You are absolutely correct Adam that this is no way to grow our big tent. I’m kinda gobsmacked that he would pull such a political stunt since I’ve had respect for the man.
You are absolutely correct Adam that this is no way to grow our big tent. I’m kinda gobsmacked that he would pull such a political stunt since I’ve had respect for the man.
Mike...may be reading Newsom's tea leaves all wrong...but I've thought he looked/ felt like the consumate politician ...running for higher office since he set foot in Sacramento. Never forgot his surreptitious flaunting of accepted behavior dinner out with group of friends during Covid. Smacks of " the rules apply to.lesser mortals..not to me!" Perhaps a little too greasy...a little bit smarmy??...not someone I feel comfortable entrusting my vote to....
I agree completely with you, Lynn. Since bursting on the scene, Newsom has been groomed for the ultimate prize -- 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. The Gettys, the Guggenhimes, and other monied, high society families have backed him from the beginning. For me, though, his judgment has always been suspect, and that French Laundry dinner -- while COVID-19 was surging and he was telling Californians not to gather en masse at the holidays -- was a very poor decision. His obnoxious delivery of "It's going to happen whether you like it or not," regarding same sex marriage, was another low point in his image making. Personally, I wasn't offended by the subject, but his pious attitude -- not too dissimilar from the current president -- was really off-putting. Bottom line, I think, at his core, he is too liberal for the middle of America to ever get comfortable with. I appreciate his concern for the environment, especially after the horrific fires in CA, and how he stood up to Trump in the recent campaign, but Gavin's real motives and trustworthiness are questionable. And entertaining MAGA whackos, giving them validation through a 'conversation'? Why? P.S. I am a lifelong Californian... until he became governor. Then, it was time to move.
Thank you for your superb memory recall of other significant Newsom infractions/ questionable traits. Spot On! So very sorry you've left California...IMO God's country! 90 plus years here... a native ' prune picker"! Parents from Wales.
You've certainly convinced me my gut feelings about the man were justified.
Other candidates will be tossing their hat in the gubernatorial.ring....Harris has been mentioned......; elected with pure heart intentions, freshman legislators go to DC with grand hopes of sincerely " making a difference ". Then reality sets in...they find they have " to go along to Get along!" Mr Smith Goes To Washington" is but an idealistic fairy tale in these chaotic times. Times are tough right now...but we will not.give up our Freedom...our Democracy..without a good fight! WE WILL WIN!
I grew up in Paradise and my husband and I lived in Napa for over 20 years. "God's country" is right. 95% of my family is still in CA. Our neighborhood in Napa was right in the middle of the 2017 Atlas Fire, so we started looking at options. Now, we're on the Nevada side of Lake Tahoe. Equally fabulous, if we can just keep the fires at bay.
My parents met on a ranch in the central valley pre-WWII. Dad was working the fields (after picking peaches for 10 cents a day) and Mom was in the kitchen. I love all of their stories of 'life back when' in the Golden State.
Now, I am with you... WE WILL WIN. And thank heavens for Adam's determination, knowledge, leadership, and integrity. Being a part of this Substack community has been a lifesaver for me these past several utterly insane weeks.
Happy you didn't move far away from the grandeur of California!
Taho was a favorite destination up the coastline from Southern California where I've been fortunate to call home all my life. Does pull at my heart strings to see my family ...on down to my youngest great grandchildren, having to grow up in this chaotic pathological petri dish of a world.
You are absolutely correct Adam that this is no way to grow our big tent. I’m kinda gobsmacked that he would pull such a political stunt since I’ve had respect for the man.
Mike...may be reading Newsom's tea leaves all wrong...but I've thought he looked/ felt like the consumate politician ...running for higher office since he set foot in Sacramento. Never forgot his surreptitious flaunting of accepted behavior dinner out with group of friends during Covid. Smacks of " the rules apply to.lesser mortals..not to me!" Perhaps a little too greasy...a little bit smarmy??...not someone I feel comfortable entrusting my vote to....
I agree completely with you, Lynn. Since bursting on the scene, Newsom has been groomed for the ultimate prize -- 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. The Gettys, the Guggenhimes, and other monied, high society families have backed him from the beginning. For me, though, his judgment has always been suspect, and that French Laundry dinner -- while COVID-19 was surging and he was telling Californians not to gather en masse at the holidays -- was a very poor decision. His obnoxious delivery of "It's going to happen whether you like it or not," regarding same sex marriage, was another low point in his image making. Personally, I wasn't offended by the subject, but his pious attitude -- not too dissimilar from the current president -- was really off-putting. Bottom line, I think, at his core, he is too liberal for the middle of America to ever get comfortable with. I appreciate his concern for the environment, especially after the horrific fires in CA, and how he stood up to Trump in the recent campaign, but Gavin's real motives and trustworthiness are questionable. And entertaining MAGA whackos, giving them validation through a 'conversation'? Why? P.S. I am a lifelong Californian... until he became governor. Then, it was time to move.
Thank you for your superb memory recall of other significant Newsom infractions/ questionable traits. Spot On! So very sorry you've left California...IMO God's country! 90 plus years here... a native ' prune picker"! Parents from Wales.
You've certainly convinced me my gut feelings about the man were justified.
Other candidates will be tossing their hat in the gubernatorial.ring....Harris has been mentioned......; elected with pure heart intentions, freshman legislators go to DC with grand hopes of sincerely " making a difference ". Then reality sets in...they find they have " to go along to Get along!" Mr Smith Goes To Washington" is but an idealistic fairy tale in these chaotic times. Times are tough right now...but we will not.give up our Freedom...our Democracy..without a good fight! WE WILL WIN!
I grew up in Paradise and my husband and I lived in Napa for over 20 years. "God's country" is right. 95% of my family is still in CA. Our neighborhood in Napa was right in the middle of the 2017 Atlas Fire, so we started looking at options. Now, we're on the Nevada side of Lake Tahoe. Equally fabulous, if we can just keep the fires at bay.
My parents met on a ranch in the central valley pre-WWII. Dad was working the fields (after picking peaches for 10 cents a day) and Mom was in the kitchen. I love all of their stories of 'life back when' in the Golden State.
Now, I am with you... WE WILL WIN. And thank heavens for Adam's determination, knowledge, leadership, and integrity. Being a part of this Substack community has been a lifesaver for me these past several utterly insane weeks.
Great to e-meet you! ❤️
...old fingers pushed the reply button too early...
" miles to go before so sleep"...
My very best wishes to you and your family, Lori..
We will win this fight...don't ever count " the little guys out"!🤗
Delighted to meet you as well, my dear lady!
Happy you didn't move far away from the grandeur of California!
Taho was a favorite destination up the coastline from Southern California where I've been fortunate to call home all my life. Does pull at my heart strings to see my family ...on down to my youngest great grandchildren, having to grow up in this chaotic pathological petri dish of a world.