If only we could set up processing centers, like Ellis Island when my grandparents came here from Eastern Europe…where it was determined that potential entrants did not have communicable diseases and that they had a job/ sponsor so they would not be eligible for “the dole” for a period of time……we could provide much needed labor to businesses and industries and allow those who wish to participate in the American dream to do so. My grandfather spoke no English so worked in a flour mill, saved enough to buy a farm, raised 10 children and provided a great foundation for the many grandchildren..accountants, attorneys, doctors,….who are forever grateful that they took a chance on America. I have to believe that if he and my grandmother could have walked to America or crossed a river to get here then they would have, it was only geography that made them any different than folks from Central or South America. We need to stop demonizing immigrants and see them as the lifeblood of our nation that they’ve always been.
The main reason why so many Europeans immigrated to North America was that their own countries became overpopulated relative to the technology of the time. Having large families had a lot to do with that, despite high infant mortality. Even if you conveniently disregard the devastating impact on the Native American population, North America acted somewhat like a lifeboat for a sinking ship, and that "ship" is still sinking in many undeveloped countries sending immigrants to North America and Europe. There's only so much room in the lifeboat before it starts sinking too, and that's what is happening. Look at the decreasing affordability of housing as a prime indicator. Enough is enough.
Actually,the situation is precisely the same,, and the same excuses are being given for why immigrants shouldn’t be allowed in. When my grandparents came, they were subjected to ridicule because of their lack of language skills, called “stupid Rooshuns” because they came from what Trump,would call a s#/th0le country…their “saving grace” was that they looked fairly white. If they’d been brown, I am sure that folks just like you would be braying for them to be kept out, or deported after they were already here. We still have plenty of room in the United States for hardworking folks from other places who would aspire to a better life.
I see the Republicans in Congress as hypocritical about this issue. I can’t remember the HR bill number, but a bill to provide additional funds to the BCE for the Southern border passed with 175 republicans voting NO. In addition, the $105 Billion supplemental funding the President requested includes money for the Southern border. MAGA Mike would not bring that part to the floor.
It appears that the current Immigration "Crisis" is the result of the GOP's incalcitrant refusal to work across party lines and to create "political capital" for "the next election". And so it has gone. If memory serves me correctly, legislation was drafted years ago, but the GOP continually throws monkey wrenches into the gears of Congressional Legislation.
Along came Trump and the funds stopped going to Central American nations to improve their economies, thereby reducing the flow of immigrants.
Illegal immigration has been the big bad wolf threatening to jump out and gobble up jobs and resources. Rather like the myth of the welfare queens. These types of misrepresentations of the majority of people actually involved are damaging. It is important to be careful of what is done. Thank you for addressing this issue.
I know there is a strategy to tying aid to Ukraine and Israel with immigration/border security for the Republicans but it seems it’s all about getting their way. I absolutely agree that there needs to be major overhauls of how this country deals with immigrants who are flooding to our southern border. But to tie them all up in one big bill seems to be a desperation attempt.
1) tfg had four years to try to formulate and present a plan to address this. It seems to me all he got done was to separate children from their parents (breaks my heart for those families, how frightening it must be to go through that). We need those families who are hard working and willing to integrate into our culture and way of life here to work jobs that go unfilled, sometimes performing necessary tasks that communities need. So now tfg wants to build internment camps to hold “millions of illegal immigrants” before sending them back. But the Republicans who push for this, what is their end game? This hastily constructed bill won’t solve the problem.
2) We will need the these immigrants here if aid doesn’t get approved for Israel and Ukraine. Putin will continue his conquest across eastern Europe if he wins in Ukraine. He will invade Poland, and the other smaller countries who were once a part of the Soviet Union. Then we will be required to send troops per our NATO treaty. We could be pulled into a conflict in the Middle East with Israel trying to fend if Iran, Hamas, and the Houthis, again sending troops. We’ve already placed a battle carrier in the Red Sea because of attacks in the shipping lanes. Then there’s the possibility of being involved with a conflict between Taiwan and China. I believe these countries are watching just how thin we will be spread and decide this might be a good time to be aggressive while we’re occupied elsewhere. The Republicans are so, so shortsighted. Sorry this is such a long post but I’m frustrated, as you are Adam, and needed to vent. We must give aid to our allies and friends when they need it the most. We may need them to reciprocate sometime in the future. Do unto others as you would have them do to you.
He came so close to it last time but somebody in his administration talked him out of it. We dodged a bullet there. If there’s a next time he’ll definitely do it.
I am old so I remember when migrant farm workers came to the American South to work in the fields and then went back home at the end of the growing season. In California where I grew up, there were lots of people of Mexican decent that had lived there for generations.
What has happened to make millions of people desperate enough to risk their lives to get to America has global implications. If the nations where these people are coming from can't fix the problems that make the people leave, America can't fix those problems either.
Abbott signed a bill today giving Texas law enforcement the power to arrest migrants but they don't have anywhere to put them.
It is heartbreaking to see so much of humanity suffering. It is going to be very hard to find a fair and just solution.
I saw an interview with Texas law enforcement today and he was just panicked. He says his people aren't trained to deal with migrants AND he has no place for them IF he apprehends them. This whole issue is just FUBAR.
I agree it will be hard but we have to try. If we can put men on the moon why can’t we figure this out. Legislators have to want to find answers . As Adam mentioned the other day, there have been bipartisan bills in the past but they never get passed. We need to assist the southern states tackle this as well as helping the immigrants and their families.
Im a 72 year democrat and i couldnt agree more. Theres a right and compassionate way to do this. You and I could probably lay it out in detail. Itsnot rocket science - its decent, ethics based, logic driven patriotism. There will be some disappointment on the far left because there must be if we are to restore sanity to the border. But we can do this without humiliation, violence and hatred. We can. But let’s be honest, the MAGA party will never agree because conflict and chaos is worth more to them politically than solutions. It would also stand in the way of their commitment to Putin. You watch, no matter how much Biden concedes, no matter how many die in Gaza, Israel, and Ukraine, the MAGA party will follow their dictator in support of Putin and the destruction of our democracy. The only way this ends is if Trump comes to an end - period.
Joe I couldn't have said it better 100% agreed. All leaders from all parties must reach out to each other Right Now and begin formulating a plan to defeat MAGA and Trump once and for all.
Well stated and on point. You would know better than I do, since you served in Congress. But, it seems like neither side really wants to solve the issue. They just use it for politics, from what I have seen.
I’m not sure I agree. The business of not wanting progress applies only to the extremists on the R side. McCain, for example, describes watching his 2006 effort crumble once Rush Limbaugh started repeating the word “amnesty” over and over again.
It’s clear our immigration law no longer works. How can any President be blamed, if Congress won’t act? Who can force Congress to act? The President? Voters by a ballot? Manual laborers are so far down the list, their number never comes up. Therefore, they cross illegally. Being in detention, is a better life than they have- at least food and shelter provided. MAGA believes all are criminals. Majority- just desperate human beings, needing food and shelter. How do we force Congress to act?
What a well thought out article! You really summed up the issue with clarity and specifics. You need to be in the room while Congress is negotiating this - Help the Democrats to get it right- From what I hear they are willing to compromise- I just hope the other side is sincere and realizes they have to compromise too. I think we need more money to the border for specifics- more judges, more assistance at the border- for processing quickly so they don't have to come into the country. We used to have Ellis island where people were processed before being allowed in. Why don't we have some type of federal land at the border where migrants can stay until they are processed? We also need more surveillance- not barbed wire, or concrete walls, but more border patrol, more technology,- geez- there's cameras all over every road and building - big brother can know where you are at all times, why can't we know who comes across without declaring themselves? It can't be that hard.
Good read. It's sad, we were close to DACA. Seems like Maga doesn't want to solve the issue. My understanding is biden is trying to make concessions but Maga keeps moving the goal posts. If this is the case, it plays out completely the Maga playbook. Do nothing and blame the president even though it's their failure. Sounds like the pact act. Only much worse. I am afraid we will lose this one Adam.
The country needs to get this right on both sides I agree with you on this completely. Especially with so much at stake. It's got to be sincerely truly addressed otherwise it's going to be continually exploited by trump with lies instead of really being able to have real solutions.
Thank you for your book for this article as well as all of your other articles to get the truth out. With all the dismal news on a 24/7 loop your words give me a lot of hope.
I look forward to see you continue this coming year out there on a larger scale to help influence other Americans to come together cross all the party lines and defeat this real danger.
Very true the asylum laws never contemplated that it would scale up to this level. Biden's legislation contains $20B for border security. Biden must come out of hiding and sell that bill to the public. If he can't or won't then it becomes an all or nothing proposition as far as HR2 and Ukraine aid, Republicans will no doubt eventually allow the Israel aid to go separately. Biden also needs to make 2 other things clear. The first being that exoneration of America's Racist Sheriff Arpaio removed any doubt of Insane Clown's racism, the Republican Nazi Party won't stop at illegal immigrants. Legal immigrants are next with the ultimate goal being a country ethnic cleansed of all but White Christians. The second being that Insane Clown would hand Ukraine to Putin on a platter and Republicans would sooner send military aid to Putin than Ukraine.
Maybe when farmers need field workers we could have prisoners do that work!! Most Americans don't want to! Trump might be one of them!!
Thanks Adam, for another insightful article!! We should be able to solve this!
I think, at this time, we all need to take a deserved break through this Holiday. Take deep breaths and feel peace! We need to be rested for the 2024 challenge.
For the rest of the week, I'm not going to look at any Polls, except for one, the North Pole 🙂.
Adam every time I read your messages I am again disappointed that you are not in Congress. Our country needs you in a leadership position.
I agree with you but I'm thinking he's actually making a bigger impact now with Country First, TV appearances, Renegade, etc. Let's hope 🤞🙏
If only we could set up processing centers, like Ellis Island when my grandparents came here from Eastern Europe…where it was determined that potential entrants did not have communicable diseases and that they had a job/ sponsor so they would not be eligible for “the dole” for a period of time……we could provide much needed labor to businesses and industries and allow those who wish to participate in the American dream to do so. My grandfather spoke no English so worked in a flour mill, saved enough to buy a farm, raised 10 children and provided a great foundation for the many grandchildren..accountants, attorneys, doctors,….who are forever grateful that they took a chance on America. I have to believe that if he and my grandmother could have walked to America or crossed a river to get here then they would have, it was only geography that made them any different than folks from Central or South America. We need to stop demonizing immigrants and see them as the lifeblood of our nation that they’ve always been.
yes- I said that in my post as well- about Ellis Island- y don't we have something like that at the border?
The main reason why so many Europeans immigrated to North America was that their own countries became overpopulated relative to the technology of the time. Having large families had a lot to do with that, despite high infant mortality. Even if you conveniently disregard the devastating impact on the Native American population, North America acted somewhat like a lifeboat for a sinking ship, and that "ship" is still sinking in many undeveloped countries sending immigrants to North America and Europe. There's only so much room in the lifeboat before it starts sinking too, and that's what is happening. Look at the decreasing affordability of housing as a prime indicator. Enough is enough.
Actually,the situation is precisely the same,, and the same excuses are being given for why immigrants shouldn’t be allowed in. When my grandparents came, they were subjected to ridicule because of their lack of language skills, called “stupid Rooshuns” because they came from what Trump,would call a s#/th0le country…their “saving grace” was that they looked fairly white. If they’d been brown, I am sure that folks just like you would be braying for them to be kept out, or deported after they were already here. We still have plenty of room in the United States for hardworking folks from other places who would aspire to a better life.
I see the Republicans in Congress as hypocritical about this issue. I can’t remember the HR bill number, but a bill to provide additional funds to the BCE for the Southern border passed with 175 republicans voting NO. In addition, the $105 Billion supplemental funding the President requested includes money for the Southern border. MAGA Mike would not bring that part to the floor.
Indeed. Progress at the border is not what they want. What they want are performative cruelty and chaos.
It appears that the current Immigration "Crisis" is the result of the GOP's incalcitrant refusal to work across party lines and to create "political capital" for "the next election". And so it has gone. If memory serves me correctly, legislation was drafted years ago, but the GOP continually throws monkey wrenches into the gears of Congressional Legislation.
Along came Trump and the funds stopped going to Central American nations to improve their economies, thereby reducing the flow of immigrants.
The GOP plays a sick game of smoke & mirrors, stalling, and all the while, finger pointing and whining!
H. R. 6542 Introduced in House (12/01/2023):
Illegal immigration has been the big bad wolf threatening to jump out and gobble up jobs and resources. Rather like the myth of the welfare queens. These types of misrepresentations of the majority of people actually involved are damaging. It is important to be careful of what is done. Thank you for addressing this issue.
I know there is a strategy to tying aid to Ukraine and Israel with immigration/border security for the Republicans but it seems it’s all about getting their way. I absolutely agree that there needs to be major overhauls of how this country deals with immigrants who are flooding to our southern border. But to tie them all up in one big bill seems to be a desperation attempt.
1) tfg had four years to try to formulate and present a plan to address this. It seems to me all he got done was to separate children from their parents (breaks my heart for those families, how frightening it must be to go through that). We need those families who are hard working and willing to integrate into our culture and way of life here to work jobs that go unfilled, sometimes performing necessary tasks that communities need. So now tfg wants to build internment camps to hold “millions of illegal immigrants” before sending them back. But the Republicans who push for this, what is their end game? This hastily constructed bill won’t solve the problem.
2) We will need the these immigrants here if aid doesn’t get approved for Israel and Ukraine. Putin will continue his conquest across eastern Europe if he wins in Ukraine. He will invade Poland, and the other smaller countries who were once a part of the Soviet Union. Then we will be required to send troops per our NATO treaty. We could be pulled into a conflict in the Middle East with Israel trying to fend if Iran, Hamas, and the Houthis, again sending troops. We’ve already placed a battle carrier in the Red Sea because of attacks in the shipping lanes. Then there’s the possibility of being involved with a conflict between Taiwan and China. I believe these countries are watching just how thin we will be spread and decide this might be a good time to be aggressive while we’re occupied elsewhere. The Republicans are so, so shortsighted. Sorry this is such a long post but I’m frustrated, as you are Adam, and needed to vent. We must give aid to our allies and friends when they need it the most. We may need them to reciprocate sometime in the future. Do unto others as you would have them do to you.
One of my concerns is that if Trump is elected, one of his first acts as dictator for a day will be to pull the U.S. out of NATO.
He came so close to it last time but somebody in his administration talked him out of it. We dodged a bullet there. If there’s a next time he’ll definitely do it.
The former guy was also going to replace Obama Care with the bestest healthcare. Still waiting on that one, too.
“What is their end game?” Great question. I wish it were harder to answer.
I am old so I remember when migrant farm workers came to the American South to work in the fields and then went back home at the end of the growing season. In California where I grew up, there were lots of people of Mexican decent that had lived there for generations.
What has happened to make millions of people desperate enough to risk their lives to get to America has global implications. If the nations where these people are coming from can't fix the problems that make the people leave, America can't fix those problems either.
Abbott signed a bill today giving Texas law enforcement the power to arrest migrants but they don't have anywhere to put them.
It is heartbreaking to see so much of humanity suffering. It is going to be very hard to find a fair and just solution.
I saw an interview with Texas law enforcement today and he was just panicked. He says his people aren't trained to deal with migrants AND he has no place for them IF he apprehends them. This whole issue is just FUBAR.
that Texas law is illegal and will be declared so by the federal courts. It also creates a danger for American citizens there who may be profiled.
I agree it will be hard but we have to try. If we can put men on the moon why can’t we figure this out. Legislators have to want to find answers . As Adam mentioned the other day, there have been bipartisan bills in the past but they never get passed. We need to assist the southern states tackle this as well as helping the immigrants and their families.
Im a 72 year democrat and i couldnt agree more. Theres a right and compassionate way to do this. You and I could probably lay it out in detail. Itsnot rocket science - its decent, ethics based, logic driven patriotism. There will be some disappointment on the far left because there must be if we are to restore sanity to the border. But we can do this without humiliation, violence and hatred. We can. But let’s be honest, the MAGA party will never agree because conflict and chaos is worth more to them politically than solutions. It would also stand in the way of their commitment to Putin. You watch, no matter how much Biden concedes, no matter how many die in Gaza, Israel, and Ukraine, the MAGA party will follow their dictator in support of Putin and the destruction of our democracy. The only way this ends is if Trump comes to an end - period.
Joe I couldn't have said it better 100% agreed. All leaders from all parties must reach out to each other Right Now and begin formulating a plan to defeat MAGA and Trump once and for all.
Well stated and on point. You would know better than I do, since you served in Congress. But, it seems like neither side really wants to solve the issue. They just use it for politics, from what I have seen.
I’m not sure I agree. The business of not wanting progress applies only to the extremists on the R side. McCain, for example, describes watching his 2006 effort crumble once Rush Limbaugh started repeating the word “amnesty” over and over again.
It’s clear our immigration law no longer works. How can any President be blamed, if Congress won’t act? Who can force Congress to act? The President? Voters by a ballot? Manual laborers are so far down the list, their number never comes up. Therefore, they cross illegally. Being in detention, is a better life than they have- at least food and shelter provided. MAGA believes all are criminals. Majority- just desperate human beings, needing food and shelter. How do we force Congress to act?
What a well thought out article! You really summed up the issue with clarity and specifics. You need to be in the room while Congress is negotiating this - Help the Democrats to get it right- From what I hear they are willing to compromise- I just hope the other side is sincere and realizes they have to compromise too. I think we need more money to the border for specifics- more judges, more assistance at the border- for processing quickly so they don't have to come into the country. We used to have Ellis island where people were processed before being allowed in. Why don't we have some type of federal land at the border where migrants can stay until they are processed? We also need more surveillance- not barbed wire, or concrete walls, but more border patrol, more technology,- geez- there's cameras all over every road and building - big brother can know where you are at all times, why can't we know who comes across without declaring themselves? It can't be that hard.
Good read. It's sad, we were close to DACA. Seems like Maga doesn't want to solve the issue. My understanding is biden is trying to make concessions but Maga keeps moving the goal posts. If this is the case, it plays out completely the Maga playbook. Do nothing and blame the president even though it's their failure. Sounds like the pact act. Only much worse. I am afraid we will lose this one Adam.
The country needs to get this right on both sides I agree with you on this completely. Especially with so much at stake. It's got to be sincerely truly addressed otherwise it's going to be continually exploited by trump with lies instead of really being able to have real solutions.
Thank you for your book for this article as well as all of your other articles to get the truth out. With all the dismal news on a 24/7 loop your words give me a lot of hope.
I look forward to see you continue this coming year out there on a larger scale to help influence other Americans to come together cross all the party lines and defeat this real danger.
Very true the asylum laws never contemplated that it would scale up to this level. Biden's legislation contains $20B for border security. Biden must come out of hiding and sell that bill to the public. If he can't or won't then it becomes an all or nothing proposition as far as HR2 and Ukraine aid, Republicans will no doubt eventually allow the Israel aid to go separately. Biden also needs to make 2 other things clear. The first being that exoneration of America's Racist Sheriff Arpaio removed any doubt of Insane Clown's racism, the Republican Nazi Party won't stop at illegal immigrants. Legal immigrants are next with the ultimate goal being a country ethnic cleansed of all but White Christians. The second being that Insane Clown would hand Ukraine to Putin on a platter and Republicans would sooner send military aid to Putin than Ukraine.
Maybe when farmers need field workers we could have prisoners do that work!! Most Americans don't want to! Trump might be one of them!!
Thanks Adam, for another insightful article!! We should be able to solve this!
I think, at this time, we all need to take a deserved break through this Holiday. Take deep breaths and feel peace! We need to be rested for the 2024 challenge.
For the rest of the week, I'm not going to look at any Polls, except for one, the North Pole 🙂.
Be more like the Christmas MAGI,
And pray for the misdirected MAGA.!!
Spot on, Adam. You are wise beyond your years.