Adam, let me say this. You are becoming very popular on Substack and I’m seeing more posts, columns, threads from users talking about you to join in the conversation, the fight. It’s quite heartening to see this and I just thought you needed to know how awesome you are.
Assuming the Tyrant Party loses the next election in 4 years, does anybody believe that they will give it up without a violent fight? Unfortunately violence is coming in our future. In the mean time I DON'T LIKE SAYING THIS but to get to that point we need to see Massive Protest, Economic Decline, Rising Inflation, Bear Market In Stocks, Declining Standard Of Living and International Uncertainty. It's going to take much sacrifice but not as much as our wounded and dead brave combat soldiers. We need to prepare ourselves for this. If your in the stock market be cautious.
I agree, and am thankful for your words and encouragement. I have alienated most of my friends, even though they think and agree with the WRONGNESS of this coup. They say you have to stay in love & peace & not go down the rabbit's just that I wonder, how did that work in Poland, in Germany, etc., etc. The Dems are late to react, and wish they were not, apparently, afraid to really oppose these maurders. The sooner you take action against a threat, the sooner you can stop it. I know that simplifies things, but the thought this grows is TERRIFYING.
I am in the fight with you. I have lost a number of 'friends' who voted for Trump. Nope. Not happening here in America. I have seen first hand what Hitler did and what communism does to people. Nope. Not having it here.
Thank you. I only recently have started posting onFB, reponding as evenly as I can, where most of my friends are family and hometown folks, who mostly believe fox "news" and quietly quote f_ cker carlson etc as words from the mount. I just couldn't hold my voice back any longer. May soon be "alone", but willing to chance it.
There is nothing worse than hanging with toxic people but there are plenty of new folks just like you waiting to meet another like minded person. You wouldn’t be the first to have to separate from family members of the cult.
I cannot agree with you more, Mike. This kind of information and counter-"DC nonsense" is exactly what more of our fellow citizens need to hear and read.
Ditto. I picked up on the use of former. As the daughter of a deceased WWII vet, married to a Navy vet, and the proud Mama of vet who served in Iraq, I find Rump reprehensible and someone who only cares about transactional deeds. I pray daily for our military. They are the only force between Rump and us
Sadly, in this administration, I think that there is a very real possibility that trump, with hegseth's assistance, will turn the military on the American People. He tried to do that in his first administration but the 'guardrails' prevented him from succeeding. This time around there are (I hate to say) no guardrails.
You know it's coming one way or another. Trump wants the bloodshed, just as he did on January 6. This is not being emphasized enough. How can we prepare, what can we do?
I hope (and believe) that our servicemembers, and law enforcement, will refuse to attack civilians that are peacefully protesting, regardless of the possible consequences. That being said, my personal plan is to position myself in the center (and not the outer edges) of the protesters. Hopefully this will reduce my exposure should anything bad happen. While I plan to celebrate my 100th birthday, at 72 years old I am ready for anything!
Thank you for speaking on this. Shout it from the rooftops. I am very concerned about this, and for my son in the military who is doing it for the right reasons but may be ordered to do the wrong things.
I listened to your talk with Charlie Sykes. I am glad you were a Mr Smith. It was the right thing to do. As a registered Independent, I would not have known about you or that you were different than all the Trump Republicans , and certainly would not be following you and be a paid subscriber now if you had not been. You were correct about your access/reach now. I have access to you and your perspectives through Substack that I would not if you were still in Congress.
Thank you, Adam. I'm a pretty die-hard leftie myself, but I have so much respect for you, Liz Cheney and others working behind the scenes, and your willingness to call out the BS. Please keep it up, and know that even we Dems would back you over the Tang Turdopottamus any day of the week...
1969...the national guard opened fire on a college campus killing a few students. THIS was my first thought. Are our protests going to become dangerous? Yes, I'm old.
Elizabeth, I remember that too. (I’m old too). The orange man-baby flirted with calling out troops during the aftermath of George Floyd marches. He was held back by saner heads in his cabinet and administration. There are no longer saner heads around him. Only those who drank the look aid and will likely do anything he commands. I truly believe he is anticipating civil unrest when he can declare martial law and clamp down on those who oppose him. Sound like Russia anyone?
Yes, I remember Kent State. (I'm not old but my body disagrees) And to think, at that time, we all watched Walter Cronkite on the news. Now everybody gets their news in some other place, we're in reality silos, and who knows what the National Guard will be told. I don't blame naive viewers as much as I blame the lying broadcasters and influencers. Even if the protest is peaceful, some Q-anon dipshit can still show up and spray the crowd.
"Secretary of Defense Pete Hegseth has openly questioned whether Brown was promoted 'because of his skin color.'"
Oh that's rich coming from a DUI hire that was nominated purely due to his skin color and affinity for promoting christian nationalism.
As a favorite Facebook and Threads user I follow (and retired Master Chief with extensive experience in intelligence and the theater of war) likes to say: "no more self-awareness than a dog licking its own asshole in public".
I’ve been hungry for words like these, Adam. At 73, I’m old enough to remember those who served. My uncle, father and brother, all retired from the United States Navy, and then served in the Fleet Reserves. I recall the day my father received a letter telling him to prepare to return, The Bay of Pigs, was underway. I recall the stories of my brothers secret missions into Laos and Cambodia. My uncle, flying troops into WWII, Korea, and then Vietnam. There are multiple Purple Hearts, a Silver Star, and at least one Commendation medal in this band of brothers.
My folks are buried at Fort Logan, Colorado. That white cross is forever emblazoned across my soul. How we have allowed a simple, wimp of a man to be elected, not once, but twice, literally leaves me aghast.
I thank you for your service, both in the military and out. I thank all veterans, and should one patriot read this that does not value what we are fighting for, may they realize that we would have stood by them. As a matter-of-fact, we still do. We never leave a brother or sister behind.
I don't understand the blindness and willful stupidity of Republicans, especially senators, like my supposedly "smart" senator John Cornyn (Cruz I have no illusions about). I mean, I'm a lifelong Democrat who would happily put a "I AM TURNING RED FOR ADAM KINZINGER" sign in my suburban Dallas yard. Aren't there others around?? Do they WANT the word of the United States globally to be utterly and irretrievably worthless? Do they WANT a country ruled by foreign oligarchs like Musk (who would be nowhere near as rich without cushy government contracts--that HE expects to be honored even as he tears up those others have already entered into)? Do they think that foreign terrorism is a thing of the past? How many people, former allies, have we hurt, those who would come to OUR defense? Or are they just planning to nuke everyone and be done with it?
And I know we're supposed to be DOING SOMETHING, but all my reps are worthless and I'm a geezerette with a full-time job who is scared to death. WHAT CAN I DO? (I'm also fully aware that Trump is itching to declare martial law if too many people march or protest etc.) I have the 5calls app, but nothing is having any effect that I can see.
Still hoping for the chance to say "I AM TURNING PURPLE FOR ADAM KINZINGER". I think this may be our last and best shot at a split ticket or new Centrist party.
Your reps are worthless because they think they don’t need to act in order to keep their jobs. Call or email them often, and tell them what you want. Get your friends to do the same. They need to remember that they have a job because their constituents hired them…and they can be easily got rid of in 2026.
If you're prone to praying, many of say a quick one at 3pmEST for Adam, his family, democracy and our sanity! This has empowered us when we feel so helpless! 🙏🏻
WHAT CAN I DO? Skip 3 since it's not working for you and as far as 1 is concerned let him declare "Martial Law" his reign will end sooner then he thinks.
General Dan Caine may be a good guy. But... I had esteem for more than a handful of GOP Congressional and Senate members. Every one of them did what I thought was unimaginable, quickly fell in line with trump and still do/will.
We are alarmed by trump, Vance and Hegseth (and all the others). The blanket disregard for the military with its history of leadership based on military service and experience. Imagine Dwight Eisenhower only being loyal to Trump? We would not have participated in WW II and if we had it would have been on the side of Hitler. Trump loves a dictator, some “strong “ guy with delusions of grandeur. Trump is easily distracted and confused and goes with whatever “shiny object “ flashes in his face regardless of the consequences. Consequences mean nothing to him.
Now we have Vance and Hegseth following blindly while speaking out against the military and its leadership. The JAGS are the military judicial system and are in place for good reasons. Hegseth’s comments are extremely disturbing.
May Trump, Vance, Hegseth and all the crew be former sooner than later!
Adam, let me say this. You are becoming very popular on Substack and I’m seeing more posts, columns, threads from users talking about you to join in the conversation, the fight. It’s quite heartening to see this and I just thought you needed to know how awesome you are.
awesome thanks for sharing!!
Assuming the Tyrant Party loses the next election in 4 years, does anybody believe that they will give it up without a violent fight? Unfortunately violence is coming in our future. In the mean time I DON'T LIKE SAYING THIS but to get to that point we need to see Massive Protest, Economic Decline, Rising Inflation, Bear Market In Stocks, Declining Standard Of Living and International Uncertainty. It's going to take much sacrifice but not as much as our wounded and dead brave combat soldiers. We need to prepare ourselves for this. If your in the stock market be cautious.
Lastly try a search for "March 4th protest" and name of the closest capital city.
I'm going tomorrow - at Tesla
Thanks for doing the heavy lifting!
I'm going.
Thanks for doing the heavy lifting!
It’s probably going to happen to us regardless of our protests. I agree however, that a sacrifice
is going to be necessary to end MAGA - but will it be sufficient? ? ?
I’ve said it before in these comments
( partly in jest - partly in desperation)
I’m saving my Topps baseball cards as a hedge
against the current administration ‘s handling of the economy. Tariff wars , an assault on the middle class, mass federal workers fired ,
unsound loosening of banking restrictions,
retaliation of foreign markets because of
NATO policies- all add up to big trouble.
I agree, and am thankful for your words and encouragement. I have alienated most of my friends, even though they think and agree with the WRONGNESS of this coup. They say you have to stay in love & peace & not go down the rabbit's just that I wonder, how did that work in Poland, in Germany, etc., etc. The Dems are late to react, and wish they were not, apparently, afraid to really oppose these maurders. The sooner you take action against a threat, the sooner you can stop it. I know that simplifies things, but the thought this grows is TERRIFYING.
I am in the fight with you. I have lost a number of 'friends' who voted for Trump. Nope. Not happening here in America. I have seen first hand what Hitler did and what communism does to people. Nope. Not having it here.
Thank you. I only recently have started posting onFB, reponding as evenly as I can, where most of my friends are family and hometown folks, who mostly believe fox "news" and quietly quote f_ cker carlson etc as words from the mount. I just couldn't hold my voice back any longer. May soon be "alone", but willing to chance it.
I was kicked off Facebook. Thinking about joining again with a different account.
Good luck. I got kicked off Instagram & they did it again with new acct..they went by ip address. And this was before I was really frustrated!!
Use a VPN. See if that won’t help.
There is nothing worse than hanging with toxic people but there are plenty of new folks just like you waiting to meet another like minded person. You wouldn’t be the first to have to separate from family members of the cult.
I cannot agree with you more, Mike. This kind of information and counter-"DC nonsense" is exactly what more of our fellow citizens need to hear and read.
He is
So true!
I like the way you called him former president trump!
I saw that.. LOL Personally, he was never legitimately elected either time. Both were rigged. He's more the Golfer-in-Chief.
Ditto. I picked up on the use of former. As the daughter of a deceased WWII vet, married to a Navy vet, and the proud Mama of vet who served in Iraq, I find Rump reprehensible and someone who only cares about transactional deeds. I pray daily for our military. They are the only force between Rump and us
Sadly, in this administration, I think that there is a very real possibility that trump, with hegseth's assistance, will turn the military on the American People. He tried to do that in his first administration but the 'guardrails' prevented him from succeeding. This time around there are (I hate to say) no guardrails.
You know it's coming one way or another. Trump wants the bloodshed, just as he did on January 6. This is not being emphasized enough. How can we prepare, what can we do?
I hope (and believe) that our servicemembers, and law enforcement, will refuse to attack civilians that are peacefully protesting, regardless of the possible consequences. That being said, my personal plan is to position myself in the center (and not the outer edges) of the protesters. Hopefully this will reduce my exposure should anything bad happen. While I plan to celebrate my 100th birthday, at 72 years old I am ready for anything!
Musk is a barrier to peace.
Musk controls Trump and the Cabinet, and through them, the military.
Musk believes empathy is bad and cruelty is good.
Musk supports Putin.
Musk is attacking Social Security.
Musk manipulates Congress with threats and bribes. For his own pocket and agenda. Corruption.
Musk is subverting elections with intimidation and propaganda.
Musk threatens judges and demands control over the courts.
Musk demands that federal workers report directly to him.
Musk is a clear and present danger to the United States of America.
Musk's "I'm smarter than you" act is a con. He's dumbshit.
Millions of rational patriotic citizens rise up and demand his removal.
Musk is a dumbshit. Fire Musk!
This 👆
I like the way you think.
Adam, what happened to your survey? I want to fill it out and was not able to do so.
Evidently theres an issue.... Ill see what happened!
Same here
Same problem here.
I had the same problem with the survey.
Okay, so it isn't just me. I tried to do the same and no go.
Me too, a blank page with SUBMIT (!) at the bottom.
That's what I came look for lol
Me too.
I think the glitch is fixed. I was able to complete the survey.
Now I have the emailed survey but when I click submit nothing happens. It’s not submitted. It’s still glitching?
What survey? I’m a paid subscriber but didn’t get a survey. Did it only go to a select few?
it came in an email today.
I didn't either.
same here. I responded to the email about the survey to let them know. Hopefully it's not a 'no reply' email and they get it.
Yeah, looks like a glitch.
Big step by big step, the United States is becoming an authoritarian regime. 😭😭😭
Thank you for speaking on this. Shout it from the rooftops. I am very concerned about this, and for my son in the military who is doing it for the right reasons but may be ordered to do the wrong things.
I listened to your talk with Charlie Sykes. I am glad you were a Mr Smith. It was the right thing to do. As a registered Independent, I would not have known about you or that you were different than all the Trump Republicans , and certainly would not be following you and be a paid subscriber now if you had not been. You were correct about your access/reach now. I have access to you and your perspectives through Substack that I would not if you were still in Congress.
Thank you and keep speaking out!
Thank you, Adam. I'm a pretty die-hard leftie myself, but I have so much respect for you, Liz Cheney and others working behind the scenes, and your willingness to call out the BS. Please keep it up, and know that even we Dems would back you over the Tang Turdopottamus any day of the week...
1969...the national guard opened fire on a college campus killing a few students. THIS was my first thought. Are our protests going to become dangerous? Yes, I'm old.
Elizabeth, I remember that too. (I’m old too). The orange man-baby flirted with calling out troops during the aftermath of George Floyd marches. He was held back by saner heads in his cabinet and administration. There are no longer saner heads around him. Only those who drank the look aid and will likely do anything he commands. I truly believe he is anticipating civil unrest when he can declare martial law and clamp down on those who oppose him. Sound like Russia anyone?
trump remembers too- and sided with Nixon. His friend Stone has a huge Nixon tattoo, with those victory fingers, on his back.
They need hats that say: MALR (Make America Like Russia)
they may- but we can't do nothing.
"Tin soldiers and Nixon's (trump is) coming. How can you run when you know?"
I'm a Vietnam Vet and if he does that his reign will end a lot faster then he thinks. Bring it on!!!
I’m not a Vet but I know it in my bones. Time to get serious before it’s too late.
Yes, I remember Kent State. (I'm not old but my body disagrees) And to think, at that time, we all watched Walter Cronkite on the news. Now everybody gets their news in some other place, we're in reality silos, and who knows what the National Guard will be told. I don't blame naive viewers as much as I blame the lying broadcasters and influencers. Even if the protest is peaceful, some Q-anon dipshit can still show up and spray the crowd.
It is all very frightening. Until American voters wake up from this slumber, we will not recognize our country in short order.
"Secretary of Defense Pete Hegseth has openly questioned whether Brown was promoted 'because of his skin color.'"
Oh that's rich coming from a DUI hire that was nominated purely due to his skin color and affinity for promoting christian nationalism.
As a favorite Facebook and Threads user I follow (and retired Master Chief with extensive experience in intelligence and the theater of war) likes to say: "no more self-awareness than a dog licking its own asshole in public".
I saw a meme the other day saying, "The only fully qualified person Trump ever hired was Stormy Daniels"
I’ve been hungry for words like these, Adam. At 73, I’m old enough to remember those who served. My uncle, father and brother, all retired from the United States Navy, and then served in the Fleet Reserves. I recall the day my father received a letter telling him to prepare to return, The Bay of Pigs, was underway. I recall the stories of my brothers secret missions into Laos and Cambodia. My uncle, flying troops into WWII, Korea, and then Vietnam. There are multiple Purple Hearts, a Silver Star, and at least one Commendation medal in this band of brothers.
My folks are buried at Fort Logan, Colorado. That white cross is forever emblazoned across my soul. How we have allowed a simple, wimp of a man to be elected, not once, but twice, literally leaves me aghast.
I thank you for your service, both in the military and out. I thank all veterans, and should one patriot read this that does not value what we are fighting for, may they realize that we would have stood by them. As a matter-of-fact, we still do. We never leave a brother or sister behind.
I don't understand the blindness and willful stupidity of Republicans, especially senators, like my supposedly "smart" senator John Cornyn (Cruz I have no illusions about). I mean, I'm a lifelong Democrat who would happily put a "I AM TURNING RED FOR ADAM KINZINGER" sign in my suburban Dallas yard. Aren't there others around?? Do they WANT the word of the United States globally to be utterly and irretrievably worthless? Do they WANT a country ruled by foreign oligarchs like Musk (who would be nowhere near as rich without cushy government contracts--that HE expects to be honored even as he tears up those others have already entered into)? Do they think that foreign terrorism is a thing of the past? How many people, former allies, have we hurt, those who would come to OUR defense? Or are they just planning to nuke everyone and be done with it?
And I know we're supposed to be DOING SOMETHING, but all my reps are worthless and I'm a geezerette with a full-time job who is scared to death. WHAT CAN I DO? (I'm also fully aware that Trump is itching to declare martial law if too many people march or protest etc.) I have the 5calls app, but nothing is having any effect that I can see.
Thanks for all YOU do!
Still hoping for the chance to say "I AM TURNING PURPLE FOR ADAM KINZINGER". I think this may be our last and best shot at a split ticket or new Centrist party.
Your reps are worthless because they think they don’t need to act in order to keep their jobs. Call or email them often, and tell them what you want. Get your friends to do the same. They need to remember that they have a job because their constituents hired them…and they can be easily got rid of in 2026.
If you're prone to praying, many of say a quick one at 3pmEST for Adam, his family, democracy and our sanity! This has empowered us when we feel so helpless! 🙏🏻
WHAT CAN I DO? Skip 3 since it's not working for you and as far as 1 is concerned let him declare "Martial Law" his reign will end sooner then he thinks.
1. Protest ---------------- - ---------------------------
2. Boycott --------------- also companies that CEO's & Exec. Officers who attended Inauguration: Tesla, X/Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Amazon/Amazon Prime, Whole Foods ,Zappos, Apple Computer/Apple TV, TikTok, Google, Fitbit and Nest
3. Call/E-mail/Message -------------- all Senators & Congressman tell them how you feel about these important issues.
4. Donate ---------------- If you can afford it donate to the organizations that are doing the legal fights. - - - These groups are suing the Trump administration virtually every day. Credit to Jan.
5. Join -------------------- - - - For Veterans, and
6. I hope we never have to get to this option because it's the worst option of all, which I won't mention here. "Freedom Isn't Free" Vietnam Veteran
martial law: "tin soldiers and Nixon's (trump is) coming. Where finally on our own."
General Dan Caine may be a good guy. But... I had esteem for more than a handful of GOP Congressional and Senate members. Every one of them did what I thought was unimaginable, quickly fell in line with trump and still do/will.
Some are saying Democrats shouldn't attend Donald Trump's State of the Union.
I disagree.
They should attend. And the minute he starts speaking, start getting up, one-by-one, and solemnly leave the chamber.
It will be all anyone talks about the next day. And will drive Donald crazy.
Great idea!
We are alarmed by trump, Vance and Hegseth (and all the others). The blanket disregard for the military with its history of leadership based on military service and experience. Imagine Dwight Eisenhower only being loyal to Trump? We would not have participated in WW II and if we had it would have been on the side of Hitler. Trump loves a dictator, some “strong “ guy with delusions of grandeur. Trump is easily distracted and confused and goes with whatever “shiny object “ flashes in his face regardless of the consequences. Consequences mean nothing to him.
Now we have Vance and Hegseth following blindly while speaking out against the military and its leadership. The JAGS are the military judicial system and are in place for good reasons. Hegseth’s comments are extremely disturbing.
May Trump, Vance, Hegseth and all the crew be former sooner than later!