Quick Monday Morning Speaker Update:
The dominos have begun falling...plus Sean Hannity enters the chat
Over the weekend, I put out a video detailing the pressure that will come down on the GOP members from the right wing ecosphere, and media echo chamber. This is happening quicker than even I expected.
Rep Mike Rogers, chairman of House Armed Services Committee, made a very public stand opposing Jim Jordan no matter what happened, and claimed to have 20 people with him. Well, that lasted 24 hours, as this morning he put out a tweet supporting Jim Jordan. Honestly, I was surprised by the speed. In it, he stated that Jim is committed to a defense bill and spending bills. A very low bar for a man who was determined to oppose a Jordan Speakership. I have two theories on what happened: 1: Public pressure from the right (more in a bit on that) and/or 2: he was threatened with losing his chairmanship.
You see, being a committee chairman is the cat’s pajamas for a member. Its the pinnacle of a career, and will lead to a quite lucrative post congress job. If someone wants to lobby as a former chairman, they can write their own ticket as long as the members will still take their calls. If they were a bad boy the lobby contracts would dry up. So if you could lose your chairmanship, or if in the post life nobody would take your call, deep fear sets in.
The crazy right doesn’t care about that. Before we give them credit for their selfless stand, lets keep in mind that their post congress jobs are media or right wing activist groups. Those people only let you on the gravy train if you were a Matt Gaetz level clown.
Speaking of media, remember I said that the pressure would increase? Well, check this out:
That’s right. Sean Hannity of FoxNews fame, was having his bookers reach out to holdouts, disguised as a legitimate press inquiry. The veiled threats of “well we’d hate to have to report on this” was much more public than even I imagined. This will continue.
Bottom line: As I predicted, the ducks are lining up for Jim. I expect a Jordan Speakership by week’s end. Its possible some holdouts stay strong, but not looking good so far.
More soon. Adam
Disgusting but not surprising Fox News inserts itself. TBH I’d rather see Hakeem Jeffries than Jim Jordan! So much for a consensus speaker. We knew that was too much to ask.
Thanks for the very bad news. I can’t believe that Matt Gaetz is now in charge of the House. I am so unbelievably upset. He should be in jail. I’m a FL Republican but will not vote for these clowns. Marco, Rick, DeSantis, and Gaetz are actually ruining FL. What can we do as citizens besides vote. Rutherford is my congressman. Is is suppose to hold out?