It's Time to Talk to the Kids: The GOP Needs to Divorce
This toxic stew is destroying you, the kids, and our country
As you all are aware, this weekend marks the moment in time I became beyond fed up at the whining, brittle, fragile, weak, sad, lonely, sheepishness of the MAGA movement. The perpetual victims who just bellyache, cry, and need a broken man to follow to make them feel special. He rubs their belly and tells them that the bad people don’t like him too, and so he is going to yell at them on tv (but never in person, he hates confrontation) and they can join.
To any GOPers left who still believe the party will be saved by co-opting the MAGA movement and steering them back to “normal,” this is your intervention: it’s time to call it off. I know you tried, I know you fought. I know you prayed. But you cannot co-exist with MAGA anymore. I’m sorry, but the values you hold are the antithesis of what MAGA believes. Your strength and ability to think for yourself, is an unacceptable trait in MAGA, they only want compliant, weak and broken down people who need to belong to a group to feel safe. Viewpoints don’t matter. Policy doesn’t matter. That isn’t you.
Now, with the primaries coming up, it’s important for you “RINOs” to fight for the assets. While it appears unlikely you can win in court, who knows, the fight maybe important to show the rest of the family who you are and what it is your believe. But if you lose that fight, you need to roll out. This doesn’t mean you become a Democrat, it does mean you have to think of yourself completely apart from the poison and viral weakness of MAGA. And you have to stop voting for them.
You have been co-opted, mocked, beat down, and twisted into a pretzel to make your MAGA spouse happy. But, they will never be happy. The entire format is based on victimhood, perpetual conflict, and pointing out your shortcomings not to make you better, but to make you more compliant. MAGA hopes that you just become exhausted and give up…give them your vote, and let them lead the country into a complete dumpster fire because, their real mistress Donald Trump needs their re-affirmation over and over. That toxic relationship cannot exist in concurrence with your toxic relationship, because you are the target they can unite around.
Sure, a GOP divorce will be good for Democrats in the short term. You may not love their policies, but let me tell you one thing, they don’t live to humiliate you like Donald does. In the long term, it gives you a chance to really decide who you are…to feel at peace with your beliefs, and unlike your MAGA spouse, to lead in strength instead of follow in fear.
The GOP is completely the opposite of the party any of us think of as Republican. No longer do they advocate strength, a robust national defense, fiscal discipline, and compassion towards the poor. Now the only requirement is to anger your enemies, and “own the libs” whatever that means.
Most importantly, think of your children. Culture follows politics, and your children are learning that mean-ness, anger, victimhood, and an unmooring from truth, is the way to live life and get ahead. Is Donald really the man you want your kids to see as a model? Do you really want kids that are sheep and scared of confrontation?
I know its difficult. This marriage has become your identity and changing that is close to impossible. But you can do it. Yes it will be uncomfortable, yes it will require re-wiring your brain, yes you may lose some of MAGAs friends. But you will get back your soul, you will remember what it means to believe in values, to no longer be confused by what you do and don’t believe, to not worry that you will lose friends and family because after all, only weak sheep pick friends that make them feel good about their own political positions…you will have friends that love you unconditionally and don’t even consider politics as a factor.
I don’t care what your label is, but you can’t co-exist in this toxic stew. You can still fight to regain the mantle of conservatism…to actually create a conservative movement. But continuing in this marriage with MAGA isn’t changing them, its destroying you. More importantly, its destroying the kids and your country.
Well, I’ve shared my own thoughts, very similar to what you have stated here, to my Facebook family feed in the past. I mostly hear crickets. I do have one young and naive second cousin that flaps back at me (I’m 63 and he’s in his late 30’s) with nonsense. He once argued with me that Liz Chaney lost because she did not support republicans. I had to remind him that she supported republican policies and voted with Trump probably 97 percent of the time? No…she did not lose because of not supporting republican policy. She lost because, like you, she had the nerve to stand up for democracy and our republic and not to appease the cult.
So what do I do now? Share your post? Do you think it will help? About 98% of my family and friends are republicans and I’m pretty sure they all voted for Trump both times.
Trump and MAGA repeat, repeat, and repeat lies. It’s time that Biden, media, democrats, moderates, independents and some republicans need to repeat, repeat, repeat the truth AND tell Americans over and over what needs to be done in Ukraine and GAZA and safeguard our republic.
I am 72 and have lost most of my family, friends, and loved ones. But I had three male friends of 50 years or more left in 2016. One is no longer my friend as Faux News plays on his TV 18 hours a day and he has gone full MAGA. Another has much of his family that have gone full MAGA. Those members of his family treat him badly and say that he has changed and has something wrong with him.
What in this world could have conquered so many people's minds and poisoned their hearts? Did Mussolini, Hitler, Stalin, Putin, Kim, and the rest have the same effect on so many of their population?
Trump increasingly echos Hitler. "Immigrants are poisoning our nation". But he is married to one and the mother of his children was one. Do you really want to live in Nazi Germany or the Soviet Union? Be shot in the back if you try to escape? Worry about when they will come for you or your children?
Sandy Scheuer's parents lived in Germany. At the end of the War, they were in East Germany which was part of the Soviet Union. Border Guards in towers kept people from escaping to West Germany which was free. Sandy's parents are other family members made a break; some got through the barbed wire and made it across to the West. Some didn't make it because they were shot in the back by the Soviet Border Guards. Her parents got to Great Britain and then emigrated to the US. They settled in Ohio. Sandy's dad was glad that she was born in a nation that did not shoot its own people. When Sandy was shot and killed at Kent State in 1970, Richard Nixon and Spiro Agnew went on national TV that night and told Mr. Scheuer that Sandy had gotten what she deserved.
Is this what you want? I know that you join with Adam, myself, and many others in rejection of the darkness that MAGA promises.