I really appreciate your honesty and perspective. In my opinion, you are a true Republican. I am 55 years old and always voted Republican until the general election in 2016. Heck I even took my 19-year-old daughter to her first voting experience to the Republican primary in March 2016. But when Trump became the nominee, there was no way on God’s green earth that I could ever vote for that degenerate. And with the complete loss of any moral compass of the “Republican” party, I have and will continue to vote up and down the ballot for Democrats until my dying day. Unless there is a day when the evil is completely expelled from this MAGA party and true Republicans like yourself and Liz Cheney are back in control. I do have to say that I have truly examined my views over the past 8 years and believe my belief system probably more aligns to the policies of the Democratic Party. But I’m an open-minded person and if we can obliterate Maga this year and get back to having two rational political parties, I’m willing to weigh the pros and cons of both sides of issues. (My daughter will likely never vote Republican because all she’s known as an adult is the completely hateful and crazy “Republican” party. And she now has no rights over her own healthcare- we live in Texas - thanks to an extreme partisan SC. Her grandmothers had more rights over their bodies than she does.) Thanks for you posts - I respect you a lot.

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Sorry, Republicans were never the allies of women. Unless you think health care must be doled out to only those who can pay, or be excluded even if premiums are paid, if a condition is even suspected of having pre-existed. Or if you have a child or grandchild who is suspected of being gay. Or if you want them to make a decent wage even if they’re starting out.

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Yes, the current gop is exponentially more toxic than past generations. However, I agree with Patris, the gop has long been on the wrong side of every policy question, for example: Equal voting rights, Healthcare payor system, Environmental protection, Climate protection, Reproductive rights, Firearms safety, Taxation fairness, Racial fairness and justice, LGBTQ fairness and justice, Ethics enforcement, Campaign finance, Capital punishment, to name a few. Show me a new issue, and it is a safe bet the gop will be on the wrong side of it. And, since WW2, US GDP has grown 37% faster under Dem administrations, compared with gop administrations. This superior economic record is consistent and profound. trump's 4-year annual GDP growth was the Lowest (Worst) of ANY president since WW2. The data is here: https://x.com/gdpGrowthRates/status/1767613291638001832

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to be fair, the EPA started under Nixon. The young Republican running in my district at the time was a big EP activist campaigning to clean up our local waterways and reason I joined my local Young Republicans group. I have been an independent since Reagan and have always voted for the person and the policies NOT any party. BUT for '24- it must be vote blue to save our Constitutional Republic, especially in federal elections.

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Lots of MAGA posts on YouTube saying we are NOT a democracy but a Republic. Well the two align BUT they are using it as an excuse for letting Donnie tear apart the Constitution and do as he pleases. They are mad, totally mad.

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that's why I say "Constitutional Republic" not Democracy, to prevent maga from using that 'excuse'. at this point, they don't even try to use excuses.

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Fox No News Entertainment, who has confessed to lying to its listeners like a tabloid TV/magazine show, has caused the worst downfall of our country and the outbreak of the sad ignorance of the people who think what they promote is real news.

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And don't forget Newsmax, AON, Infowars and several other manure spreaders! Actually, they give manure spreaders a bad name!

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All the major news outlets try and stir up emotion, especially anger/outrage to get people to watch longer. 20 years ago, unless there was a legit major crisis, maybe you watched the 30 minute local newscast and the 30 minute national news cast. Now they want eyeballs on them for hours at time to sell advertising. Most "news" now is really editorial. At least the news papers label the editorial section.

Anyway, Fox seems to really go after the anger/outrage and they don't care how they manipulate the circumstances and context as long as people watch longer and they sell more ads.

I'm thoroughly convinced feeling anger is like a drug people get addicted to and Fox is their dealer.

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I think you have come to an epiphany. People do get addicted to anger with fox spew and the like. 👍.

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Just say NO!

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To the advertisers on these manure spreaders.

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Having worked on some farms as a kid - manure always seemed to get on me when I was on the tractor.

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Yeah, that rotary at the rear of the "honey wagon" sure does a great job of flinging manure everywhere -which It is designed to do, just like Fox, AON, Newsmax, etc. are designed to do.

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Enough to raise some serious ire! On the other hand it reveals a touch of desperation on their part. They obviously don’t believe their own propaganda and feel compelled to manipulate their narrative and their viewers. Cheap, Mickey Mouse operation. Classless.

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Sorry Chris! I hate to correct you but Mickey Mouse would never operate this way!😊 It's his evil step parents!

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You’re right. In generally implies a small, poorly funded, operation and that’s not true. They just act like it.

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They will always go lower unfortunately.

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One always needs to stand up and take a position if we want our democracy to survive. I happen to live in Europe near Munich only about 1000 miles from a war going on in the Ukraine, so I am concerned for my family and the rest of the world if Putin gets his will, as the rest of Europe is next. And then where are we going to go in the US as we recused Europe with two World Wars as for many of us it's the land of our ancestors, but why can't we just spend the money as former President Regan said and kill communism or in this case Putin's desires to destroy Ukraine? The Russians wouldn't have a chance. BTW Spent 15 years of my military career here in Germany fighting against the the former Soviet Union.

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Interesting vote the EU just had.

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Trump and his cronies are sad and pathetic. They will stop at nothing to put others down in order to elevate themselves. Anyone who goes along with them is just as sad and pathetic. I hate that our country is in this place and we are stuck putting up with this shameful man’s antics. Hope something happens before or by November so we never have to put up with this crap again!

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Agree. The Dirty Tricks of Republicans have been going on since their ancestors, then Democrats, pushed lies to voters that Lincoln was planning to encourage the mixing of the races by claiming since Emancipation Lincoln was planning social interactions like dancing of mixed races and other inflammatory falsehoods designed to inflame voters against voting for him in 1864. He won anyway.

That was considered to be the first Dirty Trick in an election, used by the ancestors of the Democratic Party who later, when outraged by LBJ’s Civil Rights and Voting Rights legislation of the 1960’s, left the Democratic Party and essentially took over the Republican Party.

At first as Democrats and later as Republicans they have used Dirty Tricks of false accusations and slander against their opponents in order to cheat to win. They’ve always been cheats. For some reason they think it’s okay.

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It is so irritating that Faux News does all they can to denigrate Biden, I am also disappointed in the rest of the media who do not try to tell the truth and call out their rivals! I believe that the corporations who own the news stations are all in on denigrating the Democrats in general and Biden in particular!

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Oh yeah, that is a fact.

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Adam, I'm glad you let us know the garbage that comes out of "fax less" news. I can't watch because it is so disturbing what evil lies they promote!

How about them showing trump say Nancy Pelosi's daughter told him that he and Nancy would have had a great romance in another life (paraphrased)?? That is not from a normal person.

Question: do all the sick-ophants that adoringly surrounded him on Capitol Hill yesterday realize that (God forbid) he's re-elected, they won't be needed in his autocracy (if that's the right term?)??

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The real question is who is surprised at faux news? They are bottom feeders and scum suckers.

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Well stated. I have said before and still believe that Country First should start a campaign to have folks reach out to advertisers on Fox. Losing money would make management wake up. Country First could also help in providing its members the names of advertisers and contact information. Thank you.

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Are they desperate? I think that they assume if they repeat these lies often enough, their gullible followers will take them as truth. I have a relative that already believes everything wrong with his life is Biden’s fault. So many people in your party don’t understand what’s going on.

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Thank you for your post about Fox News today Adam!I call Fox News-Trump News because all they do is spread lies about Biden and make TRUMPIE look like he never ever does anything wrong!I can’t believe people watch that garbage!

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Bottomless depths in the liar Fox's abyss

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Yes the manipulations will get worse but you have to realize that the people watching Fox etc have already made up their minds about who they'll be voting for and that candidate will be Trump. These manipulations of the news are these persons drug of choice and there is no rehabilitation.

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I’m simply saying what I had heard that will assist them to reality. They said that “they require a severe tap tap on the face face”. Cheers 🥂

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I'd write something but frankly Fox and Co. literally make me sick at my stomach. So please pardon me while I go barff.

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F kin A

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