Side note, thanks for a great Substack and all the work on the Jan 6 Committee 👍

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The GOP totally owns this one...

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And tump is using the magots(maga) to shut down the government! They take their orders from him!

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McCarthy and his minions are making a real mess of things. Shame on each one of them who is not willing to put personal need for power and control aside and do what is right. How many of these congress critters are comprised and have to do as they are told like puppets on a string? Stacey Plaskett is my Delegate to Congress and, hopefully, is staying clean.

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Absolutely GOP. No doubt.

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Can we have a "both" option? :)

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A few Republicans can cut a deal with the Democrats and they will through their support behind the vote on the budget.

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Kevin had a deal with POTUS and a little pressure from Margorie Traitor Greene, Matt Gaetz and the gang was all it took for him to forget about it. As to what is lost and what is gained?..time will tell. It's going to be a very "fun" 45 days.

Am I wrong, didn't Congress used to have a "real" budget and this grandstanding crap wasn't done every quarter or what ever it is? My head is spinning right now. God forbid the political games stop.

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The GOP owns this. Even Matt Gaetz said so.

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The Republicans can’t even agree with each other. This is totally on them.

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As a general principle, I think that the nation would be better served if there was less loyalty to parties and more to the principle of doing what is best for the majority, with reasonable concessions to the minority.

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The national debt of $33 trillion amounts to $400,000 per family of four. That

is insane, and in my experience as a fiscally conservative centrist, Democrats are a lot more inclined to support fiscally irresponsible programs (like subsidies for luxury Teslas) than Republicans. On the other hand, too many Republicans oppose taxes for practically anything. More balance is needed.

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How do we get term limits for politicians? If they weren’t so concerned about saving their “jobs” (which the Rs aren’t doing) and concentrate on doing the people’s business, we wouldn’t be facing this.

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IF Congress was really interested in "the people's business" we wouldn't be sitting on that disaster at the border. Hideous!!!!! However, it's just too delicious at election time to really do anything to fix it. We need to be careful in our votes, VERY careful moving forward and hope Donald and his minions don't get in the White House because if they do, that is the LAST vote we will have for a long time. The only way Donnie will leave is in a pine box. Hey, they can plunk him in the ground next to Ivana, in the week patch at his gold course. Despicable!!!

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