My Dad thought the country was done in the late 70's... He of the 10th mountain division in WW2 and an Irish citizen... Became a U.S. citizen when he survived...loved this country though as do I... Be really distressed today... Not sure I really know the answers...Character is the one quality that seems lacking ... If the folks we elected had any ...Trump would be on the ash heap of history instead of running for office... people had any he would not be anywhere near the top in any poll.
I think so too... just seems like a real trough... sometimes my wife and I just look at one another when we see Trump walking up to the rope in court and spouting. Just seems crazy. He's done a lot of damage to this country. Does Joe have a good fastball? Not really, but he's in their pitching, with no help....I still believe in America ..the American people...we'll see in Nov where we are then. Tell us a lot about America in 2024.
With big money and corporate greed as our shadow government, all major decisions are influenced by the 1% who only want to protect themselves and are not interested in any investment in our future.
Lack of character in Trump’s followers and enablers is what brings us our dishonorable situation. You and I were raised by members of the greatest generation so we respect character. Unfortunately we also came of age during Vietnam where Trump learned that draft dodgers were winners and those who served were losers. Too many were not called and then the 80’s became about defining one self by financial success.
How about we require a year of service for everyone after high school? Serve with folks not like yourself. Find a higher purpose and respect? Military, prace corp, America corps, etc.
I concur... they should all spend some time at Fort Benning Sargent Marcum, Sargent Todd, and a few others... Still remember their names 40 years later... they were tough but fair... To Donald Trump I was a winner...still am... :)
And how about teaching Civics once again in high school? Getting a passing grade in Civics was a prerequisite fot graduation when I was in high school.
Great idea. Arne Duncan, ex sec education is leading an t to restore a course that includes objective facts snd critical thinking.
The Heritage Fdn is also lobbying for a civics class. But theirs undermines the declaration of independence since they don’ believe in the precept of “all men are crested equal “
There have certainly been changes during my lifetime. Born in 1950, I've been actively engaged in whatever community I have lived in. But we are not the country we were in the 1960s and 1970s. As political divisions grew, and people like Newt Gingrich came into power, the downslide became even more pronounced. When President Obama was elected, I felt a lot of optimism. When Trump was elected, I started waking up in the middle of the night wondering if he had started WWIII. It was as scary as the Cold War. President Biden and his administration have worked hard to turn things around and to try to reassure our allies that we can be trusted. However, if I were French, or English or Ukrainian, I would certainly have grave doubts. We all want the country and the world to be a better place for our children and grandchildren. That hasn't happened for mine. Maybe for my great-grandchildren.......
My hope is, after this election, americans demand better. I think they will. If trump wins, it will be a bad four years but maybe wake people up. If Biden wins, trump goes away
Adam, Project 2025 may make a recovery from tRumPutin impossible for more than a few years. The damage will be deep deep. Mariana Trench deep. Just look at this Supreme Court, for example.
Thanks Adam for informing us on these findings. For me, any time there is so much hate spewing it defeats any positive thought or growth.
Biden has been in clean up mode since covid and trump. I truly believe if he has another 4 years, he will be able to use his positivity to help us be more secure and to prosper. Personally, I know we need more time with our Higher Power!
Thank you Adam for this report.I believe it is telling us that we need to keep people in the White House that will fight for our democracy!Trumpie has done nothing but lie cheat steal and destroy our democracy!
Indeed...this country has always gone through periods where we forget how to share wealth, be it individually or as a nation. When the goal again becomes sharing to benefit anyone or anyplace other than exclusively ourselves, we will be prepared to resurge. IMO. I believe that is exactly what this upcoming election gives us the chance to reset and start again.
I'm not sure where any of this is going. The right wing seems determined to isolate us and appease dictators and aggressors. The MAGA ignorant are cheering the thought of deportation camps for immigrants. I'm sure some here remember Neville Chamberlain and our reward for trying to stay out of the war, Pearl Harbor? Nature abhors a vacuum and we just recently are kicked out of Niger, a base from which we could monitor ISIS and other terror groups in Africa and Russia is movin' in. Contrary to Donnie, ISIS is NOT destroyed.
China is building infrastructure and ports where gas can be exported from Tobago and Trinidad. They are also in Jamaica and Barbados. That is not all that far from the US. China and Russia are making themselves known and they are giving these poor countries some things they need to get access to the riches they have, gold, silver, and most important Rare Earth minerals that technology cannot do without. THEY will take them, pay a handsome sum to the leaders of the countries and the citizens , as usual, can pound sand.
I do believe we are declining and half the country doesn't care, they don't understand, nor do the WANT to understand. ALL they want is to be under the stinky armpit of that orange blob. What happens will have a lot to do with the election and who is in the White House AND Congress. Vote blue, our lives depend on it.
I don't see a major change being possible until MY group and the group after me, I was born in 1945, have no kids, but nieces and nephews were born in the mid 70's to early 80's, have gone to greener pastures, so to speak. I'm not sure of all the labels but when you see the interviews with the congressional old farts, they are totally set in their ways and NOTHING will move them or change their mind set. It's too bad, I thought life experience was supposed to bring wisdom.
“The notion that we are powerless to influence our trajectory is entirely misguided.” I agree with this completely. When Americans pull together we can do anything. But unfortunately there is more power and financial gain in creating fear and anxiety and division. We (C1) must continue to battle against that.
The US has gone through many cycles in my lifetime. The late 60's/early 70's were a mess. A lot of division and unrest in the country, economic issues around about '73-'74, and again in '79-'80. The USSR still had a hold on eastern Europe, Japan was emerging as an economic force, China did not have a strong economy. Since then we had the fall of the Berlin Wall and the downfall of the USSR. Eastern Europe nations gaining independence. Overall the '90's were good for the economy. The world changed again on 9/11/01. Many changes since then.
What we really need is a strong leader and visionary that can unite the country. We have many advantages if that happens. Unfortunately, I don't see that on the horizon with the country controlled by the political parties. I'm not sure how we can loosen their grip, but I'm hopeful common sense will prevail.
Spot On, Adam!! Thanks for a much needed reboot showing what we are all about as a nation. We need to just tell the naysayers and doomsday crowd to "go rot..." They accomplish absolutely nothing except for motivating and enabling our enemies. Constructive criticism is great, but incessant lies from these folks is destructive to democracy.
Maybe that is their real mission, would explain a lot. Sure Vlad appreciates it...
Adam, I agree with your comments on the Rand study. The US has everything it needs to stay the leader of the free world, but the biggest danger is political division and a lack of political will and leadership. Trump has cleverly and maliciously found the way to be spokesperson for the country's victims even though he doesn't care a wit about them any more than Putin cares about how many young Russian's die to fulfill his dream of past glory. There are a number of short term failures as a result of this political divide - delay in passing Ukrainian funding, support of Israel to an absurd degree with billions in weapons and aid each year despite Nethanyahu's desire to exterminate the Palestinians and never consider a Palestinian state ( I find it very ironic that Israel is now doing to Palestinians what was done to the Jews in the Holocaust and that Nethanyahu thought he could control Hamas prior to 10/7), the West's failure to provide the weapons Ukraine needed soon enough to carry out a successful counter-offensenive (i.e. you can't expect to gain ground in a counter-offensive without air support against three layers of Russian defenses). Yes, these can be gotten back on track with political leadership and cohesion, which the MAGA Republicans will not even consider, let alone provide. From my chair, the US is looking rather weak at the moment, the President's foreign policy looks weak, and I hope we can get some wins before the election. Our political system needs a real overhaul. Too many good people are leaving out of frustration and too many fools in Congress are sabotaging government. I have a cap I bought at an Idaho conservation attempt before the 2020 election. It's logo - MAKE AMERICA THINK AGAIN. I've been wearing it a lot lately!
Ok, Mr. Kinzinger, you have just written your campaign message. Now we just have to find the right office for you to run for election. Please stay in Texas and consider the governorship of Texas. We need a sane pragmatic leader to replace our current governor who wants to believe he can be a future president which causes him to continually try to show his MAGA bona fides via extreme RW legislation. I'm here for it. Thanks!
"The question now is whether we will have leaders with the courage to acknowledge our challenges, the determination to reverse our decline, and the ability to unite us toward a common purpose."\
The pessimist that I am regarding today's (so called) leaders:
NO -courage
NO - acknowledging our challenges
NO - determination (of any kind) reversing decline
Yes , the question IS whether we will have leaders with the courage to acknowledge severe challenges without fear and with the morals to do the right thing. With that being said , I can think of leader named Adam Kinzinger. Thanks for your courage to move forward at the cost of your position , and doing what was right. And thanks for your videos. Keep them coming man. You’re looking good , and bonding with us . 👍
Biden projects optimism but the media finds more readers and clicks when they talk doom and gloom. We all need to emphasize the positive -- and click on positive news --it can be catching!
My Dad thought the country was done in the late 70's... He of the 10th mountain division in WW2 and an Irish citizen... Became a U.S. citizen when he survived...loved this country though as do I... Be really distressed today... Not sure I really know the answers...Character is the one quality that seems lacking ... If the folks we elected had any ...Trump would be on the ash heap of history instead of running for office... people had any he would not be anywhere near the top in any poll.
Im still convinced these things come in cycles, we are in a trough at the moment
I think so too... just seems like a real trough... sometimes my wife and I just look at one another when we see Trump walking up to the rope in court and spouting. Just seems crazy. He's done a lot of damage to this country. Does Joe have a good fastball? Not really, but he's in their pitching, with no help....I still believe in America ..the American people...we'll see in Nov where we are then. Tell us a lot about America in 2024.
With big money and corporate greed as our shadow government, all major decisions are influenced by the 1% who only want to protect themselves and are not interested in any investment in our future.
Lack of character in Trump’s followers and enablers is what brings us our dishonorable situation. You and I were raised by members of the greatest generation so we respect character. Unfortunately we also came of age during Vietnam where Trump learned that draft dodgers were winners and those who served were losers. Too many were not called and then the 80’s became about defining one self by financial success.
How about we require a year of service for everyone after high school? Serve with folks not like yourself. Find a higher purpose and respect? Military, prace corp, America corps, etc.
I concur... they should all spend some time at Fort Benning Sargent Marcum, Sargent Todd, and a few others... Still remember their names 40 years later... they were tough but fair... To Donald Trump I was a winner...still am... :)
And how about teaching Civics once again in high school? Getting a passing grade in Civics was a prerequisite fot graduation when I was in high school.
Great idea. Arne Duncan, ex sec education is leading an t to restore a course that includes objective facts snd critical thinking.
The Heritage Fdn is also lobbying for a civics class. But theirs undermines the declaration of independence since they don’ believe in the precept of “all men are crested equal “
Very well written, with optimism. Thanks Adam!
I agree! I am very grateful for this information, Adam. Thank you telling us about this, because I don't think we'd hear about it otherwise.
There have certainly been changes during my lifetime. Born in 1950, I've been actively engaged in whatever community I have lived in. But we are not the country we were in the 1960s and 1970s. As political divisions grew, and people like Newt Gingrich came into power, the downslide became even more pronounced. When President Obama was elected, I felt a lot of optimism. When Trump was elected, I started waking up in the middle of the night wondering if he had started WWIII. It was as scary as the Cold War. President Biden and his administration have worked hard to turn things around and to try to reassure our allies that we can be trusted. However, if I were French, or English or Ukrainian, I would certainly have grave doubts. We all want the country and the world to be a better place for our children and grandchildren. That hasn't happened for mine. Maybe for my great-grandchildren.......
My hope is, after this election, americans demand better. I think they will. If trump wins, it will be a bad four years but maybe wake people up. If Biden wins, trump goes away
Adam, Project 2025 may make a recovery from tRumPutin impossible for more than a few years. The damage will be deep deep. Mariana Trench deep. Just look at this Supreme Court, for example.
Ditto, Linda. Exactly.
Thanks Adam for informing us on these findings. For me, any time there is so much hate spewing it defeats any positive thought or growth.
Biden has been in clean up mode since covid and trump. I truly believe if he has another 4 years, he will be able to use his positivity to help us be more secure and to prosper. Personally, I know we need more time with our Higher Power!
Have fun daddy time with Christian this week!
Agreeed. And thanks, daddy time is the best
Thank you Adam for this report.I believe it is telling us that we need to keep people in the White House that will fight for our democracy!Trumpie has done nothing but lie cheat steal and destroy our democracy!
Indeed...this country has always gone through periods where we forget how to share wealth, be it individually or as a nation. When the goal again becomes sharing to benefit anyone or anyplace other than exclusively ourselves, we will be prepared to resurge. IMO. I believe that is exactly what this upcoming election gives us the chance to reset and start again.
I'm not sure where any of this is going. The right wing seems determined to isolate us and appease dictators and aggressors. The MAGA ignorant are cheering the thought of deportation camps for immigrants. I'm sure some here remember Neville Chamberlain and our reward for trying to stay out of the war, Pearl Harbor? Nature abhors a vacuum and we just recently are kicked out of Niger, a base from which we could monitor ISIS and other terror groups in Africa and Russia is movin' in. Contrary to Donnie, ISIS is NOT destroyed.
China is building infrastructure and ports where gas can be exported from Tobago and Trinidad. They are also in Jamaica and Barbados. That is not all that far from the US. China and Russia are making themselves known and they are giving these poor countries some things they need to get access to the riches they have, gold, silver, and most important Rare Earth minerals that technology cannot do without. THEY will take them, pay a handsome sum to the leaders of the countries and the citizens , as usual, can pound sand.
I do believe we are declining and half the country doesn't care, they don't understand, nor do the WANT to understand. ALL they want is to be under the stinky armpit of that orange blob. What happens will have a lot to do with the election and who is in the White House AND Congress. Vote blue, our lives depend on it.
I don't see a major change being possible until MY group and the group after me, I was born in 1945, have no kids, but nieces and nephews were born in the mid 70's to early 80's, have gone to greener pastures, so to speak. I'm not sure of all the labels but when you see the interviews with the congressional old farts, they are totally set in their ways and NOTHING will move them or change their mind set. It's too bad, I thought life experience was supposed to bring wisdom.
“The notion that we are powerless to influence our trajectory is entirely misguided.” I agree with this completely. When Americans pull together we can do anything. But unfortunately there is more power and financial gain in creating fear and anxiety and division. We (C1) must continue to battle against that.
The US has gone through many cycles in my lifetime. The late 60's/early 70's were a mess. A lot of division and unrest in the country, economic issues around about '73-'74, and again in '79-'80. The USSR still had a hold on eastern Europe, Japan was emerging as an economic force, China did not have a strong economy. Since then we had the fall of the Berlin Wall and the downfall of the USSR. Eastern Europe nations gaining independence. Overall the '90's were good for the economy. The world changed again on 9/11/01. Many changes since then.
What we really need is a strong leader and visionary that can unite the country. We have many advantages if that happens. Unfortunately, I don't see that on the horizon with the country controlled by the political parties. I'm not sure how we can loosen their grip, but I'm hopeful common sense will prevail.
Spot On, Adam!! Thanks for a much needed reboot showing what we are all about as a nation. We need to just tell the naysayers and doomsday crowd to "go rot..." They accomplish absolutely nothing except for motivating and enabling our enemies. Constructive criticism is great, but incessant lies from these folks is destructive to democracy.
Maybe that is their real mission, would explain a lot. Sure Vlad appreciates it...
Adam, I agree with your comments on the Rand study. The US has everything it needs to stay the leader of the free world, but the biggest danger is political division and a lack of political will and leadership. Trump has cleverly and maliciously found the way to be spokesperson for the country's victims even though he doesn't care a wit about them any more than Putin cares about how many young Russian's die to fulfill his dream of past glory. There are a number of short term failures as a result of this political divide - delay in passing Ukrainian funding, support of Israel to an absurd degree with billions in weapons and aid each year despite Nethanyahu's desire to exterminate the Palestinians and never consider a Palestinian state ( I find it very ironic that Israel is now doing to Palestinians what was done to the Jews in the Holocaust and that Nethanyahu thought he could control Hamas prior to 10/7), the West's failure to provide the weapons Ukraine needed soon enough to carry out a successful counter-offensenive (i.e. you can't expect to gain ground in a counter-offensive without air support against three layers of Russian defenses). Yes, these can be gotten back on track with political leadership and cohesion, which the MAGA Republicans will not even consider, let alone provide. From my chair, the US is looking rather weak at the moment, the President's foreign policy looks weak, and I hope we can get some wins before the election. Our political system needs a real overhaul. Too many good people are leaving out of frustration and too many fools in Congress are sabotaging government. I have a cap I bought at an Idaho conservation attempt before the 2020 election. It's logo - MAKE AMERICA THINK AGAIN. I've been wearing it a lot lately!
I WANT one of those caps!
Ok, Mr. Kinzinger, you have just written your campaign message. Now we just have to find the right office for you to run for election. Please stay in Texas and consider the governorship of Texas. We need a sane pragmatic leader to replace our current governor who wants to believe he can be a future president which causes him to continually try to show his MAGA bona fides via extreme RW legislation. I'm here for it. Thanks!
"The question now is whether we will have leaders with the courage to acknowledge our challenges, the determination to reverse our decline, and the ability to unite us toward a common purpose."\
The pessimist that I am regarding today's (so called) leaders:
NO -courage
NO - acknowledging our challenges
NO - determination (of any kind) reversing decline
NO - unite a divisional America (toward anything)
Sorry, I just do not see it.
Yes , the question IS whether we will have leaders with the courage to acknowledge severe challenges without fear and with the morals to do the right thing. With that being said , I can think of leader named Adam Kinzinger. Thanks for your courage to move forward at the cost of your position , and doing what was right. And thanks for your videos. Keep them coming man. You’re looking good , and bonding with us . 👍
Thanks Adam. Which Rand report are you talking about?
Biden projects optimism but the media finds more readers and clicks when they talk doom and gloom. We all need to emphasize the positive -- and click on positive news --it can be catching!