Disgusting but not surprising Fox News inserts itself. TBH I’d rather see Hakeem Jeffries than Jim Jordan! So much for a consensus speaker. We knew that was too much to ask.

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Let's wait for the final vote. Surely there are members of the caucus who will place country before party.

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Thanks for the very bad news. I can’t believe that Matt Gaetz is now in charge of the House. I am so unbelievably upset. He should be in jail. I’m a FL Republican but will not vote for these clowns. Marco, Rick, DeSantis, and Gaetz are actually ruining FL. What can we do as citizens besides vote. Rutherford is my congressman. Is is suppose to hold out?

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I can’t wait to actively campaign for whomever runs against my republican representative in the coming year. We were a deep blue district until redistricting cut us into a red district instead. Gerrymandering is straight up corruption.

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This is sickening. Did we elect Sean Hannity for anything? Much like Tucker, these non elected government opinionaters & their blatant lies have wreaked havoc on our country. Even as Fox was sued for misinformation, their lies continue on without repercussion. Gym jordan as house speaker would be a flipping disaster for this country. Shame on this man & his handlers. We have cowards & traitors within our government & thy name is gop.

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Thank you, Adam. I appreciate all of your updates, good news or bad news and respect you. This one falls into the bad news, news from hell. Ugh. What a clown show this is and dragging us down the cliff even further. How the House of Representatives have all gone MAGA, it’s a disgrace.

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Why is it not illegal as a fake journalist to threaten congressmen? Can’t Sean at least be sued?

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These are the Republican members of house who represent districts where Biden beat Trump by 10 points or more. They could potentially vote with Democrats for a shared power agreement and run the smallest risk for being primaried. Come on, normal people, get this done! get rid of the maga control!

John Duarte CA 13 (Biden +11)

Mike Garcia CA 27 (Biden +13)

David Valadao CA 22 (Biden +13)

Anthony D'Esposito NY 4 (Biden +15)

Mike Lawler NY 17 (Biden +10)

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Wow. This was such a well written comment. While I do feel for every Republican that is trying to do the right thing. I’m figuring out how I need to vote Each and every time.

If the dems don’t have the house majority. We should never lower ourselves to the lowest denominator to win on R side. Vote Dems and pick a new career.

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Yes! That's one of mine- I emailed the other day AND called today. They need to feel the pressure from their constituents. They are moderate districts and WILL get voted out if they side with maga election deniers and don't work bipartisan to get things done.

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Adam, I think it's high time that Country First become a household name. This means getting prominent national attention and that means media coverage. CF, thus far, is a "nonpartisan." movement that is dedicated to rooting out the extremes.

The Republican party is largely where the extremes are rooted and active right now. They are seriously eroding our Democracy, and this must NOT stand.

Not to say there are no agitators on the extreme left as well. And we must deal with them at some point. But the shenanigans in Washington are taking a bridge too far...

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First of all, I have four chickens and they are sweeet, honorable birds. Not all chickens are alike. It's hard to make light of this, but it's a feeble attempt.

From what I understand, Sean Hannity had dinner with the orange nightmare at least once a week. Even with all the law suits, and they aren't done yet, Fox manages to be there. If I were Rupert Murdoch's age, I'd be doing some SERIOUS soul searching. I hope he can take it with him.

I cannot believe the people that "we" have entrusted our lives to. The weak, lily livered, vapid , cover their own asses, no integrity, so called "legislators". I won't be here, but history will be very revealing at some point.

Thanks for the update Adam. I'm NOT surprised but held out a bit of hope for better news. You're the best.

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The definition of bribery.

Whether we swim in the big ocean or the small pond; thr mentality is the same.

So holding out means nothing. The pressure campaign? Keeping your job? Or fighting for your personal future?( THESE ARE NOT OUR LEADERS)

Oh wait they are? It just assures us we must move to democratic side from here on out

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I knew matters were bizarre but the hustle is jaw dropping. I guess I have been very naive. These folks are not doing anything for constituents just clambering over one another. No wonder trump is their hero. So far anyway.

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Here’s a link to an essay on the hazard of making Jim Jordan Speaker written by David Pepper, former chair of the Ohio Democratic Party. There’s a modicum of prudence that every Speaker ought to possess. Sadly, Rep. Jordan does not show it:


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I hope this scrutiny brings on the investigation into the other elected officials involved in the planning of Jan 6. I remain hopeful that 2023 is the year of accountability.

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All the more reason to push (and keep pushing) our legislators to make term limits mandatory for ALL elected officials. It’s too easy to settle into the political arena and all the perks that make it appealing to stay for a lifetime. I believe two or at the most, three six year terms is enough time to absorb the issues and figure out solutions, in a bipartisan way, to benefit the citizens who sent them to Washington in the first place.

Maybe then things could get done if they know they’re going back home to their REAL lives after the few years they have in D.C. It’s too much of a “good ole boys club” with a few women thrown in, who like MTG and Bobert, are acting like the the maga nuts. How do we stop this? I want my five grandchildren to grow up with a functioning government, not a circus.

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Couldn’t agree more! The ONLY solution here are TERM LIMITS. We, all, should mention this fact loudly and clearly! Aloha, Mike

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This is disappointing news at the very least. I can only pray you are wrong.

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OK, Adam for your next update. Assuming Jordan is Speaker by weeks end, maybe before, how long will he last in the job? I'm guessing at least long enough to shut the Gov down by 11/17. We need these guys to tick off at least 80 percent of the electorate to get as many thrown out as possible next year. Not looking great so far, but there is time!

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Thanks. I appreciate the insight into what is really going on. I don’ t understand an entire group of people (I.e., the Republicans in the house minus the crazies) not able to come up with a strategy to outwit these fools.

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Really, it’s not rocket science. Or maybe they’re not capable of thinking that deeply. They probably don’t play chess, I’m guessing, since to be successful at that game you have to think 3-4 steps ahead of your opponent.

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