Spot on as Justice Sotomayor’s dissent was. I foolishly believed Justice Roberts would be able to ‘manage’ the other justices. He could not. A sad day for America. Voting a straight Democratic ticket is the only answer at this point. Republicans have lost the meaning of what it means to be an American as well as the meaning of democracy.

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I did too. How wrong i was

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Adam….will you be at the Dem


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I have wondered this also. I'm a delegate and active with Country First & would love for Country First to have a presence there as well as actually get to meet Adam in person.

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I can be there if credentialed (Indiana


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Never trust a man to do a woman's job. We have more to lose than anyone and it's time to be heard louder and clearer than before

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Read Ron Reagan’s “Time of Choosing” in the Goldwater convention, and realize that the Goldwater supporters felt like they were responding to a threat to America.

“I am going to talk of controversial things. I make no apology for this.

It's time we asked ourselves if we still know the freedoms intended for us by the Founding Fathers. James Madison said, "We base all our experiments on the capacity of mankind for self government."

This idea? that government was beholden to the people, that it had no other source of power is still the newest, most unique idea in all the long history of man's relation to man. This is the issue of this election: Whether we believe in our capacity for self-government or whether we abandon the American Revolution and confess that a little intellectual elite in a far-distant capital can plan our lives for us better than we can plan them ourselves.

You and I are told we must choose between a left or right, but I suggest there is no such thing as a left or right. There is only an up or down. Up to man's age-old dream-the maximum of individual freedom consistent with order or down to the ant heap of totalitarianism.

Regardless of their sincerity, their humanitarian motives, those who would sacrifice freedom for security have embarked on this downward path. Plutarch warned, "The real destroyer of the liberties of the people is he who spreads among them bounties, donations and benefits."

The Founding Fathers knew a government can't control the economy without controlling people. And they knew when a government sets out to do that, it must use force and coercion to achieve its purpose. So we have come to a time for choosing.”

Trump will end inflation and make gas cheaper? Is it worth the price?

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Watch stocks today

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Surprised Barrett bought in….

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me too- she disagreed with one part but signed on anyway!!

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And it seems like a pretty big part to me.

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So you’re saying that Biden can wantonly have Trump imprisoned today and even executed sorta Navalny style. Russia rules apply. Is that what the Court is telling us?

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sure seems like it

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That’s how I see it. What’s the effective date? It’s for the president and Biden is the President, despite what MAGA’s may think. Like Obama said. One president at a time and he let orange 💩 know it. We need to get clarification. Biden probably won’t do it because that’s the kind of man he is. But if another Democrat gets in, maybe he or she would. Can only hope.

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It sort of sounds like it. Our founding fathers are turning over in their graves. It’s the divine right of kings all over again. With their ruling it seems to mean that we fought the revolutionary war to throw off the system of a monarchy for nothing.

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Also, could Biden remove the 6 ?

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Jul 2·edited Jul 2

well he certainly could remove the 2 that already have evidence they took bribes and have been compromised. one is even a traitor flying our flag upside down siding with insurrectionists.

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In my opinion, YES!

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Or, Adam, President Biden could accept the invitation of the SCOTUS and do drastic things NOW to alter all of it. Like arrest, say, four SCOTUS justices on whatever pretexts (there are plenty), leaving a five-justice court, tee up some nice new cases on a fast track, have them undo all the Roberts court has done, and do other nasty things to the tfg campaign. Oh, that would make us as bad as them? Yep. Because we haven't done what we should have done to keep things on the up and up. We've let the morbidly rich destroy us from within, wrecking public education, busting unions, fighting environmental and really all regulations (another big victory tor them there this week If tfg gets some jail time this week, don't let him stay out on bail while appealing. Stick him in the gen pop in a rough federal prison and let the chips fall where they may.

Does that all sound desperate? Good. It should. I haven't lost faith in the system in general (except for the Electoral College for sure). But it is now so rigged it no longer works. So we have a few months to use the Frankenstein's monster the tfg cultists and the morbidly rich have created. ON THEM. If we don't, come November, we will pay. Probably forever and irreparably.

Too bad we can't have a national unity ticket: Michelle Obama and Adam Kissinger. I would support that with every fiber of my being.

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I have posted a similar response in a couple places and suggested this response when SCOTUS took the case. Trump is the former President. Biden is the President. Trump presents a clear and present danger to the United States. Use the ruling SCOTUS just gave Biden. Stop the ongoing insurrection that never really stopped since 2020. There are insurrectionists in Congress, the Senate, the judiciary and the Executive Branch - clean them out or lose your democracy.

It’s tougher to be the honest person fighting against the liar but sometimes one must get serious about saying “enough is enough” and use your strength to protect those you love.

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youre correct. Im telling myself this, we cant let fatigue win

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Replace th A.G. with Schiff or Swalwell

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Jul 1Liked by Adam Kinzinger

Auto-'correct" strikes again. Kinzinger, which three times it retyped as the other guy's last name. Maybe the cultists have bots here too.

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ha probably

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The next time you run—for anything—if I am still alive I will support you in any way I can. I have always been about country and person, never any single issue, unless that issue is our way of life itself, as it is now. We need more politicians like you, and they are vanishingly few.

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Alito& Thomas for sure-more would fall in line, and they have demonstrated illegality

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you can't abandoned the VP Harris. Harris and Kinzinger!

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Is Jill queen, or is it Kamela?

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Adam, I hope you realize how important you are to saving our democracy. These last few days have felt like a slow motion prize fight! Unfortunately, more gut blows to our side! The one good counterpunch is knowing who I think is the true brains behind trump, is in jail now!!

Another thing reader's can do is join many of us who are saying quick prayers 🙏 daily 3pmEST for you, your family, democracy and our health through this process! It's the best way I know that everyone can participate and have the "Big Guy in the sky" help us!

Please keep your sanity, drive and love for your country going!!🇺🇲👏 We have your back!

P S . On another positive note , I see all of these gut-punches waking up the non-maga voters!!

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Again thank you for the prayers, I really appreciate that. Im hoping this is a light, that people know this will be a close race and not take things for granted

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I hate to rain on your parade, but aren’t the Christian Nationalist MAGAs petitioning your same God to get what they want? And wouldn’t a reasonable person come to the conclusion that he is answering their prayers? I’ll take a pass on the “god will save us” approach.

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Jul 2·edited Jul 2

God knows which side is right. But human nature is evil- just look at the horrible things man has done to their fellow man in history, some in the name of religion. Look at what is happening in Europe. We have to be vigilant and like MLK said- "the moral arch of the universe is long but it bends towards justice". Unfortunately we may go through a rough few years or even decades- again look at history -the Cold War for example. But if we can get it right in this election, maybe we can stave off the worst.

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Jul 2·edited Jul 3

Thanks Diane and well said!!

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Good question John! I'll speak of my Faith as a Christian and how I KNOW it's Truth: God doesn't promise to grant every request; however, He does say He'll get us through everything and won't give us anything we cannot handle. Man has freewill. God doesn't control anyone. My Christian life has not always been perfect but it's gotten me through a lot (including recently fighting stage 4 cancer) and I feel at peace🙂. Thanks for the question!

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Congratulations Cindy! You're a survivor!

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To all the women out there regardless of your age, remember they're trying to take away our rights. They have succeeded in several States. It's time to teach them a lesson by voting these radical right Trump worshipers out of office And for once and for all kicking the Cheeto Messiah to the curb.

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It definitely feels very dangerous. But … I think Trump’s debate was worse for him then ppl realize and that will manifest as his actual words get amplified in campaign adds. And, the *substance* in the transcript is favorable to Biden …“performance” aside.🤞🏼Dems stay strong on Biden&/orHarris (she can step up in a heartbeat) & leave succession jockeying drama for the next election cycle. It’s scary &dark times but I’m sticking w/all hope is not lost … if democracy loses the election then yes … generations under us are in for a tough go of it. The focus has to be neverTrump neverMAGA neverProject2025 … no other details matter.

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The supreme Court has opened a can of worms they cannot close.

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sadly correct

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Biden is president. He has the same immunity.

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Right. So he should have Cannon removed from the documents case and an able judge assigned PDQ.

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Why stop with judge Cannon? How about anybody else that's tried to have Biden impeached? Like I said can of worms.

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Biden’s a moderate Democrat. He wouldn’t want to be too crazy.

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I was just making a point

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What wouldn't you do to save democracy and to save this country? Moderate or not.

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I think it's pretty close to the time when we should consider national, huge protests. The Court's decision is outrageous and further imperil's our fragile democracy. The debate was something out of our control, but the Court's decision hands Trump an undeserved victory and further obfuscates the criminal cases against him! Thomas even questions the validity of the Special Prosecutor, a long standing and uncontested process when there is a possible conflict of interest by having the DOJ investigate directly. OUTRAGEOUS!

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Like so many others I am at my lowest point ever, and I lived through the civil rights movement and Vietnam. I never thought at this point I would see the country I love, the country my ancestors gave their lives for, savagely attacked by this whole MAGA/Trump lunacy. And now the Supreme Court... devastating. BUT ADAM IS RIGHT the ONLY option we have as patriots is to join together to save the democracy we so value. PRAY! CONTRIBUTE! SPEAK UP! NEVER GIVE UP! Our grandchildren deserve a future, not a fascist dictator!

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Yes, there must be a future for our children and grandchildren to look forward to.

It's very important, on this July 4th, to remember the 56 signers of the Declaration of independence who “pledged to each other our lives, our fortunes and our sacred honor."

Here we are 248 years later, with our national history and future under direct threat, not by foreign enemies and armies, but by six cowardly, corrupt, and extreme TRAITORS *within our own country* intent on aiding the overthrow of our American way of life.

From now until election day, we must all laser-focus our lives, fortunes, and honor on soundly defeating this EVIL before us in every way possible. The Founding Fathers did it and so must we!

Democracy: Choose It or Lose It.

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I can relate- My friends and I are all saying the same thing. Our generation made so many advances in civil rights, voting rights, human rights and welcoming all Americans to have the same opportunities to succeed in America. We NEVER thought we would see those rights stripped away. It is sad and scary. I don't know what happened. Were we too complacent after we achieved everything? We know now that you always have to be vigilant.

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Amen. I also despair over our current state

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As Thom Hartmann says

‘Despair is not an option’.

All the lists for possible Prez.

Candidates exclude tough

characters, like the esteemed

creator of this platform, Erik Swalwell, Adam Schiff,

Jamie Raskin…. U can’t bring a knife to a gunfight

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The simple reading is that then Biden can arrest Trump, charge him with treason and execute via firing squad. SCOTUS granted "limited immunity" for acts committed in "Constitutional authority". Trump's case goes back to the lower court who know what a scoundrel he is.

I lived through the 1960s as a politicaly aware teenager. 1968-70 was a time when America was divided. "Them" won in the end and America has suffered since then. The American people saw some daylight when Carter, Clinton, and Obama were in the White House.

Trump lost the "debate" and Joe Biden won. Joe told the truth 99% of the time and Trump told the truth 0%. Everything Trump said is now being disectected and examined. Every racist jibe and every false accusation.

MAGA and Trump and all of his enablers must be defeated. It is time to take back America once and for all. What will it take? Vote blue. Believe. This is the home of the brave and land of the free, with liberty and justice for all. Not just for affluent white people.

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WE have to win. Have to, or youre right

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All blue voting is the icing- of the MAGA demise, in November. ACTIVITY and ACTION Now. Biden better figure out how to beat the evil in the MAGA, use the courts’ decision against TRUMP. Get him out of the race! The Court counts on Democrats ( Biden) being too civilized. Joe, step up.

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It's a tall order, Adam. I'm trying.

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same. I know the feeling

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With all due respect Congressman, you do not get to fold. None of us get to fold. We fight, we raise our voices but we do not just try to hold onto hope. I will not accept that. Try harder.

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Ginny my dear as Tommy Morello said at "Rage against the Machines" Rock and roll induction into the Hall of Fame.... Speak up. Start some sh**. Don't sit quietly and fade into the night, You live in a democracy let's keep it that way

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I have written the DNC and stated that as much as we love Joe, and he's been a good President, I don't believe he can beat Trump. I heard a former Defense Secretary stating pretty much the same - think of Joe 6 months out, a year out, two years out. The Dems are responsible for no succession plan for an 81 year old President. In addition, I simply don't think he has a good personality to take on the Orange Lying Pitbull. Dems need a younger, feistier Pitbull that can call out Trump's lies, present a Platform for the future not the past, and go toe to toe and nose to nose with the Dragon!

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Pitbulls are actually wonderful animals. They are much more loyal than Trump

could ever be. Strong? yes, willing to fight to protect what is precious to them? Yes. Do they have morals? I would say yes. Pitbulls would make a much better President then Trump. I can tell you out of the four we have any one of them has more courage and eloquence than Trump. Unfortunately, I think it's too late to unleash fresh blood for the Democratic party. It's going to be a rough couple of years, but we'll get through. We'll give him hell. Be the righteous hand of God. Never back down and be prepared to fight Trump's not the Pitbull we are.

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Hi Ally, no offense intended. I know Pitbulls too and they are wonderful dogs. I was thinking of the unfortunate ones who are trained to fight, so that was a bad analogy on my part. I'm not sure I agree on "its too late to unleash fresh blood," because I think a lot is still on the table for the next few weeks or longer, but it's clear so far that Joe plans to stay in the race. I think there's a lot of voters, and I'm one of them, who think both candidates are too old. If you think of the debate, think about Joe 6 months out, a year out, two years out. What will that look like?

Unfortunately our political structure hasn't figured out succession plans yet, but they need to, along with a lot of other reforms. I will vote Democrat no matter what, but we the people deserve better than we are getting and I will continue to fight for that!

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Oh, non taken at all. I rehabilitate pits that are former fighting dogs. Believe me the abuse I have seen....Yet when we do successfully reprogram them they make amazing pets, even police and therapy dogs. Hmmmmm maybe I should offer a reprogram class for Trumpers lol

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Ally, I think that's a great idea! Only problem is it may take awhile because he's already threatened to put all leading Dems in jail after he's elected, so after that he's likely to put we Independents who supported anyone but HIM in jail. Do you have any "Get out of Jail Free" cards. LOL. I didn't mean to go past Park Place illegally, I really didn't!

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Bob, I also contacted the DNC through several venues as well as my two Democratic state senators and one media channel with potential influence on the party. I shall vote for anyone who opposes Trump in this race but others may become frustrated and simply not participate. We need a Dem candidate who will get those on the margins excited. I urge all C1 members to urge anyone who might have influence to push for a change, the sooner the better.

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Jul 1Liked by Adam Kinzinger

As usual you hit the nail on the head, Adam. Thank you.

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Hope! We have four months …. I’m trying to be hopeful. I watched last Friday Lawrence ODonnell put a healthy perspective on recent events (debacle debate as one); while MSNBC is left leaning, O’Donnell gave a credible, hopeful presentation of facts. Listen or watch…. I’m dismayed at NY Times call for Biden to step down while for years they’ve not called for #45 to withdraw because of his lies, felony based on 34 guilty counts, his sexual predatory trial in which he was found guilty…list goes on and you know the list. Democracy must prevail…it teeters. Once upon a time I wondered how so many followed the crazed Hitler. Now I see throngs of people accept the hateful words from a corrupt, lying, crazed failed business man/reality tv celebrity. How did we evolve to a place where hate,, supremacy, intolerance is accepted? Rhetorical, of course.

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We’ve not evolved but devolved.

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Adam, I was so crestfallen to hear of their ruling but not totally shocked especially with what we’ve been hearing about some of the justices and how they seem very, very partial to the orange man-baby. I love your rallying cry to keep hope alive and your lust of things we can do in our sphere of influence. I think we also need to celebrate even the small victories that we’ve witnessed over the last couple of months where some of state wide candidates who were backed by the orange man-baby were unsuccessful in their bid to win an election. You are so right that is is not a sprint and we need to pace ourselves and not lose steam before November elections. And pray.

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four of the six surprised me. Alito and thomas didnt

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I don't merely like this column, I LOVE it. Our roadmap to success.

When the going gets tough, the tough get going. Let's vote Trump outta a 2nd term Nov. 5th.

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This is a 💯 post. Dems and anti-authoritarian independents must set aside policy differences and take this seriously. Adam has great ideas but President Biden and the Dems must be stone cold sober about what to do next. It is not fair for the Dems to be the adult in the room, but they are all we have.

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Along with Adam and MANY MANY pro-democracy Republicans like myself.

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i wish we had more pro democracy elected officials, 2 out of how many? Isn’t enough! They should all be pro democracy and not afraid to speak out and choose country over party and power as Liz and Adam have done,

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So true and so sad. The MAGA Congressional Republicans have sold their own souls to Trump for no other reason than to gain or hold power.

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holy hell, and yes!!! "imagine what could happen if we gather together, plan the path we should take, and commit ourselves to the cause."

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I'm in. Just tell me what I can do to help and I'll tell you if I can do what you ask. If it's something I can do I guarantee it will get my best effort.

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