This is what I wrote last night regarding the debate, on the Country First FB page.

I must admit, I was holding my breath a bit before the debate began. But as soon as it was under way, I was able to exhale. Kamala was superior. Trump looked like a deranged maniac... lashing out irrationally and grasping at lies and falsehoods.... nothing new at all.

Of course, no candidate is perfect... and we may disagree with some of her policies... but that is 100% okay! And a healthy and RESPECTFUL discussion is something to be revered. That's how problems are solved.

It was obvious tonight which candidate was best for the Country. And is willing to put Country First... Country OVER Party.

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I was nervous until the two candidates walked on stage. Trump clearly had no intention of meeting Harris mid- stage. She walked over to Trump at his podium, extended her hand and introduced herself..Trump almost bent down toward her and gave a very limp-wristed handshake. I knew Harris would do well. Boy, did she!

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I was a nervous wreck. But as soon as MVP strode over and essentially cornered him, I knew she would be ok.

The prosecutor came out to play.

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Totally agree! Thank you!

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Fully expecting this loser to claim his Vietnam era bone spurs will keep him from another debate with Kamala. In other words, his cowardice and damaged pride...

The Taylor Swift endorsement really iced the cake last night. A twofer from two powerful women, talk about a well earned smackdown...

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Yes. As stated elsewhere, he ended up being wonderfully Swift Voted!

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Like Swift Boated, but not.....

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And it was a very good night for democracy

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Best summation possible. Thank you!

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Great analysis, Adam! I cheered every time he fell into her trap. If she had just talked policies, the pundits would have said she showed weaker than him. This way she proved she is strong and presidential! He showed to be the whiny and angry child he is.

I wondered if you heard his WWW111 nuclear threats if he doesn't win the election? Just like the ones about a promised bloodbath if he isn't elected?

Let us use the 23rd anniversary of September 11 to propel us to elect Harris to save our democracy!🇺🇸

Thanks for all you are doing to see that this man never sits behind the resolute desk again!

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I laughed every time he got triggered, resulting in me spewing a mouthful of ‘LMAO Pinot Noir’ onto the dog. Fidette was not amused.

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Fidette may not have been amused but you made me laugh 😄!! Thanks!

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Welcome. That is my aim.

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This woman is very talented and a quick study!

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Actually, I would say that she excels under pressure. Just the kind of quality you'd want in a commander in chief.

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She did so well! Glad she stayed at her podium, so he didn’t glower over her( like Hillary) like the old buzzard in Loony Toons of old! Same old, same old Trump-what a Creep! ( I like Creep, better than Weirdo, personally.) Thank you Adam, for your diligent efforts on behalf of us all. Country First!!

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It was a masterclass in how to take down an addled buffoon letting him use his own words. You could have watched the debate on mute just looking at their faces to know who owned the stage. Trump looked like he was sucking on a lemon and Kamala’s expressions listening to his answers allowed her to not waste her time refuting all his incessant lies.

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Not to mention he couldn't keep his eyes open.

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I'm surprised none of the pundits I heard mentioned that...... and trump called Biden "sleepy Joe"!!

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Great analogy, Donald!

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She won. He lost. Period.

My question is, will it matter in November?

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How can it not?

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Because of what this Pew survey tells us about our fellow citizens:


(See especially the section titled "Harris, Trump supporters weigh in: What actions are acceptable for a president?")

As a country we've become decadent and self-centered, wanting every one of our rights protected from the rest of society but without wanting to uphold our responsibilities to society at large. I doubt Trump's popular vote tally will fall below 46%, irrespective of almost any egregious act he commits. And as a commentator pointed out, look out for something horrendous from him in the days ahead in order to get the media's and his base's attention back on him (like the Arlington fiasco).

But this only means we must redouble our efforts. It definitely doesn't mean we should simply lament and throw up our hands. Country First!

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The Congressional races are equally as important. We have to flip the House and hold the Senate!

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Yes, he’s still Teflon Don in many ways.

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I think a majority of people are exhausted by this despicable excuse for a human being.

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So you think it won’t ? Gotcha !

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Of course I really really hope it does matter and helps her clinch the election in a way that leaves no room for doubt among all halfway sensible people! But let’s just say I wouldn’t be totally surprised if it doesn’t, for the reasons explained. It’s sad what this says about us as a people. Logan Roy: You’re not serious people

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Yes I agree, but his horrible performance and insanity in the debate will be the gift that keeps on giving as far as campaign ads writing themselves. Any rational person and especially women are horrified by the nonsense about abortion after birth. He crossed a few bridges too far! I don’t think he recovers from this in two months.

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And you know what Double-A? I couldn’t be happier about it!

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From your keyboard to God’s ears

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true...keep battling in a respectable way...they go low we go high... (sometimes I know you have to go low too :) as john lewis said "good trouble" ...

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yes em...

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Trump couldn’t even look at Kamala. She kept her cool and got under his very thin skin. It was great to have him fact checked both by her and the moderators.

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I was surprised and glad for the moderators actually stepping in to fact check Trump. A breath of fresh air! But I also appreciated their tough questions, the ones that needed to be asked but never had been. They did a great job.

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It was a VERY good night. I have enjoyed listening to the post-debate comments from different sources, and I feel that most mirrored your opinion. I'm still laughing at how she handled DonOLD and his reactions. I can't believe he said 75% or more said HE won - maybe 75% of his MAGAs or he was at a different debate. Yes, Taylor Swift's endorsement was the cherry on top, and he immediately tried to downplay it even though 2 weeks ago he was using fake AI Taylor memes endorsing him. Ha!

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The Taylor Swift endorsement may also bring in a lot of girl dads one commenter pointed out. Taylor Swift’s audience includes young girls - but their doting fathers want the best for their daughters. MAGA Republicans aren’t it. They are misogynistic pigs as Liz Cheney so aptly put it. My late father DIDN’T want that future for me and I grew in the 70ies! We go forward not back.

Kamala Harris was correct about something else - Putin would eat Trump’s lunch and probably already has chewed him up and rearranged him to the Russians liking. Trump is not fit to be President and she just demonstrated that for the world.

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I agree completely with your excellent column, Adam. Kamala was in charge from alpha to omega. Trump was her Yo-Yo. She played Orange Guy like a fiddle. She ate Bone Spurs breakfast, lunch & dinner. It was Trump's turn to be the old guy in the barrel.

Mission accomplished, Kamala. Lotsa undecideds aren't anymore.

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The debate was a success because it got Taylor Swift to endorse Kamala. I think that might bring in thousands if not a million NEW voters for Kamala. Today there are over 20 million Americans who were too young to vote in 2016 (some were only 10 when he came down the golden escalator in trump towers) they are the only voting block with a lot of votes up for grabs. Young people look to mentors for guidance. Kamala needs to get those voters.

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I believe Taylor Swift timed her Instagram post perfectly. The debate had finished, the initial round had been made through the commenters and then "new meat!" I was watching CNN but I suspect it made it as a topic on almost all the other channels, though wouldn't be shocked if Fox etc buried the story.

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I totally agree !

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It was fantastic to see how Harris worked tfg over and left him stumbling over his own thoughts and words. I know Harris is eager to do another debate but I kind of think that futile at this point. Many viewers wanted to get to know about her policies and leadership abilities. This debate didn’t showcase those things. I know it wasn’t designed to do that. This debate did showcase her ability to skillfully articulate part of her vision for our country and highlight the detriment tfg would be as president again. I felt that giving tfg 90 minutes on national media is just watching another one of his rallies. Harris should just do town hall type events, televised by the major networks with a moderator asking questions that she hasn’t seen. No script, no teleprompter and maybe take 3 or 4 questions from audience members vetted by the moderator before the event. This avenue is a better option to hear her specific plans about the economy, healthcare , housing costs, climate initiatives, etc.

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I emailed her campaign last night about doing something similar. It sounds dumb BUT the big thing is people did say they wanted to hear more and those are people that weren't really going to vote for her and now think they might. She CANNOT just preach to the choir. She really does need to reach out and talk about details as much as she can and just referring someone to her website is NOT going to do it. So, lets hope we see more of her in the venues you describe.

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Joan, the Harris campaign should have you set this up!

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Thank you! Totally agree 👍

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Excellent recap Adam. Thank you for all you do, and thank you for this epic line: "Every time she did it, he took the bait like a starving trout." Literally LOL funny!

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A perfect image along with the fact that he got filleted.

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Absolutely! I DID Lol when I read it!

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I think Kamala did a great job with her debate last night!I wonder what TRUMPIE will say about Taylor Swift endorsing Kamala!! I can’t wait to see what he says-haha!👍👍💙❤️💙❤️💙❤️🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

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