How sad and destructive. Nationalistic Evangelical Christians have gotten in bed with racism, Nazism, violence, and grievances, and a sociopath. What could go wrong? What would Jesus do? Sadly more innocent people will be harmed with this path of evil.
What Trump has exposed is that the behaviors you identify have been waiting for supportive leadership. Some evangelical Christians are open to rationalizing that bad can be good. Trump is not a creator of views; he is an enabler. As to his mental and emotional state? I would offer that he is both a sociopath and a psychopath. He has not ever demonstrated any aspects of a spiritual life.
Right on, Adam! As a practicing Catholic who has seen attendance at Mass decrease over the years, I can tell you that while the various scandals that the Catholic Church has been embroiled in, and, for good measure handled poorly, are in large part responsible for the decline in attendance, the right wing intransigence by some of our bishops, like publicly calling denying the privilege of receiving Holy Communion to President Biden or Nancy Pelosi, while maintaining a thunderous silence regarding the amorality and immorality of Donald Trump show as me, a practicing Catholic, and probably a lot of lapsed and/or non-practicing Catholics, the inherent hypocrisy of all these so-called Godly people. All I can say to those evangelicals who cling to Donald Trump is that God will get them for that, and if we are very very good, He might let us watch. In the meantime, Adam, you carry on. We need your courage and your integrity more than ever. Country First!
I'm glad you explained that - to me it was unbelievable that Evangelicals would follow such a horrible human being... Now, at least, I see where that is coming from. It's absolutely insane, but at least there is SOME sort of "reasoning" behind their stance. Trump is (in my opinion) truly the Antichrist. If he gets in again, everything is going to hell... It's a cult, the very definition of a cult.
David was a man after God’s heart. Trump is a liar with absolutely NO respect or relationship with God. The Bible clearly says, We will know a godly man by his fruit…Trump has no fruit, no faith and is a mockery to God.
As Adam so rightly points out, evangelicals are basically honoring the horrific David story with his many very serious sins and leaving out the repentance and the price God enacted upon David to accept responsibility for his sins. There's none of that here. Trump is a man who claims that as a "winner," he couldn't have sinned. Where is David?
Stop calling them Christians as they aren’t. They’re just some delusional people who no longer read the Bible except for the parts that could support their narrow views. And I guess if you hold the Bible upside down, then his behavior is acceptable?!?
I understand why you are saying that but they are Christians, misguided no doubt, but Christians nonetheless. If you have to meet a purity test to be a Christian no one would qualify. Being an older white male I have many good friends and acquaintances that fit this description. Most are caring and willing to do just about anything to help other people. That’s the challenging thing, how to help them see truth and facts. I know I too have significant shortcomings. Many of which I’m sure I am unaware of. I believe one of Hillary Clinton’s campaign failures was to suggest there are deplorable on the right. Not only did that become a rallying cry for the right, but it also was dropping down to the level of Trump’s strategy of insulting groups of people. It made his off comments more acceptable.
So would I and the three million more people that voted for her over Trump. She was highly qualified for the job. She should have been our first woman president. But unfortunately many people, especially the group Adam was talking about, would never vote for a woman.
I totally understand your point, Vince. The difficulty that I have is that the Christian Nationalist agenda is being woven into the Holy Gospel. A good example is donald’s Bible. He’s juxtaposed church and state, and he’s selling and making a profit to add to his campaign coffers. The fact that he’s autographing some of them is abhorrent.
The only thing more deranged than believing in the “Antichrist,” is following him, as the millions upon millions of Christians were said to do in the future.
The most staunch and rock-ribbed rational atheist should look at this concept in Christian literature and grudgingly admit that someone was a brilliant political psychologist, in the old days.
You are correct Adam... they want a return to traditional values... women were June Cleaver...No abortions...Men dominated the work place/women knew their place... its a scary way of looking at things now. The born agains/white supremacists hatred for blacks, hispanics not real christians...Not God like at all ... More clown like in the year 2024...
Hey Trump, there is no real Hannibal Lecter and there is definitely no divine right of pe=residents.
It’s something of an understatement to say that we are all awakening again today in uncharted territory. And, the rule of law prevails.
Despite his avalanche of trumped-up cries of innocence, and despite the wolf whistles on his BS, oops I mean TS channel, let’s state with no equivocation there is absolutely no Divine Right of Presidents anywhere in the Constitution, Bill of Rights, Declaration of Independence, Classified or Top Secret documents, or even the Star Spangled Banner. And no matter how mighty his mind thinks it is, he cannot declassify any of the above.
Trump who famously once called himself a “son of God” and who brags about his long distance conversations with the divine is actually a mere mortal, a stupid and sad sack of corpulent corpuscles who pinched his rallying cries for his MAGA masses from medieval Christian European kings who once believed they were answerable to no one except God, This absurd notion of royal absolutism became known as the divine right of kings who expected and demanded total obedience from the people they ruled.
The idea that a king was God’s chosen representative reached its greatest extent in the 1600's. Britain’s kings James1 and Charles 1 who deigned themselves invincible being who espoused the doctrine of the divine right of kings. These kings and others in Europe tried to control both the government and the church. Eventually the people resisted. They fought and later gained power which eventually led to revolutions in the British colonies in North America in the late 1700s. As a result, the power of the kings was taken from them and went to the people.
And to our founding fathers who in their first amendment to the constitution created the establishment clause, the separation of Church and State. Acknowledgement of which is a true test of what historian Jon Meacham called “democratic maturity.”
History tells us that strong institutions prevail over strong personalities in such battles, at least when institutional values are backed by the beliefs and actions of dedicated citizens. So, back down Trump. You’re no match for the Democratic republic of the United States.
Even though Trump’s significant other, North Korea’s Kim Jong Un as the Supreme Leader uses the Divine Right Theory as his decree. The Kim family has ruled North Korea since 1948, and while their claim that their right to rule comes from divine mandate doesn’t mean that your lovey-dovey relationship is yours by osmosis.
There are now way too many witnesses for your prosecution. Your self-inflicted Divine Right to Rule was over in 2020. Our Divine Right to judicate will hopefully put you in prison for the rest of your ungodly life.
Yes, I see that. As a woman I'm not attracted to or need that kind of man, but I know many who do. I think it's a small percentage though. Most women are appalled by him and helps explain the apparent gender-differnces in how couples will be voting.
I am saddened and infuriated at the women who support him. What led them here? So many women fought and continue to fight for the rights we do have and take for granted. Ugh.
Thank you Adam for explaining this because it confuses me more than anything about the trump cult. As a Christian of simple faith, I have to wonder how do they not know the FIRST Commandment: "Do not worship any gods before me"?? trump is explainable because his brain never completely formulated after his youth. Bannon is just an evil demonic brain. These evangelicals are scarier because what they want life to be is not Christian but they do it in God's name. What are non-believers supposed to think?
Thank goodness there are still good Christian leaders like you, Adam to speak the truth! God bless you and your family and please keep speaking the truth 🙏😇!
“Trump is power personified. He is a warrior. And with that comes all of the temptations of being a warrior.” Unless they are living under a rock, the citizens of the heartland know full well that trump avoided the draft through college deferments and because of spurious bone spurs (apparently the bone spurs didn't stop him from playing tennis). I have to believe that many living in the heartland are veterans. Why would they support a draft dodger who considers those who have served their county as "suckers and losers"?
Right-wing “Christians” are not really any kind of Christian at all. To imagine Trump as a broken vessel who will bring his message to an entire nation, a message of racism, xenophobia, homophobia, misogyny, and anti-semitism(because that IS his message):defies explanation. Christians supposedly follow the teachings of Jesus Christ, and literally NOTHING THAT TRUMP ESPOUSES bears even the faintest of resemblances to ANYTHING that Jesus taught. These people are the worst kind of sanctimonious hypocrite. They have taken the “Christ” out of “Christian”.
I wish people would read what it was like"back in the day", many with tight reins and others with total disregard to the well being of American citizens. Please wake up and shake your neighbor's hand, smile at others, this is America where we work together to solve our problems.🇺🇲🙏🏼
Pattie, You hit the nail on the head. People forget the bad in the "good old days." They forget that before 1845, there was no southern Baptist convention. (They split off because they were pro-slavery, something they have forgotten.) They forget that before 1865 there was slavery (13, 14, and 15 amendments ended it). They forget that before 1920, women could not vote. (19th amendment gave them the vote) They forget that before 1964, racism was endemic in America (the Civil Rights Act of 1964 ). Donny Boy wants to go back to the bad parts of the "good old days."
I wonder, not for the first time, if sincere Christians (I can name two, in my acquaintance) have any idea about the harm done to their religion by the hypocritical, almost maniacal support of Donald Trump by so many in their ranks? When I hear the word “Christian” now, I perceive it as a slur, connoting racism, misogyny, hypocrisy, greed, mean hearted judgements, lack of compassion etc. Basically the opposite of everything Jesus preached. As Russell Moore said in an interview, “We are the ones Jesus warned about”. I feel sympathy for the sincere Christians; for the vast remainder, I feel nothing but disgust.
I also want to hear from or learn about his former mistresses who have aborted their pregnancies. Expect there are a non-zero number of women in this group.
I’m expecting that as one of the (hopefully many) October Surprises. Also maybe un-acknowledged progeny. Likewise I hopefully expect ads from “My Generals” in October testifying to Trumps utter lack of fitness by any definition, after they have wisely ‘held their fire’ until the capricious American voter is paying attention. Well some of those voters, anyway.
You are definitely right Adam!Don the orange 🍊 Con is anything but Christian!Any of these Christians that worship him like he’s the is the next messiah are not Christians either-they are breaking one of the commandments!!
Adam, I appreciate your candor. Now a bit of my own. My questions for them are "Why can't they go to Afghanistan where the Taliban will welcome them with open arms?" and "Why do they have to subject a country that is striving to be more inclusive to their tiny view of what mankind is capable of?" My message to them all is "Go the Hell away."
How sad and destructive. Nationalistic Evangelical Christians have gotten in bed with racism, Nazism, violence, and grievances, and a sociopath. What could go wrong? What would Jesus do? Sadly more innocent people will be harmed with this path of evil.
Nationalistic thinking is not Kingdom thinking!
What Trump has exposed is that the behaviors you identify have been waiting for supportive leadership. Some evangelical Christians are open to rationalizing that bad can be good. Trump is not a creator of views; he is an enabler. As to his mental and emotional state? I would offer that he is both a sociopath and a psychopath. He has not ever demonstrated any aspects of a spiritual life.
Right on, Adam! As a practicing Catholic who has seen attendance at Mass decrease over the years, I can tell you that while the various scandals that the Catholic Church has been embroiled in, and, for good measure handled poorly, are in large part responsible for the decline in attendance, the right wing intransigence by some of our bishops, like publicly calling denying the privilege of receiving Holy Communion to President Biden or Nancy Pelosi, while maintaining a thunderous silence regarding the amorality and immorality of Donald Trump show as me, a practicing Catholic, and probably a lot of lapsed and/or non-practicing Catholics, the inherent hypocrisy of all these so-called Godly people. All I can say to those evangelicals who cling to Donald Trump is that God will get them for that, and if we are very very good, He might let us watch. In the meantime, Adam, you carry on. We need your courage and your integrity more than ever. Country First!
I'm glad you explained that - to me it was unbelievable that Evangelicals would follow such a horrible human being... Now, at least, I see where that is coming from. It's absolutely insane, but at least there is SOME sort of "reasoning" behind their stance. Trump is (in my opinion) truly the Antichrist. If he gets in again, everything is going to hell... It's a cult, the very definition of a cult.
David was a man after God’s heart. Trump is a liar with absolutely NO respect or relationship with God. The Bible clearly says, We will know a godly man by his fruit…Trump has no fruit, no faith and is a mockery to God.
As Adam so rightly points out, evangelicals are basically honoring the horrific David story with his many very serious sins and leaving out the repentance and the price God enacted upon David to accept responsibility for his sins. There's none of that here. Trump is a man who claims that as a "winner," he couldn't have sinned. Where is David?
Amen, Peter!
Stop calling them Christians as they aren’t. They’re just some delusional people who no longer read the Bible except for the parts that could support their narrow views. And I guess if you hold the Bible upside down, then his behavior is acceptable?!?
I understand why you are saying that but they are Christians, misguided no doubt, but Christians nonetheless. If you have to meet a purity test to be a Christian no one would qualify. Being an older white male I have many good friends and acquaintances that fit this description. Most are caring and willing to do just about anything to help other people. That’s the challenging thing, how to help them see truth and facts. I know I too have significant shortcomings. Many of which I’m sure I am unaware of. I believe one of Hillary Clinton’s campaign failures was to suggest there are deplorable on the right. Not only did that become a rallying cry for the right, but it also was dropping down to the level of Trump’s strategy of insulting groups of people. It made his off comments more acceptable.
I would take Hillary Clinton’s moment of weakness over Donald Trump’s lifetime of abuse, malice, and vengeance any day.
So would I and the three million more people that voted for her over Trump. She was highly qualified for the job. She should have been our first woman president. But unfortunately many people, especially the group Adam was talking about, would never vote for a woman.
You are SO right, Vince!
I totally understand your point, Vince. The difficulty that I have is that the Christian Nationalist agenda is being woven into the Holy Gospel. A good example is donald’s Bible. He’s juxtaposed church and state, and he’s selling and making a profit to add to his campaign coffers. The fact that he’s autographing some of them is abhorrent.
The only thing more deranged than believing in the “Antichrist,” is following him, as the millions upon millions of Christians were said to do in the future.
The most staunch and rock-ribbed rational atheist should look at this concept in Christian literature and grudgingly admit that someone was a brilliant political psychologist, in the old days.
Perfectly said Ron
You are correct Adam... they want a return to traditional values... women were June Cleaver...No abortions...Men dominated the work place/women knew their place... its a scary way of looking at things now. The born agains/white supremacists hatred for blacks, hispanics not real christians...Not God like at all ... More clown like in the year 2024...
Hey Trump, there is no real Hannibal Lecter and there is definitely no divine right of pe=residents.
It’s something of an understatement to say that we are all awakening again today in uncharted territory. And, the rule of law prevails.
Despite his avalanche of trumped-up cries of innocence, and despite the wolf whistles on his BS, oops I mean TS channel, let’s state with no equivocation there is absolutely no Divine Right of Presidents anywhere in the Constitution, Bill of Rights, Declaration of Independence, Classified or Top Secret documents, or even the Star Spangled Banner. And no matter how mighty his mind thinks it is, he cannot declassify any of the above.
Trump who famously once called himself a “son of God” and who brags about his long distance conversations with the divine is actually a mere mortal, a stupid and sad sack of corpulent corpuscles who pinched his rallying cries for his MAGA masses from medieval Christian European kings who once believed they were answerable to no one except God, This absurd notion of royal absolutism became known as the divine right of kings who expected and demanded total obedience from the people they ruled.
The idea that a king was God’s chosen representative reached its greatest extent in the 1600's. Britain’s kings James1 and Charles 1 who deigned themselves invincible being who espoused the doctrine of the divine right of kings. These kings and others in Europe tried to control both the government and the church. Eventually the people resisted. They fought and later gained power which eventually led to revolutions in the British colonies in North America in the late 1700s. As a result, the power of the kings was taken from them and went to the people.
And to our founding fathers who in their first amendment to the constitution created the establishment clause, the separation of Church and State. Acknowledgement of which is a true test of what historian Jon Meacham called “democratic maturity.”
History tells us that strong institutions prevail over strong personalities in such battles, at least when institutional values are backed by the beliefs and actions of dedicated citizens. So, back down Trump. You’re no match for the Democratic republic of the United States.
Even though Trump’s significant other, North Korea’s Kim Jong Un as the Supreme Leader uses the Divine Right Theory as his decree. The Kim family has ruled North Korea since 1948, and while their claim that their right to rule comes from divine mandate doesn’t mean that your lovey-dovey relationship is yours by osmosis.
There are now way too many witnesses for your prosecution. Your self-inflicted Divine Right to Rule was over in 2020. Our Divine Right to judicate will hopefully put you in prison for the rest of your ungodly life.
So well said!! Thank you!!!
Yes, I see that. As a woman I'm not attracted to or need that kind of man, but I know many who do. I think it's a small percentage though. Most women are appalled by him and helps explain the apparent gender-differnces in how couples will be voting.
I am saddened and infuriated at the women who support him. What led them here? So many women fought and continue to fight for the rights we do have and take for granted. Ugh.
Thank you Adam for explaining this because it confuses me more than anything about the trump cult. As a Christian of simple faith, I have to wonder how do they not know the FIRST Commandment: "Do not worship any gods before me"?? trump is explainable because his brain never completely formulated after his youth. Bannon is just an evil demonic brain. These evangelicals are scarier because what they want life to be is not Christian but they do it in God's name. What are non-believers supposed to think?
Thank goodness there are still good Christian leaders like you, Adam to speak the truth! God bless you and your family and please keep speaking the truth 🙏😇!
“Trump is power personified. He is a warrior. And with that comes all of the temptations of being a warrior.” Unless they are living under a rock, the citizens of the heartland know full well that trump avoided the draft through college deferments and because of spurious bone spurs (apparently the bone spurs didn't stop him from playing tennis). I have to believe that many living in the heartland are veterans. Why would they support a draft dodger who considers those who have served their county as "suckers and losers"?
Right-wing “Christians” are not really any kind of Christian at all. To imagine Trump as a broken vessel who will bring his message to an entire nation, a message of racism, xenophobia, homophobia, misogyny, and anti-semitism(because that IS his message):defies explanation. Christians supposedly follow the teachings of Jesus Christ, and literally NOTHING THAT TRUMP ESPOUSES bears even the faintest of resemblances to ANYTHING that Jesus taught. These people are the worst kind of sanctimonious hypocrite. They have taken the “Christ” out of “Christian”.
Real Christianity requires humility! I see none in Donald J Trump!
I wish people would read what it was like"back in the day", many with tight reins and others with total disregard to the well being of American citizens. Please wake up and shake your neighbor's hand, smile at others, this is America where we work together to solve our problems.🇺🇲🙏🏼
Pattie, You hit the nail on the head. People forget the bad in the "good old days." They forget that before 1845, there was no southern Baptist convention. (They split off because they were pro-slavery, something they have forgotten.) They forget that before 1865 there was slavery (13, 14, and 15 amendments ended it). They forget that before 1920, women could not vote. (19th amendment gave them the vote) They forget that before 1964, racism was endemic in America (the Civil Rights Act of 1964 ). Donny Boy wants to go back to the bad parts of the "good old days."
I wonder, not for the first time, if sincere Christians (I can name two, in my acquaintance) have any idea about the harm done to their religion by the hypocritical, almost maniacal support of Donald Trump by so many in their ranks? When I hear the word “Christian” now, I perceive it as a slur, connoting racism, misogyny, hypocrisy, greed, mean hearted judgements, lack of compassion etc. Basically the opposite of everything Jesus preached. As Russell Moore said in an interview, “We are the ones Jesus warned about”. I feel sympathy for the sincere Christians; for the vast remainder, I feel nothing but disgust.
I also want to hear from or learn about his former mistresses who have aborted their pregnancies. Expect there are a non-zero number of women in this group.
I’m expecting that as one of the (hopefully many) October Surprises. Also maybe un-acknowledged progeny. Likewise I hopefully expect ads from “My Generals” in October testifying to Trumps utter lack of fitness by any definition, after they have wisely ‘held their fire’ until the capricious American voter is paying attention. Well some of those voters, anyway.
You are definitely right Adam!Don the orange 🍊 Con is anything but Christian!Any of these Christians that worship him like he’s the is the next messiah are not Christians either-they are breaking one of the commandments!!
Adam, I appreciate your candor. Now a bit of my own. My questions for them are "Why can't they go to Afghanistan where the Taliban will welcome them with open arms?" and "Why do they have to subject a country that is striving to be more inclusive to their tiny view of what mankind is capable of?" My message to them all is "Go the Hell away."