One In a Million And One Of a Million!
Finding Strength in Community Amidst Political Turmoil
Many of us are struggling right now with the burden to do more for our country or to engage in political battles, but we often feel at a loss for what else we can do besides voting or tweeting. It’s a deep feeling of helplessness and worry, and as Americans, it stirs something profound within us. We’ve been told that we can make a difference and that this nation is uniquely set up for the individual to cut through the noise. Yet, why does the craziness continue despite all of our tweets and efforts?
I think it’s important for us, right now, to reset our expectations and see these efforts through a communal lens. In doing so, we may feel the burden lift from our shoulders. Let me start by saying this: I feel the same frustration as all of you, despite having a large platform to share my opinions, from TV to Twitter, Substack, The Bulwark, and many other mediums. This feeling of powerlessness is common for everyone fighting the forces of darkness, especially when it feels like darkness is on an unstoppable march. The temptation to throw up our hands in disgust and write off the future is strong, and that is exactly what the forces of darkness are hoping for. They hope that chaos will exhaust us because chaos energizes them.
We grew up learning that we are one in a million, and this is true. Each of us is unique, with a fingerprint not found anywhere else. In fact, we are one in a trillion! And that, when you consider it, is pretty amazing. In politics, however, let’s start seeing ourselves as also one OF a million! Initially, this may make us feel overwhelmed or even small, after all, a million is a big number. But let’s reframe that picture: we are not alone. In this country, there are a million people (more, of course, but you get the point) just as concerned as you, just as motivated as you, and in some cases just as frustrated as you. From 50,000 feet, it’s a big army! An army of Americans willing to put their energy into defending this great experiment together. And God forbid Trump wins in November, they aren’t going anywhere.
The key to making a difference is this: drop the burden from your shoulders that we all carry, feel the lightness of letting it go, and engage from that perspective. When I went to Iraq, I wasn’t alone. I had brothers and sisters protecting my base, fixing my aircraft, doing foot patrols, launching mortars, etc., all working together as a well-oiled machine. The same exists in this moment. We can do what we are uniquely positioned to do. I’m lucky to have a platform to get a message out, but all of us have our battlespace. Maybe it's just showing up to vote; that is great! You’ve already done more than many. Maybe it’s having a loving discussion with someone on the fence; congrats, you are now in the top 5% of people making an effort! But this whole thing doesn’t rely on you alone. We are a large, living, and breathing community of people with the same mission: defend this democracy.
Wherever you are (unless you are driving, in which case you shouldn’t be reading this!), close your eyes, and envision the huge burden for your country on your shoulders. Now bend down and let it roll off you. It still exists, but you don’t have to hold it anymore. Because now, a group of people walks into the frame and helps you carry it.
I must say I am preaching to myself first. Very few days go by where I don’t fight at least a short bout with discouragement. But then I try to remember: I can only do what I can do, the rest is up to the crowd. You and I will get through this. November will be here before we know it, and then we can celebrate or gird ourselves for the next battle. After all, millions of people around this country are cheering us on.
Stick with me, stick together, and let’s party on Victory Day. I don’t know when that will be, but it will come. And the history books will write of it!
I'm guilty of relying on you alot, adding to YOUR burden! Thank you so much for this great article.
I realize I've been thinking it's just us in this fight.
There are millions of people who feel the same way we do. They just aren't visible like Maga followers are.
Thank you for this. I woke up in cold sweat this morning from a nightmare of Donald Trump winning in November. The constant threats from him and the MAGA mob no doubt are exhausting and heavy. But we must do what we can to not lose hope and keep doing the hard work. You have set a great example for all of us.