The last time I checked, Americans and freedom were not something to be tampered with. All of us who are old enough to remember the Soviet "Union" do not want to be owned by Donald Trump.

Ask the people of East Germany. How many of them spoke against the government and disappeared? How many were shot in the back trying to escape?

Trump doesn't want to make America great. He wants to make America his and only his. He plans to use the military against Democrats and anyone that voted against him. He will then be a "big shot" like the dictators he idolizes.

Don't let Donald Trump own you.

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I have said this numerous times: I am absolutely stunned how many people in our country simply either cannot make a connection with the fascist dictators we have seen or are that ignorant of history that they don't know about Hitler, the Holocaust, etc.

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The Republicans are trying to rewrite history to blot out the horror of the fascist dictatorships and even the horrors that sadly have happened here in America.

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Yes, and they have made inroads already. Like DeSantis and his literal whitewashing of US history, banning books, dictating what can be taught in public schools. Watch, Floridians in a decade or so will be more ignorant thanks to him

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Trump and Project 2025 intend to do away with the Department of Education. That says it all right there.

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IKR? Teachers better pay attention. Parents, too. And students. And taxpayers. And...

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Currently there are refugees from China at our Southern border. Xi wants them back for "reprogramming". Trump wants to be like this kind of dictator. Do you want to live where you have no freedom or rights and are not allowed to leave?

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If China is like North Korea, they send their dissidents to "camps," which are basically prisons with torture added in. Many do not survive. This is probably the same in Putin's autocracy.

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Anyone who opposes the dictator. Protestors, activists. In Stalin's Russia it was everyone smarter than he was. Millions of the best and smartest Russians were slaughtered.

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Yes, same with Mao and the Cultural Revolution and Pol Pot and the Killing Fields in Cambodia. Dictators want to eliminate any opposition, which means the educated, the academics, professional class, etc. But that leaves the country without "smart" people, not that the dictators care that the country goes down the tubes.

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Maduro in Venezuela right now is a good example. He is a figure like Trump that "won" when he really lost, ruined the nation's economy, and ran millions of the people out.

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That's trump's wet dream. To be like that and act with impunity. I have no doubt that he would if he could get away with it

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Adam, I love your viewpoints but have a slightly different take on it. You wrote, ”Once [Biden withdrew], and endorsed Harris, she embarked on a flawless effort to seize control of her party and show she was more than ready to run.” When I learned he withdrew, I immediately went to Harris’s social media and found where to donate, and threw a small donation to her as a way to show support. Apparently others did so too to the tune of 50M in mere hours. This grassroots support was the deciding factor, I believe, in her coalescing the Democratic Party around her, and trust me, we are rallying enthusiastically around her. I thought I was singular in jumping on her but have shed tears of relief every time I see our community in spirited action, and know we are not letting our guard down.

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I believe the 200 phone calls Harris made over 10 hours probably also helped

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She definitely knew what to do, and the immediate massive grassroots response helped shore it up.

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Yes! I also made a small donation to her campaign as soon as it became official.

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It’s our hive mind!

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If the former guy doesn't want to "get angry at the incompetence that (he) witness(es) every single day," maybe he should stop looking in the mirror and stop listening to himself talk.

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Absolutely. But we know he won't shut up. Ever. His deep insecurities make him a walking Gish gallop every minute

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Thank you for the sobering reminder that we must remain active and not let up.

I support Kamala Harris for President, and I pray she has a moderate for her Vice presidential pick to offset some of the “San Francisco liberal” vibe that is bound to be focused on.

I am a former Republican, never-Trumper, but that doesn’t make me a liberal. I fear others will be dissuaded from voting for her if she focuses too much on the liberal agenda versus the “save democracy from Trump” agenda. Of course, both are necessary for her to win.

I really hope she plunges into the Project 2025 details, including the threat Social Security And Medicare. It would also be great if she covered the desire of the far right to dismantle the VA and highlight the great things the PACT ACT has done for our veterans and for survivors of veterans who died of illnesses attributed to the War on Terror. The Republicans voted against it. It has been a God-send to countless of us, and it was both earned and deserved!

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it'd be great if Kamala chooses Mark Kelly or Shapiro - common sense moderates.

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Yes, I agree. I pray we keep moving on the right track. Trump and Maga must be defeated! WE ARE NOT GOING BACK😉

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I think Kelley is her best choice. Shapiro is a dangerous one due to his unconditional support of Netanyahu and the genocide/apartheid of Palestinians.

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Many of the Jewish people, including myself, support Israel’s existence and as an ally while also abhoring Netanyahu’s actions towards the Palestinians. It is not one or the other. I believe Shapiro is not against Palestinian freedom or peaceful protest on their behalf. He should be given a chance to spell out his position.

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Then why did he say the peaceful protesters on campuses should be arrested for treason? And that anyone who supports the BDS movement is antisemitic?

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Kelly and Shapiro literally have the same stance on Israel- which is that it has the right to self defense.

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I am AS concerned about the border as that IS a big issue to a lot of voters. Kelly would be a good choice if things seem to indicate the Border could break her. I say no to Pete. I love him and hope he goes far, but he's not what the ticket needs this time.

I kind of like Walz. I think he is just old enough, not tool old and he is very clear in how he speaks and what he says. He's quick, and can stand up to anyone. So, I think he's interesting. I know he's a fan even if he is not her selection for VEEP.

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I agree with you Pamela...I also love Pete, but it's not his time for now. However, he did an excellent job of explaining (as he usually does!) Harris' role on the border issue to Shannon Bream (Fox) last weekend. It puts Harris' work in perspective, and coupled with the fact that Trump convinced the R's to turn away from their bi-partisan border deal--might make for a convincing argument that she wasn't as bad as the opposition paints!.

I also like Walz. Once I heard him speak (Jen Psaki I think) and learned of his varied experience/background--I think he could be a good VEEP choice. Of course Kelly seems to be the best bet, except for not much of a democratic bench to replace him in the Senate. My understanding is that Hobbs can choose a replacement though which helps!

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I saw Pete on Faux with Shannon Bream. Hilarious!!!!!! GO PETE!!! I'll bet she had a "stiff one" when she was done with her show. LOL

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Please join me and give a clear strong public endorsement of VP Harris along with a donation to her campaign.

Be confident in Lincoln's advice that now is the time act with cold hard reason. The choice now is clear, it is VP Harris or Trump.

We must resist our the hesitations associated with fear, and now do everything we possibly can to defeat Trump.

I choose Country over Party, act Country First!

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I completely and wholeheartedly agree! I will vote for her regardless of who her running mate is. It is imperative that Trump be soundly defeated at the polls this November and that we put an end to MAGA mania once and for all!

I will vote straight Blue ticket and will continue to contribute to the campaigns of Democrats across the country in hopes of defeating the MAGAs in Congress.

I look at this as my fitting service to my country.

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Betty I agree. I call myself a liberal, but not woke. We likely share the same mind-set. I hope the Democrats under Harris don’t mistake the small, annoying ultra-left lobby of representing “the people” in any way.

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I hope that she does this as well.

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A radical left lunatic.

You threw paper towels at Puerto Ricans after a hurricane disaster.

You told California to rake the forest during a wildfire disaster.

You demanded Denmark sell you Greenland because it must be a great place for a golf course.

You demanded COVID testing be stopped so "your numbers" would get better.

You think Chloroquine and Clorox will cure COVID.

You think windmills cause cancer.

You think hurricanes can be nuked.

You think the climate crisis is a hoax.

You think schools should teach not the unvarnished truth but what parents (white Christian ones armed to the teeth) are comfortable with.

You think our miilitary are all suckers and losers.

You revealed classified information to Lavrov.

You sent love letters to Kim Jong Un.

You said trade wars are easy to win then had to do a $12B bailout to farmers.

You pardoned America's Racist Sheriff Arpaio.

You said "lock her up" and then used your personal phone.

You shut down the government for your stupid wall.

You tried to extort Zelensky to take ownership of Rude Boy Giuliani's phony Biden "dirt".

You incited an insurrection to steal the election.

You pleaded for inmunity. No president ever needed immunity but you. The only one who anyone needs protection from is you.

Now you are going to make us the Crypto Capital Of The World. You wouldn't know cryptocurrency from kryptonite.

And I'm the lunatic?

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This needs to be a Harris campaign ad. When one sees tfg’s shenanigans spelled out it almost defies comprehension. He’s the best they got? Wow.

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Nice job Bloviating Ignoramus. Your list should be a pamphlet. I just do not understand how people can be duped by this charlatan. For me, it's an indictment of our educational systems. Again, great compilation Bloviating Ignoramus!

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What an incredible comment! He did so much rotten stuff that I had actually forgotten some on your list.

I would love to see this used!

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Women are strong, absolute, and fierce. We are often given the task of working full-time coming home, taking care of a family and a husband, laundry, chores, dinner and grocery shopping. Multitasking and keeping things under control such as households and workplace environments are an everyday duty for us. We are more than capable of running a country. It's time that history reflects this.

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Preach it sister!

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Right on Ally. You are 200% correct about what women can do and many do. My observation is that they also often make more considered decisions because they seem less prone to knee jerkism. (I dont know if that is a real phrase, but I just made it one) :)

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I always thought a grandma farm wife would be an excellent president. There isn't anything they have not dealt with.

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Thanks for keeping us on our toes Adam. Hopefully the women carry the day!

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And men who support women in any way:






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I've sent word to Democratic HQ that Adam would really balance the ticket and help attract veterans, youth, and "never-trumpers" in the middle of the fray.

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Two things for your input:

1. It appears Kennedy actually pulls votes from Trump, not Harris. This makes sense to me due to his extremist views (ie vaccines etc)

2. 40% seems high to me as die-hard MAGA. I propose that number is closer to 20%. Here's my math:

25% of Americans are registered as R

50% of them would be considered hard MAGA 12.5%

Allowing for bleed-over from disaffected voters of all types, the total MAGA voter pool would be closer to 20%.

Saying we have a "divided" country (aka 50/50 voters) feeds the media's desperate need for a horse race to keep $$$$ flowing. Your take?

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Read about the CPI: Conservative Partnership Institute…that will change your tune about low-balling the danger lurking on the Right, hard or center.

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Not trying to "low ball" the MAGA numbers. Just trying to understand the true threat. There are many players -- media, pollsters, R's etc. -- who need inflated numbers for financial reasons. That's all.

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I agree. Polls also showed the far right winning the French election and they came in third. Adam’s discussion of the pitfalls of polling helps explain that the value of polls is in planning campaign messaging, not forecasting the result.

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“Make America THINK again” as photo Adam included states. And in that thinking, democracy must prevail. Buttigieg comment on Fox was perfect… he pushed back …look at the data! More honesty needed. And “weird” as description of #45 used by MN governor …simple and true.

Adam, thank you for Country First.

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When the pendulum swings it goes all the way. Although unlikely I kinda hope she would consider you as her VP pick. Now that would be a strong ticket.

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I agree and have said that before.

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I think the Harris campaign should hire a 1st grade teacher to teach Harris how to talk to a first grader when they lie, cut in line, act out, etc. If done right could be hilarious to treat Trump like a 1st grader than a former president.

She should call him Don-Old too!

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Love the Don-old! I thought the same thing. I mean if tfg can’t get her first name right (he can’t seem to hit the emphasis on the correct syllable?), then Harris can emphasize the incorrect syllable too right? Don-OLD.

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And she should reprise Reagan's quip against Mondale, only in reverse, about not holding trump's age against him at the beginning of the debate (if he shows)

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Adam, this election is too important to be complacent believing Harris can coast to victory. I believe many, many voters are grateful that they no longer have to pick from two old white men. But there are also many, many voters who don’t believe a female has a brain and can be a leader. We must all work to show this latter group just how wrong they are.

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Hey, Adam, good (Monday) morning.

I like her for President.

Anyone but Trump. Why isn't he incarcerated yet?

I see her as an effective leader, not as a black, Asian, female token. I've joked with my friends often - it's time for a female, or a sissy, in the highest office. And then we just giggle our little butts off and smoke cigarettes. It's a difficult step for some, I'm sure, when a woman has the very last word.

If you're not going to run this November, I'm with her.

Your friend, Dan

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I always thought Biden would do what he believed was in the best interest of US when/if the time came &Harris wd hit the ground running strong. I’m impressed &surprised with the engagement &excitement of the 20somethings in my family; while they wd have voted for Biden they are going to advocate for Harris “friends don’t let friends not vote”. You are so right … we’ve got to maintain our sense of urgency … 3months is a long time &there are nefarious actors out there looking to take US down. We the people have to meet this moment.

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Thank you, Adam. We can’t let our guard down. We can’t get complacent. We must fight until Election Day. 💙

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