Well, I’ve shared my own thoughts, very similar to what you have stated here, to my Facebook family feed in the past. I mostly hear crickets. I do have one young and naive second cousin that flaps back at me (I’m 63 and he’s in his late 30’s) with nonsense. He once argued with me that Liz Chaney lost because she did not support republicans. I had to remind him that she supported republican policies and voted with Trump probably 97 percent of the time? No…she did not lose because of not supporting republican policy. She lost because, like you, she had the nerve to stand up for democracy and our republic and not to appease the cult.

So what do I do now? Share your post? Do you think it will help? About 98% of my family and friends are republicans and I’m pretty sure they all voted for Trump both times.

Trump and MAGA repeat, repeat, and repeat lies. It’s time that Biden, media, democrats, moderates, independents and some republicans need to repeat, repeat, repeat the truth AND tell Americans over and over what needs to be done in Ukraine and GAZA and safeguard our republic.

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It’s a hard break but lies make them feel good. Sad

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"Do you think it will help?" No. I tried to explain to my staunch Republican brother-in-law that Liz Cheney was trying to save his party, but he thought the same thing as your cousin (she should have supported the GOP no matter what).

MAGA ears are deaf when it comes to reason and logic. It won't end well for anyone.

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Sorry about the family. I know that feeling. Eventually they will see it, this can’t last. Just wonder how much destruction will happen

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He'll surround himself with sycophants with worse impulses than himself. The 'good ones' in Congress, like yourself, are mostly gone. I thought for sure, before Trump, you were going to be the 'face of the GOP' and it still amazes me that you're not. It says a lot about the modern GOP sh*tshow.

In any event, I'm preparing for the worse but hoping for something better.

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I’m reminded of two scenes from the 2001 movie ‘Band of Brothers’. The first scene takes place when ‘Easy’ Company (101st Airborne) enters a small German town they have just captured, and are going house to house. One is the elegant home of a Nazi SS officer whose clearly arrogant wife appears while our soldiers are searching for enemy soldiers who may be hiding there. The defiance and distaste this woman has for our soldiers is palpable.

The second scene takes place after the Nazi concentration camp has been discovered a short distance from this town, and it has been decided to make the town’s residents who denied all knowledge of the concentration camp right outside their town (despite the stench of rotting bodies and the smoke from the crematory ovens that blanketed the land for miles) give the dead bodies (that have been haphazardly thrown into pits & piled into stacks) a proper accounting and burial. The Nazi officer’s wife is among those residents. Her demeanor has now changed, yet to me it appeared that she is more embarrassed that their evil has been discovered, than she is remorseful for what they did.

This is how I believe MAGA world works. Therefore I have little hope for an end to the ‘sickness’ within our country any time within my lifetime - which is now admittedly short. It will be up to our citizens who are your age, Adam, or younger to finally learn the lessons of history, and break the cycle of receptiveness. I believe there’s a better chance that Mother Nature will hit the ‘reset’ button and if any humans survive the climate disaster we’ve created, hopefully they will will do a better job of getting along with each other.

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I tend to agree. If we lined up all the MAGA/cult followers along the border, they could become the wall they so desire, as trying to talk sense to them and provide them with facts is like talking to a wall.

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FWIW...from my own experience with family, friends, acquaintances:

1-> COLLEGE EDUCATED/STAUNCH REPUBLICANS - Know he's a lunatic but wouldn't vote for a Democrat even if Hitler himself, was the Republican nominee.

2 -> COLLEGE EDUCATED/REASONABLE REPUBLICANS -Know he's a lunatic and feel they have to do the right thing and vote for anyone but Trump.

3-> NON-COLLEGE EDUCATED - Willfully ignorant, intellectually challenged, haven't read a book since high school. Blue collar Democrats all their lives until Trump. They made many poor decisions in their lives leaving them where they are at. Totally caught up in the bogus "patriotic" nonsense and love Trump's immigrant bashing. Delusional enough to think if we get rid of all immigrants, their pathetic lives will get better.

There's no hope for 1 and 3 and there are a lot of 3's.

I'm trying to spend as much time with the 2's :-)

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As essentially one of those "2's" that you describe (as a former moderate Republican who still supports the very few who are left) I strongly disagree with your implication that mass immigration (particularly, illegal, but also legal) is in the short-term interest of us current American citizens, and even less in the long-term interest of our descendants.

Just how many people do you think that the United States can accommodate at anything close to the high standard of living that most of us enjoy? Do you have a clue as to the importance to people's quality of life of such limited resources as land that is desirable for residential and recreational uses, or supplies of fresh water, or fossil fuels?

Would you like to see the U.S. become like China, India, Pakistan, or Bangladesh where even the most "advantaged" people live in tiny apartments in high rise concrete urban jungles?

I reject that sort of a dehumanized future for my descendants. While the U.S. can't prevent that from other countries, we can prevent them from exporting their excess populations here to ultimately make all countries equally poor and/or politically unstable over wealth inequality.

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Carlton S.

I was not opining on the pros/cons of immigration (although I do have an opinion), I was simply stating what I hear from my friends/family/acquaintances in the 3 group.

I'm generalizing but they have this false impression that they would have been more successful had it not been for those 'dang' immigrants, while completely ignoring the fact that they, themselves, took little/to no initiative to gain the knowledge and skills for a better life outcome. They like Trump (a guy who employed many illegal immigrants) because he feeds into their false narrative.

As far as immigration, yes, for logistics alone, we can't open the flood gates. That said, for the land mass we have, 330 mil, is not that much. The problem is the population is bunched up in certain areas. I'm all for reasonable immigration policies.

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Do you know that a bit over 48% of businesses in the Forbes 500 were started by, and most are still run by IMMIGRANTS? in 2022 18% of small businesses with employees were owned by immigrants and 23% WITHOUT employees were owned by immigrants.

319 of 582 start ups valued at a billion dollars or more have at least ONE immigrant at their head.

Maybe some of those whining US born guys could start a "boot strap" company. We seem to be in short supply these days, nothing for Americans to pull themselves up by.

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My father and I had a tiff over Trump. My 45th birthday fell on November 3rd, 2020. My birthday present was him saying I hope you enjoy spending your birthday alone because I didn't vote for Trump. It took some time and it took me convincing him. I voted the way I did because he raised me and eventually things smoothed out and are much better now.

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Any friends that still support Trump, are ex-friends. My life is better for it.

Unfortunately, I'm forced to spend time with family (mine and my wife's) that still support Trump. I do it in silent disgust :-)

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It's extremely difficult when that person is your father. My father has voted Republican since he was old enough to vote. My father raised me to be a good person because he is a good person and I will never understand how he can fall for somebody like Trump. My father also has stage 4 kidney disease. We are literally on borrowed time, instead of debating politics with him, we spend our days when he's healthy enough to go fishing or talk about the rolling Stones concert he took me to. It's very personal when it comes to my dislike of Trump. I wish nothing but the worst for him. I'll never be able to change my dad's mind because he's blind to what he does or he says it truly is a cult but I can't turn my back on my dad. When my dad asked me how I could vote for somebody like Biden, I just respond to him simply. Dad, he raised me. You raised me to know the difference between right and wrong. I only wish she would abide by his own words judging by his life and how he treats others. You would never guess he was a Trump supporter. I can't stand Donald Trump but I refuse to let him take what time I have love with my dad away from me. He doesn't deserve a second of our lives.

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Understood. Trump has caused so much divisiveness in this country. I'm 60, I can say that I've never hated anyone or anything, as much as I hate him.

Good luck with your dad.

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Thank you. As a matter of fact, last night I had a chance to speak with him and they have them on a trial drug that will help delay the process of dialysis. It's the best Christmas present I could ask for. My father has always taught me community service before self, love, thy neighbor, charity before my own needs, respect other opinions and respect those who hold those opinions, respect my elders especially my veterans and be the change in the world I wish to see. I don't understand why he voted for Trump with the exception of and I quotes. I hate his actions. I hate the way he acts but I like his policies. He claims Jack Smith is a Trump hater. He watches Fox News 24/7. I wonder where he heard that from. On the plus side, he raised a red-headed Scorpio. Best of luck with him matching wits with me. In the end, love is all that matters and I refuse to let Trump take that away from him and I. That pile of crap isn't worth it

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I am 72 and have lost most of my family, friends, and loved ones. But I had three male friends of 50 years or more left in 2016. One is no longer my friend as Faux News plays on his TV 18 hours a day and he has gone full MAGA. Another has much of his family that have gone full MAGA. Those members of his family treat him badly and say that he has changed and has something wrong with him.

What in this world could have conquered so many people's minds and poisoned their hearts? Did Mussolini, Hitler, Stalin, Putin, Kim, and the rest have the same effect on so many of their population?

Trump increasingly echos Hitler. "Immigrants are poisoning our nation". But he is married to one and the mother of his children was one. Do you really want to live in Nazi Germany or the Soviet Union? Be shot in the back if you try to escape? Worry about when they will come for you or your children?

Sandy Scheuer's parents lived in Germany. At the end of the War, they were in East Germany which was part of the Soviet Union. Border Guards in towers kept people from escaping to West Germany which was free. Sandy's parents are other family members made a break; some got through the barbed wire and made it across to the West. Some didn't make it because they were shot in the back by the Soviet Border Guards. Her parents got to Great Britain and then emigrated to the US. They settled in Ohio. Sandy's dad was glad that she was born in a nation that did not shoot its own people. When Sandy was shot and killed at Kent State in 1970, Richard Nixon and Spiro Agnew went on national TV that night and told Mr. Scheuer that Sandy had gotten what she deserved.

Is this what you want? I know that you join with Adam, myself, and many others in rejection of the darkness that MAGA promises.

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I’m sorry. This isn’t fun. People have been poisoned and are sick. First way to get better is to recognize your disease

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"Faux News", I truly believe Rupert Murdoch is an enemy of the state. Stories have been released that he hates Trump and knows he's an ignoramus but still shovels that bs nightly to the willfully ignorant.

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It's all about$$$$$$ with him. Laughlin runs the Corp now but Rupert truly won't step away while he's still above ground.

I'm hoping Smartmatic will finally put Faux under but that won't go to trial for at least another year. I think there are a couple of additional suits.

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Pamela Wing.

True but how much is enough. Rupert is Oxford Univ educated so he's no dummy. He's just a greedy, poor excuse for a human being.

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I guess it depends on how much Faux is insured for and how long the companies will want to be paying uber million dollar bills. We won' have any idea for a couple of years and in the meantime they keep the sewer running.

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Adam, another direct hit!! It is definitely time for all Americans to rise up and take control of our nation back from the MAGA extremists in the GOP. This will implode the entire GOP, but a new conservative party will arise from the ashes. This new party needs to keep the MAGA types out at all costs for our two party system to function.

Yes, the time to "divorce" is now...

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Amen. It has to….

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RINO to the rescue! :)

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Hit the nail on the head with this one. However, I suspect you are speaking to a crowd that agrees with everything you have said here. You have a platform to address more Americans than most of us do. I have heard you on several podcasts, and on a couple of TV programs. Please take advantage of that presence to communicate with more of America. I thoroughly enjoyed the last several posts you have made.

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Thanks. Even if you all agree it helps formulate the thoughts and trust me, MAGA hears this . I see it on Twitter!

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Or, as Jeff Tiedrich calls it, "Not-Twitter"... <wink>

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Wow. So powerful. „

Sure, a GOP divorce will be good for Democrats in the short term.“.

If only the GOP had realized this 4 years ago, after the first Impeachment. Think of how much pain could have been avoided. And, more importantly, think of where the GOP, and the country, would be today if Trump had actually been convicted in his impeachment and been barred from holding federal office again. Who would be running for president now? Not Joe Biden, and likely much stronger republican candidates. We would likely not have a Freedom Caucus controlling congress. They might even be functioning. We are paying for the cowardice of the GOP and the MAGA enablers in countless ways. And those too lazy to „break up“ with MAGA because it‘s too hard or the dangers are too abstract will only come to realize their mistake after so much damage is done that it can‘t be undone. It‘s a bit like refusing the flu shot because one hates the experience, refusing to recognize that the avoidance of this small (very) temporary pain could ultimately be fatal.

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So true

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Didn't help that Pelosi was ambivalent at best about impeachment and the impeachment managers were no doubt at her direction more concerned with being solemn and prayerful. Also didn't help that they left their most conpelling smoking gun evidence in Rude Boy Giuliani off the table.

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You definitely know what you’re talking about!You know it’s getting out of hand when you see a father in Walmart wearing a F- Biden shirt and he has his two kids with him.

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It’s disgusting

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Two years MAGA free.

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Maybe let's design reward chips for that


Came to believe that a power greater than myself was not me...

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Sadly, the MAGA faction is no longer a separate part of the Republican Party, it has become the very soul of the Republican Party. Elected Republicans kowtow to Trump, because their xenophobic, racist, homophobic, misogynistic and under-educated constituents tell them to do so. At this point, adherents to the Kinzinger-Cheney point of view would do well to separate from the Party, declare themselves Independents for the time being, work with other Independents and Democrats to soundly defeat Trump at the top of the 2024 ticket and MAGAs in every downballot race. Then, when the dust has cleared and the country is secured by reasonable folks in most offices, it might make sense to look at forming a Party of socially moderate, fiscally prudent, sensible democracy. That might be more popular than we can even imagine, right now. The Republican Party as we knew it will never return to sanity. Bulldozers instead of bandaids. Building instead of bellyaching.

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The two are now one. And like a marriage sometimes you have to reform your identity. It won’t be quick or even many people, but a start

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It is absolutely time for a new Purified Republican Party. Can’t we start now? I fear the justice system moves too slowly to save us from another Trump term- and this time he wont leave. I know there are lots of other groups committed to stopping Trump. Can we all join hands and be a louder voice?

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Yes. This is my goal for 24

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Excellent piece, Adam. Thank you! I agree with you 110%. My late dad would get so angry as he was concerned about his grandson, what would the country be like for him. My dad passed away this year, but heard that nearly to the day he died. We will becoming grandparents in 2024 and concerned for our son and daughter in law, as well as our grandson who will have a whole life ahead of him. People need to wake up or we will be in for very dark days. Buckle up as this could be a very long and painful time.

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Congrats. We truly set our own destiny in self governance. To right the ship we have to recognize it’s sinking

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We have 5 grandchildren and are likewise extremely concerned. So sad, so worrisome.

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Lost souls. Such sadness. And they will take us all into the dark, selfish dark hole in an effort to prove their pathetic point.

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I'll tell you what, I am a Democrat and I'm not a Socialist. Much like moderate Republicans, I feel the Party has been moved more left because the Progressive tail, in our case, is wagging the dog. Biden isn't a Socialist either, but if he doesn't run, I can almost guarantee the Democratic candidate would be further to the left.

Climate change and the steps necessary to address it appear to be deal breakers for most moderate Republicans to vote for a D candidate. Abortion is too but that's a much bigger moral issue and I think upending Roe v. Wade has addressed that. Now it's a matter of State, not federal, law.

What I tell my friends that will listen is: even if you don't believe climate change is person-made, the measures that will be taken will also help to improve the air and keep us from poisoning ourselves.

I was born in LA in 1956. I grew up with some of the dirtiest, most poisonous air in the country. As a kid, my lungs ached every time I went outside to play. My brother weezed every day due to asthma. Our skies were filled with such thick haze it blotted out the sun.

People have forgotten why we have air and water quality laws. They look at the skies and the water and think it just isn't a problem. They forget about smog-filled skies and rivers on fire. They have forgotten why we have the EPA. Things are just fine, right? Well they are fine because in crowded urban areas there are plans and regulations in place to keep it that way. If you live in a rural area, you have less exposure to these problems.

At any rate, I have given much thought to registering as an I. I'm getting closer....

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Yep you’re right . We need to start from scratch on policies and fixes so people get out of their camps. We only have one earth

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Another terrific post, Adam. And perhaps you have provided a litmus test for "Are you American or MAGA?" Flesh this point out a little more: "Is Donald really the man you want your kids to see as a model?". More directly put, which President would you prefer your own children behave like, Trump or Biden? Anyone who says Trump, is MAGA, and cannot be saved. This has nothing to do with politics, and everything to do with character. Now that I think about it, what a great question to ask the other Republican candidates... I would love to see them squirm on that one.

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Thanks. MAGa is anti American

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You're spot on again but I'm sad to say, I don't think it will help. The "RINOs" (who truly hate Trump), are mostly cowards so they will take the easy route and stay with their tribe. Politically speaking, I think the worst citizens we have are the ones that NEVER cross party lines, no matter how incompetent, disgusting and dangerous their candidate is.

If Trump gets back in the White House, it won't end well for anyone.

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Fully agree

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His maga followers think they will be immune from his repression but they haven’t thought things through. When tfg sends troops into American streets how will the military recognize maga from us sane ones. We all will be thrown in jail and they’ll sort it out later. Or maybe we’d need to carry identity papers on us at all times when in public. Sound like some countries you’ve heard of? Think it couldn’t happen here? I pray it doesn’t but with orange man in charge it would be a slippery slope into fascism. Adam, my husband and I are behind you and any other responsible, sensible, civil person regardless of “party” as long as they are putting the constitution and thereby the country first and foremost. We just have to find them and form a cohesive movement.

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Here's a must see of Kaitlin Collins follow up to an interview she did with Ron Johnson who tried to minimize the fake elector scheme that he was involved in and say the Democrats did the same thing- She asked him to prove that- he didn't then but later posted several things including the 1960 election. Watch her shut all of them down. Her fact checking is essential for media to do every time! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NYTd1ykVw10

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This is the way to do it. Call them out

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