His die hard supporters are unaware. They may be working multiple jobs or juggling child care or simply not interested in following news in a way that actually provides them information. Or they are wealthy enough not to care. Those of us in neither of those situations wait worry and plan for 2026 and beyond and try not to lose hope.

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Bingo. Ya Im optimistic. I may write about this eventually, but the chaos we're seeing isnt necessarily bad

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I agree. The more disarray they're in, the better our opportunities for salvaging our democracy are. I'm just staying positive as long as I can. I know there are a lot of really smart people on the right side of this who have plans in place to thwart the evil at every turn. Their in-fighting serves a good purpose for us.

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Absolutely. Let them tear each other apart and while they do, the democrats under Minority Leader Jeffries will try to do the work for the people of America. Maybe by 2026 the chaos will change the tide to the democrats.

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I hope so, Linda, but with one caveat -- namely there needs to be serious changes in the personnel and thinking of those in the DNC and its affiliates. I've heard that the very capable fellow who has effected good results in Wisconsin may become the new DNC Leader. If so, we may finally get back to prioritizing the needs of lower and middle income folks struggling with housing and child care costs. If that change happens, I hope that he and Adam will establish a good relationship to help Americans experience Country First and its tenets.

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I live in Wisconsin, and enthusiastically support Ben Wickler. He has the youth, energy, intelligence and vision to take the DNC into the future.

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So true

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Adam, I will never lose hope. I have adult children and young adult grandchildren.

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A new “chaos theory”: low level chaos prevents higher order chaos.

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We have to add in the 90 million people who were eligible to vote and didn't. No excuse for any of these people. How hard is it to mail in a election ballot?

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Exactly John! Has anyone seen a breakdown on those 90 million eligible voters to know the makeup of that number?

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Age brackets I don't know? nonvoters point to a number of reasons for their decisions not to vote:

Chart shows Many nonvoters in 2024 say they don’t like politics or didn’t think their vote would make a difference

35% say thinking their vote would not make a difference was a major reason why they did not vote.

31% say that not liking politics was a major reason.

18% say it was that they are not registered or not eligible to vote.

17% say a major reason was that they did not care about the outcome.

15% say voting was inconvenient.

8% say a major reason was they forgot to vote.

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Thanks John. I appreciate your response. Blows my mind when I read that 17 percent doesn't care about the outcome. Yes, I was thinking along the lines of male/female, age brackets to identify the number of young people, etc. One would hope that somebody is really looking at that 90 million number!

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I note that you did not include.a category of double haters. I.e. people who hated both candidates. I guess that many DH’s resolved their.doubts and voted for someone.

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I think those people would be covered in the 17% category.

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Could be that some of the problem is the US Postal Service. They have gotten terrible at delivering the mail lately in my rural neighborhood. It used to be that our mail was delivered by an individual using a personal vehicle (I'm guessing under contract and being reimbursed at mileage rates, but I don't know). Under this arrangement our mail was always delivered between 10 AM and 3 PM. A couple of years ago, that same individual began using a new USPS vehicle to deliver the mail. Our mail was still delivered between those hours, but Saturday delivery became erratic at best (I have used USPS's "Informed Delivery" service for many years and noticed that mail I was told to expect on Saturday often didn't show up until Monday). Last year the USPS replaced the delivery person as well. The erratic Saturday issue remains, but now our delivery is so late in the day and erratic that I don't bother checking the mail until well after 5:00 PM. Recently I have seen the USPS mail still being delivered after 7:00 PM! I just don't see how new delivery vans owned by the USPS and new delivery persons employed by the USPS (with whatever benefits that USPS employees get) is saving the USPS money! More to my point, has anyone looked into the number of mail-in ballots that were disqualified because they arrived late? I have no idea whether this is an issue or how significant (or insignificant) it may be, but it is certainly something that has been on my mind!

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Trump appointed a guy with no experience to run the Postal service into the ground! Looks like he accomplished one thing...

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I get my mail after 6 pm regularly since this past year! The mail carrier told me they are getting double shifts- it's crazy!

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I also wonder how much overtime is being paid by the USPS and how it impacts their bottom line. Is it me or am I beginning to see a trend here? I wonder how widespread the service impacts are. I still have no idea what impact (if any) there was on mail-in ballots that may have arrived late and were therefore legally rejected. People with more 'horsepower' than I can research that. Thanks for letting me know of your USPS experience.

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And many of Trump supporters are uneducated…

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I think his die-hard supporters probably are aware.

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And many of Trump supporters are uneducated…

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Many???? They are ALL a bunch an IDIOTS!!!!!!

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What else could we expect from a psychopath than broken promises, lies, and turmoil?

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I am quoting Dr. Mary Trump who pointed out that her estranged uncle is psychopathic, narcissistic, and likely in an early stage of dementia. Dr. Kevin Dutton, an expert on psychopathy, also called him a psychopath. Joe Navarro, a former FBI profiler, says that all his readers recognized Trump from his description of a predatory personality.

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Predatory is a perfect description of him! Just the way he stood close to Hillary Clinton, as she answered a question in one of the debates. He sought to intimidate her, as he has intimidated others. He is a bully!

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During the debate, Hillary behaved like every woman should when she is stalked or harassed! Sadly, women do not hear about recognizing and handling creeps. Sure as hell they would not vote for Trump!


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The big oaf, TRIED to intimidate her. I doubt that he did!

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Not Hillary. She did what every self-defense expert suggests to do in a stalker situation. She knows what she is doing.

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Plenty of zombies haunt Trump's mind. No rational person would entertain such thoughts. Jack Smith needs to release to the public the proof that the Trump Campaign paid to bring the rioters to the Capital to disrupt the proceedings of January 6, 2021. That Trump himself orchestrated the whole thing. That he is disqualified from Presidential Office because he led an insurrection.

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Im in agreement. I doubt it will. Im glad we got the jan 6 committee at least

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Our country owes you and Liz Cheney so much we can never repay for putting country over Party by serving on the January 6th committee. It cost you both dearly. My fondest wish would be that when the time comes that you and Liz would go back into serving in official capacities again. I also believe that even though 45 and his followers learn from the mistakes they made in his first term that both of us who fight against him learned also and have more and better ways to they would do to our country. We all need to stay strong and carry on.

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Jack Smith will hand in the report though before inauguration. Garland better release it to the public!

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Unfortunately, we all saw what he did and said on and before January 6th and the republicans in congress protected him from being ineligible to run again. And then the American people just didn’t care enough to vote for someone else…least of all a woman of color whose laugh they didn’t like. It’s all so disheartening.

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Thank you Darrell. As Jessica Denson explains on her podcasts that Section 3 of the 14th Amendment calls for barring an insurrectionist from taking office. She urges caring people to look up "nowmarch.org" to consider joining folks going to a rally in DC January 3-5. If unable to do so, she urges democracy advocates to implore their congressional representatives to get busy before it's too late.

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Did Trump campaign pay to bring the rioters to the Capitol? Do we know that Trump orchestrated the whole thing? I mean, between the tweets, the rally, & him sitting & watching it unfold we can come to that assumption. However, do we know what was said behind closed doors?

I feel like I remember there being something about Mike Pence refusing to get into the vehicle being driven by a SS agent he wasn't familiar with when being evacuated. He didn't trust that he would be brought back to the Capitol to finish the certification process.

I've always wondered if this was the ultimate goal of sending the mob. To have Mike Pence removed from the Capitol & held so that he couldn't certify the election. Though, I have to wonder how far ahead they thought through this plan (if it was the plan). I mean, they couldn't hold him forever.

Or, maybe they thought that if the certification wasn't completed on the day specified in the constitution, it wouldn't be valid? However, they didn't end up finishing until Jan 7th & it didn't invalidate the process.

To me, removing Pence to not allow him to complete the process makes more sense than the fake electors scheme. Their plan to have 2 results for 5/7 states & then expecting Pence to just say, "I can't count the votes because these states have conflicting results"? Sure, if this election occurred prior to televisions, radios, & phones that would be a feasible plan. However, we all already knew who won each state. It's not like the results remain unknown until the electors send in their results on Jan 6th anymore. Was Pence just supposed to pretend he didn't know which results were the real ones?

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It will be interesting to see how trump supporters react to the broken promises and the lies. This includes his being bought by Musk and pushing Musk’s agenda (along with the Project 2025 plan). I hope for outrage and a reversal in 2026.

I am exhausted already. Happy New Year 🎆

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Take a rest. We have to reenergize but at a pace thats sustainable. Burn less bright but more sustained!

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Softly burning candles in mass quantities make a tremendous amount of light!

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I understand this and not doing anything. I am a 76 year old grandmother. (A Jewish grandmother 👵). Have a good new year.

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I can answer about his supporters. They are blind. Denial is their coping mechanism for life. Blind as bats. They'll never learn.

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they trust the wrong man. And he abuses that trust, I agree

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At what point do they wake up and smell the coffee? There's the old saying 'fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.'.

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That saying only has meaning to someone who is willing (or able) to give it some thought.

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Bats have sonar, so they’re only blind in ways we can identify with but definitely not blind in ways of survival or hunting prey. His followers though, only feed on the nectar their sources decide they should be fed- Fox News, Joe Rogan, ANN and Steve Bannon. They lack a diet in essential nutrients but it sure tastes good- as they waste away…

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Loved the bat comparison (I am also a nature nerd). It made me think that the never-trumpers are going to be the true survivors of all of this. But we have many lessons to learn about the art of survival. The Substack "Reframing America" has some really good insights into the neuroscience of why it is important to stop the emphasis on what the felon is doing all the time to asking the right questions to help them "reframe" how their perception of him. It males total sense to me and the essay is well worth reading and re-reading (Antonia Scanton, December 17, 2024).

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Thanks for the recommendation!

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Agreed! (Actually N. Am. bats aren't blind but if they lost their sight it'd be comparable to us losing our smell. Fruit bats need their sight. Nature nerd.)

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She said blind as bats in the pejorative. Or hell, even a cliche. Or one can also describe it an ostrich with its head in the sand. Neither of them are metaphors. Ostriches do no such thing. But it's how MAGAs choose to live their life.

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They'll get what they asked (voted) for and it will hurt them! They ignore his lies, ignore his sexual indiscretions, ignore the chaos of his first term, ignore January 6th, ignore his twice-impeached status, ignore his felony convictions, ignore his threats of retribution, ignore anyone who doesn't totally agree with them -and are therefore ignorant (although I don't like using labels, I think 'ignorant' is an obvious fit)! I think they have a VERY painful "wake-up" call ahead! Unfortunately, so do the rest of us -but at least we can see it coming!

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Let's not forget, he's already conceded he can't lower prices, especially on food, as he promised in his campaign and probably one of the promises that helped him get elected.

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The sad thing is, his "faithful" either won't care because they see him as the Second Coming (something I will never wrap my brain around) and when he does fail to deliver on his ridiculous "promises" (let's hear it for cheap groceries ........), they will simply blame somebody else (Woke Lefties, anyone?) or say that he didn't really mean it. Why so many people bought into these insane "promises" is still beyond me. And let's not forget that so many of his promises are simply cruel and demented - ripping families apart, getting rid of the Department of Education and Obama Care, drilling for more fossil fuel when the world is already burning, etc. - and still people cheered and held up their ignorant placards. Are people really that cruel at heart - or just really gullible? Let's hope we make it to 2026 and can get rid of this clear and present danger once and for all.

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If he is the second coming than I am the Antichrist.

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I recently watched an episode of the Thom Hartman program on YouTube where he interviewed an Episcopal (??) author and priest about The big D and how he met many of the symbolic criteria of the Anti-Christ (evil one). It was quite illuminating. Unfortunately, I cannot remember the priest / author's name.

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That SO fits - Trump definitely meets all the Antichrist criteria - and I remember an old saying that the Devil's biggest achievement was convincing people that he didn't actually exist. It all kind of fits, doesn't it?

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Once again, having only half a brain, I had to give it some thought before I understood what you are saying! 🤔🤔 🤗🤗 😁😁 (Sometimes I can be so slow!)

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They are gullible enough to be brainwashed. Remember Jim Jones and drinking the kool aid in Guyana in the late 70’s? Most people couldn’t fathom how 900+ people could commit suicide on the word of their “savior “. But it made perfect sense to those followers.

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The key word here is "ignorant". See my comment of 5:02 PM on Dec. 30, 2024.

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Fantastic take. In my humble opinion, the answer to the question you pose in the last sentence of your article is absolutely not. His supporters do not notice or care, nor will they ever. I find it extraordinarily difficult to see how we as a society advance in anyway when we can't even agree on what evidence, facts and reality are.

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I've been posting on FoxNews for the past 8 years and can wholeheartedly say that they don't care and most of the time make excuses for anything that Trump does. Most of the excuses involve blaming the Dems in some way or another.

Even a close friend of mine just wouldn't even go down the path of trying to discover the truth that we could agree upon. My guess is that they just weren't going to listen to me because, if I'm not supporting the GOP, I must not have or know the truth.

It's sort of revealing in that I'm willing to consider the fact that I might be wrong or have a poor interpretation of the facts, but they cannot even concede the slightest notion that they are wrong.

Very cultish.

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My experience is certainly consistent with what you say.

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Let's talk about the grocery prices he said he would fix. Tariffs are not going to lower the price of food. Deporting the laborers who pick and pack our produce will increase, not decrease prices. This guy has never been in a grocery store!

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We have to broadcast the score everyday on social media. It is now Trump vs the real world. I think of Abe Lincoln. You cannot fool all the people all of the time.

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Such important information to put out. Do the supporters care? Do they have any idea of what they voted for. There's a monkey in the driver's seat, and the vehicle is picking up speed. 🙈

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And there’s an uber rich South African riding shotgun.

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"One wonders if his supporters have even noticed, or even care."

And there's the rub. They haven't and I think they won't. I live in the Trumpiest county in AZ and my neighbors STILL think it's going to start raining money on them on January 20th.

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Raining money? I’d love to hear more.

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I have an example from a deep blue, high poverty area in Chicago where $1200 falls into the category of "raining money". Before the election I overheard a conversation where the person said he was going to vote for Trump because he thought that meant the stimulus checks would start up again. Trump insisting that his signature be on the COVID stimulus checks was simultaneously his best PR move and his biggest grift. It's not just Trump supporters who are in for a rude awakening, it's also the vulnerable who are still falling for the big grift.

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That signature thing made me wanna puke.

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Our money is green, not yellow! When it starts raining yellow on them, maybe they'll regain consciousness! (Or maybe not) 😏😏😏!

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Let's just say it like it is. His hard-core supporters fall into one of two categories.

1. so driven by hate and racists thoughts and let's get the left winger no matter what. Nothing will change them.

2. they are idiots and can't comprehend or care about policy or broken promises and believe everything he and the right-wing media say.

I have experience dealing with both types and it's beyond frustrating and sickening. How people can be so blind and or stupid as to continue to follow him is beyond me

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And now the MAGAs are fuming that Trump is supporting President Musk's and Vivek's comments regarding H-1B visas... The top talented people need to be brought into this country from other places to keep the US competitive. Go figure.

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Yep. Cuz forgiving student loans debt for those Americans qualified for those jobs is bad for the country. We will see who fills in those openings when all the deported go to camps.

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Only Trump's rabid supporters believed his absurd promises. None of their sources of information will report his back peddling, or will spin it into oblivion by blaming others. What we have to ensure is understood are the negative personal consequences for what he does or does not actually do. We also have to emphatically explain the impact of any of the "help my tech buddies" recommendations that the non elected, non empathetic Elon and Vivek propose. Be very aware of billionaire bonusses masquerading as efficiency and cost reduction.

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This is one of the reasons I subscribed here….getting interpretations of Trump’s bluster and belligerence is important to me. Thank you.

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