I’m a very liberal democrat but I’m also a pragmatist. I have voted for republicans before when I thought they were the better choice, including former Senator Gordon Smith of Oregon. If we can’t find ways to work together we will endlessly be on a seesaw back and forth as first one party takes congress, then the other, or deadlocked as we’ve seen the last two years with Darth Rumpus forcing the party to jettison plans they agreed to such as the border bill. That’s why I was delighted to see you on TV Thursday evening. I’m sorry to hear it cost you friends and I realize it may affect any future political plans you have. Keep up the good fight for those of us who think there are more important values than party loyalty at any cost.

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“ I spoke from the heart. I didn’t shy away from being a conservative and a Republican despite the audience physically in front of me, because I knew they weren’t my audience.”

I think you’d be surprised that many ARE your audience, Adam. However, it is your fellow republicans who need to hear your message, and it’s a shame that FOX news and other non-sensical media outlets refuse to share your words or wisdom. I think some republicans will quietly seek out your speech…that’s my hope, anyway.

I will always seek out leaders like you. Please don’t ever stop being that leader.

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Bravo! If all Republicans were like you, I'd still be a Republican.

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Ditto and if that were so our country wouldn’t be at the edge of a crisis.

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You'll never get the parade or the apology you deserve, but maybe this is worth a tiny something in that vein: I have two boys 13 and 12 and we were talking Yiddish loan words and politics the week before (don't ask... we aren't even Jewish), and i came up short on examples for certain words. Until your speech. So I ran screaming into their rooms on Thursday night: Okay, here you go guys. This guy. This guy here: he is a mensch. This is "mensch."

It's incredibly difficult to find examples of real mensch, on the big stage, in this world. Thanks for being an example to my two young men and so many others: we all benefit from that.

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Your sure your not Jewish? 🥰 Adam IS a mensch! ( a great person with honor)

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I just shared a limerick with The Borowitz Report that I will also share with you.

That we are divided, no lie

But both parties need to comply

Combined red and blue

It's a beautiful hue,

And the Eagle needs both wings to fly.

I hope that you agree.

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Even though your political affiliation is with the Republican party, I believe you’d make a great President. I’d consider casting my vote for you if you ever decide to run. :)

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You may not be a Democrat but more importantly you are clearly a democrat.

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We need more Republicans like you! It was a very brave action to take and you did it supremely well!

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Aug 26Edited

We need more Republicans and Democrats like you, people who love the country and the principles on which it was built more than they associate themselves with a particular tribe.

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Adam, you are a person of outstanding courage and devotion to the United States of America. I would be happy to vote for you and support you in running for president or any public office you seek!

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Thank you for your heartfelt speech at the DNC. I'm glad you got a prime speaking slot. What you had to say was so important!

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I saw you speak at the convention, Adam, and was impressed. You are a Patriot.

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Your speech was one of the highlights of the convention for. Other speakers were predictable at times. You spoke clearly and directly from your heart to illustrate the importance of standing up for our democracy and that the people of America should not have to compromise. I’m not surprised that Fox censored the speeches of Republicans at the DNC. They present propaganda and want their viewers to only listen to a portion of the information available.

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Thank you, thank you, thank you Adam. You continue to be a positive example of putting country first and encouraging others to do the same. Because of your speech, I see dialogs opening up with others who have been misled by Trump. You are also a steadying voice in our chaotic times. We all must continue to speak out... so the LIES don't continue to erode our country.

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Well said as before. Your beliefs remind me of the men of The Greatest Generation.

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This song has popped into my mind a few times before reading your comments.

Ordinary Average Guy

Song by Joe Walsh

I'm just an ordinary average guy

My friends all are boring

And so am I

We're just ordinary average guys

We all lead ordinary average lives

With average kids

And average wives

We all go bowling at the bowling lanes

Drink a few beers

Bowl a few frames

We're just ordinary average guys

Ordinary average guys

And every Saturday we work in the yard

Pick up the dog doo

Hope that it's hard (woof woof)

Take out the garbage and clean out the garage

My friend's got a Chrysler

I've got a Dodge

We're just ordinary average guys

Ordinary average guys

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Thank You. I watched your speech the other night and was energized by your talk and bravery.

I too am a Reagan Republican, but that party has long been subverted by power hungry individuals that have no regard for the common American. I had to become an independent so that I could vote my conscience. as you I am worried that demagogues are subverting the rule of law to become dictators.

Though Kamala may not be the perfect candidate, she believes in the oath to the Constitution and our Democracy. Trump must never be allowed near any public office again! Hopefully when he is defeated the republicans can clean house and get rid of all the sycophants that have overshadowed the good people that should be setting policy and goals.

I remember that Tip O'Neill and President Reagan would regularly get together over a friendly poker game and discuss how they could find a way to govern effectively or agree to disagree as friends not enemies.

There's nothing wrong with disagreeing but in today's environment that can be hazardous to your health.

Continue to speak for all of us!!

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