I find it hard to believe that the party of Eisenhower and Lincoln has fallen so far to the party of Trump. Trump is beholden to Putin. Trump is being shown to be the mogul of mud, but still pulls the strings of the Republican House.

There may not have been any Trump if not for Eisenhower's VP Dick Nixon. Roger Stone got his start as a Nixon Dirty Trickster. All of this, starting when Trump was picked to run for President, has benefitted Putin and his dream of rebuilding the Russia of old as the centerpiece of the Soviet Union.

I will be surprised if Johnson and the other lunatics wise up and pass legislation helping anyone. They will likely carry on their crusades in the face of reality, trying to help their dear leader stay out of prison and return to the White House.

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Don't forget about Roy Cohn.

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We need to keep helping the Ukraine 🇺🇦 win the war against Russia!!!Their democracy is at stake!!Ours is too!!johnson needs to do the right thing instead of listening to the MAGA Republicans!!!

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I forgot to tell everyone if you can to enjoy the Solar Eclipse today!!Hopefully it won’t be too cloudy ⛅️ here in upstate New York!!

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🇺🇦 All the way! Certainly from my side of the pond.

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Speaker Johnson SHOULD BE concerned about complying with the Budapest Memorandum on Security Assurances originally signed by three nuclear powers: Russia, the United States and the United Kingdom. This Memorandum agrees to provide security assurances by its signatories relating to the accession of Belarus, Kazakhstan and Ukraine to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT). "

This Memorandum "..prohibits Russia, the United States and the United Kingdom from threatening or using military force or economic coercion against Ukraine, Belarus, and Kazakhstan."

"As a result of other agreements and the memorandum, between 1993 and 1996, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Ukraine gave up their nuclear weapons."


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Boom! Right on Susan

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Unfortunately, when wars get underway memoranda and other documents go to hell. In these times even the Geneva Accords have gone to hell. Look at Gaza! Might makes right. And the US is positively wimpy right now, thanks to the Good Old Party poopers!

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Apr 8·edited Apr 8

Adam, thank you for continuing to remind us how important it is to aid Ukraine because, as you say, they are fighting for us also. Even I understand that if Ukraine falls so will life as we know it. Putin will continue to overtake Europe and weaken our world peace. Heaven forbid, trump wins!

I too believe there is no way Jesus would have stood by and not helped innocent people!

I still pray with others on this Substack everyday at 3pmEST for you, your family, democracy and funding Ukraine until it is done🙏!! Happy eclipse 🌓🌑😎

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amen, and thank you so much!

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Cindy, all - great add to the 3 pm prayers - funding Ukraine.

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Apr 8·edited Apr 8

As a person of Slovakian descent, I was so sad to read that a pro-Putin person was elected there. Ugh. I visited there with my mother before the iron curtain fell and saw what it was like. We got censored, steam-opened letters from our relatives there. So hard to believe that people there fall for lies or bow to intimidation and fear—sad, whether it is here or around the world, whether it is in the halls of congress, our churches in this country, or in our allies around the globe. I agree with the person that says this is overwhelming, but actually, as overwhelming as it is, we must not crawl in a hole and pull the covers over our heads.

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its shocking really. thanks for sharing

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Apr 8·edited Apr 8

As a UK national who has travelled & lived abroad, I believe America is integral to assisting Europe (not just NATO but yourselves as a country) against Putin & his cronies who will not just stop at Ukraine but are also sowing unrest in Moldova from their presence in Transnistria. The fact you have traditionally neutral countries signing up for NATO just shows you the concern Europe has. You also have to look at the alliances being forged by Putin with Iran, North Korea & China. Does this not show both the GOP & Democrats that this is a terrifying situation, not just for Europe but ALL THE WORLD!!! Please, Please do not let Trump back in power!!!!! (Sorry for the all caps).

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Doing our part here on Adam’s substack!

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Spot on Richard, this feeling way too much like Chamberlain and his 1938 naivite and useless diplomacy. MAGA should adopt new slogan: MRGA, Make Russia Great Again!

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Thanks for your post Adam. Ukraine must be helped. I always refer to world war II.


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I wonder if anyone will ever learn what Putin has on Donald Trump to guarantee his complete and abject subservience to the Russian dictator.

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lets hope

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Putin doesn’t need to have anything on him. Weak men admire strong men and aspire to their masculinity. Orban was at Mara Lago. Wouldn’t surprise me one bit if Xi visits next with quiet instructions on how to run over protesters with tanks.

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Putin does not need to have any goods on trump. Birds of a feather flock together.

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Marty, you are 100% correct. Adolf Hitler admired Benito Mussolini and wanted to make Germany a fascist state like Italy. Mussolini did not have any secret information to hold over Adolf. Mussolini paid no attention to Adolf until he became chancellor of Germany; then all Mussolini needed to do to make him a Military Allie was show acknowledgement. Donny Boy admires Putin, and if Donny Boy is elected, look for him to try to flip from NATO to a Russia/USA alliance. I am not saying he will succeed, but Donny Boy has a serious man crush on Vladimir.

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As USA is a world leader, we have always been challenged to walk, and chew gum at the same time. Always will be. Hope Johnson prays about this, and hears God through his LEFT ear. Very much appreciate your post today. Thanks

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lets hope

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Your Godly words to Johnson's left ear🙏😊

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Here in the land of Paul Bunyon the eclipse was not an option. Contacting our representatives is!

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its something at least!

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I'll take what I can get.

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You are wite on the money.

What can folks like me do to help?

I have written to my NC Senators and Representatives.

This is what I wrote and as a template;


Senator Tillis,

Rep. Mike Johnson is:

1) Shaming us infront of the world.

2) Demonstrating that we no longer stand for what we have promoted to the world; Democracy, Freedom.

3) That, via Trump, we support authorian dictatorships and infact align with them.

Like I have told you in earlier emails, I voted for Regan because he stood up against despotic nations.

Your speach in the Senate was spot on. I watched it multiple times.

BUT ...........

Now we give Russia the upper hand. We hold off funding to give Russia a foothold against a sovern nation.

I will be embarrased to be an American in Europe because the Republican party no longer supports fledging democracies.

We infact support dictatorships and watch dictators destroy other nation states.

You and I know that Trump wants to join this club.

Do you want to be a part of this history and be studied like the evolution of the Third Reich? I really don't think so.

Ashamed to be an American.


I have written to:

1) Mike Johnsons office

2) CBS

3) NBC

4) ....


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No shame in being an American. The shame lies squarely with MAGAts.

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I wholeheartedly agree with that.

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I have very good friends in Europe, England, France, Germany, Amsterdam, and they are asking .... Where are the Americans? For Decades they trusted our electorate to make sound decisions in selecting (voting for) leadership. They have supported our emence power and leadership. That trust is waining. Do we really have the electorate to be a global leader? Thats why I'm Ashamed. For any thing else I'm proud.


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Scott, keep the faith. Your friends overseas probably wish their countries had the success we have had. Let’s see what happens in November. I am more than confident that we will come through yet again. It’s the American way

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Keep writing and whatever else we have to do!

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I would only change the "ashamed to be an american" sentence to read "Ashamed that so many Republicans are afraid to stand up to the maga crowd and support Ukraine."

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Oh how I wish we could go in and kick his butt. So sad for Ukraine people and Russians losing so many sons. Can’t believe Johnson is dragging his feet.

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Adam, it would comfort me a great deal, if you could share what knowledge you have, of actions being taken, to protect the vote in November 2024. 1. I have read, if true, The White House is mapping out all possible ways MAGA will contest the Vote(and developing defense strategy. 2. Can you share, has Congress been able to address this same issue? 3. Importantly, who will ensure all States are preparing for all possible interruptions: There Must be Several bi-partisan observers at all polling stations, especially, the count of mail in ballots. Sorry to say, I believe we will need undercover and overt police presence. Trump will contest his loss, we know, cause he already did, and does now, as a warning. Let’s be ready this time.

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I support Adam through this foundation. You might find it interesting. https://www.country1st.com/

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I woke up this morning to this headline in the Washington Post, "Russian trolls target U.S. support for Ukraine, Kremlin documents show." We are already in the battle for Ukraine and we are losing.

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To me Ukraine represents a nation wanting it's own future, Putin is the pudgy bully with grand schemes to bring back the Soviet Union. Europe and the United States need to use everything in our power to ensure the rights of this one nation to overcome this horrible hostility.

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You are totally correct in a way. Though I think Putin doesn't want the Soviet Union back. He wants an old Russian empire made in his own ideology unfortunately.

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Spot on Richard

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Your former colleagues lack courage and integrity, Mr. Kinzinger. That's why they are where they are and you are where you are. Would that your (and their) role(s) were reversed.

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