suffered in America, and that is why so many follow Trump. Education can give Americans of the future better sense so they will be wary of fascists.

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I agree with the dumbing down of American education. I’d love to see a secretary of education who can begin to fix the system and its disparities.

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What an inspirational, symbolic location for this gathering. Kudos to the people who organized this and to the brave, true Republicans who were on that stage.

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It was painful to have gotten to this point for all of us, especially Republicans who have been tossed out of their home. But when we cut out the cancer that is killing our democracy, we will stand together, party divisions aside, and strengthen our beautiful country. I am proud to stand with anyone who flies our flag with pride and respect, and all who treat fellow Americans, and aspiring Americans, with dignity. We can argue about taxes after we liberate our country. Thank you for standing with us, Adam.

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We have more in common than we don't.

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Adam, A well written post. Thank you and your fellow Republicans for standing up for this country. There is hope for our future, if Harris is elected you would be an excellent choice to join her administration, or Liz Cheney as you both would bring a healthy new voice to her cabinet.

After watching her FOX interview a person can't help but say WOW she tough and ready to be President. Policy issues can be worked out through compromise, but it takes leadership, she has that

Thank you, Adam for everything you do

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The prosecutor came out to play. Nothing was getting by her.

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Yes, I watched the event and it was amazing! Who would have thought any of this would ever happen, all made possible because of a crazy man. Thanks again.

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