Hi Adam, thank you. FYI - neither Haley nor Christie signed the loyalty pledge that Trump also didn’t sign. Not sure why.

While there are risks, I believe the election subversion case must occur pre-election and that it must be televised. The MAGA media and politicians were able to completely delegitimize the Select Committee hearings prior to day 1 such that the vast majority of republicans did not watch them, so they remain vastly uneducated and artfully duped. However, how can those dark forces shill their false narrative with a televised jury trial? Moderate Republicans and even MAGAs will want to watch their Superhuman Strongman annihilate Jack Smith. 😂. His defense will be pitiful, and Jack Smith Will cream Team Trump. They will finally see: they’ve been duped and THE EMPEROR HAS NO CLOTHES!

Please share your thoughts.

PS I’m a moderate democrat who forgives you for seeking to repeal the ACA, which was and remains a godsend!


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P.S. It seems a violation of the citizenry’s civil rights to participate in free and fair elections if a candidate accused of engaging in insurrection is allowed to be on the presidential ballot without the facts being provided to the citizenry before the election via a televised jury trial, as it effectively invites him to steal the 2024 election (by non disclosure of significant criminality) and then use the power of the pardon to give himself and the thousands of participating crooks get out of jail free cards. I believe this is a citizenry’s civil rights matter.

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Wow, that’s good to know about Haley and Christie if true.

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Thank YOU, Adam, for not taking the spineless route by supporting a dangerous, vile, buffoon like so many of the submissive GOP cowards in Congress did (and still do).

I truly worry about what this country descends into if Trump gets back in the WH, and we get people like Flynn, Lake, Carlson, Greene and Patel running things. I'm prepping and I'm not the type.

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I have two requests for 2024 that the University of Michigan defeats Washington and that Donald Trump gets voted out of the political scene!

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U got it half right -- GO DAWGS !!!

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You know I'm okay with losing to Washington but we're not going to lol. It's been a great season for both teams. I'm just glad Alabama got taken out

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It was a great game. It was nice even if it was just for a few minutes to forget about all the political unrest and the craziness in the world and enjoy some good old-fashioned football. It's the little things like that that make me want to fight for this country!

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Congratulations Susan on a season well played and a game well fought. Even if it was just for a couple hours, college football brought us together and allowed us to live normal for the first time in a long time without thinking about Donald Trump or the third of democracy being taken from us. And that's important to remember sometimes what life was like before Trump. I'm proud of you guys. You were worthy opponents.

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Thanks Adam! You are absolutely right on.

Little Donnie is a 77 year old, fat, stinky version of Eddie Haskell on Leave It To Beaver. The whiny little liar who was always looking to cheat, scam, con, complain and put the blame on anyone but himself. The writers of that TV show used Eddie as an example of the kind of kid everyone hates. "So don't be like Eddie!" Since he started with money, Little Donnie could emulate Eddie Haskell and get away with it. Still is.

Little Donnie is a criminal Con Man who destroys people with his corruption. He's a small, scared, neurotic, child. Who has 35 million people fooled. His "the election will be/was rigged" Big Con is still going.

This is the message the DNC and the Lincoln Project and every honorable leader should shout out to America.

The sooner the mass media Press wakes up to this reality, the sooner the spell of the Big Con is over.

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An even simpler message is Trump = Bad Guy.

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Done is better than perfect and your content is more important to me than perfect audio! Happy New Year from Alaska.

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I'm angry Adam. Preach it!

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Jan 8Liked by Adam Kinzinger

If you're not angry, you're not paying attention.

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Jan 8·edited Jan 9

Just joined. Love your authenticity, humour (yes I'm Canadian resident now!)

Adam - your ideas need to be passed on to a democratic strategist! Whiny Trump....perfect.

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Thanks for joining! Oh Canada…

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Love the podcast format! No issues with the audio or video.

While I am in total agreement that Trump is a whiny ass baby, unfortunately this is also a trait that his followers have. I live in Cochise County, AZ - it's MAGA country for sure. These folks complain about absolutely everything, talk like big bullies but feel persecuted and of course...it's always someone else's fault. It's really unbelievable to listen to them. I personally think that their belief that he shares in their victimhood is Trump's primary appeal to them and why they think he understands them. The whining is OK with them because that's who they are too.

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I SO get this it's the same where I live it's MAGA world sbd anyone I've spoken with who is a MAGA whine blame and complain it's absolutely 100% true. Thank you for posting this it's so validating.

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There's a lot to be said for this concept!

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Thank you so much for your thoughts, your words...so timely & spot on.

I became very bitter after Nixon because he was never held to account for his crimes so stopped voting until Reagan. I am not a Republican or Democrat but have always identified as Independent. That ended after Trump won in 2020...I did not vote for him because I always knew he was poison.

I am heartened by your patriotism & your stance on Democracy; I come from a long line of Veterans, my Dad, WWII, my husband, Vietnam, our sons, Kuwait, Iraq & Afghanistan. We know & love our Democracy.

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Gonna guess you meant "after Trump won in 2016", correct? If not, the "Stolen Election" group is meeting down the hall and to the right. And by down the hall, I mean way, way, way, down... :-)

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Yes, I meant 2016, thank you Bradford!

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Jan 8·edited Jan 9

Thanks for acknowledging that we are exhausted with the Trump chaos. How we make it through until Nov .is going to take the support of the community you are building here. Also try a blue Yeti speaker

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Adam, thank you for doing what you're doing. How did you vote on Obamacare? Our economy has substantially improved, in fact, far better than it was under Trump. Will you be wiling to openly express a positive attitude about the Bideneconomics?

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Happy New Year, Adam. Thank you for this, don’t need perfect, need your voice and content. We need to fight this together, our country needs this to survive. Trump is so very whiny, always a victim and downright despicable. He will destroy democracy and burn it all down. We know what we are up against and we need to FIGHT!

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Adam, you said so many things today that I didn’t know, I could relate to, or just good ideas. It convinced me to be a paid subscriber.

It does concern me that I have friends who have become apathetic bc of being bombarded constantly with Donny’s BS and the corporate media’s lack of worth in pushing back on the lies.

The loyalty pledge on the application to run for office is something I wasn’t aware of. It’s very important to let people know that Trump did not mark that bc we all know that was purposeful.

Kristen Welker on Meet The Press yesterday committed journalistic misconduct. That was a perfect example of why we get so frustrated. No blowback on calling the J6 criminals hostages. Shocking. And you are right; the MAGHATS are already picking that up and running with it.

I finally heard someone else-Adam-articulate what a whiny B Donny is and not understanding why his cult doesn’t see that as weakness. I agree that we all need to be calling him what he is; a chronic loser and constant whiner. The Biden campaign needs to hit that hard!

Thanks, Adam, for your clarity and valuable insight. Looking forward to more. Maybe a podcast with Liz Cheney?

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I think a bit of a round table podcast every once in a while would be good. Adam, Liz, Jamie Raskin, and one more. Balance that reaches out to everyone.

I hate having to say it, but some people will ignore it because it is just a Republican. Showing more of a commonality will improve his reach.

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Admiral McRaven would be a great addition to the round table.

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Yes this is the right thing to do get everyone together with strategies to get everyone unified. The country needs them!!!!!

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I saw the interview with Welker and Stefani’s and thought the same thing. Welker didn’t push back hard enough on Elise calling J6 traitors “hostages”. Welker tried but not nearly hard enough in my opinion.

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I definitely agree that referring to his whining and weakness is a good tool. I mean it’s certainly not lying! Man did he hate the smelly comments! That needs to continue too! It will seep into the psyche of his supporters and taint the untouchable image he likes to put out.

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And even more than seeping into the awareness of his deluded supporters - we have to particularly understand that even as he dismisses things that people say, he hears them, he takes it in, it eats at him, and he reacts. His reactions when he loses control are what might actually help some current supporters wake up and smell the stinker.

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Lighten up. Of course Trump is weak and whiny, he’s been dealing with bone spurs since he was a young man.

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Have to wonder how long he's been dealing with the stink... maybe about as long?

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Thanks for focusing our attention on THE overriding political issue this year - protecting democracy as we know it. If weak, whiny Trump is elected president again, he'll never willingly leave office. If you doubt this, consider how hard he tried to remain in office when he ran against Biden. To this day he has never conceded.

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