I admire her strength and her ability, albeit difficult, to step up and do the right thing. Until one is presented with conflicts she faced...we will never fully appreciate how she put herself out there and the challenges she faced. Very sad to hear her father was of no support.

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Sad, and very true what you say

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I admire Cassidy, Adam and anyone who manages to screw up their courage and do what is necessary to do the right thing when it becomes clear that the people/organization they are working for or involved with are not doing the right thing. One of my own stories goes back 50 plus years when I walked into the office of my Congressman, Clark MacGregor, looking for a position after being released from the Army and a tour in Vietnam. They had just lost their legislative assistant, and after he asked me whether he thought the US should be in Vietnam, I said "No sir, we should never have been there." He hired me after a few other questions. I was not a political person and I think and vote independently because I had already seen where policy makers, politicians, and basically anyone can get it wrong, and then they double down because their ego is too big to admit the mistake, but the result is many many people get hurt and sometimes killed because they won't admit they are wrong and change course. The thing I most admired about MacGregor was that even though he was an early Nixon supporter, after losing to Hubert Humphrey for the Senate and becoming Congressional Liaison for the Nixon White House, he quit the very day he discovered that Nixon was lying about Watergate. He didn't hesitate. He did the right thing. He had a new corporate job in days and never attempted to defend Nixon when he discovered he was involved in Watergate. He had honesty and integrity like Adam and Cassidy, and as Adam pointed out, it isn't easy to leave your tribe, but loyalty to unreasonable extremes can be a real trap!

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Knew this was an incredibly hard change she made, but I can only imagine how much harder with her father reacting negatively. I also have the book, and am only waiting until I get finished reading the eagerly-awaited "Democracy Awakening" by Heather Cox Richardson, which arrived the same day.

I would quibble with Adam Kinzinger's self-characterization that he made his break only on seeing what happened on January 6 - at the very least, he was breaking with the Trumpian line months before the election, when he started to push back clearly on the former president's claims (in advance) that the election was going to be rigged and that that was the only way he could lose. If I remember correctly, Rep. Kinzinger was also pushing back on COVID vaccine misinformation being pushed by the former president.

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Correct. Thanks for noticing, few do and i don’t bother trying to convince them

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It was a video you put out back then, well before the election, when I became aware of and started paying careful attention to you!!! Thanks for all you've done and are continuing to do! Both my father (age 91) and I are retired military officers (Army & USAF respecctively), and both are very much of the same mind on all of this!

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Very tough situation. As I grew up, became an adult, married, had a child, I still looked to my family for support and praise. I didn’t want to disappoint anyone. In my working career, I wanted to do my very best and not disappoint my peers, my boss, or my clients. As a human being, we all want that and it’s hard to realize we have made a mistake. Some mistakes will be harder and more severe than others. To have such a prestigious job, especially so young, is huge. The weight on her shoulders immense. To stand up to her principles and morals had to be hard. To do this in the public eye, astronomically intense. I applaud her for what she is doing to try and save our democracy. Kudos to you, Adam, as well.

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It is tough to admit you were wrong, if more people do it we’d be better off

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Sep 29, 2023Liked by Adam Kinzinger

It must have been an impossible situation, not only feeling that she was being disloyal to Trump but knowing how her family would respond. That is a lot to give up...aide to Chief of Staff and working in the White House in her mid 20s. Pretty heady stuff. The point is that she did speak out and was brave, putting Country before Party.

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I was raised in a Republican family, my mom, when we were in Salem, OR, was very active in the campaign of Mark Hatfield for state representative, he later became governor but we were living in Marin County (SF Bay Area) by them. He was at our home many times (Salem was a small town in those days and everyone knew everyone), and she gave luncheons and such for him. My grand father owned the largest cannery in the Pacific Northwest at that time, was often in DC during the war and have contracts for K rations and was President of the National Association of Manufacturers. He was a staunch Republican.

Nixon was my first presidential vote and I voted R my entire life, with a few state and local exceptions, and my last POTUS vote was John McCain, even as I was VERY concerned with Sarah Palin. I'm sorry, I thought she was dumber than a stump and finding out later that Steve Bannon had a big hand in getting her on the ticket, make me realize my fears were justified.

I have "known" Donald Trump for over forty years. He is and always has been a "flim flam man", a liar, a cheat, a narcissist. He ruins people and businesses at the drop of a lawsuit, waiting them out, reneging on contracts at every turn. When he came down that escalator, and then the happenings in the months that followed, gave me pause. Lindsey Graham saying Donnie would destroy the party and we would deserve it, could NOT be more true. And yet, Now Lindsey licks Donnie's boots at every opportunity. Shortly thereafter I was out, I AM out and will stay out.

There are "big strong men" with tons of money behind them, pulling their strings, groveling at the feet of that orange grifter and will do anything to keep their positions and oh yea, more and more money. I honestly thing those old farts think that CAN take it with them. (I'm 78 by the way so I can call them that). And here you have a young woman, working in the White House, working for a POTUS she believed in, and she gets sucked into the vortex and life becomes very real and SHE, nobody special, became VERY special, putting herself out there, speaking the truth under intense pressure I'm sure.

I'm glad she has some family support and hopefully will find a fulfilling job and make new friends and go on to a fulfilling life and be surrounded by people who lover her and respect her courage. I'm 'sure she appreciates Adam's support. He TOO has shown great courage and integrity.

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I admire Cassidy as I do Adam. Both standing up for what is right. I have bought Cassidy's book and briefly scanned it and am looking forward to reading it.

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It’s called a spine. So many do not have one. Right is right and wrong is wrong. You know it when you see it and she saw it. I’m so glad she got independent representation and came forward. Standing up when everyone wants to push you down is the hardest thing. Thank you Adam for doing the same thing. I’m a hard “Independent” I’d vote for you...

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An important essay. Both Adam and Cassidy have done something that very powerful psychological forces within all of us make very difficult to do. To me it is a litmus test of bravery that I've never had to face in such a public and important manner.

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Two very Brave people. I'm a DEM from Illinois and if given the opportunity and Adam Kinzinger ran for a State wide office, say for Governor, I'm pretty sure I'd vote for him. Food for Thought Adam. I might even volunteer. Btw, Cassidy Hutchinson's book is very good. I finished it in two days. I hope she continues to do Great things.

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You now have a hard-earned moral compass, Adam. So does Cassidy Hutchinson. You are both shining North Stars of truth for Republicans floundering in the quagmire of party loyalty.

Choose truth. Shine on.

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Thanks for your very moving and powerful piece. I cannot help but have extreme admiration for her. You are so right about statements such as "We are all family here"... kind of like when someone you've known for less than an hour proclaims, "You can trust me."

And I always admire your ability to inject a bit of humor into your writing, despite the seriousness of the subject. Something about orange bronzer.... (actually pretty sad).

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Both of you are remarkable and steadfast profiles of courage. I stand with you.........

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Humans are "social animals" and have a natural tendency to identify with "tribes" of people who share similar backgrounds and interests. But large political parties have so much diversity within them that it makes no sense to me to owe loyalty to them of the "my tribe, right or wrong" type. My loyalty is to people throughout the U.S. and the world who have values and interests similar to mine, and neither Trump nor Biden nor Kamala Harris are in that category.

Furthermore, I regard the U.S. Constitution as the most relevant document for unifying the many "tribes" in the U.S. around the common interests of the majority, with protections for the interests of minorities. It contains no provision for government dominated by two giant political parties.

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Courage is a quality few today have. At the age of 25 to show the courage Cassidy did, is admirable. I will never comprehend how a giant bully like Donald Trump became president and how he is poised to become president again. Like many I am searching for the Republican Party of John McCain.

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