Thank you for sharing your family with us, Adam! Seeing you light up when your wife is next to you is fun! I'm so happy things are falling into place for you with the movie! Yea!
As others have said, a handsome family, indeed. Good luck with your project and thank you for your intellectual and ethical discernment, your courage and your empathy. The aquarium looks fantastic!!
Your family is precious! Thanks for the photos! I understand even more why you are fighting so hard after seeing these photos. I’ll be praying for Kamala tonight. Having to stand just 6 ft away from that evil smelly demon could be impactful. I saw how it affected President Biden. So my prayers will be for God’s love to shield her🌸
That’s awesome Adam… We’re proud of you. Will do our best to make you proud. Keep up the great work.
Gorgeous family Adam!! Stay safe! Praying for the best debate performance ever for Kamala and a big post debate bump!
Bravo! Pics are great. Let’s keep momentum for democracy.
Lovin' the photos! Thanks for sharing and we're all with you, the movie and our country. God bless America and Kamala tonight in the debate!
Nice to have you+fam in Canada - don’t be a stranger / your work benefits many countries
Praying for Kamala ♥️🧠💪🏽
Michelle Obama said, "Hope is making a come back!" You and your family fill me with hope and a belief in integrity.
Great pics ! Your son looks just like you!
My thoughts exactly!
Been prayin’ so long my fingertips are raw. But I’m not stopping! Beautiful family you have. All the pics are great!
Thank you for sharing your family with us, Adam! Seeing you light up when your wife is next to you is fun! I'm so happy things are falling into place for you with the movie! Yea!
Please let us know when we can watch it.
Great pics-you have a beautiful family! As we say in the south…”I could eat that baby Christian with a spoon”!
Hope it’s a bit of vacation, too. Glad your family is there. Thanks for sharing!
Congratulations! Your family is lovely and you have much to be proud of.
Welcome to 🇨🇦
As others have said, a handsome family, indeed. Good luck with your project and thank you for your intellectual and ethical discernment, your courage and your empathy. The aquarium looks fantastic!!
Your family is precious! Thanks for the photos! I understand even more why you are fighting so hard after seeing these photos. I’ll be praying for Kamala tonight. Having to stand just 6 ft away from that evil smelly demon could be impactful. I saw how it affected President Biden. So my prayers will be for God’s love to shield her🌸
Definitely have been praying 🙏 for Kamala!! 🙏 Also , that your film is purchased by a medium that will show the world your story!
Thank you for the pictures! Looks like you're having fun along with business! God bless the Kinzinger family.